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  1. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Nigerian Jehovah Witness Allegedly Dies Of Excess Bleeding During Child Birth Because Church Doesn’t Permit Blood Transfusion ! This is just so sad ;-(   
    Hypocritical how this world under the control of Stan works.  Nigeria is famous for having little respect for life when the elite is living off all the riches of oil and many of their  poor dying when they try to pilfer oil.  Extreme corruption in Nigeria - read up about it.
    When the Chibok girls were abducted by Boko Haram the government did nothing to fetch them back .... because they did not care!
    Boko Haram is threatening to take over the country and is responsible for so many terrorist deaths. Attacks which are not reported on in the West.  Under extreme Islam some women are not even allowed to get medical treatment without the permission of a male.... but this is never disclosed or written about......
    However,  it is advertised  far and wide when it is 'alleged' that someone died because they themselves refused blood against the advice of a doctor and in obedience to a law they believe to be coming from the true god. All loss of life is sad yet there are still many reasons one can lose your life in childbirth today.  In the end it is always the refusing of blood that is given as the reason.
    Africa has so much aids and other virusses (Nigeria has the 2nd largest number of newly infected people with aids) that I would not trust any pint of blood in this most notorious country in Africa - notorious for its financial and all other kinds of corruption.
    What were her chances for living if she had taken the blood?  Life expectancy is not very high for babies  in Nigeria and very few people get very old...  Better to trust in Jehovah and not in these corrupt systems of the world  - which do not care about their own people!  She has become a propaganda pawn in someone's agenda!
    At least Jehovah will reward all those who remain faithful.  He will compensate us for what we have lost in this corrupt world for the sake of obedience to his standards!
  2. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in ALLAH – the Moon God   
    Catholics give a high place to Mary but the Greek orthodox much more!
  3. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in ALLAH – the Moon God   
    I say " ilah" when I speak about god but it has become common among Christian Arabs to use Al Lah - which actually means "
    the god" and has become so common everywhere.    It is almost as though it has become a higher form when speaking about god.  The reason why Arab Christians use Allah is because they deny the name of Jehovah - which is sad.  Sometimes it is harder to speak to them than to Muslims because they love their idol worship and will tell you directly that they want nothing to do with you because JWs do not worship Mary.  They see Mary as interceding for women and Jesus as interceding for men..  I was flabbergasted when I had a long discussion with a very religious Greek orthodox man and I gave him a good chance to explain to me where Mary fits in in his church!
    I try to avoid Muslims greetings and stick to marxaba / aHlan was Sahlan instead of Salaam Alaykum and should consciously only stick to Jehwah Ilah (Jehovah God).  I also do not use the word Isa for Jesus but use Jeshua because Isa is a character who will come back and bow to Mohammad after he has fought the one-eyed jew - the antichrist (Dajjal) and his Jewish followers in battle.    
  4. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Lack Of Education Leads To Lost Dreams And Low Income For Many Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Some good reasoning there Melinda. In a nutshell, the worldly way is all about ME. The Christian way is about others, and putting Kingdom interests first.
  5. Upvote
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Lack Of Education Leads To Lost Dreams And Low Income For Many Jehovah's Witnesses   
    To be fair, someone should report satisfaction statistics for those who have gone to (recent) college, for it is not free, and job openings do not necessarily greet graduates. Moreover, if you flame out today, you find yourself working at McDonald's trying to pay off the astronomical bills you have so far run up.
  6. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Melinda Mills in Lack Of Education Leads To Lost Dreams And Low Income For Many Jehovah's Witnesses   
    People who are successful in this life made sacrifices to get where they are now, and some continue to make sacrifices.
    See quote below from a successful writer/journalist, Thuy Yau.
    “We have to make the choice between our immediate desires and the needs that will propel our dreams forward.
    Fact is, it’s not wrong of us to have these immediate desires, these temptations to choose the ‘easier’ option’. It’s normal to feel that way. However, when we sacrifice what we want right now, we are saving our time and energy for something more important. Something that will bring us one step closer to our real goals. Something we truly want, not just something we want right now.
    Maybe we don’t want to sacrifice our time, stability, personal life, sleep, health, stillness and sanity. Maybe it just feels too difficult. But I’ll tell you right now, I’ve sacrificed every one of these things at one point or another. I wouldn’t have gone from writing on a personal blog to working as a freelance writer/journalist, if I had chosen the easier option. I wouldn’t have grown as a person if I hadn’t made those sacrifices either.
    If you want to be successful and achieve what you really want in life, you’ll have to make sacrifices. But when you reach the end of that mountain, you’ll be so very glad that you never gave up the journey.”
