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Everything posted by Anna

  1. True of course. But I didn't want to focus so much on whether Jewish sources were always reliable, but in this case it would make sense because the point of the cities of refuge was not punishment, but rather a merciful provision for those who otherwise would have to be executed, because that was the law, regardless whether it was accidental or not. It would make no sense for example if the accidental manslayer was a wife, and her husband and dependent children would have to abandon her. I don't think the point of this law was to break up families.There are so many other scenarios one could think of, that obviously could not all be covered by the law in detail, so the law must have been applied in principle. This wasn't even my observation but a friend of TTH suggested that the father of a fugitive son who had accidentally killed his brother would be allowed to go with him. It made sense to me....
  2. Ya, you know I love speculation But apparently (according to the WT) some Jewish sources say the fugitive could bring his family with him/her. So if that is true, and I don't see why it shouldn't be as why would Jehovah want to separate a husband from his wife and children for example, then it stands to reason a young man who had to flee because he accidentally killed his brother living under the same roof with the parents would not necessarily have to be severed from his family. So if that was the case, then why make a "show" of fleeing, if your family was going to join you anyway? And if one member of that family was to be the avenger of blood, would he make a "show" of staying behind just till you made it to the city, and then join you later? The law was that the avenger of blood was not allowed to touch the fugitive in the city of refuge, it says nothing about the avenger of blood not being able to live in the same city does it?
  3. Someone also made a point that if the accidental manslayer was a son, still living at home, who killed his brother, then the next of kin to be the blood avenger would have been the father of the two boys. However, the whole family of the "guilty" son could go with him to the city of refuge, including the father of course. This shows that it wasn't about the avenging of blood as such, but more about respecting Jehovah's institution of the "refuge", on both the part of the manslayer, and the avenger of blood. In this case, one can imagine the whole family, including the manslayer and the avenger of blood walking together to the city of refuge.
  4. Thanks Librarian! Thankfully I'm not in the uk anymore but in the usa, and the state I'm in isn't getting hit too bad. There is snow, but not too much
  5. No, don't look because this thread is about 607, not about chastising strangers on the internet. I think @TrueTomHarley meant that suggestion to be purely rhetorical. Plus I don't think Alan F gives two monkeys bottoms.
  6. !!!!! It looks like I've missed the new light too. w13 12/15 p. 21 "There are, however, differences between the Passover and the Lord’s Evening Meal. These show that the Passover that the Jews were to memorialize was not to foreshadow what Christ told his followers to do in memory of his death. Back in Egypt, the Israelites partook of the lamb’s flesh but not of its blood. That differs from what Jesus directed his disciples to do. He said that those who would reign “in the kingdom of God” should partake of both the bread and the wine as symbols of his flesh and his blood......" However I do have an objection to this understanding. Blood was also involved at the Passover, in a big way. If it had not been splashed on the doorposts the inhabitants of that house would have been killed. Saying that the difference is only in the drinking, in both cases, well Christ's blood wasn't drank either was it. Couldn't the symbolism of splashing and "drinking" be applied to mean a similar thing? Aaah, I just realized the wording of this could mean that, yes, the lamb eaten at the Passover foreshadowed Jesus as the sacrificial lamb (both were killed and blood spilled) however, the actual memorial (the activity) was not being foreshadowed. Does that make sense?
  7. Better marketing maybe, but you must understand that you are addressing a VERY limited audience. Although 8 million could be considered a fair number, many of those are skeptical and won't read anything published by a brother unless it comes with Bethel's blessing. Maybe that's who you need to talk to! Just kidding. But you must admit, I do have a point. (I still want to order a book for my mother in law, which one would you recommend?)
  8. Writers get away with a lot of things. It's like scientists and scholars, being disheveled is expected and accepted. There was a brother (elder) who gave a talk at our hall a few years back, and I kid you not, he looked like he had just come back from a day at the beach, surfing. Blonde sun kissed hair barely skimming short of his clavicle. And yes, believe it or not he was Australian!! I guess tanned Australians, like writers and scientists, can get away with a certain look.... P.S. Anyway, I must get back to the more serious topic of 607 on the other thread, now that my browser problem is fixed...
  9. And then there's Europe -ya American prunes! I mean prudes http://www.inspiredtraveller.in/places-in-the-world-where-public-nudity-is-legal/ It doesn't mention the UK, where nudity is also legal, (unless it causes distress to the viewer. Makes sense. I just love British laws, lol)
  10. @Ann O'Maly tried clearing the cache, and cookies and rebooting. Still the same. This is the only website that's giving me trouble @The Librarian. with firefox. Started a couple of days ago... Just tried this website in chrome, and there's no problem. I was able to type this on my lap top right now..
  11. Well they had to replace the stanza beginning "take my mind..." (lol) with something. Plus material giving is scriptural. And I see you are ignoring my well meant advice about visiting those apostate websites. (Do not ignore a woman telling you what to do)
  12. That's an old one. My husband's is his own, and he's copyrighted it He would and did. Lol. Your congregation must be a little more straight laced
  13. I think you'd get on really well. At the mid week meeting last week I asked him what was so outstanding about Bathsheba. He said she was out, standing under the shower.
  14. I must admit I found that paragraph strange. I raised the issue at the table (we had hospitality for our friend who gave the talk, his wife and in laws were also with us, the other in law being an elder too) and everyone didn't get why this particular song was included either. I mean what about the song "listen obey and be blessed"? And other songs which also tell people what to do. It was just very odd, and I wondered why this issue was even raised. (some of your ideas may be valid, but why make a point of it this way in the paragraph, it almost makes me want to write to Bethel and ask for the "real" reason behind it. But it's not important) My husband had a good point as well. He said he's never known in his life any sister to be bothered about telling people what to do. Everyone cracked up and agreed.
  15. I'm having real trouble with this page on my laptop. (So im having to type this on my phone, which is a pain). I'm sure the heated dialogue between scholar JW and Allan F has fried something. I keep getting a "Web page is slowing down your browser" notice, and I can't comment, post, or quote anyone or anything. It keeps freezing up. It's been like that since yesterday.. (By the way I can't read page 208 because I can't make it bigger @Ann O'Maly. Maybe that's because of this glitch too....) Anything I can do? @The Librarian
  16. It depends very much on circumstances, so there is no one correct answer. If you have been drifting slowly by not going out in field service first, and then slowly missing meetings until you stop all together, and then avoid any contact with the congregation elders and other witnesses it could be anything from one to 5 years....
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