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  1. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to Anna in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    You sure sound like Allen Smith, he suggested something similar. However, no matter how you wish to turn it, the responsibility rested with the GB, who themselves admitted that the way they conveyed the idea became more a probability rather than a possibility at convention talks. Some still have tapes, or remember these talks where GB members spoke about 1975 as a probability.  Not only that, but as others on this forum have pointed out, WT publications assured its readers that we would not see the end of the 20th century before Armaggedon came. That is a fact because you can check these publications yourself.
  2. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to ARchiv@L in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    if JWInsider does not understand some points, then I can not understand them either, because of language difference. Should I move myself to another more clever group or forum ?
    OR is there a different forum that answers such kind of questions ?? 
    then, why not writing the questions to another more clever forum ? I think someone (who has many questions un-answered) perhaps is better to look for a more "clever" forum/group that can get fast answers !!
    DO NOT LET your questions without answers. WHY WAIT so much time without answers ??  FIND the correct people and the correct answers !! ---
    1 question :
    WHY it took you SO LONG TIME to find answers ? (for those who have questions, that can not find the answers)

  3. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to JW Insider in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I take this as a kind of rhetorical question. I think you have already pointed out why much of what happens on the human side of organizations is exactly what we would expect to happen. Similar issues came up in the first century congregations.
    Each of us has a responsibility to question. But not everyone is in a position to take their own questions seriously, due to having already put that responsibility onto others. But that's also a natural consequence of our imperfection. So it's not ours to judge the level of understanding of anyone else. It's not ours to judge who was put in charge of much, or who thought they were put in charge of much. But in any case the principle is true. It shows up again when James says that "not all of you should become teachers." It shows up in Hebrews 13:17 "for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account." And Hebrews 5:12 shows that it's unavoidable that we will also have the need to rely on teachers. 
    (Hebrews 5:12-14) 12 For although by now you should be teachers, you again need someone to teach you from the beginning the elementary things of the sacred pronouncements of God, and you have gone back to needing milk, not solid food. 13 For everyone who continues to feed on milk is unacquainted with the word of righteousness, for he is a young child. 14 But solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong.
    But none of these scriptures are specifically about the persons who publish and promote our doctrines. These scriptures are about all of us: all elders, and all others, too. All of us are expected to be stewards.
    (1 Peter 4:10) 10 To the extent that each one has received a gift, use it in ministering to one another as fine stewards of God’s undeserved kindness that is expressed in various ways.
    (1 Corinthians 4:2) 2 In this regard, what is expected of stewards is that they be found faithful.
    So the principle is surely for all of us. Faithfulness is expected of all of us. And the greater the responsibility, the more seriously we should take it. We may push off our responsibilities onto others, but ultimately:
    (Galatians 6:4-6) 4 But let each one examine his own actions, and then he will have cause for rejoicing in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person. 5 For each one will carry his own load. 6 Moreover, let anyone who is being taught the word share in all good things with the one who gives such teaching.
  4. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Jw insider:
       Chronology is ambiguous for a reason, Jehovah did not yell from the heavens that His Witnesses is the true faith. Otherwise everyone would be a Witness but for the wrong reasons, Jehovah wants people to worship him from the heart not because of the interpretation of some blogger who gets his info from apostate websites. Notice Rev. 6 shows after Jesus is given the crown that the next rider takes peace away from the earth not just a few nations. To me and others that is GLOBAL war - 1914. Notice no chronology needed, just a sign of a global war.{   Dan. 2:44 - "SET UP a kingdom" even tho he is "King of kings" God's Kingdom is set up sometime after Rome disintegrated with its complete fall in the year 1453 C.E.} First global war after that was 1914! REV. 6:4!!!
        But what you are doing is more than just about 1914 since you and others such as JTR on this blog have repeatedly  quoted from apostate books {Ray Franz} as your ideas and his are identical about 1914. You wish to associate with apostates since you have read and promote their teachings by QUOTING from them, that IS apostasy and makes one in fact an APOSTATE. {wt 86 3/15}.
     "and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves". Acts 20:30.
    "Now I urge you, brothers, to keep your eye on those who create divisions and causes for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them.+ 18  For men of that sort are slaves, not of our Lord Christ, but of their own appetites,* and by smooth talk and flattering speech they seduce the hearts of unsuspecting ones".  Rom 16:17,18. Titus 3:10,11.
        You have stated in the past that you still go to the meetings and thus pretend to be a brother yet you find you can reveal your true self by hiding your identity in a forum. You of course would say that you love the truth, the brothers and even have a clean conscience. The Bible says apostates would do the same. {Read entire book of Jude}.  Why even Satan had concern for Jesus and quoted Scripture to him as well. That did not prove his LOYALTY  to Jehovah or those taking the lead. But true loyal Christians would not read apostate books and teachings and you have definitely not hidden the fact that you have read and promoted the teachings of Ray Franz in this very thread! .
