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  1. Haha
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Anyone remember a "Convention Resolution" years ago where we all had to tell out and promise we'd never go into internet chatrooms?   
    I’m at the convention right now and they told us not to use our phones at all. But a lot of people are still taking pictures and texting. 
    Also they haven’t finished painting the jw.org logo yet  only the background color at center court  

  2. Haha
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Prepare For The Coming War: “It’s Going To Obliterate The Global Financial System… Our Economy Will Not Survive”   
    It is quite clear to me that you have a solid grasp of geopolitics, and global integrated systems in general.
    You are wasting your time here for three reasons.
    1.) None of us can do ANYTHING about any of it, and most of us just survive payday to payday, with trials and tribulations that are extremely local, and immediate, and crucial.
    2.) 80% of Jehovah's Witnesses have no idea what you are talking about, and cannot grasp the nuances of what you know and relate.
    3.) If you weave what you know into a novel, you can make several million dollars just by putting words on paper. You have the skill and intelligence, and perspective to do it as good as anyone. 
    THEN, when bread costs $122 a loaf, and milk $200 a gallon, you and yours will have bread and milk.
    ...and when it all hits the fan, you and yours will have the hundred thousand dollars each for plane tickets out of there.
    I enjoyed these postings immensely ... don't waste it on me.
    ..... and make sure your Passports are always up to date.
  3. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Prepare For The Coming War: “It’s Going To Obliterate The Global Financial System… Our Economy Will Not Survive”   
    There are new (and serious) economic  and financial  developments on the world stage.
    China has been lending vast amounts  of money to countries in Asia, Africa, South America. Under the guise of  "assistance to develop" they have lent vast amounts  to poor countries to build infrastructure such as airports and harbours.  When counties cannot pay - they take over the infrastructure under  a 100 year lease. Predatory lending. In this way they have acquired ports in Africa,  Sri Lanka, Philippines, apart from building all those islands in the Asia sea.  They can suddenly put embargoes on trade in these seas - and have the capacity to enforce it.
    In this  predatoty lending"  manner they have acquired ports, airports all over and then send  their "police" in to protect the new infrastructure they now own. All the countries on the silk road too!  They built the road - when Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan could not pay - the infrastructure became theirs.  They build fast and are organized - unlike anything you have seen. Their engineers work long shifts as the Chinese people work like slaves. They tried to take over a gold mine too in Uzbekistan but locals fought this.
    Australia already feels threatened by China because they have financially taken over in their country - high rise cities have sprung up. 
    By the way Russia has also done some of this. They already have Ukraine, want Gottland (the swedes are in alert), have a port in Syria and have allies in Turkey and Iran (Access to their ports to control the seas).
    They have taken over many mines in Africa which produce rare metals for cell phones and batteries. It is therefore not a surprise that China, Russia and USA are vying to buy Greenland for its port possibilities as well as its  rare metals.
    USA corporations moved their manufacturing to China and (inadvertantly?) gave them our top technology.   Google, Amazon etc working with China.  China has been getting rich while USA manufacturing is getting less. To crown it all they found that most high level Chinese students in USA and government have access to our military RND etc.
    China has an extreme surveillance system on their people. The "social credit system" is so oppressive  that one cannot buy a coke, buy a plane or train ticket if you are perceived to  have the wrong attitude about the government.  Read up about the extreme credit system which the UN says is an example (a model to follow) in the West.
    China has 1 million muslims in brutal re-training camps which no-one can film. Christian's and some Buddhists are persecuted.
    Russia has financially started to block off Georgia.  China wants control of all the seas to block off trade or control trade. They can already do that to a large degree. Hence the financial "pushing" between USA and China. China is building many air craft carriers etc. These new measures by Trump is a last minute attempt to try to make China' s economy tank. So China is now using a new strategy to "lessen the perception of their "power". They are paying for many propaganda ads in USA newspapers. 
    The NWO  (under control of UN) is close as UN is pushing a "digital" monetary system on the west with digital currency. They want this done by 2022. The Petro-dollar will go. 
    When all people pay in digital currency then digital corporations will assist central UN federal government to monitor and punish any individual in the same way China is now doing. Fascism - the marriage between global organizations and world central government - the worst government ever!  Because at apex of human development and technology they have become Dr Evil. The new AI developments are frightening - the way they can now manipulate crowds and individuals.
    It is no surprise that G5 (short wave cell phone and internet) is being installed everywhere despite warnings of severe impact on human health and animal /bird/ insect deaths. China's Huawei company has been installing it all over Europe and had contracts in USA which Trump now tried to stop.  They can steal all technology with this, have surveillance and even weaponize it to kill targets.....
