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  1. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    I bet you are a LOT of fun at parties!
    ... sorta like a bipolar clown with Tourette's syndrome.
  2. Downvote
    AllenSmith reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    My guess is he is a Lawyer, working for the WTB&TS ... who would view valor and courage, and integrity as spiritually immature, as it does save money by denying Justice, and not preserve your life at any cost.
    I have asked him about that, on the last page, before, but he so far has declined to answer.
    It would be interesting to see if he will answer BOTH of your questions, and my suppositions.
  3. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Allen, I don't understand this comment at all. 
    However, I owe you a debt as well. I never would have thought of inventing all my 'friends' had it not been for accusations directed towards you about aliases. JWI seems convinced that you are or have been multiple persons, but I have never spent time trying to figure it out. 
    I just thought it was a cool idea, and decided I would try my own hand at it.
  4. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to Foreigner in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Saludos hermano Allen. Creo que soy Allen también. Ha! Ha!
  5. Like
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Oh, for crying out loud, just say there has never been an abuse case without a JW connection and be done with it!
    Just take down the blue JW.org signs, replace them with the 'Pedophiles R Us' signs that JRT is working on, and be done with it!
    Just tell all the brothers to holler "Molester! Molester!" as they approach, as their counterparts once did "Leper! Leper!" and be done with it!
    It is not perfect. It cannot be perfect because everyone that could have put their talants to use instead buried them in the ground. It is processed notifications to unprocessed notifications. It will have to do as the best available. If some of theirs turned out to be duds, it cannot be assumed that all of ours will be grand slams.
    If you don't behave, I am going to get Allen to assert that all 17 Witness notifications stem from just a single unfortunate child, which will elevate our cause 10,000 to 1! Kneecap that lone scoundrel perpetrator out and we are perfect!
  6. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    In response to your "confused" emoticon above, on AllenSmith's  and my post.
    Having one's "head shrunk", is an American euphemism for psychiatric sessions. A Shrink is a euphemism for a Doctor of Psychiatry.
    For a male, swimming in cold water causes the scrotum to shrink in size dramatically, and testicles to rise up unto the body to keep the sperm warm, and is optically referred to as "shrinkage", colloquially.
    ...don't get 'em mixed up.
  7. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Whatever @JW Insider's motives may be, by throwing certain things back in my face he has more than once caused me to reevaluate and even retract some errors I otherwise would have made - errors that I would not have wanted to see go into print.
    He was also kind enough to acknowledge that I had succeeded in giving him correct counsel on an occassion or two in the past.
    If anyone is playing me like a fiddle, to use @tromboneck's phrase, it is he, but I tend to accept him at face value, and he is among the relative few here who consistently back up their statements with facts, even if I am not sure that the facts are good to broadcast to all and sundry in the first place. He pursues a model that I do not like, but I cannot say that I have not benefited by it.
  8. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to JW Insider in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    I do see a reason not to run with it. Even if it turns out to be correct, there is no 6.3 figure from any study or anything like a study, just as there was no 10-times-better or 18-times-worse figure. Imagine just a couple of tweaks to account for what are currently unknowns. And, most importantly, you can't draw any conclusions that are based on the 12-13% CPS figure without some idea of how many of the JW cases would have also been "confirmed" using the same criteria that the Australian CPS uses for confirmation. (Which as was said before, should never come into the calculation for any reason, because all of the JW reports were already filtered for sexual abuse, and the Australian CPS only reports the 12-13% after all types have been confirmed or non-confirmed.)
    Remember that we can only compare the number of children confirmed to be sexually abused in the CPS data with the number of children that would have been confirmed to be abused based on the JW cases.
    For example, lets look at 1 possibility out of thousands of possibilities based on what a confirmation might look like from the "17 cases." (I'll use all 17 cases here based on the likelihood that these cases actually run from a report on the period from about September 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016, or 11 months, although I am rounding to 12 months.)