       Because of listening to the Devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized. So, then, should we listen to apostates, read their literature, or examine their Web sites on the Internet? If we love God and the truth, we will not do so. We should not allow apostates into our homes {via the Internet} or even greet them, for such actions would make us ‘sharers in their wicked works.’ (2 John 9-11) May we never succumb to the Devil’s wiles by abandoning the Christian “path of truth” to follow false teachers who seek to “introduce ruinous ideologies” and try to ‘exploit us with well-turned phrases.’—2 Peter 2:1-3, Byington. {See also W06 1/15}
    Therefore you as well as JTR and your followers are not approved to give any kind of interpretation or teaching of any kind at all on any subject because by your actions against Jehovah you have confessed to be promoting apostate teachings  : "They publicly declare that they know God, but they disown him by their works,  because they are detestable and disobedient and NOT APPROVED FOR GOOD WORK OF ANY SORT."  Titus 1:16.
      So "anything" you now post is now considered as false teaching by your own confession of promoting apostate ideas of Ray Franz and others.
      If you believe Jesus did not become King in 1914 then start your own religion, I am sure the 30,000 other apostate "Christian" religions who agree with you will welcome you with open arms as some do here as well. {unless you wish to retract the apostate teachings of Christendom}.
    {However as of 2017 JW.ORG is now the number one religious website out of 17,000 other religious websites. Praise Jah for the TRUE religion}!!! ISA 2:2-4!
  5. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to Evacuated in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I can see that this "tossing about" appears to have definitely been the case for some of you, particularly those with a long history and previous generations of relatives associated with the morphing movement we know today as Jehovah's Witnesses. 
    My own first hand experience with legacy association was with a friend, much older than me, whose father was one of the first two to become Bible Students in the UK in the 1880s. This gave me a good grounding in some of the "cloud-cuckoo-land" ideas held at various times over the years. 
    That Pyramid stuff??? Wow! One of the first calls I ever had even before baptism was an actual Pyramidologist. That was an experience for someone who had only been associated 3 months.
    It must be quite embarrassing to look back and realise what nonsensical rubbish (not just Pyramids) was actually taken seriously at one time, especially if you actually promoted it. The notion that one's loyalty is tested by moving with adjustments and avoiding the understandable temptation to "bite the hand that feeds" is likely not so far from the truth. Probably the 1975 thing is the most glaring example I have personally experienced, although I was thankfully enlightened about the erroneous expectations attached about 1972 or so, and seem to have avoided the "hysteria" others appear to have experienced. I'm looking forward to the Assembly bit on this. In fact,  I think I'll watch in advance as I will probably miss it with Assembly work as my "listening" Assembly has been cancelled due to "terrorism"!
    As for strange Bethel behaviour, I remember one of our COs who told me that the first time he heard 4-letter words regularly used was in Bethel! However, Willi Diehl's father understated the matter perfectly in 1931 when he warned his son that "the brothers there are not angels"! (WT 1 Nov 1991 p26)
    Funny though, I have never really been subjected to the intensity of weirdness that some others emphasize like the "subliminal art" stuff, or "personal Bible study policing" although these things obviously go on, and I have known some casualties.
    I have experienced some child abusers and dodgy elders in my time, but have seen them get their come-uppance. 
    Apart from time out to raise children, I have pioneered most of the time so this work and the responsibility of helping others to clean up their lives have been the main focus for me. The experience of observing the way applying Bible principles really changes people's lives for the better so radically has been enough to convince me of Jehovah's active involvement, and has likely minimised the effect of some of these other issues that apparently trouble so many.
    So, enjoyed the exchange @JWInsider and other regular contributers. I'll be back some time, but for now I really have...........

  6. Confused
    AllenSmith reacted to JW Insider in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    [Referring especially to the half-dozen or so doctrinal changes related to the term "generation" through the years, along with numerous other doctrinal changes with respect to Matthew 24 & 25:]
    That supposed anchor, as you called it, is just a "pretend" anchor anyway, allowing the doctrinal boat to drift along and shift and change, and get tossed about, and even require "tacking" which is a way that a boat can try to fight against the wind, and literally end up in a place that was exactly the opposite of where the "wind" was leading. (Note: Hebrew ruahh, spirit, wind)
    (Ephesians 4:14) . . .So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes.
    *** w81 12/1 p. 27 par. 2 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***
    2 However, it may have seemed to some as though that path has not always gone straight forward. At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as “tacking.” By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds. . . . .19 Of course, such development of understanding, involving “tacking” as it were, has often served as a test of loyalty for those associated with the “faithful and discreet slave.”