    Note the sacrifices it took to arrive at the success she attained as a writer.
    If people can make sacrifices to attain transient goals and treasures, what is so wrong for true Christians to choose to make sacrifices and focus on the real life (everlasting life in perfect conditions) which is promised in the scriptures. Paul’s letter to Timothy encourages us to choose the real life and not the illusions of this system of things.
    (1 Timothy 6:18, 19) . . .Tell them to work at good, to be rich in fine works, to be generous, ready to share, 19 safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, so that they may get a firm hold on the real life.
    Jesus Christ said to seek first the Kingdom of God not worldly things.
     (Matthew 6:33) “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.
     (1 Corinthians 15:19) If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are to be pitied more than anyone.
    (Hebrews 6:9, 10) 9 But in your case, beloved ones, we are convinced of better things, things related to salvation, even though we are speaking in this way. 10 For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name by ministering and continuing to minister to the holy ones.
    We make decisions taking into consideration the real life promised in the Bible.
    We talking about excellence in everything we do -  we are not talking about sloppiness, carelessness, leaving school without any qualifications or skills. We are talking about not using the world to the full so we may have more time to do God’s will.
    (1 Cor 7: 29-35) 29 Moreover, this I say, brothers, the time left is reduced. From now on, let those who have wives be as though they had none, 30 and those who weep as those who do not weep, and those who rejoice as those who do not rejoice, and those who buy as those who do not possess, 31 and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing. 32 Indeed, I want you to be free from anxiety. The unmarried man is anxious for the things of the Lord, how he may gain the Lord’s approval. 33 But the married man is anxious for the things of the world, how he may gain the approval of his wife, 34 and he is divided. Further, the unmarried woman, as well as the virgin, is anxious for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in her body and in her spirit. However, the married woman is anxious for the things of the world, how she may gain the approval of her husband. 35 But I am saying this for your personal advantage, not to restrict you, but to move you to what is appropriate and to constant devotion to the Lord without distraction.
    People are not coerced to apply these scriptures.  Jehovah God has confidence that persons who understood the scriptures and the urgency to get on the side of His approval would do this willingly. He said prophetically on his Son’s coming to power as the King of God’s kingdom, people would offer themselves to do the King’s bidding.
     (Psalm 110:3) “Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force. In splendid holiness, from the womb of the dawn, You have your company of young men just like dewdrops.”
    The important work that they would buy out time for is the preaching of the good news of his Kingdom which would solve all the problems now plaguing the world. People need to hear the real solution. (See Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19,20.)
    Paul further showed that we should buy out time for this.
    (Ephesians 5:15, 16) 15 So keep strict watch that how YOU walk is not as unwise but as wise [persons], 16 buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because the days are wicked.
    He warned also about materialism.  The more “successful” you are the more gadgets to care for, and service; more travelling, more appointments, parties, etc.  If you simplify your life there will be more time to get down to doing God’s business.
    (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge men into destruction and ruin. 10 For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.
    It was true in the first century too that some had left the faith because of reaching out for things that the love of money brings. The precursor to getting more money is usually higher education.
    People who discern what God’s will is will cut down on or avoid things that would prevent them from living a simple life where they will have time for God and his purposes.
    The apostle John also encourages us not to love the world and the things in it.
    (1 John 2:15-17) Do not love either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; 16 because everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life—does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. 17 Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.
    True Christians want to do God’s will and remain forever after the disobedient world passes away. (Rev 7: 14). Those who fall asleep in death look forward to a resurrection to life in heaven or on a paradise earth. (John 10:16; Luke 12:32; Ps 37:10,.11)
    So some persons make sacrifices to obtain more money and prominence in this life, whereas true Christians make sacrifices in this life to attain the real life, everlasting life.
  7. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Evacuated in Lack Of Education Leads To Lost Dreams And Low Income For Many Jehovah's Witnesses   
    These kind of sad tales always bring to mind Paul's words at 1Cor.15:19.
  8. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in What is the purest form of Christianity?   
    The best help - gift -  we can give anyone is to teach them about Jehovah!   It lifts them out of despair and gives them hope  for a future - something to look forward to!   Many live in poverty (with its associated crime and ignorance) and realize there is no way they will ever get out of their circumstances - they do not have the education or money or opportunities..to get out of their country or circumstances...  Some fathers start to drink/use drugs with the little money they earn and increase the suffering of their families because they are desperate and do not know the way out.  (I lived 48 years in Africa before moving to Europe and later in America - now in Sweden).  I saw such extreme poverty that I was stunned by it... and realized that only the message of Jehovah can give hope for a future life.
