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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Thanks for your analysis JWI. All I can say is Satan has his grubby fingers in everything. It's hard to know what are facts and what is fake. So much corruption in every facet of life...
  2. I have wondered about that too. Of course this is directed at citizens of other countries not Russians, so not sure how taking up that opportunity would work in practice because this would involve having to be granted refugee status. I have heard that some (who could afford it financially) have fled Russia before now, but each country has their visa and immigration laws, so unless something changes and those fleeing are given refugee status they will have to go back after a few months....
  3. Well of course. So you should. But the point is, you would help your loved ones FIRST.
  4. Ok, stop laughing at me. I thought it was the military who decides who can shoot at who...
  5. I'm a bit skeptical about this guy. He's American and as an American he will have American views. Before I came to live in the USA I never heard about gangs in Europe, at least not to the extent he is talking about. Europeans don't have that American gang mentality. There is of course organized crime, but I don't think that's the issue here, because organized criminals already have guns. I doubt that while martial law is in effect they would go around shooting each other.
  6. Well it appears it was nobody......for nearly 2 000 years. The prophecy applies to the time of the end, that's what I was trying to say. As Arauna says: The King of the North appears again after Jesus was crowned*... (it won't let me quote from more than one post. It used to be possible.....what happened? @The Librarian) *Of course JWI would say this was in the first century
  7. I'm sorry. What I should have simply said is that Russia was not the king KON in colonial times, it only became the KON in the time of the end. Before the first world War the KON was Germany I believe and Anglo America has always been the king of the south. I don't know who the KON was supposed to be in the 18th century....
  8. Wasn't the KON supposed to make its appearance in the last days? (since 1914). In that case, Colonial America and Britain wouldn't count.
  9. It seems to me that with Putin its all about the Donbas, and making himself and Russia great again, and with America it’s all about the money/resources (according to the video). I have heard it said (besides this video) that America was intentionally egging on this Russia/Ukraine conflict for its own benefit. If this were the case, why did Putin fall for it? Or if not aware of this until later, why hasn’t he pointed a finger at America, and accuse America of “starting" the war? (or did he?). Even listening to Maria Zakharova’s (Spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia) emotional rant (in response to a British journalist’s question) about how no one cared when the UK killed innocent civilians in Iraq etc. and didn’t care about innocent civilians (children, women and the elderly) killed in the Donbas region by "Nazi" militants for 8 years. So all I seem to have heard from the Russian side is the Donbas reason. Wouldn’t this be the perfect opportunity to talk about the pipeline and how America does not care about people but only cares about money? So, I am wondering if this is completely true. Pardon my ignorance on this topic.
  10. That's right. So it's in what context these discussions take place that matters. I need to explain that to Dmitar as well obviously.
  11. We are not voting for anyone and we are not choosing a human leader. We are just having a discussion. Just yesterday in field service the group was having a similar discussion. Of course we know ultimately Jehovah will set matters straight. It's such a no brainer. We are not taking sides with politicians by discussing what's happening in the world right now. Don't let your misguided thoughts mislead you.
  12. Thanks. Just shows how much I know. But it does confirm what I have always said. Big children playing in a sand pit. I've watched them, that is real children, when I used to take my son to the park. Some of these little ones got real aggressive with their little trucks and buckets and spades. It became a tit for tat battle.
  13. An interesting podcast interview with Nina Khrushcheva on Putin: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2tTjibdYwBJYDems73h1YE?si=Rzgv8KX1TZyPqTdZ3rp-9A
  14. I don't know....why was Krushchev planting all those missiles in Cuba in the first place? So that he could then walk an inexperienced leader back from the edge?
  15. That was a pretext, an excuse to take over the whole country. Just like Donbas is a pretext for Putin to take the whole of the Ukraine. Added: In any case, even if we try to excuse Hitler's actions with regard to the Sudetenland, later developments show what kind of a person he really was.
  16. I don't know.....it seems to me that who the king of the North is will be evident at the last moment, at the point of divine intervention. We used to say Russia was the king of the North during the cold War, (we expected the end to come soon) then when the cold War ended we said Russia was no longer the king of the North.....and now he is the King of the North again. What if Putin is removed and a democracy is put in place in Russia, and China starts misbehaving? Will China then be the king of the North? I'm just thinking out aloud....
  17. I don't think they get paid for this, I think they do it for free....just like everyone else who does any work for the org. if they're a JW.
  18. Recently we have been commenting more on topics in the closed JW only club...
  19. I don't think it's about that. It's about: "My brothers died for refusing to participate in military service,” Paul-Gerhard Kusserow said. “I don’t find it proper that this inheritance is stored, of all places, in a military museum.”
  20. Yes, that's why I thought it wasn't a bad article overall, but as you pointed out "but the article also stretches the truth. Just enough to make you question and doubt". That's if the reader isn't really paying attention to the author's agenda. This is one those types of articles that I think are useful if you can separate the bias from the facts it presents. I liked that it admits that Malone did have a hand in inventing the mRNA and supports this with the reference to Rein Verbeke's seminal work in the field of gene transfer in his article a 2019 history of mRNA-vaccine development. It is then up to the reader to decide whether it was fair for other articles to say in broad statements that hundreds of scientists had a hand in this. Which is true of course, but someone had to pioneer this and it was evidently Dr. Malone and his team back in 1989. This was the one area I was trying to find some facts about and this article helped in that. It drives me nuts when I see obvious bias of someone trying to discredit someone else with these kind of broad statements and it's great when you can go back in time and read facts that were written years before the issue was raised. Which makes me think that there is so much more out there and hopefully eventually the truth will be evident. He (Dr. Malone) did mention towards the end (around the 2hr 50 mark) that these are unprecedented crazy times in many respects. This does give further support to the Bible's end times. And by the way the video has been taken down on YouTube. Grrrr...I had wanted to download it before this happened. Edit: I found it on spotify, yay!
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