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  1. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in who is referred to here?   
    I understand you may be concerned about adding anything to scripture (or taking away), since that is a very serious thing, but adding something to what is after all human speculation, surely is not a big deal?
    Also, what Jesus Christ is saying to us now, is what he said 2000 years ago, and is recorded in the Bible for anyone to see.
  2. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in who is referred to here?   
    I understand you may be concerned about adding anything to scripture (or taking away), since that is a very serious thing, but adding something to what is after all human speculation, surely is not a big deal?
    Also, what Jesus Christ is saying to us now, is what he said 2000 years ago, and is recorded in the Bible for anyone to see.
  3. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Melinda Mills in Who Did Cain Fear Was Going To Kill Him?   
    Why would you want to raise that now?  And I think you mean Canaan not Cain.  But the Watchtower taught no such thing.
    *** g82 2/8 p. 13 The Races—What Is Their Origin? ***
    Noah and his three sons all had a measure of this dark pigment. From Shem came the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Jews and the Arabs who vary from fair to light-brown skin. The descendants of Japheth, who include the Indo-European races, vary from light skin to dark brown. As for Ham (meaning swarthy or sun-burnt), some, but not all, of his descendants had dark skin. The Egyptians, with light-brown skin, descended from Ham’s son Mizraim. Ham’s son Canaan, who was cursed by God because of bad conduct, was the forefather of the light-skinned Canaanites.
  4. Haha
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Who Did Cain Fear Was Going To Kill Him?   
    I think it was the result of a 1930's experiment with the parents of Wilt Chamberlain, and the parents of Mohandus Ghandi that resulted in the experimental hybrid Danny DiVito, but something went terribly wrong.   
    Instead of having the height of Wilt Chamberlain and the wisdom of Ghandi, what happened was the wisdom of Wilt Chamberlain, and the height of Ghandi.
  5. Haha
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in who is referred to here?   
    I envy you.
  6. Haha
    Anna reacted to Srecko Sostar in who is referred to here?   
    I was almost choked from laugh on comment of yours :)))))))
    Well @JW Insider now you have new task, to put INCH Measure, and perhaps we shall get new length result for years. Urim and Thummim - Millimeters and Inches... hahhahaha.
  7. Haha
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in who is referred to here?   
    This is not like Groundhog Day, where men in tuxedos and top hats , with cameras rolling, wait for the baby Jesus to come out of his cave, pick him up and after pretending to listen, declare that there will be six more years of tribulation.
  8. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in who is referred to here?   
    I understand you may be concerned about adding anything to scripture (or taking away), since that is a very serious thing, but adding something to what is after all human speculation, surely is not a big deal?
    Also, what Jesus Christ is saying to us now, is what he said 2000 years ago, and is recorded in the Bible for anyone to see.
  9. Haha
    Anna reacted to Bubba Johnson Jr in who is referred to here?   
    I have just gotten online for today and I did not realize that this firestorm had erupted. I will be back on when I get something to eat. Be back soon!...Tom (Bubba)
  10. Haha
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in who is referred to here?   
    I think I can answer the question above under the chart that asks: "How do Jesus's words indicate that we are living deep in the time of the end?"
    A. Because if we were to look carefully at the chart and notice the scale that was used to indicate the time for each event, we can see that the Great Tribulation breaks out exactly 148 years after 1893, which is the year 2041. Therefore we are living deep in the time of the end.

  11. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Srecko Sostar in who is referred to here?   
    Asking about, for example, how many  JW witnesses groups exist, can bring us to answers as: Past and Present, Loyal and Not Loyal, Zeal and not Zeal, Discreet and Non Discreet, Died and Alive .... etc. What would be benefit of such research?
    You can used the same methods for "anointed". And come to similar answers.    
    What is the purpose for your question, and by what methods, by what tools, you want to making operation upon verses to see what is the content under the skin? :))
  12. Haha
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in who is referred to here?   
    This is AMERUKA!  We don't use no stinkin' SI Units in AMERUKA!