    We are very materialistic in the West!  Jehovah promises us to come out of Armageddon only with our "life" - no other things.  What is the most precious gift we have - it is our life!  I think the very poor and deprived sometimes understand this more than affluent people do!  (This is why affluent people make issues of very small things because they are not wondering where their next meal is coming from for their family!) When I see the smiles of our brothers in Africa, and know that many of them only have the minimum to survive, and yet they have such joy! ... my heart is happy to know that someone took the time to teach them the truth!
    I  worked amongst Arab speaking refugees in America - sometimes more than 100 hours and spent some 30 to 40 additional hours helping them with translations and filling out forms etc. ... and I have come to the conclusion that some just want "social help"  and focus more on material things.  They are not really searching for the "truth".  Some have a spiritual need but they are not prepared to let go of their "wants"  to reach out for the promises that Jehovah can give them. They are not spiritual people  but "fleshly".  They evaluate everything in only fleshly terms.  Of course we must teach them this but sometimes they just want to  "take" more than "give".  Because witnesses are so 'giving' these people can become predators.   So we must be careful to keep the right focus - first on spiritual help.   This is why it is wise to look after our own brothers and sisters first - and then reach out to others with "social works."
    To be a truly Christian person we will not hold back kindness when it is possible to give it - but the most precious gift is the truth!  Of course (if it is in your power to do something do it).  I wrote letters for people who could not speak the language to get better housing or helped them to reduce bills ... I gave some help which does not involve money... and this giving spirit demonstrated to them the Christian way of thinking - to help others at sacrifice to self.  To give 'time' to help others.  But the focus of our time should be spent on teaching others the truth.  Our time is the most precious commodity we have!
    Oh, I wanted to add another thought:   The witnesses are preaching in so many languages now that most people on earth can be reached in their own language!  Those who are living in "closed" societies - such as muslim countries where a bible is not allowed - these nations are now being shaken!  So these refugees are now coming out and being contacted with the truth!
    I preach here in the streets giving out tracts.  Some come to me - and ask questions!   I make sure I show them how different we are to other Christians so they have a solid basis to go and think about... and later talk to the Witnesses again.  I feel about it this way - they are getting a Witness - very few are going to listen - but all need to get an opportunity!
    Jehovah will resurrect those who are asleep in death - those who never had contact with the truth.  Many were good people and had a good conscience!  Jehovah is just and will not pass anyone by that may be a good future citizen of his Government. We must now focus on getting the "precious things of the nations"  out of the vicious world which will soon collapse!
  9. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Evacuated in Debunked Rumor: Jackie Chan is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses?   
    I was being satirical actually
  10. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Cheryl Richardson Land in Debunked Rumor: Jackie Chan is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses?   
    If it's true, that's wonderful, but...... this photo looks photoshopped to me.... just sayin'.....
  11. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
  12. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Evacuated in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
    Although, of course, reality is a bit of a subjective term. I suppose we could ask who's reality?
    Anyway, I suspect you (and @JWInsider) mean that "the real world" that "some prominent brothers" are divorced from has reference to the set of circumstances experienced by non-SPOOFT Jehovah's Witnesses in their day to day interface with:
    JWs, (congregational, social, and family life). non-JWs (relatives, interested ones, neighbors, peers in education and the workplace, the non-JW community at large). others (marked, inactive, disfellowshipped). If that is the "reality" to which you are referring, then I would say that, in some cases, rather than a possibility, divorce from this "reality" is a certainty. And is likely a condition experienced by more than "some prominent brothers".
    I would suggest that other such "la-la Land" inhabitants might include some brought up as Jehovah's Witnesses by Jehovah's Witnesses.
  13. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from JW Insider in What is the purest form of Christianity?   
    I kind of understand this to mean that obviously a neck tie doesn't take precedent over necessary things (food, medicine, shelter etc.) but I feel it is more of a sentimental gesture, perhaps making a brother feel "dressed" for the meeting....more of a dignity thing perhaps, and given after, and not instead of all the other necessary things that were taken care of. first...just my opinion
  14. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Melinda Mills in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
    "Melinda has her letters that she doesn't send. I have my books. We're all encouraged to have our say in our heart to Jehovah and leave it at that, wherever possible. Reveal stuff in the context of where it may help, and there are such times, but don't put it on the clothesline in the front yard where the whole world sees......"  ---TrueTom
    Never wrote any letters; never sent any.  
    Think Anna said she did that as a coping mechanism. Read again.