    So what is my point?  Read Daniel 11:40.  It is economic pushing.  Then read how the plan to control all wealth.... with sudden blockades if necessary. Read Daniel 11 from verse 41 to end.  Lydia and Egypt represent the south. The king of the north is the alliance between Russia and China and their other partners.  UN and EU  is using China as their model . They openly praise their system.
    The UN (UNESCO) has been overseeing the school and university curriculims for the last 20 years. This is why we see the dividing in "minority groups" such as black minirity groups and LGBTQ to name two groups. Divide and conquer.  The new feminism has been politicized by communism and the new post modern philosophy comes from the Frankfort school. It is a subversive  cultural communistic teaching.  Communism teaches revolution and destruction of all spirituality and religion so the state can be worshipped. The communist manifesto is similar to Zionism and "religion of peace"  because it wants world dominion.  The youth is ready (via their free school indoctrination) and curricula at universities to accept the new morals which will be put on them under the NWO. 
    Now read Daniel 11 from verse 36.   Worship of the state will be demanded or you will face the consequences. 
    This is my take of the frightful events we can expect  soon.  The petro-dollar will make place for  digital currency..... it will bring much upheaval BUT the UN and the corporate and extreme rich in the world feel that this revolution is worth all the loss if life and the loss of individual wealth. They are materialists. They believe when all are equal and own the same the world will suddenly become an "utopia" where human behaviour will be managed collectively. 
    As in previous communist regimes the revolution will go the same way. The educated (those who do not work with the government)  will be sacrificed for the sake of the revolution and millions will be starved to save the earth (meat production will stop as well as air flights etc.)
    It is their plan to lessen the human population on earth as UN  is actively trying to lessen births. Hence the new abortion rules. So much more I can mention..... but that is it for now.
  4. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Prepare For The Coming War: “It’s Going To Obliterate The Global Financial System… Our Economy Will Not Survive”   
    Brazil and South Africa (junk status) who were part of the BRIX are both falling apart financially at present.  When Busch went into Iraq USA created severe debt  (I remember we were supposed to build 18 hospitals in Iraq and only 2 were completed - the rest of the money is unaccounted for.)   At the end of Busch's term we were trillions in debt with the financial crisis - very close to collapse.  Few people realize that Obama (whether you like him or not) had the banks tested for resilience and many banks were closed for a day to find out 2 days later that they were taken over by some bigger bank as instructed by the government.  Disaster was averted. All happened quiet so as not to create panic.  And the FED printed a lot of money to get us out of the  sinkhole while the bigger companies were bailed out such as GM by this extra printed money.
    Now that things were starting to improve- although we have not yet addressed the deficit and the checks and balances brought in by Obama have been nullified - we may be going to war again.  I agree with this article that this time we may be in too deep as many countries do not want to use the petro-dollar any more.  This could lead to US economic collapse. 
    We know the end is close, as predicted by Jesus  - all the signs are here.  After the collapse of Babylon the great we see in revelation 17 + 18 how the merchants cry.   So yes, financial collapse of the world system (stock exchange etc.) will bring severe distress.  We will see the supply chains which bring in food from other countries collapse and people will kill to get their food.  It will not help to hoard food because there may not be law and order and people will do as they please and take food from those who have.
    It is a dire picture - but it is realistic - because the worst of human nature appears when there is no law and order.  When the internet collapses (via warfare or otherwise) most bank balances will be obliterated.... and people can just as well throw their gold on the streets as the Bible predicts because the financial system as we know it today will be no more.
    Do we still place too much value on our stuff? ....and the status that goes with it?  It is reality check time.
  5. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society should not qualify for 501c3 status   
    I'm finding less and less of that "standard stuff" when you search on names of denominations. There was and still is a lot of talk in some countries of treating the Catholic Church as a "criminal organization" due to the high percentage of child abuse accusations. There were some schools and insitutions within the church where the percentage of accusations was so high that if it were found in any other institution, the entire organization would have been seen as a sex trafficking ring. But the Catholic Church gets a pass because of a traditional, historical reputation of promoting faith and peace (in spite of some pretty big lapses: Inquisition, Trinity, Hell, Purgatory, Hitler, and nearly half this world's wars).
