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Posts posted by Anna

  1. 16 hours ago, derek1956 said:

    Oh by the way I`m very happy it didn1t come because I was not in the truth in 1975

    So by your reasoning, it's like if Armageddon came on December 1st 1975. Now imagine we can see into the future like Jehovah can:  A Witness would have knocked on your door Saturday morning December 2nd and planted a seed which would have grown and seen you get baptised a few months later. Well oops.....sorry Derek, obviously too late! By that time you will have been pushing up daisies for several months already.

    Does that kind of reasoning make sense to you?

  2. 1 hour ago, Emma Rose said:

    We'd wait and see.

    I would hope that we will have learned our lesson, and remember Jesus's words.. "concerning the day and hour nobody knows..."  So setting any kind of date, by anyone, would hopefully be seen as plainly wrong.

    There were probably many prior to 1975 that had a similar attitude, but they were looked down on as lacking faith. And they were told that "now was not the time to be  toying with the words of Jesus that "concerning the day and hour nobody knows..." * It was those who sold their houses to quickly pioneer before the end came who were praised.

    The brother in the convention video a few years ago certainly was not only toying with the words of Jesus, but he was actually reminding himself of those words! And he didn't change his schedule and follow those who sold houses and quit their jobs. Watch it starting at the 13:07 mark.


    Hindsight is 20/20 of course, as evidenced in the video. 

    * paragraph 35 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1968602 



  3. If I had been at this convention in 1967, and listened to Charles Sinutko's talk (a District Overseer), I would have been convinced the end was coming in 1975. Although he said it was a "possibility" it got drowned out by all the other things he said which made it more of a probability. If we would hear a talk along similar lines today, a prominent brother, perhaps one of the helpers to the GB, mentioning the year 2030 (for example), not once, but several times throughout the talk as a possible year for Armageddon, how would we feel? But it seems that some of us find it hard to be honest with ourselves.

    1967 District Convention talk by Charles Sinutko:


    On a positive note, Charles Sinutko's life story can be found here: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102004607 

    Of course there is no mention of 1975, but despite what must have been a disappointment, his faith was obviously not shaken, and he remains a faithful brother.


  4. 34 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    miss the old pork chop.

    I do too. He was a grumpy old fart, and very cynical, despite that, he kind of grew on me. I hope he gets himself sorted out. I remember when you first started posting here....you were confused whether he was a good guy or a bad guy. I suppose he was a bad good guy, or is that a good bad guy?

  5. 7 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

    I'm not trying to prove it, I don't believe Moses to be a liar, nor do I believe the canonised scriptures to be wrong.

    I don't believe Moses to be a liar and I don't believe the canonized scriptures are wrong either, but it did occur to me, how would Moses know? I think that's a fair question. But, we probably can't answer it. That's why I said we assume Moses quoted Eve correctly. And we can assume that because we believe the scriptures are inspired of God and because we believe Moses would not lie.

  6. 6 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Just looking for comments, I guess, on whether others have experienced this.

    I am glad you shared this. I had a very similar experience just this past week with a memorial for an older sister that died. I was so impressed with the experience that I was almost moved to want to share it on here but then I thought nobody would be interested. So I'm glad you brought it up. 

    Our memorial had only half the attendance of yours, but we had people I had never met, from various  states as far as NY and California. It was very interesting meeting everyone. The memorial talk was one of the best I had heard. It was presented by a relative, who was not an elder (although he had been an elder at one time). The family chose him because they felt he knew the sister the best. Although there was the regular "witnessing" part of the talk, it only occupied about 10% of the total. The rest was all about the sister's life and how we are all looking forward to seeing her again. Both prayers were again, very personal. Afterwards we were put into "breakout" rooms, to meet and talk with the family, and with each other. It was really nice,  and I too felt the love and genuine friendship and brotherly connection.

    The whole thing lasted much longer than normal, nobody seemed to want to leave. We were expecting to be on for an hour, but we stayed on for well over 2.

