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  1. Upvote
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jesus' Self-Witness   
    What we have is nothing of the sort.
    It's a good thing you didn't write any of the Bible. What a dull book it would be.
    I guess they were about to learn a thing or two, weren't they? Not only can God do it - his Son can also.
  2. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Evacuated in Jesus' Self-Witness   
    Matt 28:18: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth....
    John 5:22: "For the Father judges no one at all, but he has entrusted all the judging to the Son,..."
    Hi Cos. See you are still battling on. These scriptures don't really need exposition do they?
    By the way, I see you are referenced as female on the forum somewhere. Is that a fact or a misunderstanding? 
  3. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Pay Them All a Denarius   
    I just noticed that I said this without a proper qualification. Most of us know that there is no reward for good works, such as preaching, pioneering, giving excellent talks, going to Bethel, serving as a missionary, ministerial servant, or elder, or Governing Body member, etc. Jehovah rewards his servants, not for the good they do, but for the proper loving motivation in the heart.
    But, true proper motivation will result in actions. If we truly love God (faith) and our neighbor we cannot help but act upon that love. We will show our fellow human neighbors and brothers mercy, patience, love, empathy, kindness -- all fruits (outgrowths) of the proper spirit in our hearts. To the extent possible in our own circumstances, that automatically translates to action (good works). True faith cannot exist, therefore, without good actions that follow. Not everyone can do the same amount however (the widow's "mite," workers who arrive at the 11th hour, etc.). But if those who put in more work are jealous or disturbed by the lesser work others have done, then they don't understand that it was not the work that was rewarded, but the proper motivation. They don't understand what this means:
    "I want mercy, not sacrifice"
  4. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Evacuated in Why does the governing body lie?   
    For anyone stumbling across this sad little cameo, the embroidery of text, both in the youtube and forum posting creates puzzlement. The video is about the family relationship problems that some elderly folk brought on themselves by dissassociating themselves from the Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Their issue seems to be around their regret over the estrangement this created in their relationship with their granddaughter.
    It is difficult to see a relevant connection with the post title "Why does the governing body lie?" or the reference to issues involving a disfellowshipped husband and his Witness family.
  5. Upvote
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Ever heard of the concept of an "emotional bank account"?
    It goes something like this:
    You cannot just walk up to someone in a casual setting and say "Who are you?
    You might go up and say " Hi!, My name is Allen Smith, and I am from such-and-such congregation, and I am in town visiting relatives ...
    That is the deposit in the "emotional bank account".
    You now have something you can withdraw from that "emotional Bank account".
    Now, you  can ask someone's name, because they have information on you that is meaningful.
    "May I ask you name?" (That is the "withdrawal".)
    Try it sometime.
    They are not going to use that information to target North Korean missiles to your house, or send the Mafia by to kneecap you.
    I go by my real full name, and tell many tales on myself, many disparaging and personal ... No. 1, because it doesn't really matter ... I will be quite dead too soon, the Universe will not even notice, and No. 2,  sans actual missile attack, anywhere around me is a "safe space".
    This is not hand to hand combat with bayonets ... this is conversation via photons on a monitor ... NO MORE.
    We can battle to the death in the Arena of Ideas ... sigh if we win or lose ... get up from our chairs, and go have dinner.
    Lighten up.
    You will live a lot longer, and be a LOT happier.
  6. Confused
    Anna got a reaction from Foreigner in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    @AllenSmith what were you trying to say with the Spartacus clip? Have you seen the movie?
  7. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    @TrueTomHarley  you were Vic Vomidog too?? You got me fooled there,  I thought he was an evil apostate 
  8. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    @AllenSmith what were you trying to say with the Spartacus clip? Have you seen the movie?
  9. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    This is really awful. I didn't want to just ignore this. It's all the more tragic for you, it evidently being so close to home, and so recent. I don't want to trivialize it by mixing the topic of drug addiction into a conversation about child abuse statistics, but you already know that this is a huge problem in parts of the world, and we can be thankful for the protections among Jehovah's people that leave us relatively immune from so many of such problems.  
    I see your point, and in spite of the interpretation people have imputed onto this conversation, I don't agree that our problem with child abuse is nearly as bad as is generally found on the outside. I have only disagreed with using a flawed set of numbers and apple-and-orange ratio comparisons to make the claim. And I am concerned that after being associated (in several major legal systems) with a flawed process, we might appear to be defending the flawed process. Our numbers may actually be 10 times better, or 6 times better, but we attract unnecessary negative attention by appearing to defend a process that has been used in the way it has, especially in our own organization's recent history.