    The seriousness of the problem is that any reliance on chronology almost always involves deception. [even if that deception was not intentional] That's the point made in Ephesians 4:14. [In previous discussions evidence for all of the following points have been made and no one had any counter-evidence:]
    There have already been at least a dozen times that the Watchtower has made claims about dates, including 1914, that were plainly not true. There have been claims about what was supposedly predicted decades prior to 1914 that you yourself have seen were not true. A video from the convention implies that the reason for the problem about 1975 started in the local congregations. This same implication has been made many times before. It has almost always been implied that most of what was expected for certain dates, even dates back into the 1800's were mostly correct, even though they were totally false. There has sometimes been a claim that minimizes the error, saying things like: they were expecting the right thing but at the wrong time; or That a particular false teaching was actually better than the true Biblical teaching, because it produced a necessary test of God's people, or That the wrong understanding helped bolster them for a time when they needed to stand up more strongly against enemies. The Watchtower has even gone so far as to print completely unsubstantiated, and flatly wrong, "scholarship" which has obviously deceived people into thinking there was some truth behind it. [Furuli's books, Appendix to the "Kingdom Come" book in 1981, etc.] This has been done by selective quoting, or by using the work of scholars who have been deceitful with evidence. The publications have produced statements about what we can know and what we cannot know about chronology through archaeology and history that have also proved to be deceptive.
    I'm not claiming that the motive was dishonesty. People can easily be blinded by what they want to see. But the end result on the readers and audiences is still "deception."
    A good example is the way in which C.T.Russell used measurements of the Great Pyramid. (It's an old enough example that it won't invoke biases for or against the current Governing Body, who are doing the exact same type of thing today.) His famous books, "Millennial Dawn" (Studies in the Scriptures) sold by the millions of copies worldwide. His most infamous doctrine was the proof that the Great Pyramid was "Jehovah's witness" in stone. It foretold the dates predicted in the Bible. Here is what he started saying in 1890, in Volume 3, along with an approving letter from an Egyptologist, and other information showing how some of the measurements in the Pyramid were accurate to within a fraction of an inch. (Where each "inch" represented a year, of course.)
    "So, then, if we measure backward down the "First Ascending Passage" to its junction with the "Entrance Passage," we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year BC 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3416 inches, symbolizing 3416 years from the above date, BC 1542. This calculation shows AD. 1874 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years BC plus 1874 years AD. equals 3416 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1874 was the chronological beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation -- no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this "Witness" fully corroborates the Bible testimony on this subject...   [all editions of Volume 3, prior to 1910]
    Then he made a correction in 1910 when other Bible Students were getting very much involved in corroborating these numbers:
    "So, then, if we measure backward down the "First Ascending Passage" to its junction with the "Entrance Passage," we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year BC 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, BC 1542. This calculation shows AD. 1915 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years BC plus 1915 years AD. equals 3457 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation -- no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this "Witness" fully corroborates the' Bible testimony on this subject..."
    It doesn't matter if Russell was personally trying to be deceitful. He made this change without an explanation and the exact same data that once pointed to 1874 now pointed to 1915. (For a time 1915 was considered the Jewish "year" beginning in October 1914 through September 1915. But this was not consistent. As they got closer to the 1914 date, and stopped believing that all they had predicted was possible, there were statements that effectively would have meant that 1915 could even start in October 1915 and therefore run into 1916. It was the Great European War starting in mid-1914, that brought most of this diffusion back into a focus on 1914. Since then, the false claims made about Russell's predictions in a newspaper called "The World" have been quoted in Watch Tower publications about as often as any specific predictions made in our own publications.)
    Russell used pseudo-archaeology to bolster his belief in the period from 1874 to 1914. The Watchtower has since used pseudo-archaeology to bolster the belief in the period from 1914 to the Great Tribulation.
  7. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Evacuated in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    Now that wasn't so difficult actually was it?
    I'll overlook the offensive bluster. I know you are capable of an entirely rational response (as in the first quote) when you are in a better frame of mind.
    You should try and get a handle on what stresses you out so much 'though. It can't be healthy! Are you holding a grudge or something??
    Anyway, take it easy mate!  
    PS. Could you like my comment please. I've just noticed my reputation figure stands at 666 and I don't like liking my own posts!!
  8. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Micah Ong in JW's in Malawi vs. Mexico: Why the Disparity?   
    To show Christlike love and rather loved the Pharisaic pride of Jesus day.  i.e name calling and brashly looking down upon others.
  9. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to The Librarian in JW's in Malawi vs. Mexico: Why the Disparity?   
    @Allen Smith I implore you (again) to please try and make your claim / counterarguments WITHOUT name calling or attacking other posters.
    Simply state your possibility or claim and call it good. 
  10. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW's in Malawi vs. Mexico: Why the Disparity?   
    "Who are they? (Genuine question)" Eoin asks.
