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Everything posted by Anna

  1. @TrueTomHarley you were Vic Vomidog too?? You got me fooled there, I thought he was an evil apostate
  2. Just curious, how would you, as JTR, report this on jw.org? I mean give an example of what you would actually say (no puns or jokes, seriously)
  3. You are wrong in your assumption. I don't think any of us had/has unrealistic expectations. JW insider described the problem that existed in the past quite accurately: But still, that doesn't mean it was OK does it?
  4. I have not been contributing much lately as I am away in Europe visiting family and...well....to busy having fun, lol, but I thought I would just post this true life story from the 80's I just found about. I was talking to a sister (who hasn't been going to meetings for years) the other day. Somehow the conversation turned to this one prominent elder (now deceased) we both knew when we were in the same congregation. I told her that years ago I had heard that there was some notoriety surrounding his name, this was while I was still in his congregation, but that I hadn't paid much attention to it at the time. She revealed to me that he had touched her on several occasions while having a Bible study with her. She was 14. She said she never said anything to anyone until this particular elder groped a sister's breast while she was feeding her baby, at a convention of all places. The sister's father created an almighty upheaval (basically he told everyone what this elder had done to his daughter and said he would kill him) and soon others came forward. When my friend found out about it, she also felt safe to come forward too. She then told me that this elder was summoned to a judicial committee by the CO. The result was that he was taken off as elder BUT remained a regular pioneer. She said that the elder's best buddy was on the committee......She then told me that she slept with the lights on for weeks because she was scared he would "get her" for ratting on him.... Now this sister has no desire to cause any trouble and has no ill feelings towards the witnesses. But reading between the lines this experience contributed to her falling away. My mom also knew this elder, as she was also in his congregation. I had remembered she had said something about him at the time, so I asked her about it now. She said that she knew about the "breast groping" and she also said that one time when he was visiting our house, he had tried to justify male sexual behavior by saying that if she (my mom) lay down on the couch naked, he would not be able to resist her. My mom told him he was a creep and sent him packing. Now I was just imagining that had this happened in America, and had this sister become bitter and years later decided to file a lawsuit (assuming the elder wasn't dead) a case may have been opened and who knows what else might have come to light. What I mean by that is what if he had molested other kids later? And here we would have a classic case of negligence by an elder body.....
  5. Nothing against your uncle, but I have noticed quite frequently friends making illogical and contradictory remarks such as this. I wonder if upon reflection they realize that what they've just said makes no sense at all, but just leave it at that. I am guilty of this too by the way. Or are they genuinely so blinkered? Or is it just a saying. No need to answer. This is merely a rhetorical questionÂ
  6. If they wanted to hide it, wouldn't it have been easier to not even document it? Or if it was documented, wouldn't it have been better to destroy it? There were no specific laws on how to handle child sexual molestation put in place by governments for a long time. It is relatively recently where governments have begun to investigate this problem in an effort to implement effective remedies. As far as I am aware Zalkin has many of the documents already, but has been ordered by the court to keep them confidential, and locked up. I am no lawyer but it's evidently not just a simple matter of handing over documents that's the problem. How you think the GB apply this to pedophiles makes no sense. How would "hiding" the truth about pedophiles protect the organization? The principle of "hiding the truth from enemies" or from those "who had no right to know" was to protect lives. Pedophiles, just like any other Witnesses who are Witnesses in name only, bring shame to the org. but nobody is that naive to believe that these individuals do not exist within the org. and hopefully no one is that dumb to believe that such individuals are purposefully protected and shielded from punishment.
  7. Yes I will, definitely! I am very interested in this topic, it but I have honestly had no time recently as I am working on some deadlines. I need to be able to have at least a couple of hours uninterrupted which I have not had!
  8. This whole story its extremely sad. It's a tragedy. When something like this happens, people want to know why, and when they feel there is something they can blame, they do. However, blaming a religion (that they voluntarily left) is only an emotional knee jerk reaction. This lady was obviously mentally very, very, sick. Why else would she shoot her two happy successful children and husband? (and dog). Why didn't she just take her own life? No, you cannot blame religion for this.
  9. I was wondering if this is Nicolas King. I tried comparing some you tube videos of him singing and of course this is a different type of song to what he normally sings and the recordings are really bad, but I thought I could hear similarities in a couple of spots....