    My wife started a Bible study with a woman, now a sister, who had a drug abuse problem, not an addiction problem. I was asked to study with this woman's brother, who did have an on-and-off drug addiction problem. He was getting treatment, but it was a long process for him and he never managed to get to a point where he thought he was ready for baptism. If he had been baptized, he might have still struggled. But I would agree with calling the organization a "lifeline" for this type of person. Learning to rely on Jehovah to help overcome major issues with wrong desires becomes a positive habit in itself. I think he had a desire to get to a point where he could feel proud of his life, feel a purpose in life, and to some extent feel that he had a social structure and network to fall back upon in time of need. Part of what held him back, he said, is that he didn't feel worthy of association with a group of people who appeared to be ready to love him as he is and take him in as a friend. It's something I've seen in the prison work, too. Even after a baptism, some prisoners don't feel worthy of associating with the class of person that Witnesses represent to them. (For cases like this, I like the experiences such as the brother on the monthly broadcast a few months back who had been a true-to-life criminal, but speaks with joy and obvious acceptance of his past, present and future.)
    Even in the context of writing a book that could use a "study" or two for more credibility, I still don't see why you are looking for a specific number. The point is that we have made progress beyond most religions on most issues, but we always look to use the Bible as our guiding set of principles. Sometimes this makes us look a bit backward, but we stand on our record in dealing with all the issues that plague the world today. We don't dig our heels in to hang onto traditional ways of doing things, but we look to the Bible for the wisdom and counsel to meet all challenges, old and new.
  10. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from DefenderOTT in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    You are wrong in your assumption. I don't think any of us had/has unrealistic expectations. JW insider described the problem that existed in the past quite accurately:
    But still, that doesn't mean it was OK does it?
  11. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Just curious, how would you, as JTR, report this on jw.org? I mean give an example of what you would actually say (no puns or jokes, seriously)
  12. Upvote
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    You know, they say that The English (and that would include Australians) and the Americans are separated by a common language.
    such a ALU-minum in American English, and Alu-MIN-ium, in the King's English.  Or GRAY in American, and GREY, in Englandish.
    From your link: "Just because you see the word “subpoena” over the word “summons” DOESN’T give it the SAME weight in POWER, in, legal context."
    Of course not!
    But ignore either one at your peril of wallet and/or freedom.
    That is where the "rubber meets the road.
    If hypothetically I pointed my gun at YOU and wiggled it and nodded to my left, chances are you would want to move to my left.
    That would be to YOUR right.
    In THAT case, it would be REAL important!
    One of the amazing things about your posts Allen, is what you pick out and isolate that's important to you mind, leaving the herd of Elephants in the room ignored.
  13. Thanks
    Anna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Lol. I get it, don't worry.
  14. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from JW Insider in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Nothing against your uncle, but I have noticed quite frequently friends making illogical and contradictory remarks such as this. I wonder if upon reflection they realize that what they've just said makes no sense at all, but just leave it at that. I am guilty of this too by the way. Or are they genuinely so blinkered? Or is it just a saying. No need to answer. This is merely a rhetorical question 
  15. Thanks
  16. Upvote
  17. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Yikes! I said nothing about "proof" in either a situation of nations slinging accusations, nor did I even say that sexual abuse can be proven by hidden info that only trained experts can recognize. Proof (and by that I suppose you mean incontrovertible or overwhelming evidence) is rarely a part of sexual abuse allegations, except in extreme circumstances (multiple eyewitnesses, rape kits, video, DNA). Usually, a predator leaves only victims who he (or she) believes will never come forward to complain. (Most young victims don't complain until many years later -- based on fear, threat, "guilt," lack of understanding, lack of trust in any confidants.) But he often leaves circumstantial evidence based on patterns of grooming the victim(s), patterns of characteristics among the types of victims chosen, patterns of controlling the victims, patterns in the methods to gain time alone with victims. These become things to watch out for when trying to protect our children from suspected predators, too. But predators evolve their methods and may try dozens of "patterns."
    There is nothing that can re-define child abuse "proof."