    "Corporate propaganda." I think that says it all. I appreciate the frankness. The Librarian, who is not necessarily the same, though he may be, added his site to hers and came under her umbrella, in order to ease up on the hassles of running a site himself. It's practical logistics.
    This is the Grand Overlord, the Overlord of Overlords, who yanked me from the thread he or she assigned me to in the first place. The poor and stooped (but never stupid) Librarian, old sentimental hen that she is, pleaded and pleaded in my behalf, for after all, I am her pupil, even if a bad one - but it did her no good. To be sure, I had it coming. I was mean to certain ones. Frankly, I appreciate knowing the rules, even if they are not the 'rules' on my own blog, which doesn't get near the traffic of this one.
    In my opinion, anyone observant of Watchtower counsel on association has a screw loose to be here. As it turns out, I do. Plus, an 'extenuating circumstance' or two, which I have previously mentioned. As near as I can see, that is true of other frequent commenters, even if those of some I think are not noble. Perhaps ones more observant of theocratic counsel in this regard, (for I am exceptionally observant in all other regards) will cut me some slack for being a 'bad boy' in view of my 'reasons,' but I would never be critical of them if they did not. The site was here long before I stumbled across it, billed (disingenuously?) as a forum for JWs, and it will be here long after I leave, if I ever do.
    Hopefully, the unusual takes and sense of humor I bring will continue to be seen as 'adding value,' particularly now that I refrain from coming after certain ones with a Howitzer. There are far more apostates (some are probably just opposers - which are not the same) around here than I ever dreamed there would be when I stumbled on board - I was initially surprised to find any. I can't make myself be nice to them. I just can't. (I can with opposers) Hebrews 6:6 comes to mind. But approaching the forum with the tools that are mine, I manage to 'coexist," as the bumper sticker says. (I would make all the special characters if I knew how and had the time and interest)
  11. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Micah Ong in What gives them the right to insert YHWH so that the the scriptures are manipulated to suit the their doctrine?   
    Don't forget they were all copies.  There is absolutely NO PROOF that the Tetragrammaton was ever in the text of Scriptures prior to the Babylonian captivity and up to the time of Malachi.
  12. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Micah Ong in What gives them the right to insert YHWH so that the the scriptures are manipulated to suit the their doctrine?   
    @JW Insider If you take a look at the four letters YHWH in the Dead Sea Scrolls , they are FOREIGN to the rest of the script both as to STYLE and also the SLANT of the letters. These are in PALEO Hebrew an ancient alphabet prior to the Babylonian captivity. They are not in conformity with the previous written script. They are not even inserted in the manuscript level with the surrounding text. This shows that this is a FORGERY and an INTERPOLATION. Thus, the four letters YHWH are a careful FRAUD. The scripting is Aramaic Babylonian rabbinical writing and did not come into practice until after the Babylonian captivity.
    “YHWH”, can NEVER mean “I AM” or “I EXIST” or “I BE”.
    “hayah or hayaw” meaning “to be or exist”, AH in Hebrew means a first or singular person, hence AH-Hayah means that I EXIST, or I BE, or I AM, so this is how you know the true name of the Most High, I AM = AHAYAH.
    So in Exodus 3:13-15. I AM THAT I AM = AHAYAH ASHER AHAYAH in Hebrew. Ahayah is the God of the Israelites. He told Moses to let the children of Israelites know that, I AM = AHAYAH hath sent me. His name shall remain FOREVER.
  13. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
    Go easy on this person, Anna. I've been known to agree with my own remarks so frequently that the authorities will send for guys with straight jackets.
  14. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to bruceq in Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
  15. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses to face abuse inquiry   
    Much as I hesitate to offer observation to Allen because he knows more than I do on most things: on the internet, you assume up front that everyone is a liar. It's icing on the cake if it turns out otherwise, and you never know for sure, because they are digital bits. Through participation in one thread and reading this one, I get an idea of who is who. But I don't know any of it. Nor does anyone know if that guy in the blue shirt and goofy hat is really me. Nor do I assume the overlords here are Witnesses; if they are, they certainly are avant-garde Witnesses. They're all liars, or potential liars, on the internet. It's only those you personally know that you can be sure of.
    I have an entire circuit full of people that like me, and I them. I know who they are, or can readily find out. If I want association, I go there. If I want to brawl, I come here. I'll keep coming here, because sometimes I like to brawl. (or share something light somewhere else) But it's hardly fine association as can be had among real people. And I don't offer suggestions to God's organization as to how to conduct itself because no one has asked me. Anyone here who asks me doesn't count.
  16. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Ann O'Maly in The 'Reasoning' book's discussion of the 'Cross'   
    Maybe you should start writing more clearly. I don't even know what any of that jumble means in relation to my comment.