    We are red-blooded Bible-Totin' red white and blue  people that use FEET, and INCHES, like the Lord intended normal people to use.  Millimeters, PAH!, that what drug dealers use when rolling reefers!
    Here in Ameruka SI unites is an abbreviation for SISSY man ... the kind of man that will watch Star Trek and yell for Captain Kirk to set his Phaser on STUN!
    REAL MEN don't use STUN. and REAL MEN don't use millimeters !  Tha's for the French who drive those tiny little two seater cars with horns that go "Heunk! Heunk!"
    And Amerulum Surveyors are the manliest men of all.  they go through reptile infested swamps, loaded with disease and death, measuring property lines on brackish water, with CHAINS. They come home from work with bug bites that CAST SHADOWS, like craters on the Moon! After six or eight beers, they hardly notice!
    Millimeters ... PAH!
    Next thing you know, they will be measuring "Overlapping Generations" in CUBITS!

  13. Haha
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in who is referred to here?   
    “Now as TrueTom was saying these things in his defense, Festus said in a loud voice: “You are going out of your mind, TrueTom! Great learning is driving you out of your mind!”  But TrueTom said: “I am not going out of my mind, Your Excellency Festus. Well, actually, you do have a point. I guess I am going nuts, but it is not on account of great learning. I am spending too much time with the yo-yos on the worldnewsmediaforum.”
  14. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from JW Insider in Who Did Cain Fear Was Going To Kill Him?   
    This is just a quick reply, have no time to post any support for this, but I remember researching this at one time since I also had the same question. It would appear that since there is no time frame on what happened from Adam to when Cain left to wander somewhere else, it is possible that the people he might encounter were his distant relatives, who had already procreated sufficiently to establish several communities.  Also, the scriptures do not always detail everything. It was Moses who supposedly wrote about this, perhaps he had no need to explain where the other people came from, if he believed they came from Adam and Eve, since as Melinda mentions, he said that Eve became the mother of everyone living. So it makes sense that Adam and Eve had a heaps of children during their long life, besides the main characters of Cain and Abel, and these children had heaps of other children. I even did a hypothetical diagram of possible families and relatives, and it seemed quite feasible that after several generations there were quite a number of people scattered all over the place. Granted, not to the extent that "science" tells us. For me, scientific evidence, especially in the area of evolution, can be dodgy, and I am not sure everything can be believed as facts, even though you say there is hard evidence for it. However, I cannot argue with you on this because I have not investigated this "hard evidence" myself. Not thoroughly anyway. 
  15. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Who Did Cain Fear Was Going To Kill Him?   
    This is just a quick reply, have no time to post any support for this, but I remember researching this at one time since I also had the same question. It would appear that since there is no time frame on what happened from Adam to when Cain left to wander somewhere else, it is possible that the people he might encounter were his distant relatives, who had already procreated sufficiently to establish several communities.  Also, the scriptures do not always detail everything. It was Moses who supposedly wrote about this, perhaps he had no need to explain where the other people came from, if he believed they came from Adam and Eve, since as Melinda mentions, he said that Eve became the mother of everyone living. So it makes sense that Adam and Eve had a heaps of children during their long life, besides the main characters of Cain and Abel, and these children had heaps of other children. I even did a hypothetical diagram of possible families and relatives, and it seemed quite feasible that after several generations there were quite a number of people scattered all over the place. Granted, not to the extent that "science" tells us. For me, scientific evidence, especially in the area of evolution, can be dodgy, and I am not sure everything can be believed as facts, even though you say there is hard evidence for it. However, I cannot argue with you on this because I have not investigated this "hard evidence" myself. Not thoroughly anyway. 
  16. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Who Did Cain Fear Was Going To Kill Him?   