    No. They need to understand such situations better for nearly the opposite reason. So they can understand the complexities, and know why they are not relying upon themselves to make legal and criminal determinations. Also, they can have more empathy for all involved, and realize that the perpetrator is going to be an expert liar, and will appear completely innocent. They should also realize that the victim will, more often than not, appear to be a complete liar, appear "guilty" of something, with inconsistencies in the story, his or her memories, timelines, etc. They may appear hateful and spiteful and unchristian, while the perpetrator may appear godly and humble and caring and concerned. They should realize what I said above about the unlikelihood of "proof" of any kind.
  18. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Evacuated in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    This is actually a valid musing. I see the outrage regarding the child abuse issue as an evidence of one of the last sparks of morality in a dying and corrupt civilisation. 
    This issue has extraodinary emotive power in many circles. Despite the prevalence of institutionalised wholesale abuse in the form of abortion; confused censorship; inadequate, inconsistent legislation; resistance to proper investigation; recruiting of child-soldiers; human trafficking; inequitable access to food, medicine, education, and whatever else one cares to list, there's nothing so attention grabbing as accusations of child abuse and/or the suggestion that such depraved and appalling behaviour should be tolerated and allowed anywhere.
    In the light of the Scripture's presentation of Christians as prime targets of a spiritual enemy, with toxic influence far more dangerous than Novichock, why should we think their institutions would be immune to infiltration by that most insidiously deceptive of all criminals, the child abuser? Or why would individuals within their ranks be any less susceptible to the torrent of living-room piped,  immoral effluent found on the internet? Even a most conservative estimator of this content, Dr. Ogi Ogas, commented "Fourteen per cent of searches and 4% of websites devoted to sex really are very significant numbers, when you stop to ponder it." And then of course , in birth itself there is no religious discrimination in it's apportioning of genetic malfunction.
    But that spiritual enemy is expert at fanning sparks of humanity into flames of bigotry and intolerance as he aims his fiery missiles into the unwary and unguarded hearts of hapless men. By means of this issue, he reduces rational, decent humans into prejudiced, unreasonable witch-hunters, clawing at each others throats, trading accusation and insult, deflecting attention to any one but the real enemy, whilst his worm-like minions advance unchecked, the cries of his victims continue, as if unheard.
  19. Thanks
    Anna reacted to John Houston in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    I have wondered why this topic has such blow back. We victims or those who commit the acts , on this forum are neither served either way. In reality, the elders, are not policemen, when they are confronted with abuse, they must have a confession from the one who,has committed the deed, the one affected should take the matter to the secular authorities. A child should have the power to be listened to by these authorities and have the one who has done this to them brought to justice. The opportunity that a child could in fact lie, is there, but there should be the ear for the child other than parents or the elders. Ones who,would have the authority to move on what the child has stated has occurred. I did in fact take it to the secular authorities after telling my parents, and he was both arrested and removed from his office. Yes, they wanted it done another way, but my father wanted him dead also. This way saved that person life and my father's. And my own sanity! I didn't go into a hole to hide. I also,did not wait on those I realized could help me.
  20. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    I see the same thing, and it's usually overkill. It's often not limited to just wanting to have a serious discussion about process and practice and doctrinal issues. Some is out of anger at the organization, obviously, and therefore includes typical spite from ex-JWs. Some is out of the iconoclastic desire to tear down something that is essentially good but they perceive it as claiming itself to be "perfect." But there is little chance of this being discussed thoroughly among JWs in a congregational setting, or in a monthly broadcast. There is little chance that JW.ORG will ever include a comments section. So this is still about as good a place as any I know to discuss it with others who might wish to put some depth and thought into fixing it.
    Perhaps it does. And perhaps your point is true.  But a scale can balance rotten fish with rotten vegetables. It would still be good to know if the counterpoint is valid.
  21. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Allen, Your point should be the same as mine, and it would be a shame (literally) if it is isn't. I understand as well as anyone why you think that a knee-jerk reaction to protect the reputation of the organization is so important. I've been there myself. And sometimes that reaction is correct and on-track. But there are times when justice is more important than protecting a reputation. When we put ourselves on the side of justice we are defending Jehovah's reputation, and this is better for the organization, too, in the long run. There are times when unrighteousness should be exposed. It is short-sighted to think that we are defending Jehovah's name by covering up what is bad. 