  17. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Evacuated in Matt 24:34. "by no means"   
    Thanks @JWInsider and @ThePraeceptor for very helpful input.
    For me, the expression by no means, and it's context, seems to imply a condition.
    For example, either the generation may look as if it will pass away, hence the emphatic reassurance it will by no means pass away... or,
    the generation will by no means pass away in that, at the time of reference, the generation will be so evidently present that it will be ummistakeable, i.e. not a dwindling remnant.
    I don't think I want to do that at all. But, point taken, and your reassurance that the Greek is a mere emphasis without further implication is useful and I shall bear it in mind when considering the context of the many other instances of this device.  
    "That day and hour", of course, remains...... unknown. 
  18. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Evacuated in Matt 24:34. "by no means"   
    Getting there.
    Now is this construction just for the sake of emphasis? Or could it be construed in an additional sense? The English expression, by no means, seems to convey more than just an emphasis that something will or will not take place. Would that be true of the Greek expression?
  19. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Evacuated in Matt 24:34. "by no means"   
    Since 2009 there has been a great deal of discussion around the concept of an "overlapping generation" in connection with Jesus words at Matt. 24:34.
    I don't see anything particularly difficult about the idea myself. 
    I mean, you have a two stage relay. Start point: 1914 CE on one end. Finish point: the "great tribulation" on the other end. The track between is the stream of time.
    As it is impossible for one team of runners to span the distance from the start, 1914 CE, to the finish, the "great tribulation", there are two teams of "anointed" Christians. Starting the race, those who saw the year 1914 eventually meet up with those (born later) who will see the outbreak of the great tribulation. The baton is passed and the race completed by the second group.
    The entire group are seen as the (anointed) generation of the last days in Jesus prophecy. Not really rocket science is it?
    But, in all the discussion around this, I see a phrase in Jesus words at Matt 24:34 I find intriguing. He said that "this generation will by no means pass away"  (NWT)
    Other translations render this differently, many saying simply "will not pass" or words to that effect. Why does the NWT render it in this particular manner?
  20. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Evacuated in Matt 24:34. "by no means"   
    acerbic: used to describe something that is spoken or written in a way that is direct, clever, and cruel.
    This definition fits what I mean to convey by the use of the word "acerbic". You have listed a range of evidence sources for anyone wishing to investigate the substantiation of this description, although some of the postings here provide sufficient evidence for me.
    This word carries many shades of meaning ,as I am sure you are aware, (as does the word "generation"), and I have seen some of those other characteristics displayed by many on both sides of  the argument, as indeed you have pointed out has been your own experience.
    But in the terms of the definition above, the attacks I have seen and experienced on both chronology and other evidence strands regarding Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs on the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom in the heavens in the year we call 1914CE, closely match the description above as direct, clever, and cruel. This includes the style of commentary in the form of criticisms of the Governing Body, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower Society etc. etc. which  usually accompanies these attacks. "Acerbic", in that sense, sums the matter up quite well for me.
  21. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Arauna in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    Thanks Allen - sometimes I do use my words carelessly.... must do better... Of course I agree that Daniel still had to ask Jehovah for the meaning...  as it was a cryptic message (can one compare it to a riddle?) .  I found some of the points very informing.  I have also been thinking about the King of the north lately as this must now take place in this time ...  I have re-read some of the scriptures and I am an avid watcher of world events to try and spot where things are going ... and all of us have our own private speculations, I'm sure.
    Today's Watchtower was very good in explaining the "lulling of the nations to sleep regarding the end to be suddenly upon them.   At the same, I do see the 3 frogs of revelation 16 (propaganda) very busy at present and it seems that people are being put against each other and talk of violence is becoming second nature to people.  All false religion is gearing up for violence in some way or another... and it is only Jehovah's people who will be determined not to be part of the world and not be tricked into getting involved with its issues which are becoming so polarized.
    As you rightly said - Jehovah can read the heart and if we think independently of him we must be careful ..... because our lives depend on being in synchronization with Him....and this is the fallacy of man ..... that we trust ourselves to much and do not wait on Jehovah.  Our patience and waiting attitude is a sign of maturity!
  22. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Arauna in Science and Atheism - Are they "Religions"   
    Like an idiot I have been quoting scriptures from the bible to Ann and hoping that she would think about them.... to understand the invisible coming of Christ.... but from her responses I noticed that she has not put thought in them at all.  Now I understand why - it seems she does not really believe in the Bible as she is questioning the flood.  So to her the Bible is hocus-pocus.
    I have recently been watching a lot of videos of ancient periods/cultures (because I have studied many books about the cultures which existed after the flood) and looking into archeology before the flood and the dating.