  15. Thanks
    Anna got a reaction from Evacuated in New Light! - Beards are now ok.   
    Oh I see, so you are one of these vigilante brothers/sisters who thinks that no one else can see or understand anything as well as they can. Well you are actually completely wrong about Eoin. Please get your facts right before you judge someone adversely. I can private message you a list of who are the apostates or have apostate leanings on this forum, and Eoin Joyce isn't one of them.
    Proverbs 13:18
  16. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in New Light! - Beards are now ok.   
    It will be looked at strangely at first, but people will get used to it. One has to also wonder what it is about a beard that is so stubbling, I mean stumbling? We know Jesus most likely had one. It's a kind of prejudice really. Also, anything that is new, people usually react in a defensive way, it's just imperfect human nature, since whether we are conscious of it or not, we are always judging and usually in a critical way. Mostly those who are stumbled by things like this are spiritually immature.The main thing I think that will be the deciding factor locally, is how a beard is perceived in the ministry. But I doubt any householder is going to think, "My, that person had a beard!!" Worldly people tend to be a lot more tolerant than we think. If they are accepting of homosexuals, surely they won't mind a little facial growth?
  17. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in New Light! - Beards are now ok.   
  18. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from OtherSheep in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
    True Tom, I would agree for the most part, but I also think it is human nature (imperfect human nature) to problem solve. Things that work well are usually left alone and are taken more or less as matter of fact and for granted (unfortunately) But if something doesn't work right....well we either ignore it or try and fix it. How many times has it happened when the positive gets overlooked but whoa, if there is something negative people get together, criticize, gossip...get their panties in a twist. We humans tend to gravitate towards "problems". I think, and this is just my opinion, most of us on here realize that we can't really do anything about what we are discussing. But it feels good to be able to air concerns and read other peoples stories and viewpoints. You have probably heard about a particular therapeutic method whereby a person is told to write their concerns down on paper, but never really give or send it to the other person. It really works. I have written about 3 letters to the GB in the past couple of years, and of course never sent them, but it helped me to organize my thoughts and filter out what is really important and what I will just wait with and see what happens.
    Yes, as you say, there are apostates who comment on here, and as you say they are pretty easy to spot. The good thing is it is our choice whether we get into a debate with them or not. 
  19. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Melinda Mills in Throw all your Anxiety   
    The first man seems to have got some kind of terrible news; his blood pressure shoots up and he has a stroke - now in hospital. Helps us to remember Jesus's words about not being anxious.
    The second part of the picture seems to me to be some kind of emergency. The man seems to be warning the community to flee from the area. Hence the lady with the injured or sick child, trying to flee. Could be a warning of unsafe shelter/building after a bombing or earthquake event.
    Many scenarios are possible - and all bring anxiety of the worst possible kind. Critical times hard on everyone.
  20. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
    True Tom, I would agree for the most part, but I also think it is human nature (imperfect human nature) to problem solve. Things that work well are usually left alone and are taken more or less as matter of fact and for granted (unfortunately) But if something doesn't work right....well we either ignore it or try and fix it. How many times has it happened when the positive gets overlooked but whoa, if there is something negative people get together, criticize, gossip...get their panties in a twist. We humans tend to gravitate towards "problems". I think, and this is just my opinion, most of us on here realize that we can't really do anything about what we are discussing. But it feels good to be able to air concerns and read other peoples stories and viewpoints. You have probably heard about a particular therapeutic method whereby a person is told to write their concerns down on paper, but never really give or send it to the other person. It really works. I have written about 3 letters to the GB in the past couple of years, and of course never sent them, but it helped me to organize my thoughts and filter out what is really important and what I will just wait with and see what happens.
    Yes, as you say, there are apostates who comment on here, and as you say they are pretty easy to spot. The good thing is it is our choice whether we get into a debate with them or not. 
  21. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
    True Tom, I would agree for the most part, but I also think it is human nature (imperfect human nature) to problem solve. Things that work well are usually left alone and are taken more or less as matter of fact and for granted (unfortunately) But if something doesn't work right....well we either ignore it or try and fix it. How many times has it happened when the positive gets overlooked but whoa, if there is something negative people get together, criticize, gossip...get their panties in a twist. We humans tend to gravitate towards "problems". I think, and this is just my opinion, most of us on here realize that we can't really do anything about what we are discussing. But it feels good to be able to air concerns and read other peoples stories and viewpoints. You have probably heard about a particular therapeutic method whereby a person is told to write their concerns down on paper, but never really give or send it to the other person. It really works. I have written about 3 letters to the GB in the past couple of years, and of course never sent them, but it helped me to organize my thoughts and filter out what is really important and what I will just wait with and see what happens.