    8 out 17 cases: dismissed as false or unsubstantiated claims against these 8 perpetrators. That's about half. 1 out of 17 cases: the JW only molested non-JWs, which has been true of known cases elsewhere. (effectively making JW children safer, at least around this predator) 1 out of 17 cases: 2 JW children were molested in a public school setting, through no fault of any Watchtower process or negligence. 2 out of 17 cases: confirmed to involve only one child each 2 out of 17 cases: confirmed to involve two children each 2 out of 17 cases: confirmed to involve three children each 1 of 17 cases: confirmed to involve 7 children. Remember, that this does NOT include an unknown additional number of cases that slipped through the cracks, where molestors are no longer JWs, having left or been disfellowshipped in the past but who molested JW children, unreported, while they were in the congregation but whose activities continue to add to the CPS numbers. I say this because of JW "turnover." While currently one out every 352 Australians is a JW, it is probably true that one out of every 140 Australians either is now, or has been a Witness.
    But, for simplicity, we are ignoring any kind of old or new numbers from JWs already included in the CPS data.
    So, even after dismissing 10 of the 17 cases as having no effect on the safety of JW children, we still could potentially have 19 children confirmed to have been sexually abused. Of course, more JW cases would be dismissed for non-confirmation because they are probably based on reports, accusations, or confessions that are probably 10 years after the crime, on average. On average, we are therefore measuring how many 10 year old cases might come to light against a time when public awareness and new civil laws for teachers, hospital workers, etc, require every potential or suspected case to be reported. We will not even attempt to account for that, but it would clearly skew the JW numbers to appear much better than they would be in actuality. Also, we should keep in mind that CPS must count children who did not wish to report, and whose parents may have wished not to report. But the process works much quicker with CPS, and helps to confirm more cases because they were usually much more recent.
    Remember that since we should only be comparing the number of "confirmed" children abused, we can now compare our 19 confirmed children (out of 68,000) to the 5,559 confirmed children (out of 24,000,000). That alone would create a comparison of .0279% for JWs and .02313%. which would mean you would be 20% less safe as a JW than you would be in the general Australian population.
    Of course, another person might think that 0 of the 17 cases would be confirmed. And using CPS methods on such old cases this might even be true. Or you might think that only 5 of the cases would be dismissed, and the remaining 12 would confirm sexual abuse on a mix of one, two and three children each (averaging 2), for a total of 24 confirmed cases. That small difference from 19 to 24 would result in a calculation that says you are 54% less safe as a JW.
    Because we still have those intent only on creating contentions among brothers, I will add again that I do not believe these numbers mean anything. I'm just showing what could likely happen if there were a real study based on apples to apples numbers. There is no study, and I still believe children are safer among JWs than the average population, and much safer as JWs than among many other religious groups and institutions. And, as I've said before the changes the Watchtower has been making to the process is 100% better now than it was. (But I don't believe that the 100% is a real statistic.)
  9. Haha
  10. Like
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Exactly. Once again, Allen earns his keep.
    Does he interfere, obscurate, divert? Well, before concluding that, take into account the 'scholarly' contributions of JTR or Witness and you will see he yet ranks pretty high.
    It infuriates me - the constant insinuation that the eight righteous men aren't really righteous and, to the extent they are not, it is the long arm of the law that will straighten them out and not their own fear of God.
  11. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    I love irony !
    otherwise that would be an upvote.
    Hey! that quote is an "Elephant" AllenSmith could chew on !
  12. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    You know, they say that The English (and that would include Australians) and the Americans are separated by a common language.
    such a ALU-minum in American English, and Alu-MIN-ium, in the King's English.  Or GRAY in American, and GREY, in Englandish.
    From your link: "Just because you see the word “subpoena” over the word “summons” DOESN’T give it the SAME weight in POWER, in, legal context."
    Of course not!
    But ignore either one at your peril of wallet and/or freedom.
    That is where the "rubber meets the road.