    I recently watched a  few interesting videos on civilization.  There are many theories now about a culture that existed more than 10, 000 years ago (before the flood) which influenced the culture of the Sumerians (after the flood).  And many scientists are postulating that this culture had great influence on the post-flood ideas. For example the Nephilim influence as seen in the pantheon of half gods that were also human after the flood.
    I also happened to stumble on a few good programs wherein different scientists depict an ice age and a world-wide flood after the ice age - when it melted suddenly.  This was very interesting to me because there is one video (for the life of me I cannot find it now to paste the link) has footage of animals that were swept together in large piles and the bones are visible - in different parts of the world. (There is also other evidences of a flood in many rock formations high up on mountains etc. etc.)  There no doubt was a flood as the stone formations prove -  and these animal bones are prehistoric animals - together with animals that we know today....  Now I do not believe everything I see on video - but it is very interesting that there are several scientists now postulating these theories of a flood - but they put the dates much father back than the Bible.
    Now I happen to have a brother who is a brilliant scientist (analytical chemist) who researched new poison structures for many years (toxicologist).  He became one of JWs and eventually went to prison for his faith because he refused to kill people secretly for the government (All governments do bad things behind the scenes).
    I have had some discussions with him on the dating of the planet and I wish you could be there because he refutes all the current tests as to the dates given by science. Similar - as in the science of archeology and the dating of civilizations - there is  a set timeline given by scientists (which were haphazardly put together in the 19th century) but are now followed by scientists and has become like a religion. Scientists who now dare to challenge these dates are ostracized from the scientific community - and if you are a scientist that believes in god - you are the worst of the worst.
    Unfortunately, science is not the accurate science that they want us to believe - a lot of it is conjecture and cannot be proved - but it is accepted because there is a "consensus" amongst the learned.
    So - I believe that this evidence of a flood goes back to the time of Noah and not to the dates the scientists are allocating to it.
    There are also many good videos on youtube which show how they have refuted the dating of certain civilizations..... and rocks..... by the methods used today.  Scientists sent out the same rock samples to different university labs and most of the results came back putting the stones in widely different epochs!
    JWs do not believe that the earth was created in literal 6 days because the Bible shows "all 6 days of creation is also called "a day" which indicates that it refers to a period of time. Read genesis.
    I do not believe in evolution ..... they are regularly transplanting 'pig heart valves' into humans because the flesh of pigs  resemble our flesh closely - not that of apes.  So the scientific community has got that one wrong by a far shot.  I worked for my brother for a short while and can assure you I understand why Jehovah told the Jews not to eat pigs - they get infections very quickly - like humans. Sheep and other animals are a different kind of flesh and they do not get the same pernicious kind of infections.
    Apart from this - the math does not equate.  The complexity of life makes each small little change in the human genome  - exponential. In fact one has to accept more miracles (exponentially) in evolution than the few mentioned in the Bible.  So,  many these exponential changes took place in what scientists call the "goldilocks age" .  This means that the environment had to be stable for a very long periods of time for these small incremental changes to happen for the better - and for the species to survive and adapt - it is  (like the name indicates) a fairy goldilocks story.
    The bone record is scanty - and evolutionist know this and therefore there are more and more hoaxes being exposed - but they do not get much publicity these days.  There are very few fossil evidences of the various changes which took place in the evolution of all life into all the various branches of the tree of life.... and most of them consist of only a few bones and the rest is "beautiful drawings of how the scientists think they looked like". ....If these changes took place randomly - there are so many different  species - one should be able to see many fossils of ALL the various animals that did NOT survive the various stages - with the problems evident in the fossil.    It seems that wonderful organs appeared suddenly and functioned perfectly together with other organs in a remarkable way - more evidence of a creator I would say.
    But while these complex organs were developing slowly over long periods of time.... it seems that the male and female organs suddenly developed in "one generation" for the species to "survive".   And to crown it all - if one studies the various forms of sexual organs (and there are many - believe me - the variations boggles the mind) then one finds that the various ones fit each other perfectly for the different species..... and these had to develop quickly and accurately for the species to survive.  The male and female developed separately but yet perfectly fitted - so the species could survive. .....
    So the more I study and read about these things I am convinced of the " bias and superiority of many scientists" who put themselves above other humans and protect their cushy research jobs - and they like to look intellectual - like the Pharisees.  They have never learnt to think through all the aspects of evolution properly..... they are all like sheep following the mainstream. 
    Each person must make up their mind about this but I urge people to make sure for themselves.  Think a little more about a few of the items I mentioned above. 
  23. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Arauna in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    I fail to see why people go back to Russell to evaluate the Truth we have today.  I left a Christian religion because their credo was set in stone many hundreds of years ago and when a professor publically wrote that the Witnesses were right about the earth being a paradise again - he had to withdraw what he wrote or lose his job.  If we all stuck to things said hundreds of years ago there would be no growth - like many Christian religions and Islam.  I became a Witness because there are changes and they admit at being wrong about something and move forward.
