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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Very well written, Tom. A nice and satisfying read. I feel sorry for Amber Scorah. She also writes very well. But her writing leaves you empty. I had to chuckle at the way you put this bit: "Amber ran out on a “loveless marriage,” Ms. Morgan states, and her implication is clear that Jehovah’s Witnesses think loveless marriages are the bee’s knees..."
  2. I often wonder if there is any point in responding to any of your ridiculous statements, but this one made me laugh
  3. I am trying to figure out under which forum this topic is....
  4. Lol, so true! I always found it funny when we get articles about staying neutral, as if we must not get upset when governments do bad things. We all know that ultimately all governments will be removed by Jesus, but how should that stop us from voicing our opinion about certain current situations? It seems that the concern is that we don't get so involved, as to the point of taking sides, and forgetting Jesus's role in the future on the matter. But is that realistic? Would a Witness really do that? Forget? I know I wouldn't but perhaps some would? Then again with all the talk about Armageddon being just around the corner how could anyone forget? Interestingly, the visiting branch Overseer that we just had at our assembly last weekend was going on about how bad all the governments are and that soon they will all be destroyed. My hubby whispered in my ear: "well that's going to endear us to them all" (he had in mind the situation in Norway in this instance). I thought maybe because this was just a small assembly there was no fear of a " little birdie" telling anyone how we can't wait for all the governments to be zapped. But then I started wondering how long will it be before some governments start getting irritated by that kind of talk? I mean isn't that what happened in Russia? We know Russia is no respecter of human rights and punish our people in a way Russians know best, but what about the more "civilized" nations that are becoming more and more "woke"? I am thinking at this rate we may end up getting "attacked" first, before any other religions, lol.
  5. You could be wrong, but if possible, I think we would like to rewrite some of our history...
  6. I think some do indeed live under a rock. Plus the org. of course would never say anything negative about our numbers* (and why should they). It is only those who are in positions where they have to know i.e. elders connected to Bethel branches. One elder and his wife told me a few years or so ago that hundreds are leaving the truth. This was before the pandemic. Now things must be even worse as the pandemic made "fading" easier. Personally I do not know anyone in our congregation who has faded like this but I do have reports from friends. Actually that is a lie, I do know of one who is POMO now. I wish I could have a heart to heart with him, but I am supposed to not know why he left, and I am not that close with his wife. I only found out from his MIL that he had been talking with apostates.... The elder and his wife I mentioned above did make a point of saying that the online presence of opposers is playing a big role in one's leaving.... Over all, our congregation is pretty solid, as far as I know. But all it takes is some disappointment in the org. or misunderstanding and then reading stuff on line ... *I don't know how others mid week part on the annual service report went but ours talked about growth on some obscure islands and two born in young people getting baptized. Then we had 4 experiences which were more about how to take the opportunity to talk to people informally. But there were no results, at least not yet. (But that's OK because whatever we say may stick and re surface during the GT). As for the actuall annual report numbers, has anyone really looked at them and compared them with last year? I haven't. Maybe JWI?
  7. 😂 😂 Yes, not bad, and and most of them were somewhat modestly dressed. If you read the comments left by people it seems like they're not really interested in who Jehovah really is. Most lump him together with God and Jesus, perhaps the new Trinity? And they're tight with them all. We have a mega church like this close to us and it's packed (you can tell by the huge parking lots being full). At Christmas time they bring in live nativity animals. At other times they have concerts and make business deals. But they're all baptized in Jesus. It makes me wonder what will happen to churches like this when supposedly the governments shut them down. Will they even be able to? And the question is why would they? Most churches like this are also tight with senators.
  8. Not just the younger ones. But I don't think they are necessarily mentally out in the sense that they don't believe anymore (and live double lives) but because they get bored. Perhaps PIMB? Also reminds me of an anecdote where a teacher was asked how he knew a student was looking at his phone when they were being so stealth about it. He said: no one smiles at their crotch.
  9. Well, we don't do it often (zoom) but when we do it's because we are sick/not feeling good, so we don't want to show our sickly mug, and as soon as the meeting is over we sign out. We are definitely not PIMO. So if you're ever zooming into our meeting and we're all blacked out don't make that connection, but bring us some hot chicken noodle soup, actually, just leave it on the doorstep. Thank you.
  10. Anna is thinking that only a male would think of this!
  11. How about banana nut bread? I have a good recipe for that.
  12. The picture was posted on JW.Talk. (not an apostate website) It was taken by a sister attending the SKE, and has been confirmed true. Why do you find it so hard to believe one of the GB would grow a beard?
  13. I'm afraid you are wrong. This IS real. Well, not this picture. The picture I posted is real.
  14. Woohoo! Br. Jackson now has a goatee! Taken at the SKE graduation this past weekend.
  15. I look at it more that brothers are gentlemen and perform that task as a service to others including sisters. Like opening doors etc.
  16. Quote from the article below: "My test is politics and business. When businessmen and politicians* adopt beards, we know we are in a true beard movement.” *Add Jehovah's Witnesses. https://www.truefittandhill.com/blogs/journal/history-of-beards-and-facial-hair
  17. 😂 It's not that of course. Everyone will notice the switch and also the other new member on the far right. It's that they can't be bothered to take a new photo is funny. I suppose it's easier and quicker to just do it this way....
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