    If hypothetically I pointed my gun at YOU and wiggled it and nodded to my left, chances are you would want to move to my left.
    That would be to YOUR right.
    In THAT case, it would be REAL important!
    One of the amazing things about your posts Allen, is what you pick out and isolate that's important to you mind, leaving the herd of Elephants in the room ignored.
  13. Upvote
    AllenSmith reacted to Space Merchant in Why won't they announce the reason for disfellowshipping or disassociation?   
    I do not expect an answer because it was addressed multiple times already on the other thread, especially in regards to Spiritual Warfare and Civil Disobedience, how it applied to servants of God, to the days of Jesus and his followers, to present day, for no Christian will not allow God's law to change and or be override, doing such begets breaking God's Word no matter how crazy and or difficult things get, it cannot be broken for God's Word and what he put in place is a Nazareth Vow.
    Other then that, anything I say is fact, true and or backed by verses, it is rarely my own thoughts, especially in regards to the experience. I can careless about politics (many reasons especially things regarding Entho-groups and double standards), however, they too are enablers of child abuse and at times the cause of it spilling into religion, as well as other problems that today's society in the US, the UK, Asia, and other EU countries suffer from, an example would be the death of Seth Rich and his co-workers, expect for one who was forced into hiding because she will end up deceased like her friends and ruled out as suicide - for politics begets corruption and such corruption and influence spread to individuals, in turn, spill into other institutions, mainly those who are not trusting of government and politics combined. Therefore, I do not trust politics and those who back, support them, for their causes begets an effect that can cause problems, the same could be said about government, I do not trust them either, especially with how they have been targeting religion, specially Christianity, for the past several years now, and have succeeded thus the decline in the US, the UK and other EU countries, this also includes Asia, in addition to how they are oppressing and kill the people with aid of the United Nations and affiliated supports who inject ideas and plans that honor them, examples being after the Las Vegas Shooting, government officials were silently killing off any known survivors to prevent the truth from being spoken, as well as going as far as to use influence and power overseas to get people killed and or assassinated, making it appear like an accident, Serena Shim being one person who was killed by US and UK government officials in Turkey, whereas to this day, her family, as well as Seth and the others, are seeking answers to find the truth with no fish on the hook to such information. Therefore, things such as these, I do not trust mainstream media or follow the blind ones that do, hence my past comments about the US and Russia.
    I talk about all religions, even the false ones that are obvious, for how I was brought up is to understand of where so and so is coming from and by their faith, the rules and lifestyle they follow, creeds, tenets, vows, as well as any cultural based things involved in such religions and or faiths, pretty much the basics in Theology and Christology, if you will, as well as some things of Judaism and Islam - for in order to speak of the gospel, you have to go on the level and understanding of the individual who wishes to convert and or want to know who God really is, who is Son is and what the Kingdom is about and what it will bring.
    Child Abuse is a concern, and always will be, despite us not having the power to get rid of it 100%, just like how we cannot purge ourselves of imperfection, desire of the flesh, treacherous hearts that lead to bad decisions, and all that is sin, for we inherit such from Adam and by the time we leave the womb to the time we are laid to rest, we are sinners.
    I believe I answered such before. God's law includes his rules and standards, for if his Shepherds provide this information and not doing what they are using as a guide thus makes you against God's law. For I mention this already regarding Civil Disobedience and Spiritual Warfare, should you do the opposite of what a Christian must do, even in the face of trial and error before you due to man's law, you end up breaking God's law, and we already know what Jesus' view is of those who break God's law.
    It is tough, yes, but it is what it is until God allows his Son to return to the earth and fulfilling what needs to be done.
    Until then, we apply what is found int he scriptures and we should not be cherry picking, changing the word, or accepting some things and not accepting other things, especially since we are under the New Covenant - so any man on earth who wants to change God's law, as mainstream Christians do already, they will have to answer to God the Father and whatever action he takes by means of his Son - one has to know God is Just and he has not changed, and what he will do to the individual will be final, especially in regards to breaking his law and standards of which rules Christians follow derive from.