    I evaluate Russell within the period he lived in - as I indicated above.  Do you see this connection? Many people evaluate everything retroactively by today's standards.  They usually fail to understand much of the Bible as Abraham and many people mentioned in the Bible lived in times much different to ours and one has to evaluate their laws and actions within the time period in which they lived. 
    I study ancient archeology and I love history.  The science of archeology only began in 1815 when Napoleon went into Egypt.  It was during the following years, especially after 1830 that there was a rush to discover the ancient cultures mentioned in the Bible.  Many people got onto the bandwagon of trying to see something more in the pyramids as related to the Bible, especially when more and more discoveries of artifacts of the ancient cities came about - the frenzy escalated. This was the time of Darwin and the challenges to the Bible too! The power of the old Christian religions were getting less.  They had ruled the world for more than a millennium.  New thoughts were coming out right on time before 1914.  (Daniel 12 shows that the knowledge would grow more only in the final days)
    As I said in my previous comment - Russell and his friends had some of the facts - but not all.  He was just a human being that was searching, and as I said before - it was only in 1919 (after Jesus made an inspection of the Christian religions on earth ) that he chose a group of sincere people to do the preaching work earth-wide. This was their commission. This does not indicate that they were perfect in any way. They still had to be cleansed of many false practices (pyramids, neutrality, Xmas celebrations, and many more - and this has been an ongoing improvement).
    Russell's calculations were arrived at through the Bible prophecy and a secular date.  The secular date when the Jews were allowed to go back to Jerusalem is a well-established date.  Russell counted 70 years back from this (and the time it would take for them to get back) and came to 607BCE.  From 607BCE they followed bible prophecy to calculate the number of years that the world powers would rule before Jesus took the throne in heaven...  but Russell unfortunately tried to superimpose these calculations onto Pyramids....which was actually built for worship of the zodiac - to guide the pharaoh through the heavenly bodies and the stars!
    Just a  thought.... have you studied the relevant prophesies and seen where the JWs today get the dates from? It is a fascinating subject.
    Russell believed that Jesus would start ruling in heaven in 1914 - which was calculated correctly.  Russell thought it was at this time that Armageddon would take place - which was wrong. They did not  yet understand the scriptures referring to a "great crowd" - a great group of people that Jehovah would bring out of mankind and who would survive Armageddon.  Revelation 7: 9+ 14
    Revelation 12: 6-12 Clearly shows:- (and Russell obviously did not yet understand this either - they were some of the first groups who broke away from the powerful religions teachings inherited from the reformation) - When Jesus takes authority in the heavens he would throw Satan and his demons out of heaven. (Jesus sat at the right hand of his father until 1914 when he received the Kingdom power from his father and threw Satan out.) The scriptures goes on to show that Satan would then create havoc on earth because he has a "short period of time left"   This scripture clearly shows that there would be a period on earth when Jesus would be ruling invisible from heaven amidst his enemies Ps 110:1+2.
    For the calculations of the prophecies read the appendix of "What does the bible really teach" and for more on where the witnesses get the dates 607BCE and 1914CE read the insight on the scriptures. The insight on the scriptures also quotes from secular sources and you can go and check out the 'secular sources' by going to any good library or a reliable internet archive/ library. Most secular dates are not set in stone either but they give a good indication of the time period. 
  24. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Arauna in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    I always remind people that when Russell was studying the Bible and learning about truths such as 1914 (they did not have the 'whole' truth about 1914 but only some of it) the rest of the world was still in the time of the industrial revolution.  People in America were still moving West in wagons and they were shooting each other because there was not much law and order.... they were still fighting Indians and this time was quite some time before WW1 (No cars or the modern conveniences - only trains and the telegraph were on the horizon).   Similarly, when we look at the seventies and some people thought the 6000 years were almost done - they naturally made assumptions.  This is normal human behavior (to speculate) if one is very interested in the Bible. So when we evaluate the past - we must always evaluate what was said within the time frame (environment) that these things were said.  What was the rest of society like in this time? What was their level of knowledge compared to the light that Jehovah was slowly revealing?
    As the light is getting brighter - we now understand so much about the future Kingdom and how it is going to function. We also understand the qualities that we need to develop if we want to be part of that future government.  It seems the governing body is now mainly focusing on strengthening us for the nasty world events which lie ahead.  We need to always be ready.
    If one looks at the escalation of violence in the world, the aggressive posturing of nations, and one looks at the preaching work done in the entire world - reaching even the remotest places - then one remembers where one learnt these Truths regarding the mortality of the soul, the earth being a paradise, and many more truths.  Jehovah is using the governing body, which was only appointed in 1919 with the commission to preach to the world. 
