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HollyW last won the day on September 23 2016

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  1. Do you know of any JWs in Malawi who did view the matter [of buying a political card] as simply complying with what "Caesar” requires, since no acts or expressions of worship are involved? This is information I was not aware of. What is your source?
  2. Perhaps the same view expressed in a letter sent to Chilean JWs regarding flying the national flag at Kingdom Halls could have been sent to Malawi JWs facing more than just fines for non-compliance? This is from that letter: Some may view the matter as simply complying with what "Caesar” requires, since no acts or expressions of worship are involved. (Matthew 22:21; Romans 13:7)
  3. I can hardly believe a JW would say this about child abuse, not to mention using as an example partaking of Jesus' body and blood, a command the majority of JWs disobey anyway: "Take eat, this is my body. Drink...this is my blood of the covenant." Your point being that a law requiring child abuse be reported to law enforcement goes against Jehovah's standards that there has to be two witnesses (other than the victim and the abuser). Talk about straining at a gnat.
  4. We should be able to discuss these things honestly and not pretend JWs don't go by what the WTS tells them they can and can't do. However, if that seems bothersome to you, ok.
  5. Thank you, Librarian. From the WTS letter to the Chilean elders, it seems similar to their view of going to a 4th of July celebration here in the US...it's okay for JWs to attend and join in watching the fireworks, etc, as long as they aren't having feelings of patriotism.
  6. No, it isn't compulsory to have the flag on a car license plate but it is compulsory to have a license plate on your car. It's compulsory to display the Chilean flag at the Kingdom Hall on Sept 18-19 or pay a fine. It was compulsory to have a political card in Malawi or be brutalized. Even in countries where voting is not compulsory, JWs can go to the polls and even into the polling booth in order to avoid penalties and/or physical harm. Were Malawi JWs asked to renounce their faith in Jehovah when they bought a political card? No, so the release document in the Nazi camps is not the same thing as buying a political card in Malawi. If JWs can give all the appearances of taking part in political elections in order to avoid harm, why would they not be allowed to buy a political card for the same reason? There's no worshipful ritual involved in it. And, really, as far as JWs voting, they would have to have registered to vote to even be able to go into a polling booth. So there's that to consider as well.
  7. Well, why? You did read the reasons a JW is allowed to do the one, right? [w99 11/1 QFR p.28-29] What of a country where voting is not mandated by law but feelings run high against those who do not go to the voting booth—perhaps they are exposed to physical danger? Or what if individuals, while not legally obliged to vote, are severely penalized in some way if they do not go to the polling booth? In these and similar situations, a Christian has to make his own decision.
  8. There are ALWAYS two witnesses to every case of child abuse: the victim and the abuser. And while JWs require more witnesses than that in order to do anything to the abuser, the law does not. In the USA, most states and a number of territories require people in certain professions to report child abuse to the proper authorities. In some states and in Puerto Rico, any person who suspects child abuse or neglect is required to report it to law enforcement. You may want to go to the elders so they can punish the abuser and protect the congregation, but they and you may be required to report it to the proper legal authorities (not WTS Branch office or lawyers) regardless of who witnessed the abuse besides the victim and the abuser.
  9. What's your view, Eoin? Any worshipful ritual going on with either one?
  10. I dunno 'bout that, Eoin. Obviously one isn't involved in what the government puts on your car's license plate, but someone is surely involved in going into a Kingdom Hall and draping a national flag in the window. Makes one wonder how much "worshipful ritual" was required of JWs in Malawi when it came to purchasing a required political card. Not much difference in getting a license for their car.....or pledging an oath to uphold a country's constitution to get a passport.
  11. And you're usually sharper than this. Obviously the WTS is calling it a prayer and it is directed to Jesus from John and JWs are told they should be doing it, too. Can't be much plainer than that. [w07 3/15 p.3] John earnestly prayed: “Come, Lord Jesus.” (Revelation 22:20) Do you "earnestly pray: "Come, Lord Jesus.'"? And *** re chap. 44 p. 319 par. 19 Revelation and You ***19 Thus, with John, we fervently pray: “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus.” Do you fervently pray, "Amen! Come, Lord Jesus."?
  12. Your comparison of offering meat to an idol being the same as displaying a national flag means the Chilean JWs are engaging in false worship. Didn't think you'd want to do that, but there it is.
  13. WTS says John prayed to Jesus and that JWs should also: [w07 3/15 p.3] John earnestly prayed: “Come, Lord Jesus.” (Revelation 22:20) And *** re chap. 44 p. 319 par. 19 Revelation and You ***19 Thus, with John, we fervently pray: “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus.”
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