    Agree, child abuse is always a concern, but as I said before, there are smarter ways to deal with such things via education and the like, which I have already offered some examples in the other thread in this regard. We know that Christians of all kinds, Jehovah's Witnesses also, are trying to do their best in attempting to prevent child abuse, but as I said before, you save one child, elsewhere, it will not be the same, but education is key to helping prevent more individuals from coming in to tickle the ears of believers just so they can get to the children, at the same time, since most child abuse cases take place in the household itself, the family have to be aware of the signs and should seek help from every adult possible, for religious leaders are bounded by common law and religious law and at times will advise you, especially if the Bystander Effect is in play, which is the case with majority of the population in the world.
    Unlikely, the world know who the Jehovah's Witnesses are and they know how Child Abuse has spilled over to religion. Such people educate themselves and others on the subject of Child Abuse, which makes them different from you because they are willing to educate others if they have the opportunity. The Jehovah's Witnesses are aware of this too, hence why they have articles based on this subject, at the same time, child abuse cases will not ever stop someone from being a convert, for what a convert cares about is bible truth from the scriptures and knowing that child abuse is a thing, with what they learn and their faith, they too will want child abuse to be gone from the world when Jesus returns, just like every other Christian, since I mention this multiple times to you already, as for Earth-wide, again, some areas have little to no child abuse, often times, regardless of a Christian faith, it tends to be the other way around, in religious institutions it tends to be far less than what is taking place in other institutions, as well as a abuse taking place in a household, in addition, if the abuse is a female and or another child, regardless of the child's sex, the consequences for actions differ greatly from a male abuser, be it the UK, the US, etc.
    Agreed, compensation comes in many forms, but apparently people just tend to go for the money and nothing else, for such is quite evident. other times, the victim and or the victim's parent end up as Avengers of Blood, a worse case scenario where abuse is redeemed by the blood of the abuser, hence why some religions and institutions tend to advise so they do not get caught up in something as this, especially schools with the whole gun violence thing taking place.
    Again, better ways of dealing with child abuse, better ways of educating a group of people, a family, etc. For if we can teach a child about puberty, about stranger danger, to drive a care, the do's and don'ts about dating, how to be a better listener/learner, teach about the internet, etc. we can also teach a child about child abuse, mind you with such education on this matter, a child is better suited to identify the signs of abuse and or help the abused with what they are taught.
    For me, I do help child, especially those who had some form of abuse, and with what I had taught them from what I learned a long time ago, with that type of education, not only they will be better at doing such than most older people, but they can become mentors themselves and make a student a mentor and so forth.
    That being said, yes child abuse is a concern, and I know there are better ways with dealing with such, and as the rest of the world also knows, you go for the individuals involved, not the group, which makes the difference in dealing with such differently from those going about child abuse the wrong way - burning the bible, spitting in the faces of Christians and throwing out their books is not a way to fight child abuse, and such action makes those who fight child abuse look like monster- for we are not such.
    But what is mentioned in the bible contradicts this claim, mainly the Spiritual Warfare one. If a group of Christians are not breaking any of law, rule, standard that comes the Bible, they are not deemed evil, again, Jehovah's Witnesses are Restorationist that emerged out of The Second Great Awakening, and any known Restorationist be it a religion in Christendom and or independents with core Christian roots, follow the bible cover to cover, book to book and strictly apply what is written to the point that it makes even Muslims blush. 
    Rarely can you find independents expect for Christians who literally have gone off grid and or isolate themselves away from mainstream Christianity, however, organized religions that take the Great Commission command of Jesus Christ seen in Matthew 16:18, take the bible very seriously to the point the world thinks of such persons as crazy when in reality, such persons walk their talk.