  10. Sorry, I've been too busy but I will get back to this thread soon!
  11. I don't think he just accepts it, he arrived at those conclusions himself through his studies of astronomy. He is quite an expert I would say. https://www.academia.edu/6112370/Basic_astronomy_for_historians_to_get_a_chronology
  12. He wasn't talking about religion. He was talking about being a spokesperson for God. Here is the exact quote: Question: And do you see yourselves as Jehovah God's spokespeople on earth? G. Jackson: That I think would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that God is using. The scriptures clearly show that someone can act in harmony with God's spirit in giving comfort and help in the congregations, but if I could just clarify a little, going back to Matthew 24, clearly, Jesus said that in the last days - and Jehovah's Witnesses believe these are the last days - there would be a slave, a group of persons who would have responsibility to care for the spiritual food. So in that respect, we view ourselves as trying to fulfil that role.
  13. According to Gerard Gertoux: “Chronology is the backbone of history” is usually taught in schools but in the same time the first fall of Babylon is currently fixed today (2016) either in 1595 BCE or in 1651, 1531, 1499 depending on historians! In Egyptology the situation is still worse because each Egyptologist has his own chronology (+/- 20 years)! Such a difference in timeline prevents one from reaching the historical truth. It is for this reason that from Herodotus, the “father of history” (in fact the father of scientific and chronological inquiry), Greek historians gradually established a system of scientific dating in order to write a universal history. Many astronomical phenomena (observed and described by Babylonian astrologers), which are well identified such as eclipses, enable anyone today (with at least an undergraduate level) to synchronize these ancient dating systems and anchor them on absolute dates. As incredible as it may seem this is still not done (among the hundreds of thousands of theses in history there is none which focuses on chronology, except the one of Isaac Newton in 1728 entitled: Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended). The purpose of the present brochure is to give the chronologies of the main ancient civilizations (Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Sumerian, Hittite, Mitannian, Israelite, etc.) with their synchronisms as well as all absolute dating based on astronomical events (which have been precisely dated in a calendar) like eclipses, solar or lunar, and some Sothic risings". Download the "brochure" here: https://www.academia.edu/26080694/Absolute_Chronology_of_the_Ancient_World_from_1533_BCE_to_140_CE
  14. I just got this in the mail today! Now to find time to actually read it..... Â
  15. The God delusion- are Jehovah's Witnesses the exception? Religion seems to be more divisive and destructive than any other belief system. Why does the belief in a superhuman power bear such "rotten fruit"? Each religion claims they are the one and only true religion. Is there such a thing as the only true Religion, and one that actually bears "good fruit"? Please watch the documentary below and feel free to share any observations you might have, or comment on the problem of religion and belief you have identified and/or the areas where Jehovah's Witnesses differ....etc. At the end of the video Dawkins asks imploringly, appealing to our sense of gratitude: “People sometimes say there must be more to this life....but how much more do you want”? I guess you can present that question to someone who was born in poverty and disease, and has no way out. Or you can ask someone who has been diagnosed with a fatal illness and has no way of getting better. Or you can ask someone who has lost loved ones who cannot be brought back.  I am sure they would tell you they wished for more.....   Â
  16. Interesting how different personality types must also play a role. Everyone reacts differently, and it's not necessarily good or bad, just different..
  17. I know I've probably said enough about this, but I've thought of another scenario. Suppose a wife has just given birth and because of loss of blood, she passes out momentarily and drops the baby on its head, and the baby dies. Her husband now becomes the avenger of blood. Is he really going to immediately start beating the life out of her with a stone, knowing that there is no way a woman that had just had a difficult birth is up to fleeing goodness knows how far? Or is it more likely he going to wait until she is strong enough and then pack everything up and take the whole family to a new life in the city of refuge. He could of course lie, and tell everyone that the baby died of natural causes, and stay put. So it's his attitude and respect for Jehovah's laws that would make him choose the correct path and take the blood guilt away from the city, to where his wife would become "clean" again, even if it meant rather a lot of inconvenience. He wouldn't surely have to kill her right here and there to show obedience to the law. Unless he hated her and that was his perfect chance. But Jehovah is the reader of hearts and motives and he will be the ultimate judge.
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