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Everything posted by Anna

  1. That may be true, but I have mentioned on this forum a few months ago the issue with countries with extremely large populations such as India and China with over 1.3. billion each totaling aprox. 36% of the world's population where for all intents and purposes no one has even heard of Jehovah's Witnesses, and many, particularly in India don't even know what a Bible is. My question was, would Jehovah discard nearly 3 billion people because they have not heard the Good News of the Kingdom? And if not, how long would it take for those 3 billion (bear in mind the extreme poverty and ignorance in some parts of these countries) to be made sufficiently aware in order to make an informed choice?
  2. To me it seems like the whole idea, whatever it was, got screwed up too easily for it to have been a true "plan" so I think it was more than likely a mix up, as is typical for disorganized societies. As for the blood transfusions....I don't know...perhaps you are right, but I tend to think of blood transfusions being more of a problem with dependent children rather than young adults who surely have the right to decide for themselves what they want as regards the blood issue.
  3. Yes, based on that scripture you quoted But I'm sure we could find something to fit in with my proposal
  4. I guess all the other controversial topics have been exhausted But I did think my baptism by proxy was a good idea, the Mormons think so. That would alleviate the problem of inter-life complications @JW Insider
  5. It seems that the Librarian, or whoever is running this forum, is doing a good job of keeping just enough relatively reasonable apostates/opposers posting here to raise just enough "controversy" to stop the discussions from becoming not discussions, but infantile naive statements akin to unicorns eating rainbows and pooping butterflies, and at the same time not allowing this forum to be overun by apostates/opposers (which would happen very quickly, as has on many forums) turning it into a mere cesspool of cynicism, negativity and unreasonable arguments, where any reasonable person would not be able to get a word in edgeways. Well done The Librarian.
  6. These are not transcripts though....they are summaries. Something tells me the court will never make the transcripts available to the public. This is not Australia, this is Russia. @James Thomas Rook Jr. I could be wrong of course...
  7. UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM EXPRESSES DEEP CONCERN OVER TREATMENT OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES IN RUSSIA https://www.ushmm.org/information/press/press-releases/museum-statement-on-jehovahs-witnesses-in-russia
  8. Yeah, no matter what they say, when those hooks are in their mouth they will do things they never imagined
  9. Adjourned till tomorrow 7th April, 10:00h this time. They all want to get this over with early so they can go to their Dachas for the weekend. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=https://www.jw-russia.org/&prev=search
  10. You are right in part about the critical thinking skills, but that is no fault of the organization I feel, I don't think the organization discourages critical thinking, on the contrary. You don't necessarily have to go to college to "get an education", you can educate yourself quite well by being inquisitive and by reading a lot, and that's up to each individual. I believe in these particular instances the gullibility comes from being too trusting of the brothers and wishing these things were true. It's like they are already living in paradise, but in the present world it's more like La La land. It's note worthy though that many people in the world lack critical thinking also. You only have to go and read the comments after some news article and the "logic" is amazing. It's like the whole of mankind is either infantile, or cynical to the extreme, there seems to be no happy medium and common sense any more.
  11. Here it is. And the caption says "Mail in the USA. All these are letters to Russian officials in defense of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia". Don't worry about the privacy of that person, their Instagram account is public. The sad thing is this person was repeatedly informed that these are not our letters by a large number of the friends in the comments. She deleted all the comments and disabled further commenting. The even sadder thing is I have a feeling she is stubbornly keeping her post there because it has over 1500 likes, (which shows how many were duped) and all her other posts have barely 40, so she must be very proud of it! This picture was shared like wildfire by many others on all the social media as our letters to Russia ......
  12. Awww you should have! This feed, including "bible speaks" defense rhetoric was getting my funny juices flowing (hence the memes) I probably would have enjoyed it. But you're probably right about the easily understood part. You know I received my first negative like on here? (Oh, I dont have the crying smiley I was going to insert here) And I thought it was a pretty good comment. Perhaps I should have liked it myself.
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