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Posts posted by Anna

  1. Update on that: this morning (during zoom meeting for FS) our group overseer gave us new numbers from our CO. This is from April 17th, so just two days after the report I posted earlier. Over 1000 are infected and 250 dead in the USA. Of course these numbers are not going to stay constant unfortunately, so today the numbers may already be higher. 

    This is not special or privileged information by the way. Circuit Overseers have obviously been asked to share this. 

  2. "Morning worship announcement at Bethel.
    In the United States, 9,000 of our brothers have contracted the Corona Virus, 2,500 have recovered, 563 are hospitalized and unfortunately 219 have fallen asleep to death.
    This was mentioned April 14, 2020 in the morning worship in New York's bethel.  It was asked that this be shared with the brothers so that we continue to pray for the entire association of brothers and understand the reason that the governing body has taken the measures that have been taken so far.  Cheers!"

    By the way I am just quoting someone. This info is not from me personally.

  3. 23 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    It is an expression of deep gratitude for the ransom, remembering on that night what Jesus did for us" 

    Um, I'm happily married and i don't only remember my wife on my wedding anniversary.  Our gratitude for Christ's ransom should be every day, not just once a year. 

    Of course. I don't think anybody was questioning that.


  4. 22 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And by the way everybody, including the anointed, including the GB, are domestics."

    I totally disagree with this comment of yours. Show me proof from scripture, not from your GB / CCJW.

    Domestics are all who belong to Jesus as the master and all who are fed by him. So since Jesus is the master, then all of Jesus's slaves are domestics.

     “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Matthew 24:45

    The domestics include the anointed and the slave, because the slave is spoken of as beating his fellow slaves (domestics):  

    “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying, and he starts to beat his fellow slaves Matthew 24:48,49 


  5. 16 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Wrong! Not all anointed males are elders...... just as in first century not all were elders.

    I will have to disagree with you there for the simple reason that typically all qualified men become elders, eventually, and I am sure you would agree that most males who claim to be anointed naturally meet those qualifications. That is what my reasoning was based on. Obviously there might be some who do not want to be elders for whatever reason. In the first century everyone was anointed, but as you say, not all were elders, if they were, then every single male would be an elder, but as the apostle Paul points out, there were various "callings". 

  6. 4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    hence your memorial is just an empty ceremony. 

    And no, it is not an empty ceremony for the great crowd. It is an expression of deep gratitude for the ransom, remembering on that night what Jesus did for us and will do for us via the covenant for a Kingdom he put in place that night with his disciples. Because of this covenant, the Kingdom, people will get a chance for everlasting life. What is there not to celebrate?

  7. 6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    It is because the memorial is for the Anointed not the Domestics.

    Yes, you are right, and we know that, but we are a mixed company where the anointed are mixed in with the great crowd. So members of the anointed partake and members of the great crowd don't. We've been through this several times. Nothing about the memorial arrangement denigrates the anointed. All I was remarking on was the method of the observation (during the lockdown) by the great crowd, that it seemed unecessarily ritualistic IF we already know no one will be partaking in the household. Nothing to do with how the anointed observe it. They actually partake of the emblems, different kettle of fish all together.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    CCJW has put the Elders above the Anointed so that the Anointed are no longer shown the due respect. 

    Don't forget many of the anointed (I would say most if they are male) are actually elders.

    And by the way everybody, including the anointed, including the GB, are domestics.


    18 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Alright, knock it off! This is my thread and it has to do with that stupid chart purporting to prove that there is no God.

    I didn’t start it up so the ol pork chop could once again indulge one of his pet peeves and air yet another one of his grievances with the GB for the umpteenth time. Let him start up his own thread.

    Tell him, ol hen. Tell him to start his own thread.

    But this is the open club where anything goes!

    crazy lady GIF


  9. On 4/20/2020 at 11:22 PM, JW Insider said:

    Perhaps this is a mistake, and the chartmaker just forgot to extend our meaning of generation going all the way up to the Great Tribulation. It's pretty obvious that "all these things" must include the Great Tribulation according to Matthew, Mark and Luke.