    Also, as you mention, religious charities and "life improvements" take the strain off the institutions that try to govern. This is what keeps the beast from turning on those who ride on its back, tax-free. And, of course, the ability of a religion to make an immoral war seem moral to its constituents is a cozy form of payback to the beast, in lieu of taxes. The symbiotic relationship between beast and rider has saved her so far. But there have been exceptions when the religion apparently offers nothing useful in return to the state: no charities, no strain relief, and no help in military recruitment. This is why the Watchtower was one of the religious organizations picked on by the FBI back in 1918. This is why the Scientologists barely escaped the clutches of the beast a few decades ago. With Islam in the last couple decades, too, it's the nature of the beast to overreact.
  6. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Watchtower Society attacks jw.help   
    It is not about winning and neither is it to try to block you.  (Jesus said we must not resist the wicked).  However, It looks like a JW logo..... period.  I worked in public relations throughout my life and I would not like anyone using my color, shape and script  in a logo (perfect imitation) to divert my customers to a different site. That is the simple reality of it.
  7. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Just a side observation, a little off topic, but I am sorry to say, I felt the same way. Like you though, I don't think Br. Jackson is haughty, and probably neither are the others, but it seems that Br. Jackson was looking down on counsel assisting as someone who was completely incompetent and ignorant of the scriptures and had no idea where to find any of the Bible books. I understand why most of us believe "worldly" people lack knowledge in that department, because most probably do, but I could see it really started to get on Stewart's nerves when Br. Jackson kept repeatedly "guiding" him to find the books. In a few instances I felt like those two were like two roosters in a ring.
  8. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Maybe they're just worried if they didn't call on you you might get upset and reach for your holster
  9. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in I'm worried about a 'brother' recently reinstated spending too much time with my grandchildren   
    But there is absolutely  nothing wrong with your wife approaching your daughter with concerns about this 'brother', as suggested by TTH:
  10. Downvote
  11. Downvote
  12. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in The Incredible Desert Find: the Sinaiticus Sheepngoats, Destined to Update the Bible Canon   
    No objection there.
    Does this necessarily include the  "highly regarded" men in Jerusalem namely Peter, James and John, among others? Didn't those same brothers say:  "Since we have heard that some went out from among us and caused you trouble with what they have said,  trying to subvert you, although we did not give them any instructions,  we have come to a unanimous decision to choose men to send to you together with our beloved Barʹna·bas and Paul,  men who have given up their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ". That doesn't sound like those brothers were the trouble makers, on the contrary. So weren't those men who went out from among them "from Ju·deʹa and began to teach the brothers: “Unless you get circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” (Acts 15:1) the ones that caused the problem, and wasn't that the issue Paul and Barnabas went up to the elders in Jerusalem about? (vs.2).
    "On arriving in Jerusalem, they were kindly received by the congregation and the apostles and the elders, and they related the many things God had done by means of them.But some of those of the sect of the Pharisees who had become believers stood up from their seats and said: “It is necessary to circumcise them and command them to observe the Law of Moses" ( Acts 15:4,5). Again, to me it seems clear that those who had the problem, and caused problems, were "those who had been from the sect of the pharisees, and were the same same ones (not literally) that "went from among the elders in Jerusalem" and "came down from Judea". 
    Possibly, since those who had been from the sect of the Pharisees were also present at the meeting in Jerusalem, but we also know that they did not receive any instructions from James, especially not with regard to "what they said" (unless you get circumcised you cannot get saved).
  13. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    Of course there was an attempt to say when, quite clearly .  It must be rather a predicament for those who make claims, or "attempts", that are forever immortalized in print! I believe Russell was being honest at the time of his attempts, and truly believed what he was saying, otherwise he would have not published it. The fact that he tried to get around it the way he did after his words failed highlights typical human weakness. True, one should expect better from someone who claims to be a messenger, and faithful and wise servant of God, but it wouldn't be the first time human failings manifested themselves in those of whom we would least expect it. That is exactly why, and I know you are on the same page with me on this, we should be cautious about claims and "attempts" made by anyone, even, (or should  I say especially?) those at the top.  I know, many would disagree and pretty much believe what the Slave says, to the letter. There is another website, run by Witnesses, that is strongly monitored for any negativity against the slave.  The other day in FS a sister who I admire and who has her head screwed on right, made a surprising comment. She said that if the Slave told her to do anything she would do it. I am assuming she didn't mean jump off a bridge, because she is not that kind of a person, and has her own views on a few things. So I am assuming she meant "within reason" . But anyone hearing her, who doesn't really know her, could have got the wrong impression.