    So, my point is that the problem is bad, because every instance of child abuse is bad -- even if our statistics are better than someone else's. If you don't think the problem is bad, then I don't trust that you are are doing everything you can to reduce the problem. We should advocate for children. We should advocate for justice. And we need to do more about this reputation we have earned, as an organization, for trying to hide the extent of the problem. It makes us look like we would prefer ignoring or hiding the problem rather than admit that the problem is bad.
    I don't think your insult has any basis. You say that people like me threw incorrect information out there without first understanding secular law. I can't speak for what others know or don't know about secular law, but I saw no instances where your insult applied to anything I said on the subject. I don't recall anything JTR said on this subject, but I do recall several of the things Anna said, and I don't think either of us stated anything incorrect or conflicting with respect to secular law. Both of us, as I recall, discussed the value of Brother Jackson requesting a legal change with respect to a consistent requirement for reporting, in all cases, which would resolve a large portion of the inconsistencies. As I recall, we both discussed this long before you yourself mentioned that you also agree with Brother Jackson's recommendation as a resolution for many issues.
    If you really think I said something incorrect, I welcome the correction. But with you it's usually just bluster, obfuscation, vagueness, and braggadocio. I hope this isn't more of the same.
    I don't condemn the Watchtower for inaction. I have long stated that the Watchtower Society has made many excellent changes with respect to these crimes in the past decade especially, and even some good changes to policy and procedure in the last two years. Perhaps you think you are trying to impress an audience who doesn't know any better when you make up false things about people you don't seem to want to get along with. If you have facts, that's great, but please leave aside all the acting and histrionics.
    There are not many way to make sense of that statement of yours. The trouble seems to lie in your attempt to fit too many untruths in a single sentence without thinking clearly about the issue. To be clear I am not excusing anything. I am "blatantly" trying to get to truth of the "90% claim." If you have any facts to add, great! As you can see, you probably weren't thinking clearly at all when you said I was "condemning the use of other religious statistics." I was the one who just recommended the use of other religious statistics for comparison.
    If you don't like this topic, Allen, you are free to avoid it, but please don't fill it with untruths for your own purposes.
  22. Haha
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in “I will return!” ; says the White Rhino ?- Jehovah will return us to this Earth! He Created Us to be here and glorify Him as His Creatures!   
    I don't like to draw the line at just well loved and "special" animals. I can't wait for all the roaches and spiders and ticks and fleas who have ever died to also come back. After all, there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
  23. Haha
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why won't they announce the reason for disfellowshipping or disassociation?   
    When I bring in folks like @Vic Vomidog, @Dr. Adhominem  Dr. 'Hammer' Urubi, and @Top Cat O'Malighan, I can almost write in the tenth person.
  24. Upvote
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why won't they announce the reason for disfellowshipping or disassociation?   
    I don't think so. Which guy do you mean?
    Having said that, it really doesn't matter. If you leave a record of loyalty to Jehovah, slapping back hard at villainous reasonings, and even people when they make themselves synonomous with them, also not chit-chatting with determined enemies of the truth as though they were chums, yet not saying vile things yourself, and even showing some kindness and empathy wherever the situation might warrent it, I'm not sure how you can go wrong, even if the guy is phony.
    There was someone here who said he was a brother coping with homosexual tendencies some time ago. He painted himself very distraught. I think he said he had contemplated suicide at one time. I spoke with him at some length, as did several others here. But I always thought he could be just putting us on. It doesn't matter. If you sketch a character convincingly enough, you provide good opportunity for dealing with such a character, whether you are real or not.
    It's not like I feel I'm being Perry Mason here, you know. Nothing here is real, necessarily. Real or not, people provide a good opportunity to develope communication skills appropriate to both friend and foe.
    If you mean John, I don't think I've been gullible. Why would you think I have been? But even if I have, it hardly matters. I certainly mess with people's minds enough when I determine they are up to no good. If I am to stay here I must have that liberty. If someone turns the tables on me now and again, why should I complain? But I don't think it of John. He struck me as genuine, though you never know.
  25. Upvote
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why won't they announce the reason for disfellowshipping or disassociation?   
    You have much stature, Trom, and I appreciate that, but I have learned not to say such things. Even when they are gone, there is no saying they might not come back. I don't like to make it personal.
    Someone may say "you don't?" because I have pushed back hard at times, even 'slapping' some. But I try to never go personal, and I think proof that that can work is the conciliatory note from John. Now, he is gone for now, but it is not necessarily permanent, and we might have made it so by going after him personally.
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