    Unfortunately for you, the JWs and their religious leaders are not evil and they are not doing their own thing for what they do comes from the bible, especially the laws and standards of which they follow and will adhere to civil disobedience if need be as genuine Christians tend to do.
    That being said, if majority of Christians sees this, even us Unitarians, we do not consider JWs as false, nor do we compete with them or against them, we are neutral towards them and consider them as brothers and sisters of another tribe, if you will, like the Jews to the Samaritans of Mount Gerizim.
    Lastly, attempting to break anything biblical for them, one has to say, who is really breaking or attempting to break God's law and standards of which his rules are based off of? The answer to that is very obvious and clearly anyone knowing what is right will side with God's law and not how man wants to view God's law - there is no middle group.
    Also, the JWs would be deemed a threat if they did exactly the same of what mainstream Christians have been doing for decades now, but, the JWs, as do any real Christian, are against how the mainstream and the New Agers view God, for such groups who often call out minorities as false and or crazy, tend to be in the wrong.
    In the end, Shepherds are not deemed as evil and or mislead if they literally follow the bible, this includes the JWs and the religious leaders of the faith, for unlike others, they are the face of non-trinitarianism and are known for a united faith in God, hence why they tend to be the front-line in things and taking a majority of attack from the religious and non-religious and are obviously infiltrated by those who want to dismantle them and those who are having pedophilia urges of children to literally plant a seed that would cause the group to stumble, at the same time, they always keep getting back up and growing and expanding no matter how many times they take a blow to the face.
    As for us Unitarians, however, we tend to take major issue with the Trinity doctrine, immortal soul doctrine, the heaven and hell torment doctrine, as well as those who believe God can die and so forth, and any One World Religion infleuncer who is using the world as a literal turret on real truth and Christianity based on scripture.
    Our God and Father is One and True, should anyone come up with something absurd, even what the other Unitarian denominations who are in error who teach this, will get rebuked and will be met by many Christians who oppose falsehood.
    I worry about brothers and sisters all the time and how they are threaten, even killed, raped, and or is dying, but their oppressor allows them to die, even laughing at the Christian who is only seconds away from death - the world is a cruel place, and since the response is in regards to child abuse, all I can say it is far worse of what is going on in the underground, so explicit that even your country will not speak on this and will do nothing about it, elsewhere there have been beheadings, people getting poisoned, people dying for their faith and those who die because they gave in, it is not easy to remain faithful, nor is it easy to maintain salvation. Outside of this, you have those who are on a warpath to destroy a religion, Christianity itself with falsehood and those who just oppose God and his word.
    Need not worry about your heart or brain if you know what is true and false, for God has given our minds such capability to think, process and contain memory, for the mind is marvelous - at the same time, the mind can be both a blessing and a curse, for freedom and free will for some can result in trouble and consequence.
    That being said, the concern should have been the start from the get go. We know the problems that the world poses and how such things infiltrate everything and everyone, even religious groups that are ill-prepared for dealing with the unknown.
    The world will continue to rove about and those on it who continue to do bad against the good and or use the good just so they can commit ill intent to do bad. But the ruler of this world's days are numbered and he knows he does not have time left, for he will be imprisoned, and eventually brought yo nothing for he shall guilty and be subjected to eternal destruction and will be not found anywhere, thus being no more.
    So be vigilant and be enduring, for everyone here is on the same path as you are, and be careful to not be misled by the smallest ant sized of information because it can prove fatal, the example would be, again, spiritual warfare, for there will be a time where you yourself will have to put that to the test whereas there will be a great deal of pressure that will be upon you - but know that should you be under a situation that you have to apply spiritual warfare and or civil disobedience, know that your positive action in the matter will show God how much importance you place on his word and his standards.
    For whatever happens to them, it will happen to you - always be ready for anything can go down in an instant.
  14. Like
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Since I began frequenting this forum I have noticed that the claim that JWs are a veritible den of child abuse has been put forward (again) and (again) and (again) and (again) and (again).
