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Posts posted by Anna

  1. My cousin, a non Witness, studied medicine. She never got her doctor's license because she decided to sell drugs instead. By that I mean pharmaceuticals. She told me that many people do not realize how risky blood transfusions are and that she would never have one herself. But of course as Witnesses that is not our reason for not accepting blood transfusions. I am aware that there are lots of other views on what "abstaining from blood" means. Personally, I think that all of it should be a conscience matter. I don't normally comment on the open forum, so this is all I am going to say about it. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Many Miles said:

    That's false. In the natural world blood does separate into two components (not four). The ancients could observe blood in its whole and separated forms. While an animal was bleeding out they'd see blood in its whole form. If they drained that blood into a receptacle they would see it separate. They could also make this latter observation in the veins of animals they found dead of natural cause.

    Sure, but we are interested in how Jesus' disciples understood what blood meant, when they said to abstain from it. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Many Miles said:

    That's not a premise. That's a doctrinal position. Why should products such as isolated white cells, or isolated red cells, or isolated platelets or isolated plasma "be regarded as being blood", yet other products rendered from blood not "be regarded as being blood"? Answer that question and you'll have a premise.


    In Bible times there was only whole blood. In modern times blood can be separated into 4 components and then these 4 components can be further separated into fractions. The question was: when is blood no longer blood? A line had to be drawn somewhere, and so the line was drawn at minor fractions because it was deemed that although derived from blood, it was no longer blood. 

    The doctrinal position comes from that premise.

    P.S. I honestly don't know why the line wasn't drawn at only 2 main components: red blood cells and platelets, as these two components are only found in  blood. The other two, plasma and white blood cells are also found elsewhere in the body. 


  4. 57 minutes ago, Many Miles said:

    If there exists a scriptural premise for us TO disassociate (effectively: disfellowship) fellow JWs for accepting transfusion of whole blood, or any of the products known as red cells, white cells, platelets or plasma, but NOT TO disassociate/disfellowship fellow JWs for accepting any other products rendered from blood, such as hemoglobin, albumin, cryoprecipitate or cryosupernatant plasma, please steer me to it.

    The premise is that fractions of the 4 major components of blood may be regarded as being no blood. So if someone accepts a transfusion of these fractions it is not regarded as a blood transfusion. 

    On the other hand  having a transfusion of whole blood or it's 4 major components is considered as breaking God's law and therefore is deemed a disfellowshiping offense, unless the recipient of the transfusion has acted under duress and is repentant. 

  5. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Let's see. ichi ni San-J go roku shichi hachi kuu juu . . . 

    I stopped counting when it was up into the thirty-somethings. But more than half are still active, just rarely resurrected.

    It looks like his posts have been removed from this thread. So now my pointing forefinger to his post makes no sense because it's gone, lol. He's obviously annoyed the Librarian again.

  6. On 10/1/2021 at 8:23 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Has WTJWorg launched an international campaign against some other type of oppression or crime that concerns people other than JW?


    On 10/1/2021 at 8:23 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Writing letters organized by the WTJWorg Administration is a political decision. With the aim of influencing the political power of the secular state.

    Protesting the mistreatment of all religions or people would be more of a political involvement than protesting the mistreatment of your "own people" your "spiritual family". Also, they are only protesting the mistreatment because it's clearly unjustified. They are not trying to change the government. 

  7. 41 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Never before has the attempt been made to make clear the interaction between heaven and earth and to make visible the influences of the spirit persons [God, Jesus Christ, Satan] on humanity, society and individuals.”

    No one’s even tried?

    I know, this is an indication of his delusional importance. He probably felt underappreciated, and then the nail in the coffin was when he got warned about it by the elders. 

  8. I have just read a "report" and have no idea of its accuracy. Anyway, apparently that night of the midweek service meeting it was announced that Mr. Philipp Fusz (35) no longer one of JWs. During the prayer, Fusz left the KH, went to his car to retrieve a gun and started randomly shooting into the auditorium through an open window that was behind the podium. (The window is apparently opened after the meeting to allow for fresh air). He emptied one magazine and then after putting a new one in he climbed through the window and emptied that one too. It was 9:15 when the police smashed the glass in the entrance door and entered the KH. The shooter ran up the stairs to the second floor where he shot himself. 

  9. Most living creatures, including humans will do anything to stay alive. That is how Jehovah made us. No human in their right mind wants to kill themselves. That's a fact. Satan recognized this and tried to use this fact against Jehovah: But Satan answered Jehovah: “Skin for skin. A man will give everything that he has for his life" Job 2:4 

    So when a person goes against his instinct and ends their own life, you know this is not normal. 

    Dying a sacrificial death for the greater good is not suicide though. We are told we should be willing to lay down our life for our brother. . If I take a bullet by deliberatelly jumping between the shooter and my son, and I die, I did not commit suicide. I was trying to save my son. Jesus was saving mankind, Samson was saving the Israelites. 

    Suicide is an act by one's own hand, usually not for anyone's benefit, it is not usually a heroic act. Some in fact say it's a selfish act. I would be afraid to judge it quite that way because honestly, the mental state can be so harrowing that the person probably just wants peace. He sees no other way out. There must be all kinds of reasons for taking ones life and we should be ashamed to dare to judge that person. It is entirely Jehovah's business. He knows the person inside out, he knows their heart. He knows there is something horribly wrong with a person's mental state if they go against their God given instinct of self preservation....apparently for nothing.

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