    This is just a quick reply, have no time to post any support for this, but I remember researching this at one time since I also had the same question. It would appear that since there is no time frame on what happened from Adam to when Cain left to wander somewhere else, it is possible that the people he might encounter were his distant relatives, who had already procreated sufficiently to establish several communities.  Also, the scriptures do not always detail everything. It was Moses who supposedly wrote about this, perhaps he had no need to explain where the other people came from, if he believed they came from Adam and Eve, since as Melinda mentions, he said that Eve became the mother of everyone living. So it makes sense that Adam and Eve had a heaps of children during their long life, besides the main characters of Cain and Abel, and these children had heaps of other children. I even did a hypothetical diagram of possible families and relatives, and it seemed quite feasible that after several generations there were quite a number of people scattered all over the place. Granted, not to the extent that "science" tells us. For me, scientific evidence, especially in the area of evolution, can be dodgy, and I am not sure everything can be believed as facts, even though you say there is hard evidence for it. However, I cannot argue with you on this because I have not investigated this "hard evidence" myself. Not thoroughly anyway. 
  17. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Melinda Mills in Who Did Cain Fear Was Going To Kill Him?   
    (Genesis 2:4-6) . . .This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven. 5 Now there was as yet no bush of the field found in the earth and no vegetation of the field was as yet sprouting, because Jehovah God had not made it rain upon the earth and there was no man to cultivate the ground. 6 But a mist would go up from the earth and it watered the entire surface of the ground.
    Note: Before Jehovah made Adam there was no man to cultivate the ground.   The information seems scant but the Bible says enough.
    Cain later built a city named after his son, Enoch,  so it doesn't seem he was still worried of being killed.  Read here:
    (Genesis 4:16-24)  Then Cain went away from before Jehovah and took up residence in the land of Exile, to the east of Eʹden. 17 Afterward Cain had sexual relations with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Eʹnoch. Then he engaged in building a city and named the city after his son Eʹnoch. 18 Later Iʹrad was born to Eʹnoch. And Iʹrad became father to Me·huʹja·el, and Me·huʹja·el became father to Me·thuʹsha·el, and Me·thuʹsha·el became father to Laʹmech. 19 Laʹmech took two wives for himself. The name of the first was Aʹdah, and the name of the second was Zilʹlah. 20 Aʹdah gave birth to Jaʹbal. He was the founder of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. 21 His brother’s name was Juʹbal. He was the founder of all those who play the harp and the pipe. 22 Also, Zilʹlah gave birth to Tuʹbal-cain, who forged every sort of tool of copper and iron. And the sister of Tuʹbal-cain was Naʹa·mah. 23 Then Laʹmech composed these words for his wives Aʹdah and Zilʹlah: “Hear my voice, you wives of Laʹmech; Give ear to my saying: A man I have killed for wounding me, Yes, a young man for striking me. 24 If 7 times Cain is to be avenged, Then Laʹmech 77 times.” 
    Note that it did not say Cain found his wife in the land of Fugitiveness (Nod) east of the Garden of Eden, but he had relations with her there. Note that the Bible does not mention the names of the daughters of Adam. It said only that he had sons and daughters in Genesis chapter 5.  It is likely that Adam had several daughters before he had Seth who was mentioned next. (See Reasoning Book and other publications under Where did Cain get his wife?)
    My take:  It also spoke about him building a city named after his son, Enoch, so it seems he was no longer worried about being hunted down. Lamech in his poetry spoke of  Cain being avenged, so it seems Cain's situation was known and that he was to be avenged seven times, if killed.
    A certain level of sophistication is noted here: Marrying, making instruments and playing music, lifestyle innovations, tool making with copper and iron, poetry writing and maybe songwriting too.
    It speaks of the talented people that descended from Cain  and their also taking wives and not saying where they came from. Seems female children were born regularly enough, among that pool of people, so there was no problem getting wives. Lamech took two, as they were plentiful enough. Occasionally the Bible said how old Adam was when he got another son, but generally intervals are not mentioned. So we trust the daughters were old enough to be married. Lamech seemed to be a writer/poet and he had talented children who made musical instruments, tools,  and invented other things and lifestyles. His wives and one of his daughter's name is mentioned (Naamah).
    I don't think we should worry about it. We would like to know more but the Bible says enough.