    Essentially identical threads dedicated to this perception have even been hosted (again) and (again) and (again)
    So I have repeated a counterpoint to add a bit of perspective and balance.
  15. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to JW Insider in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Under another topic which was unrelated to child abuse issues, the claim was put forward (again) that JWs may have only a tenth of the problem that others have with child abuse. As TTH put it recently:
    TTH has stated this multiple times and in various ways now, also stating that JWs have found "a solution that cuts occurrences by 90%." TTH didn't start this idea, it was in another persons post, which may have based it on some very questionable numbers that came out of the Australian Royal Commission.
    I don't know if anyone can give an accurate accounting statistically, but if we are going to make such statements it's a good idea to start somewhere to see why they are being used. I will first present some numbers which appear to contradict the claim, and anyone who has anything different should, of course, join in if they think it's important to figure it out more accurately.
    In past months, I reported on the outrageous numbers that have been reported against the Catholic Church institutions, including their schools, where 7% of all Catholic priests have been accused of child abuse. Of course this represents an average in various diocese and institutions, where it might run as low as 0% in some, and as high as 25% in others. Even a high percentage of Catholic nuns in one institution had been accused of child sexual abuse. The nuns had a relatively small percentage when compared to another institution where the rate of accused priests and "Brothers" reached nearly 40%. It was a Catholic institution that was set up to care for children with mental disabilities. [The term "Brothers" in this context is a title which doesn't have the generic meaning it has among JWs.]  The BBC interviewed several people who seriously stated that the Catholic Church should be charged with running a "criminal" organization.
    I think it is probably obvious to all of us that such levels of child abuse among the highest levels of church institutional leaders cannot be compared with the Witnesses, where the problem is not nearly so bad. There are also issues of comparing Catholic leaders such as bishops, priests and deacons and the counting of all problems among the entire congregations of JWs, not just elders and ministerial servants ("deacons"). But this doesn't mean the problem is not bad.
    I'll start throwing out some quotes I've read about what the ARC reported about JWs, the Uniting Church, and the Catholic Church. [The Uniting Church is a kind of conglomerate of Presbyterian/Methodist/Congregationalist churches in Australia.]
    You may need a subscription to this Australian paper "The Australian" or an account with a university or newspapers.com to see the entire content of the article that shows up in Google as follows for MEDIA WATCH DOG Friday March 17, 2017 :
    Here’s some news which the ABC and Fairfax Media do not regard as fit-to-print. Over the past four decades, a child in Australia was much more likely to suffer sexual abuse at a school or institution run by the Uniting Church than at a school or institution run by the Catholic Church.
    The ABC and Fairfax Media – along with The Guardian and The Saturday Paper – have given extensive coverage to allegations against the Catholic Church made at the Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The ABC’s Samantha Donovan and Philippa McDonald and Louise Milligan along with Fairfax Media’s Rachel Browne and Joanne McCarthy have been perhaps the most outspoken of the journalists regularly reporting the Royal Commission in so far as the crimes of pedophile Catholic priests and brothers have been concerned.
    The ABC and Fairfax Media gave considerable coverage to the statement by Counsel Assisting Gail Furness SC on 6 February 2017 that 4445 people alleged instances of child sexual abuse within Catholic schools or institutions up until 2015. Most media focused on the statement by Ms Furness that “7 per cent of priests were alleged perpetrators”.
    However, virtually no media attention was given to Ms Furness’s subsequent clarification on 16 February 2017, with reference to the Catholic Church:
    In other words, within the Catholic Church the vast majority of allegations of pedophilia were made with respect to alleged crimes in the period 1950 to 1989 with close to a third of all allegations relating to the decade of the 1970s. That is, most of the allegations relate to instances of close to four decades ago and are historical crimes.
    In what was called the “Catholic Wrap”, Royal Commission chairman Justice Peter McClellan devoted 15 entire days to examining the Catholic Church. Hearings were held between 6 February 2017 and 26 February 2017.
