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  1. Haha
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?   
    You know, there are actually things to like about JTR. He is not ambitious. He is not proud, at least no more so than anyone. He is a straight shooter. He uses (perhaps) his real name and photo, which is bold. (though I do wonder if he can possibly be so blunt in the KH as he is online - how much of a double life is he leading, if any?) He probably is much like Mickey Spillane in many ways. If you could just get him to lay off on the 3 John 10 thingie, you could almost plant a kiss on his leathery mug.
  2. Thanks
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?   
    I try to not upset people unnecessarily, and there are even holsters that are concealable .. many different types and styles.  Google IWB Holsters (Inside the waisteband) .
    I do not expect to encounter a "fast draw" situation, as I pay attention to my surroundings, and an extra three seconds seems not that important to me.
    Like a fire extinguisher ( I have six), or a first aid kit (I have several of different sizes).
    I hope at the end of my life the whole exercise will have been a complete waste of time and money ... merely a hobby, in retrospect.
  3. Like
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    So sorry. I was concerned about the source, and KNEW instantly that it was not from an apostate source. In fact, it sounded familiar. You probably know that there are a couple of Witnesses who write some very good poetry from the heart. They share their poems on facebook pages and probably some other Witness-run web pages.
    As JTR said, it wouldn't matter if this was found on an apostate web page, and I would not have been concerned if you had found it there, either. That's because I can tell you have such a good heart and a kind of youthful excitement about the Christian brotherhood (and "sisterhood") even though you also have a spiritual maturity at the same time. So I suspect you are pretty much immune to things that might disappoint and discourage other people.
    I think you are doing a great job of putting up great positive items of interest. I have a background that includes being an researcher, editor, proofreader, so I'm sorry if it looks like I focus on mistakes. It's been my "job" since I was 19 years old, and I stayed in related occupations for nearly 30 of the next 40 years.
    I didn't see any silly or weird mistakes in what you posted, although it would have been better if you had said "source unknown" because it looks like you are saying that you were the source when you give no other.
  4. Like
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Well - it's very touching but it's hardly rocket science. There are not 500 people in a Kingdom Hall. There are usually under 100. I look around, and when I see someone I don't know, I walk up and talk to them.
  5. Like
    Anna got a reaction from bruceq in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
  6. Haha
    Anna reacted to Evacuated in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Think I said "koff". Not German, I just prefer the spelling due to it's association with Guaifenesin.
  7. Haha
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    If you try, you may turn out like me.
    "Oh Mother, tell your children not to doooo what I have done....And he's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God, I know I'm one."
    It's too late for me. It may not be for you.
  8. Like
    Anna reacted to Arauna in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I do not watch much western media - I keep a careful watch on the middle east because I preach mostly to Muslims - so I like to know what is going on. I watch arabic sites.
    I have been watching Russia for many years...... as I never believed that perestroika was permanent.... 
    Russia has been making alliances with Iran and selling weapons to them (a country who preaches every week against America in their Mosques and has bad intentions to America and the west - Shia muslim country);  Russia has been helping Assad with the war because he wanted access to the ports there - which he now has.  I do not think he will keep his access open there!  Russia has been making overtures to Turkey (Sunni muslim) and selling weapons - creating alliances. He is building alliances ....  Putin is looking very strong to his own people.... there is no denying this even though the economy is not perfect. 
    They are a government like all other under satan's power.... but some governments are more dangerous than others ... like north Korea for instance could create instability on a whim.  The world is volatile now and I am not vilifying only one country - but since this blog is about Russia I wrote what I think about Russia and their record is fraught with killing - even blatantly annexing areas such as the Ukraine problem...  like Hitler, he knew he can get away with it because the west does not want war.  
    Sweden is on high alert - they do not trust Russia.  They are calling up more soldiers for the army....  
    Americans often think that showing power (bombing) is a display of power and brings respect.... unfortunately this time has passed.  Shrewdness is now the name of the game....They have great influence in electronic warfare as well!  Hacking groups (government sponsored) hacking many different countries!  Putin and his government must not be underestimated.....he has chosen to act against Jehovah!  This he will only do because Jehovah allows him to!
  9. Like
    Anna reacted to Arauna in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Report post     My observations of reality the way reality REALLY IS may be callous
    What is reality?   Each person experiences reality in a different way except when we collectively accept the reality of Jehovah and the reality of his restoration project of the earth (as written in the bible) and the values of good and bad it instills in us. We hence can say : if we follow the truth of the bible we are focusing on the true reality.  All other stuff is really going to become garbage in future although these ugly, painful things are now a part of our collective reality.
    My definition of true faith is based on Hebrew 11:1 : it is the search for reality (evidence) and how this reality will affect your view on all life on earth, human and animal.
    Is this not also the definition of science?  The search for reality and how this will affect your view of all other life?   Take for example the theory of evolution - to some this is reality..... even though the "evidence" is not there!  And how did this theory affect their view of other life?  Well Nazi Germany is a good example.  The idea of survival of the fittest gave way to "engineering of the german nation" and discarding disabled or other nations (not seen as worthy) to be exterminated....
