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  1. Haha
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    If John the Baptist is resurrected on Earth, perhaps he will prefer to live under a rock, wear discarded clothing, and walk around eating locusts and stuff.….. and then one day he will turn a corner, and there, in the parking lot, will be an Airstream Travel Trailer!
  2. Haha
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Yeah, like that pinko David foisting his ‘share equally’ plan upon the ‘bad and worthless’ men:
    However, every bad and worthless man among those who had gone with David said: “Since they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil that we recovered except that each one may take his wife and his sons and go away.”  23 But David said: “You must not do this, my brothers, with what Jehovah has given us. He protected us and gave into our hand the marauder band that came against us.  24 Who would agree with you on this? The share of the one who went down into the battle will be the same as the share of the one who sat by the baggage. All will have a share.  1 Samuel 30:22-24.    
    Sometimes you have to reign in your bad and worthless men.
    Often I would say of the LDC bro in our congregation, “yeah—don’t kid yourselves. Pete’s gonna make us all live in dormitories.”
  3. Haha
    Anna reacted to xero in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Have you ever wondered how many of our number are jealous socialist commies at heart?
    Good thing we're politically neutral while the some of the ones who aren't emotionally neutral  (low-hour poor meeting attending publishers) imagine a socialist-commie kingdom govt while all the rest of us decent humble folk (folks who know how to take counsel and don't whine all the time) realize if we want figs and houses, we'll have to plant them ourselves and build them ourselves and not just get some kingdom govt. EBT cards and free-loader housing.

  4. Haha
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    “I alone can fix this?”
    No, I guess not.
  5. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    I've seen it. The first I heard about the controversy surrounding the National Prayer Breakfast a few years ago from an author trying to reveal hypocrisy among conservative Republican leaders, especially G.W.Bush, but as much hypocrisy has been true of Democrats too, of course. Since the time of that book, there have been several more scandals related to the Family/Fellowship.
    I thought it was a worthwhile documentary to watch. I like that they tried to get some balance in there by allowing the perspective of Family supporters. And to people who were still semi-supporters even after leaving.
    Like you, it also made me question the supposed inevitability of governments or political entities turning against religion. After watching it, you'd think it would be more likely that the majority of governments would prefer turning against the lack of religion. But any ideology can become a catalyst to action where power is involved. And when we take into account the leading of demons, we don't expect the final events to be all that predictable anyway. So who's to say what will or won't happen? When referring to the lead-up of the end-times, C.T.Russell was always fond of the expression "God's strange work," basing it on Isaiah 28:21 (AV).
    Speaking of Russell, I remembered something from the last episode where Trump says something about himself that reminded me of something Russell said about himself. I didn't want to start discussing any specifics until you have seen the whole documentary. Have you already finished it?
  6. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from Amidstheroses in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    It may not be deliberate. What if it's a type of tourettes and he can't help himself.
  7. Sad
    Anna got a reaction from Pudgy in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    It may not be deliberate. What if it's a type of tourettes and he can't help himself.
  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Russian Orthodox Church ☦️ leaders blessing a rocket called Satan.   
    I didn't check it too closely, but I suspect it was fake for three reasons. So many anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian items have been faked lately. Some images have even come from video games. But you'll also notice that the shadows are at a different angle than the heavy equipment. (And they are darker and crisper.) Also, I don’t think it’s Russia that calls this missile "satan" anyway. I think that's a name that NATO has dubbed it.
    But I don't doubt that the Russian Orthodox Church has blessed the military missions, and this kind of thing has been done all over the place.
  10. Upvote
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    We went through all the Glenn Doman’s number cards with our babies, I am convinced to good effect—and even in the event it was not it was fun and took almost no time.
    At one point, following a Doman cue, we asked our infant to pick up 57, as opposed to 56 and 58, dots all mixed up with no underlying pattern—the number written on the back so you would know. Instantly he did. But Doman said you can’t do it twice; infants get bored and they will not do it for show. Sure enough, when we tried, he would not.
    Coincidence? Dunno. It was a one out of three chance, after all, so coincidence is certainly possible.  But he reached for it instantly, with no hesitation at all.
    The point was, in building your baby’s ‘better’ brain (Yikes!—Building Back Better) that if you see 3 or 4 cows in the field you instantly read them for their true number, but at some point you must start counting, 1…2…3…4…5…. The idea with the flash cards for an infant’s rapidly expanding brain was that you could push way up that point at which you had to start counting; that it could take in 56 at a glance. Doman’s flash cards went up to 100. 
  11. Haha
    Anna reacted to Thinking in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Actually sometimes you talk like that blackboard…but hey …who’s got it all right..
  12. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from Thinking in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Hey! I like country music!
  13. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Pudgy in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Hey! I like country music!
  14. Haha
  15. Haha
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    The “for babies” series is real and available from Amazon, hopefully before your toddler makes an unstable fusion bomb.

  16. Haha
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Poor boy. Here’s a bone for you. I wasn’t sure this pic had a use but it seems it might work here:
    Sheesh! What a bunch of nut cakes! As goofy as any nasty here
    Never have I seen Jehovah’s Witnesses listed directly below Gangsta Rappers.

  17. Haha
  18. Haha
    Anna reacted to xero in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    People who whine about anointed stuff are just a bunch of Karens.
  19. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Thinking in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    I have heard it said (by elders too) that if we get to the other side, we may be surprised at who we see there and surprised at who we don't see there. Which goes to show that although we might have ideas, and judge others, we just don't know, only God does.
  20. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Thinking in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Do you not think the anointed don't do this? I know for sure they do.
    I know three anointed brothers who are also elders.
    It seems this is what your main gripe is really about
  21. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Thinking in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Yes, you're good at twisting and flipping words around I must admit.
  22. Thanks
    Anna got a reaction from Thinking in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    This is rubbish. That would be like saying you can't bond with your brothers and sisters or seek out friends from other congregations.
    You know very well that what was meant was that the anointed should not group together for the purpose of organizing a kind of "elite" club and separating themselves from the rest of the flock. The anointed feel they do not need to do this in order to be members of Christ's body. Christ's body is not dependent on physical or spiritual closeness only with each other. The anointed know they are part of Christ's body and humbly work with the congregation they are at, encouraging and supporting the rest of the flock. The Christian congregation does not consist of "us" and "them" but it is one united flock. It is after their resurrection all anointed will be physically together in heaven with Jesus, and they humbly wait for this. "Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for according to his great mercy he gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an incorruptible and undefiled and unfading inheritance.  It is reserved in the heavens for you"  (1 Peter 1:3,4 )
  23. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Do you not think the anointed don't do this? I know for sure they do.
    I know three anointed brothers who are also elders.
    It seems this is what your main gripe is really about
  24. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Yes, you're good at twisting and flipping words around I must admit.
  25. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    She also insists that we believe that 99.9% of people will be destroyed (or whatever number it is) because Br. Lett said so, and that Br.Lett (or was it Morris) also decides who is wicked. I find it too tedious to argue such nonsense...
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