    On Friday 10 March 2017, the Royal Commission devoted only half a day each to the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Uniting Church of Australia. Yet the evidence suggests that, on a per capita basis, there were more pedophiles in each church combined than in the Catholic Church – especially in the 1990s and subsequent decades. . . .
    The statistics available to the Royal Commission with respect to the Uniting Church cover the period from 1977 to the present. That is, unlike the Catholic Church and the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the allegations do not relate to a period going back to 1950.
    There were 2504 instances or allegations of child sexual abuse made in the Uniting Church in the period 1977 to 2017 compared with 4445 instances in the Catholic Church covering the period 1950 to 2015. Yet the Uniting Church is about a fifth of the size of the Catholic Church. And its data covers four decades whereas the Catholic Church’s data covers over six decades. Moreover, evidence available to the Royal Commission indicates that virtually all offending by Catholic priests took place before 1990. Not so, apparently, with the Uniting Church.
    On this evidence, child sexual assaults in the Uniting Church have been more prevalent than in the Catholic Church – especially in the years since 1990. This despite the fact that the Uniting Church has married male priests and female priests. There is no celibacy requirement within the Uniting Church and no sacrament of confession (in which the Royal Commission has taken a special interest concerning the Catholic Church).
    Yet you would not be aware of any of this if you followed only the reporting of the Royal Commission by the ABC, Fairfax Media, The Guardian and The Saturday Paper. It seems the likes of Samantha Donovan, Philippa McDonald, Louise Milligan, Joanne McCarthy and Rachel Browne did not come back from lunch on Friday 10 February and simply missed the coverage of sexual child abuse in the Uniting Church in the four decades since 1977.
    ---end of quotation-----
    I downloaded that Excel spreadsheet from the ARC (once posted here) that gave limited information about each of the JW cases, and should note that even cases that went back to the 1970's were evidently not there because there was any regular record-keeping by JWs going back that far. They could have been included when a case recorded decades later was found to be applicable to an instance or accusation from a much earlier date.
  16. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to Matthew9969 in Why does the governing body lie?   
    Or since they claim to be the mouthpiece of Jehovah, they are making Jehovah out to be a liar?
  17. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to Matthew9969 in Why does the governing body lie?   
    This is from the Questions from readers on jw.org:
    "What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah’s Witnesses? The religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue."
    Which is a obvious contradiction to this video:
    If they lie about this, they can lie about other things.
  18. Like
    AllenSmith reacted to Space Merchant in Why won't they announce the reason for disfellowshipping or disassociation?   
    Another thing is today's society seems to be very open and accepts pedophilia, child grooming and marriage and all that sort of things to the point it is now legal for a young person in the US to be forced to marry their rapist - laws made by men of which many, many people oppose. It is good to be against such things for they are indeed bad, but the reality is people do not go for the individuals, they go for a whole group, and such will pose as a problem, smart people tend to deal with such the smart way and not condemn an entire group, an example, the police, for the actions of a few, for if one police officer shoots and kills an child, execution style in her sleep, only this police officer should be dealt with, not the entire force for that district. The same thing applies for any person being the cause of violence, murder, rape, child abuse, etc. But apparently, people nowadays are not going about things the right way compared to the few who do, those who know the laws of the land.
    And yes, the laws vary from state to state on how some issues are handled and or dealt with, examples like sentencing and or the death penalty, but even with that in mind, not many people tend to be aware of what these laws are, in addition, not every American even knows even about the Constitution of United States of America, of which is the bread and butter of the land - for if anyone paid attention to the March for your lives event, majority of the individuals do not know what this is and even though their cause is just, it can prove far more damage to what will happen in the future. In short, they'll ignore it and expect things to go good as time progress, which is evidently wrong, but those who are aware tends to think otherwise.
  19. Like
    AllenSmith reacted to Space Merchant in Why won't they announce the reason for disfellowshipping or disassociation?   
