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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Allen! Allen! Allen! Allen! Allen! ALLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!
  2. Good analysis. If you don't mind...I spotted a typo. I think you meant to say "jump on the internet" not of.
  3. Well duh! Well that's because it eventually manifests itself in one way or another... Just because someone says they love God....well we know how that goes...
  4. Well yes, there are other interpretations, aren't there? Just yesterday the lady who lost her farther told me they obviously needed a electrician in heaven. And then there's the Trinity and hell fire and a host of other things.
  5. Actually, bad comparison. The elders don't make up rules, they are supposed to stick clearly to the tenets of the Bible, as interpreted by Jehovahs Witnesses. We on the other hand are not the elders, we are not the KH, we can make up any rules we like.
  6. I am surprised they did. Usually they don't disfellowship someone just because they ask to be disfellowshipped (?) The only way I think that would work is if you handed them a letter of dissasociation...(?) But what do I know.... And yes, if you want to join the closed club you can.....as Tom said, it might be more beneficial for you than here only.
  7. @Patiently waiting for Truth We have already discussed on here quite a number of times that not everyone will get the chance to react favorably to the preaching work. This is talking about those who know what they should be doing and don't do it. There is nothing wrong or sinister about supporting "Christ's brothers". Supporting one another is a good thing in the Christian congregation, wouldn't you agree?
  8. I agree, but that's not what I was talking about. To me it looks more like they are trying to make us think that they will deliver some kind of "piece de resistance" which will save our lives at Armageddon and if we don't listen to instructions now, we may not listen to that special piece of instruction later on and as a consequence we will die. That is rubbish*. Again, I am not saying instructions are bad. It is the way this is being done. Using this type of reasoning as a coercive tool to obey instructions today. That's what I don't like. Not the listening to instructions. The thing is, like this they have every Witness second guessing themselves with how far they should take today's instructions seriously, (vaccination being an example) and sitting on the edge of their seat in anticipation of some future imagined instruction, instead of focusing on what really matters. Too much focus on last minute "life saving" instructions coming from imperfect men. As I explained in my original post, the mark on our forehead is what qualifies each individual for survival. The way we live our life now. The mark for survival is not given at obedience to some instructions delivered at, or just before, Armageddon. Pure worship book: "Before the destruction comes, individuals need to be “sighing and groaning”—deeply grieved at heart—over the wickedness of this world. And rather than hide their feelings, they must demonstrate by words and actions their devotion to pure worship. How can they do so? They need to react favorably to the preaching work that is being done today, to continue putting on a Christlike personality, to get baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah, and to support Christ’s brothers loyally." It doesn't say "And you must listen to instructions to go and hide in an attic/basement/forest and get vaccinated" Or whatever the case may be.... *It’s as stupid as saying you all must get vaccinated in order to get saved at Armageddon.
  9. And you wonder why some are now onthe outside? Yes, I do wonder. Being irritated by something is no reason to go outside where there is chaos and where there are no answers.
  10. Just to clarify a few things. I am not averse to cooperating with instructions. That is not what I am talking about at all. And I am very appreciative of the constant reminders in WT studies, talks etc. which help us to remain in pure worship. Very grateful for it, and I think the GB are doing an excellent job. And our family does have a backpack ready (ha!) What really irritates me though is this constant need to harp on about the reason to obey now .....the reason being that if we get used to obeying now, it will mean our salvation in the future when we have to obey this one last instruction (whatever "impractical" thing that will be) to get saved. That is wrong. It's like a veiled threat.
  11. What gets me is when we keep going on about obeying instructions in order to survive Armageddon. This weekends WT study mentioned it agaiin....comparing the GB to Joshuah and Zerubabel. (Otherwise the study was very good). "Sometimes God’s people received direction that did not appear to be practical from a human standpoint but turned out to be lifesaving". The WT gave a couple of current examples....just stopping short of mentioning getting vaccinated against covid (thank goodness). Are we not putting too much emphasis on the organization being the saving power, in other words our salvation being dependent on instructions coming from imperfect men? Whereas salvation is clearly going to come from Jesus, and we may be anywhere doing anything when Jesus saves us. Or is the mark for survival from the secretaries ink horn contingent on having our backpack ready or hunkering down somewhere?? As if Jesus cannot save us uless we listen to these types of instructions. I always thought the criterion was dependent on pure worship. This whole life we live is a test of our loyalty to Jesus and Jehovah. Everything we do today and tomorrow, the choices we make with respect to pure worship is what places that mark on our foreheads. And after all these tests we encounter every day, then there will be another test to see how obedient we are to the GB?? Give me a break! Past Bible examples do show that there were certain procedures the people had to follow in order to survive, BUT the situation at Armageddon will be incomparable, it cannot be said to parallel any other situation before then. I don't know why we keep obsessing that it is the same. It's like regurgitating types and anti types again....drawing parallels where there are none.
  12. I have never asked the Librarian to ban anyone. One thing I would like to know; why do you write G-d? Are you a secret Jew? There is no good reason if you are a JW. Well actually there is no good reason for a Jew either, only something they made up. Why do you do it?
  13. It is my bad @Thinkingfor saying jumping and thanks JWI for the correction. Just goes to show how fleeing out of a window or balcony becomes jumping out of it. That is what had stuck in my mind, I did not mean jumping as in jumping from a great height in danger of hurting oneself, but figuratively speaking as in running away....it sounds more dramatic but easily givers a false impression. I had wanted to read the whole account again for accuracy but I was on my phone and all my files were on the computer. The account is in a booklet called Harvest Siftings that was later reprinted in a WT of the same year I believe. Here it is in PDF file of Harvest Siftings. It will give you a good idea of what transpired during that period, at least from the point of view of Rutherford and others. The bit about the window saga is on page 6. https://ia600902.us.archive.org/5/items/WatchtowerLibrary/booklets/1917_shf_E.pdf
  14. I had read about that in one of the old WT. It was quite crazy reading....Johnson jumping out of a window in London bethel to get away from the brothers who had come to ask him questions. Apparently it was in the local newspaper, reported by a passerby who saw him jumping, lol
  15. No Walter, (am I really taking time out to reply to this nonsense?) you are a troll with ADHD and a persecution complex. Please believe me when I say NO ONE can be bothered to delete content or ban anyone. You are not that important, this site is not that important, no one here is that important. Once in a blue moon when the Librarian takes a look in here he may have banned someone for breaking forum rules....but I don't even know that. I am just taking your word for it when you say you've been banned. I know for a fact that neither JWI nor me have banned you or deleted any of your content....or anyone else's content. But you won't believe me of course because you evidently have delusional views of your own importance and grandeur. (wasted minute I will never get back)
  16. I am sure you have the ability to also delete other people's comments. I have been tempted a few times, but then I think nah....and I retire to the closed club 😁
  17. Let us know what you find out that you already didn't know....in the closed club if you can 😊 Oh and thanks for this expression: "not creating negative "drama" out of guesswork". I will try and remember that phrase because people tend to do this 99% of the time and it's very annoying! Now I will just respond with: "stop creating drama out if guesswork" instead of going into long explanations... that without facts you can't really judge....and you were not a fly on the wall....etc.
  18. Believe it or not we did that in Europe too! It was great. I started on the shelf of the rear window in Calais, and next time I woke up we were in Zurich, embracing my grandparents. That's how I remember it anyway....we probably did stop on the way to empty our bladders....and for my step dad to rest...but those are just minor details, lol.
  19. I think we still have about 30 minutes left. We kind of got distracted and later started watching something else. We need to watch the end. I'll let you know when we're done...
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