    While we may accept the reality of the Kingdom and its future hope we may be at odds with the teachings of the Bible.  Our reality can be affected by being too egotistical, too brazen, too disruptive, too critical, too unloving.  How do we use our power?  All of us have power over each other and we can cooperate or be a dissonant sound.
    If a child does not listen to his parents he is actually using the power he has over them to make their lives a misery.  Similarly, it is easy to put the blame elsewhere and criticize the brothers when the finger is pointing back at us.  How humble are you to try to always cooperate and work together - be a force for good.   
    Use your powers for building others up - not being the disruptive sound in the orchestra.  One can still exercise your talents and be an individual without stepping onto the toes of everyone else.  Be emotionally sensitive.  Work hard - not just on the  IQ but more so - on the Emotional IQ. 
    There are many brothers and sisters with exceptional talents but they keep these in check (in their place) to put Jehovah first.
  10. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Agreed, Jehovah is shaking the nations by preaching work (not literally shaken). ...And this preaching work is upsetting the Russian government and the Mighty Orthodox church.....because we are effective!
    However, I think Jehovah is allowing satan to literally shake the nations due to the activities of man (wars, poverty etc.) which is causing stress in societies in many parts of the world. We are observing an influx of people to other areas and these have not had opportunity to get a good witness because they live in areas where the work has been banned or restricted.
  11. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Evacuated in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I agree with your views expressed very well here. Just to add that whilst indeed the movement of people is due to the "shaking" of this world system, Jehovah's "shaking" of the nations (Hag.2:7) is by means of the preaching that we do. Personal focus and involvement in that activity as much as we can at this time will serve greatly in our endeavour to keep ourselves in Jehovah's love. 
  12. Like
    Anna reacted to Melinda Mills in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    "Little wife" is a translation of someone's surname.  It happened the last time also.
  13. Thanks
    Anna reacted to bruceq in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    "little wife" is googles translation for our lawyer Zhenkov
  14. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Evacuated in Has the Society ever ruled on what happens if a man or woman abandons their spouse forever ... is the one abandoned stuck forever ?   
    "Forever is a long...long time."
    No one gets stuck in anything longer than their current life or until Armageddon...whichever comes first.
  15. Haha
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?   
    uh ... depends on the hug.
    "... Is that your gun, or are you just happy to see me?"

  16. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?   
    I don't think I would have argued with you either!
  17. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?   
    If someone at the KH gave you a hug would they feel it?
  18. Haha
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    I think he means 2034 will be the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE ... it's all so CLEAR to me now!
  19. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    You were saying....?
  20. Like
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in CONVENTIONS | “Don’t Give Up!” Convention   
    Excellent point. When I worked in the Art Department at Bethel I first realized that "food at the proper time" for English readers was at about two months earlier than Spanish readers and between 6 and 8 months earlier than the average audience for other languages. For some of the books, the delay could be several years.
  21. Like
    Anna reacted to Maid in UK in Beards in the Congregation   
    TrueTomHarley, thanks for the low-down about the zany.   I guess I have to accept that when a man "gots to communicate", a man "gots to communicate" - however that communication may be presented.
  22. Like
    Anna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Beards in the Congregation   
    I admire her courage ... a LOT ... but that would still creep me out.
    I am sure she realizes this ... and it is THAT ... that gives her a backbone of steel.
    John the Baptist, who slept under a rock or something, wore rags, and who ate locusts MILLENIA before toothbrushes ... was highly favored by God.
  23. Like
    Anna reacted to The Librarian in Seven friends drown after their boat capsized when they huddled in one corner to take a selfie...   
    Were none of them able to swim even for a few minutes? I can understand dying by being pulled under by a huge ship sinking...but just falling off a boat? I've jumped off of more boats than I can think of for the sheer fun of swimming.
  24. Thanks
    Anna got a reaction from tromboneck in Memorial of the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ   
    @tromboneck  P.S. We could stretch it even more with using the example of Br. Morris's son who I believe is 43? (or 45) and of the anointed. Assuming his son got baptized when he was 18 in 1992, just before Br. Franz dies, then he will also be among the 2nd generation. So that would "buy" us an extra 46 years (if we were to say he lived to be 89). I think 50 years is about the maximum years you can count. Of course as you say, the anointed don't have to wait until they die. But still, this gives us up to 50 years or so, where the end can come anytime between now and then.
  25. Thanks
    Anna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Memorial of the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ   
    Tom, I am assuming you are asking me this question.
    If you remember Br. Splane (in I can't  remember which month's broadcast) explained that the "2nd" generation of anointed would have to be contemporaries of the "1st" generation. This 1st generation would have had to be anointed in 1914 . He used the example of Br. Franz who was born in 1893 and baptized April 1914. Thus, anyone who became anointed during Br. Franz's lifetime and is still alive now, is of the 2nd generation. Br. Franz died in 1992, so anyone who was of the anointed before then (and is still alive) is of the 2nd generation, because their anointed life overlapped with that of Br. Franz. The youngest members whose lives overlapped with that of Br. Franz and who are still alive and who we know of, are in their early 50's (eg. Br. Jackson and Br. Sanderson) So, in theory, this does buy us about 35 years or so, assuming both brothers live to be in their late 80's and the great tribulation hasn't come before then.
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