  18. Thanks
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in who is referred to here?   
    If anyone is interested, I was able to move all the comments that were related to the CAIN topic over to here:
    Yes, I know it wasn't originally about Cain marrying his sister, but if JTR has a better name for it, I can still change it (I think).
  19. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Who Did Cain Fear Was Going To Kill Him?   
    The Bible says that by means of Abraham's seed all nations will be blessed. This means that those of Abraham's blood line became the special possession that produced the Messiah, the means for potential salvation for ALL mankind, dead or alive.
    Why does it seem silly?
    "That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned" (Romans 5:12)
    If there was the possibility of more than one person* being directly created by Jehovah, then how could the above scripture apply?
    *Edit: I should really say 2 people. One of each sex.
  20. Haha
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Who Did Cain Fear Was Going To Kill Him?   
  21. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in who is referred to here?   
    You haven't identified a third group. What you have called a "third" group is really just a comment about the first two groups.
    In fact, the scenario reminds me of an actual situation that happened when I worked at 1500 Broadway in NYC's Times Square, and a national TV network rented out our huge (warm) conference room on the third floor overlooking the crowds who come to watch a ball drop on New Year's Eve.
    There would be celebrities coming in to our building, some entertainment, and free food and drink. Some people at this company worked a late shift with the computers (running end of year, end of quarter reports) and they were going to be there when it happened (when the ball dropped). Some people were going home first and then coming back, hopefully, in time to get back into the building. 
    GROUP 1: Those who would go home first before coming back to see the event. GROUP 2: Those who would still be working here at the time of the event. GROUP 3? At the time of the event, it will be New Year's, and those in GROUP 1 and those in GROUP 2 can then both come into the unused side of the conference room at the same time, hoping to meet celebrities, the TV crews, watch the crowds below, etc. As you can see, there is no real GROUP 3 being described. It's just a comment about the situation for those in GROUP 1 and those in GROUP 2. In fact, you can even imagine someone worrying that those who have gone home first might not be back in time for the event and subsequent celebration.
    You might even be able to imagine that there could be some jealousy that those who were working at the time would have access to the celebration when those who had gone home, might miss out. You could even imagine someone in management saying:
    Moreover, workers, we want you to know that those who went home already will not miss out on the celebration. They will still be back in time to meet us here. For though most of the roads will be blocked to taxis and cars, still, if we have faith in the subways, and that the guards downstairs will be there to let them in the building, then they will be brought here in time with us. For this is what we tell you, that we the working who remain here until the celebratory event, will in no way precede those who have already gone home; because they are coming back here and will be allowed into the building with their passes. Afterward, we the working who are still working when the event begins, will be allowed into the conference room, together with them at the same time. And we will thus all be in the conference room together. So no one should worry about their fellow workers who will have already gone home first. Keep comforting one another with these words.
  22. Haha
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in who is referred to here?   
    Of course there could be OVERLAPPING groups, JWI.
    These are known as zombies.
  23. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Space Merchant in Watch your children. (JW Fork)   
    @Anna Check this out, one of the reasons a lot more people are having their children homeschooled.
  24. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Bubba Johnson Jr in Song #25 - "A Special Possession"   
    It has done me good to make this little progress. Thanks again not only for the technical info but also for your viewpoint on the possible explanation of things. I never understood the relevance of the article on the  "shepherds and dukes." I must go back and reread that WT in view of the time that has passed. 
  25. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Song #25 - "A Special Possession"   
    Part of the problem might be getting your posts into the right section. This forum appears to have places to discuss dozens of topics, and the place for questions such as this might be found more easily if they are in the "Jehovah's Witnesses Open Club."
    Click on this link first: https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/clubs/11-jehovah’s-witnesses/
    Then click "Join Club" if you haven't already done that.
    Now whenever you click on one of the topics in that part of the forum you only need to click "Start a New Topic" near the top of any existing topic in that forum. Any new topic you start from there is in the correct forum. Right now you have some of these questions and comments attached to your profile, which most people won't even know are there (unless they are already following you).
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