  7. We have already been given our magazines and envelopes with pre-printed addresses, and a template of the letter. I joked with our overseer and told him I am definitely not putting my address as the return address because if the times comes for persecution, I don't want to make it too easy for them. He said not to worry, we are using the KH address. I told him that's ok, if it wasn't so, I was going to use his address 😂.

  8. 3 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

    I read the sections you linked to and could tell the language was a little dated, in other words I could tell this was not something that was written recently. So I went back and saw the book was published in 1973. What is interesting is that words don't change much, but their meaning, and the manner in which they are structured in a sentence does 😃

  9. 6 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

    It occurred to me, after speaking Jehovah's name in Hebrew out loud, just what a beautiful language it is and what a beautiful name belongs to Jehovah, in any language.

    I love the sound of Hebrew, it is a beautiful language. We were just watching an Israeli film with English subtitles. 

    It would be cool if we spoke Hebrew in the new world. Chinese, not so much (I apologize to the Chinese 😁, to me it just doesn't sound very attractive)

  10. 8 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Player 2 leaves nothing but four I's and an E in the pool. So the rest will be fairly boring.

    So, I'll play it out to the final HI (5).

    Final score 933 to 585, a blowout.

      O           F R U M P I N G   Player 1   Player 2  
      U     A N T E A T E R         QUETZAL 120 BANJAXED 91
      T E R R A I N       O         FRESHLY 140 ZODIACAL 128
      G             B     C         KETUBOTH 118 LONGWAYS 107
      O     K I     A   F E         DISAVOWS 107 PROCEED 100
      E     E       N   R E         FRUMPING 194 LYMPHOMA 28
      S     T       J   E D         VIRULENT 149 ANTEATER 77
    V     Q U E T Z A L S       D   TERRAIN 79 OUTGOES 20
    I       B     O X   H I     I   JEED 14 KI 6
    R       O     D E I L       S   DEIL 7 MI 8
    U       T     I D   Y       A   HI 5    
    L y M P H O m A             V          
    E   I         C             O          
    N             A             W          
    T             L O N G W A Y S          
                                    TOTALS 933   585



  11. Just now, JW Insider said:

    j/k. Just a reference to that last book title TTH showed.

    Ok. I thought for a minute you were being serious 😂

    Tom is always complaining about what a cheat his brother is. 

    My mom and dad play it to keep their minds sharp, they just turned 80. 

    I suppose you got bored with the topics being discussed right now. I know...same old same old...

  12. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:


                                    Player 1   Player 2  
        Q U A R T Z                        
      A A A A A A A A A                    
      B B C C D D D D                      
      E E E E E E E E E E E E              
      F F G G G H H                        
      I I I I I I I I I J K                
      L L L L M M N N N N N N              
      P P Q R R R R R R                    
      S S S S T T T T T T                  
      U U U U V V W W X Y Y Z              
      [ ] [ ]                                  


    Ok. Just testing here. But I can't find the strikethrough button.....

    And I don't know the value of the coloured squares...

    Or the value of the letters, lol.

  13. 3 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

    Jehovah has written what he will do and He will choose the manner in which He carries it out, best left for Him to decide.

    I think everybody (at least those commenting recently) including myself agree with that.

    3 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

    anthropomorphise Jehovah God

    I don't think anyone is trying to do that. (Although Jehovah did create us in his image 😃 but that's another topic).


    3 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

    Jehovah is never wrong but humans have the tendency to become overly concerned about matters that, not only do they not have the answers to, but also undermine their own faith and for whatever reason, that becomes a stone on a slippery pathway to self-justification and the ruination of their faith.

    The discussion got started mainly because of this scripture you cited, Rev 7:14, as an answer to whether there would be others, besides Jehovah's Witnesses who will survive Armageddon. So the discussion centered around that (besides a few off topic remarks). I think most of us are not interested in self justification, and these discussions do not undermine our faith, as ultimately we recognize this:

    3 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

    Let Jehovah carry out His will, He knows better than we do what He is doing.

    But you know, discussion forums are here for that reason; discussion 😄

    One thing experience of being in the Truth for over 35 years has taught me, is that we (Jehovah's Witnesses including the GB) do not have ALL the answers, and sometimes it is good to admit we just don't know some things 🙂

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