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Everything posted by Anna

  1. True, but I only pointed out one way that actually applies to our discussion. The classic family unit, where children, whatever age, are still subject to their parents. That is where disfellowshipping will have this affect: "The religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue." That is what we were discussing on here wasn't it? Yes, so many different things. Which means that each person has to asses their unique situation and act accordingly. It is up to each individual in the end, the GB cannot make you do anything.
  2. Not long ago we had a situation in our congregation with a brother who was addicted to prescription drugs to the point where he got in serious trouble with the law. The nail in his coffin came though when he decided to come to the meeting for FS when the CO was here, inebriated. Yes, you read correctly. Anyway, the brothers wanted to take him home, short of manhandling him to stop him from driving off, but they didn't succeed, so the CO and another brother followed him in their car to make sure he got home safely. On the way, the inebriated brother managed to mount the sidewalk and crash into a traffic light post. Thankfully no one was hurt. But what I found curious was that the CO quickly made sure all our literature was out of that brothers car before the police arrived. My husband and I later discussed this and realised that this was a good example of the mentality we have, to always give the appearance that we are morally on a higher ground, have the cleanest buildings, best equipment, perfect little families etc. (I recalled when you gave the experience of Bethel not wining the first place in cleanliness award (or something like that) and how one of the brothers was extremely upset about it). It is no wonder then that we get dishonest when things are not quite so. But on a much more serious note, as you mentioned, it also causes us to cover over things that should NOT be covered over, such as child abuse. It is a heavy burden "carrying the utensils of Jehovah" and yet being riddled with the imperfections that plagues every single human being on earth. It would be nice if one day we can be candid, open and honest about our failings. I think we are trying, in an indirect way. The last WT lessons pointing to the failings of Moses and Aaron and others shows that no one is exempt, not even those in leadership roles. And of course we know the "Slave" has put in print that they make mistakes (no kidding ). But this mentality, that we have a reputation to uphold, regardless whether actual reality is different, is deeply ingrained.
  3. I simply think that it would be unreasonable to expect a family that lives together, as a family unit, to ignore one another. A family unit has a basic structure and this structure should be unaffected, otherwise it would become a dysfunctional family unit, and nobody wants that. When the children leave, then they set up their own family unit. They are no longer a unit with their mom and dad and siblings, and can do whatever they want in their own family (regardless where they live, but usually they will live separately from the original family unit). So really there is only one variable.
  4. Yes, this is a little misleading, because it only applies to members living in the same household.
  5. I know of an elder who had an extramarital affair for 10 years, while serving as an elder. I wonder how he justified it, especially when sitting on judicial committees and disfellowshipping people for immorality. The mind boggles.... He is no longer an elder and has been disfellowshipped. Anything that is hidden will be revealed, sooner or later.
  6. I think you might mean to their "credit" (the GB). Otherwise it could sound like they benefit from uniting 8+ million. Some could take it the wrong way (especially on here) and think financially and mercenary way. Unless by "their"Â you mean to the benefit of the 8+ million.
  7. Now that Tom has brought my attention to this, on further thought, it is a strange thing to say. Why would it help if I understood that the Org. is run by fear not love? I thought that it was MY perception of how it was run that mattered. If I feel loved and unafraid inside the Org. , then what's wrong with that?
  8. It was 7 until not long ago, when Kenneth Cook joined this year. I was assuming your disenchantment with the GB is not recent, therefor my comment about your feelings of being controlled was in reference to the 7 members. I never said the anointed had mental issues, nor you, but your reasoning has put you in a unhappy state of mind. That is what I meant. I hate to tell you, but if it was announced that you are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses, then you have been disfellowshipped. And by the way, the reasons for disfellowshipping are never disclosed.
  9. Oh dear, you do have a lot of issues going on. Nothing that I haven't heard before though. I am sorry you feel you were being controlled by (7) 8 men. That's not a good place to be mentally, or spiritually. I won't try and refute anything you said because I feel you are not in an objective frame of mind anyway, and a "person convinced against this will is of the same opinion still". As regards whether Jesus died on a cross or a stake, frankly I don't care, I really don't think it's important, in my opinion.
  10. As far as I know every one of Jehovah's Witnesses does that. You are saying that indeed, and I am sorry you got that impression because the GB don't view themselves that way. So what gives you that impression?
  11. Yes, that's your opinion. My opinion is the video is embarrassing and would not impress the public. That's a whole different topic and a very complex one. Unless you've been directly involved in this issue or have had several personal experiences you can't really know what you're talking about. This topic is discussed elsewhere if you want to comment there.
  12. As someone already mentioned, this video is for a selected audience only, those who are to serve in Bethel. Although the org. has mentioned the inappropriateness of masturbation for a Christian, based on principles in the Bible, it has only done so occasionally. It has not been blown out of all proportion. However, addiction to pornography has become a big problem (in the world too) and I have no doubt that masturbation has a lot to do with it. As James 1:14 warns: " But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn sin, when it has been carried out, brings forth death."
  13. I agree, but I meant it more in the sense "who will they call on if they've never heard" in which case, I guess, Jehovah can read their hearts and predict how they would have reacted had they heard. True! So going back to God reading hearts, that will ultimately have to be the case, I can't see how else people could be judged righteously. We (the org.) don't seem to say much about that though. We talk about those billions who have died (apparently over 100 billion to date). But we don't talk about those who will be alive during Armageddon.
  14. Not always a solution though is it? It very much depends on who takes their place!
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling I read somewhere in our publications (not too long ago) that it will be too late for those at Armageddon to repent. There are plenty of scriptures that make it clear that only those who put faith in Jesus will be saved....but I don't think there is anything that puts a time frame on it. Also it might be easy for those who live in Christian countries to put faith in Jesus at the last minute, but what about those in non Christian countries, who don't know much about Jesus or the requirement for salvation. So it would make sense that judging those might involve the reading of hearts, especially considering that there are nearly over 3 billion of such people. In that case why does WT make that statement about it being too late? What of those over 3 billion people, does the org. believe we will reach all those people before Armageddon, I doubt it. (I know this has been discussed in a topic here somewhere before, I think I might have I even created that topic)
  16. I get what you're saying. And yes, I'm sure you know of religions that have done that very thing, banned make up based on scriptures about modesty etc. But masturbation isn't in that category, (of going beyond what is written) it has to do more with self control as part of the Christian personality that we are supposed to cultivate.
  17. Traditionally yes. Were you thinking masturbation falls under sexual imorality?
  18. I will take the liberty of answering this one as @Gone Away has probably gone to bed. But duh! Obviously it means that God right now does not protect anyone physically, and that if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time then you will cop it, most likely. Why doesn't God protect his people physically right now? Because he is allowing Satan to do his thing for now. However, if you die faithful, then your future life is safe with Jehovah. It is our spirituality he is interested in, because that means our (everlasting) life.
  19. Sure, but in this instance I was talking about one thing specifically. There is more chance of someone having immoral thoughts when they masturbate, than if they take a cold shower. Plus, someone who is masturbating cannot be said to be deadening their desire as per Colossians 3:5, (generally speaking, as there are always exceptions to the rule)
  20. It must be one of those things that are down to principle, not a law. Perhaps this is the principle: " Deaden, therefore, your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness, which is idolatry". Colossians 3:5 I am not saying this as a rule, but in all honesty, could it be said that masturbation never leads to sexual immorality, or thoughts of it?
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