    Thank Jehovah for knowing the truth and giving it to us in little bites so we can absorb it - because without it - we are lost.  Always remember that people are people and they are imperfect individuals.... (prone to speculate).... but they are drawn to Jehovah because he sees something good in them. Without Jehovah's spirit no-one can come to him.  This is why we as witnesses should never think we are better than others because we know the truth. We must always remember who gave us the truth and who gives us Spirit to understand it.
  25. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to JWTheologian in Jehovah's Witnesses under pressure over handling of sexual abuse claims   
    Then, you are injecting your personal view on how the Society should work. When God entrusted a Prophet, did that make that Prophet Perfect? What you are suggesting is to trust the words of men, just like you can’t seem to understand the trust and faith belongs to Jehovah, not with men that make insinuations of what the Society has or hasn’t done, or what it should or shouldn’t do. That would only demonstrate the lack of faith one has, and that’s the kind of behavior you continue to suggest, is acceptable. Therefore, how humbling is it in the eyes of God, when we demonstrate lack of faith by not allowing Gods Holy Spirit make the adjustments needed to answer a complex situation that NOT even secular governments, religions or institutions have been able to solve.
    Mark 7:8 Context: Tradition and Worship
    8You have disregarded the commandment of God to keep the tradition of men.
    The ultimate answer, is we need Gods government to succeed this broken system, not prolong it by mindless ideology. Then we run the risk of presumption, such as thinking someone like me, wouldn’t know the bethel house and its inner function.
    Singling out the WTS for the purpose to cause outrage is by no means a solution. Exaggerating statistics is by no means a solution. Promoting incompetence is by no means a solution. Promoting gods Laws unacceptable is by no means a solution. Yet, this are the things you agree with.
    Only true witnesses understand and know the past of certain things that have occurred. Having to debate with a bunch of thespians (Actors and Actresses) that by far get their information from apostasy sites that are loaded with fabrications, serve no purpose to disregard Gods commandments.
    We are in no position to decide who is best qualified to receive Gods Holy spirit. Making such a claim defeats the purpose of scripture. Wasn’t that the presumption made by the Pharisees with Jesus? Then, if God has found an imperfect human to entrust him to dispense the spiritual food at the proper time, then God is entrusting that same individual with shepherding the whole flock. Who are we to impose our own will above Gods? By being suggestive.
    You know more than anyone should know about trust issues of the 80’s
    Example Response from the WTS:  "It is not within the province of the Society nor of the elders to tell individuals what they should do when working in employment requiring them to maintain confidentiality. Each one will have to be responsible for his own actions before Jehovah. It is necessary to preserve one's relationship with Jehovah and to protect the organization, but each one will have to bear his own load of responsibility in this area. The Scriptures plainly teach that there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and no one can indefinitely continue to deceive Jehovah, his organization or their congregation with which he might be associated. The decision to reveal confidential information concerning possible wrongdoing on the part of a person claiming to be a Christian ultimately rests with the person who has come to know of it." [1987]
    You know the WTS was always being sued for frivolous things back in the 80’s
    819 F.2d 875
    93 A.L.R.Fed. 737, 56 USLW 2007
    Janice PAUL, a/k/a/ Janice Perez, Plaintiff-Appellant,
    No. 85-4012.
    United States Court of Appeals,
    Ninth Circuit.
    Argued and Submitted March 7, 1986.
    Decided June 10, 1987.
    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Watchtower can shun ex-Jehovah's Witnesses in the case titled "819 F. 2d 875 - Paul v. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc"and referring in turn to Cf. Jones v. Wolf, 443 U.S. 595, 99 S.Ct. 3020, 61 L.Ed.2d 775 (1979); Turner v. Unification Church, 473 F.Supp. 367 (D.R.I.1978), aff'd, 602 F.2d 458 (1st Cir.1979)
    So it is the proposition that is lacking discernment.
    It would be no different to think, let’s say the Australian government wouldn’t adhere to international laws that pertain to the SORNA, 42 USC §16911 legislation.
    People here think that a sex act that has no conviction is not registrable. The USA has such laws and those laws are respected by the international community. What they don’t understand is, the courts have discretion on how to handle a certain case. The Police Department can retain information on a suspected sex offender, or those considered to be a danger to the public that have not gone through the system. The police department hold a mandatory public information list for such matters. But it’s senseless to explain that to a clueless person.
    Victorian Consolidated Acts
    Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004
    No. 56 of 2004
    S. 6(6)(b) amended by
    No.55/2009 s.48(2)
    c) he or she is a registrable offender only
    because he or she is subject to a sex offender
    registration order and that order is quashed
    on appeal
    So, unless you know the law, it would be pointless to search the internet for a quick response to win an argument. It would also be disingenuous to suggest who hide things when all the facts are not revealed. But sometimes, we tend to misunderstand other people spoken words, Like in Bro. Jackson case.
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