    I see what you mean, it's like a chart within a chart. I think it's just trying to separate the "2nd generation" generation from the "1st generation" generation, which includes the overlap with both generations ending at an unknown time after 1992 (with a question mark), but it's then trying to show that the 2nd generation, which did not overlap with the 1st goes all the way to the GT.  Does that make sense? 🤔

    In other words we have two classes of generation, an overlapping one and a non overlapping one 🤪

    Reminds me a bit of when we got bogged down with types and anti types. I thought we were over that....?

  10. 12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    At least when it's just the two of you, imitating that "bosom position" thing doesn't seem so awkward. Try that at the Hall!



    *** it-1 p. 219 Attitudes and Gestures ***
    In the reclining manner of eating that was practiced during the days Jesus was on earth, to lean on another’s bosom was an attitude of intimate friendship or favor, and this was known as the bosom position. (Joh 13:23, 25) This custom was the basis of the illustrations in Luke 16:22, 23 and John 1:18.

    Yes, that is kind of my point. Obviously customs change, but I think the way it's done at the KH is for practical reasons mainly, but to do it the same way when there is only a handful of you, delegates the whole event to more of an invented (by us) ritual, and that is what has been my contention, that the memorial has become some kind of ceremonial tradition, just add Latin as JTR suggested and we're good to go!

  11. 17 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Anna, my husband and I put it in front of us so the bread and wine could be prayed over and passed it to each other.

    We did that too as my husband wished it. It was a bit comical though because he got up and passed the emblems like an attendant at the KH. Was it perhaps too ceremonious in view of this illustrative interpretation of how it might have really looked? 



  12. 3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Splane: This generation will by all means have passed away before all these things occur.

    Whom do we choose to believe?

    Yes, but don't forget we are now applying an untraditional concept for the word "generation", one based on (overlapping)  contemporaries of that generation. If you think about it, it was quite genial coming up with this "extension" 😄

  13. 3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

     Are you saying the leaked memo is fake ? 

    You do understand that the need for leaked information is because the GB / Leaders of JW Org are too secretive. If an Earthwide CCJW statement was given concerning such serious things the leaked memos would not be necessary. I'm sure all JWs Earthwide would like to know immediately the direction from their Leaders. It does concern their lives and the lives of their loved ones after all.

    I think you've answered your own question. It's not logical that this would be secret IF JW.org would like us to follow that direction. It may not be official yet. But, in saying that, JWs know that we do not accept plasma, so nothing new there, however what might have to be clarified is whether this serum is a fraction of the plasma, in which case that would be a conscience matter....

  14. On 4/12/2020 at 10:31 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    If the Org / W/t  hadn't put in writing that they believe Yahweh is more correct. then no one would have known. But to admit to actually knowing that Yahweh is more correct, but still saying they have God's name is hypocrisy.. 

    The whole point is that for English speaking people Jehovah is how it is written. In other languages it is written differently and pronounced slightly differently. I never understood why it is such a problem, since many names are written and pronounced differently depending on which country you live in. 

  15. Why I asked this question about who is counted at the memorial attendance was because the number is around 20 million. There are over 8 million publishers. So who comprises the 12 million? Is everyone in attendance (Bible studies, visitors, inactive ones, disfellowshiped ones, unbaptised children, babies) counted? If yes, then a large number,  of those counted might be young children, that are not normally included in the 8 million, since those are only publishers. Or are little children counted as publishers too? I don't seem to recall that detail. (I forget, do unbaptised publishers report, I think they do. But I can't remember the age you may become an unbaptised publisher..)..

  16. 8 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    would suggest the WT organization organize for that an international assembly in a remote place in Australia, and we all travel there and then just stay there.

    I don't know if you have thought about it from a practical point of view, but to water and feed over 8 million people for even a short period of time in some remote place would be impossible in my opinion. Also, where would they all sleep, and clean themselves and use the toilet? ....?

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