    Agreed, you'd be surprised on how some Unitarians are not a fan of other Unitarians who stick to scripture, as well as an onslaught from Trinity believers, KJV-onlyist, mainstream and dishonest Christians, New Agers, people who believe they follow Christ but truly do not, etc. The other day I had to deal with a guy who claims to be Christian who stated that Jesus Christ is not the promised seed and or prophet, and the funny thing is he can't nor has he ever used scripture, even when I gave him proof from the bible, this guy was ready to go nuts and trying to claim I was wrong - but yeah, there are Christians who claim to be, but will incite infighting, falsehood and use conspiracy and or believe in conspiracy and all that jazz.
    That being said, those who are in the right by understanding and applying scripture are True Christians, as well as following Jesus' examples no matter what, in addition to having to quell those who pushing out a false doctrine. But as of late, mainstream Christians are on a massive decline, especially in the UK and the EU, ironically, they do know what they are doing wrong - the answer is quite evident, and more and more people are now knowing how false fake or blind Christians are.
  20. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why won't they announce the reason for disfellowshipping or disassociation?   
    Who is this masked one so learned in the ways of science and internet?
    I half expect that one day he will take off his mask and I will hear: "Truetom, (or JB or AS or anyone active on this thread) I am your father!"
    My upcoming book on persecution in Russia is a week or two away. My next one will be entitled: "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Unitarians But Were Afraid to Ask"
  21. Haha
    Don't look at me. I was nowhere close.    (who?)
    Oh. Wait. I just reread and went on to the 2nd portion. You know, @James Thomas Rook Jr. is right and I really do appreciate his observation, though I am not sure he made it for that reason. I do miss things.
    I will say it is because my mind is a veritable hive of activity, grappling with 100 ideas at once while the average person can do but one.
    He will say it is because I am dumb.
  22. Haha
    I appreciate this. I really do, and you are not that far off the mark. Unfortunately, I tend to distrust such things, as a result of observing, reading, and yes, even some personal experience. 
    I am content that I can sleep sound at night, or would, if I did not have to rise and pee, a condition not uncommon at my age. Usually I fall right back to sleep. But occasionally I must check to see that they are behaving with reasonable decorum at the WorldNewMedia and that the Librarian has not fallen off the wagon again.
  23. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses Child Abuse / Pedophilia and the Governing body.   
    Now you've got it!
    Once again, you have nailed it. I am way way up there in the ranks and I neglect all my crucial responsibilities to spend oodles of time posting to malcontents on the net, some of whom are nincompoops. I am a veritable theocratic tweeting Trump - 
    But @AllenSmith is even more lofty than me. I would not be shocked if he were the alter-online-ego of Bro Jackson, himself, working out his frustrations on a backwater internet channel that the most clean organization in the world is portrayed by the  ARC as among the foulest. To say nothing of the mysterious @Space Merchant.Where does he come from?
    Come, come. This is the internet, the land of the liars. If you want people you can know and trust, go to a place where you can physically interact with them.
    I think you are not being forthright either. You appear to have accepted the case 54 data that JW's have a better prevention record than anyone else. At any rate, you offer no pushback to it, though you do on other things. And ...
    you acknowledge that the organization with the best record, though not perfect, is improving. So NOW is the time you decide that it is too foul a place in which to sully your  feet? There is more to you than meets the eye.
    When God finds out about the few denarious' debt you will not forgive your fellow slave, what will he say about the 10,000 fold amount that you owe him?
  24. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Jehovah's Witnesses Child Abuse / Pedophilia and the Governing body.   
    @AllenSmith And listening to you I couldn't agree more.... 
  25. Haha
    AllenSmith reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Jehovah's Witnesses Child Abuse / Pedophilia and the Governing body.   
    @AllenSmith I will take advice from God's word and 'not cast my pearls before swine'.  You sound very sad. 
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