    It is a big dilemma to say the least when we know the Slave has erred in the past and can err in the future (by their own admission) and yet we are still supposed to be obedient to it (now, and in the future when we receive "lifesaving instructions that may not make sense from a human stand point"). I was discussing this with my step dad (elder) and he admitted it was a difficult situation. He said we just have to trust Jehovah. Also, and I've mentioned this on another occasion, we will obey God as ruler rather than man, which means when obedience to man would result in disobedience to God, then we don't go there. This applies to any man. Br. Jackson insinuated this also in his ARC hearing.
  14. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    Actually I think he's doing really well, if he's still alive. Look him up in JW library, or probably the cd.
  15. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    I would say it was an unfortunate collection of events, that altogether gave the impression that the society was promoting 1975 as the date for Armageddon. There is no doubt that it was insinuated by some prominent speakers at conventions (in America mainly?) and also those who were "living out their last days of this system selling their houses so they could pioneer" were publicly praised, ( also in the KM). It is no different now, those who give their all in full time service are also praised today, however, those who did this a few years before 1975 was no coincidence, and I believe the praise was worded in such a way that it was no coincidence either. There was so much insinuation that went unchecked, that it was no wonder 1975 became a fact, instead of what it was said to be, a maybe. It didn't help that one of the prominent brothers said in reply to "is Armageddon coming in 1975?": "we're not saying, we're not saying" which sounds like: "well yes of course it is, but I don't want to sound presumptuous". And who could help but not get excited by that famous Charles Sinutko talk where the phrase "stay alive till 75" was coined.
    All in all I think it has been a good lesson for most: know your Bible, and make sure of all things. And if your (Bible trained) instincts tell you something isn't quite right, then it probably isn't. 
  16. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    I believe you. I personally know a few who did similar things. There is no doubt about it that 1975 got blown up out of all proportions. That is why those who knew their Bible, and put that as precedent over what anybody else said (including the president of the society at the time) call it trusting your own instincts if you like, didn't get burned. But I understand that it must have been very difficult if the majority saw it differently than you. Moral of the story? Trust the Bible and no man. Lesson learned. We've got to move on.
    I wouldn't be so sure about that.
  17. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Disfellowshipping use to be 6 months- now it’s 1 year   
    I've wondered that
  18. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Disfellowshipping use to be 6 months- now it’s 1 year   
    What I like about Newton is that as opposed to Russell, Rutherford, Franz, the 1990 leadership and the 21 century leadership is that he "predicted" the "end" to be NOT in his lifetime. All the others did. Interesting.
  19. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Disfellowshipping use to be 6 months- now it’s 1 year   
    Is that because you've disabled them or some other reason?
  20. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Disfellowshipping use to be 6 months- now it’s 1 year   
    Still, this does seem to depend on a few other factors. For example someone who had conspired to marry someone else in the congregation and thus committed adultery with them in order to be scripturally free to re-marry, that usually takes 3 years from when the new couple ask for re-instatement, since it was purposefully planned that way. In a way, when it comes to apparently deliberate sin like this it's difficult to ascertain repentance, and repentance is the criterion for re-instatement. However, if the new couple are at EVERY meeting and there is no other type of sin being committed, then 3 years seems to be the standard applied. Although I have known this to be shorter because BOTH partners (the one wronged and the unfaithful one) were guilty of planning.
  21. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Disfellowshipping use to be 6 months- now it’s 1 year   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. I keep trying to send you a private message and it keeps saying something is wrong. Let me know if you got it!
  22. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from JW Insider in A hidden forgery scandal is roiling the gold market   
    Well thank you. Only problem is I would have to come up with $41,615
    You should start putting it down on paper now.
  23. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law   
    It seems that the elders did not believe the woman when she said she was "abused". We don't know the whole story, we don't know the woman. I can think of a number of situations which may have incurred the decision to disfellowship. No one gets disfellowshipped for being sexually abused. (Especially not nowadays). 
    I wonder if she went to the police to report the abuse. The article does not mention if she did.
  24. Thanks
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Attorneys filing lawsuits in King's County Supreme Court against eight members of the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses for alleged child sexual abuse claims.   
    Legislators seem to have been oblivious to sexual abuse partly because so many have been distracted by their own appetites. Last year I clipped this from a Southern newspaper. The date of the paper is November 21, 1877:

  25. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from JW Insider in Attorneys filing lawsuits in King's County Supreme Court against eight members of the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses for alleged child sexual abuse claims.   
    Yes, it's always been that way, it seems since the earliest of times; men with power and money know they can get ANYTHING they want. 
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