    Yes, as you say, there are apostates who comment on here, and as you say they are pretty easy to spot. The good thing is it is our choice whether we get into a debate with them or not. 
  22. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Melinda Mills in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
    As long as imperfect people are given authority over others, there will be misuse of that power. We can sympathize with some of the victims; for example, an old sister personally told me she was disfellowshipped in the olden days for passing a loaf of bread through the Kingdom Hall window. Of course, my mum had already told me about it. Sounds unbelievable?
    At the time the sister told me, she had sat me down to tell me about the foibles of many of the leading brothers at the time, especially what they did in their youth. They were all behaving in a fleshly manner, although they had authority in the congregation.
    The old sister in question left the congregation in her area and traveled to a farther congregation and was faithful until her death.
    Once an overseer became despotic in those days, there was not much recourse - you either stayed or you left. People were not confident or very well educated, so they saw no recourse. The ones who were so wounded tended to talk about it over and over. As you can see the sister was still relating her experience - now to my generation. She was passing on the history of injustice.That is probably the only outlet she and others saw at the time.
    Injustice might be less blatant now, but things will still happen (e.g. child abuse not dealt with adequately).
    The only solution I see is the comfort mentioned in Isaiah 65:17: "17 For look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be called to mind, Nor will they come up into the heart."
    But Jehovah will act: (Ezekiel 34:1-10) 34 The word of Jehovah again came to me, saying: 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy, and say to the shepherds, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who have been feeding themselves! Is it not the flock that the shepherds should feed? 3 You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, and you slaughter the fattest animal, but you do not feed the flock. 4 You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bandaged the injured or brought back the strays or looked for the lost; rather, you have ruled them with harshness and tyranny. 5 So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; they were scattered and became food for every wild beast of the field. 6 My sheep were straying on all the mountains and on every high hill; my sheep were scattered over all the surface of the earth, with no one searching for them or seeking to find them. 7 “‘“Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of Jehovah: 8 ‘“As surely as I am alive,” declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, “because my sheep have become prey, food for every wild beast of the field, for there was no shepherd, and my shepherds did not search for my sheep; rather, they kept feeding themselves and did not feed my sheep,”’ 9 therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of Jehovah. 10 This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘I am against the shepherds, and I will demand an accounting of them for my sheep, and I will dismiss them from feeding my sheep, and the shepherds will no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my sheep from their mouth, and they will no longer be food for them.’”
  23. Upvote
    Anna reacted to ComfortMyPeople in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
    Hello TrueTom!

    How many good points you’ve mentioned. Let me remark some of them I completely agree.

    Apostates, people who hate us (some of my relatives) share this kind of thinking. One uncle of me is saying form more than 40 years that our “bosses” are getting rich at our expense. I’ve tried any kind of argument with no success. Sincerely people, on the other hand, when get knowledge of this kind of facts, the translation to hundreds of languages, spoken many of them in impoverished regions, can clearly see the sincerity of our religion in our efforts to help others spiritually.

    As regarding the painfully experiences JWI (and others) are told, if these are anecdotic or generalized, my opinion is that, to the degree an old generation of overseers have been replaced by a new one, things are improved. Also, many schools of elders and other training have contributed. What, perhaps, could have contributed to a deeper change? Related to other post, if the GB would have shown more humility.

    Regarding JTR, I share your opinion. I suppose that a trip with this man would be anything but boring! I think his spiritual life (petulant assumption by myself to know so much of this man) is like when you hit so hard you cannot stop screaming. At that moment, no explanation is useful, all you want is to scream. And the reason is that you rage of pain. And JTR is screaming because he has spiritual pain.

    Until now, I’ve restrained myself to expose my points of view regarding ourselves, JW. I’ve thought: “if newcomers see this mistakes about which I speak, sure they will stumble”. Do you share my fear, TrueTom? But I’ve changed my mind because similar information is spread over the net in places infected of hate, lies, half-lies, imputation of false motives and so on. Sooner or later my students, humble brothers and people in general will be in contact with this kind of misinformation. I prefer they get the same information but from one source (myself, for example) that is loyal to Jehovah’s people. I’m JW, I’ serving as elder, in fact, I’m the secretary in my congregation. I’m pioneer... but when I criticize some matters, I never say: “these are false apostles, or thieves, or they wash the brain” as apostates do. I criticize, yes, but I say (as you, TrueTom does): “Always God’s people have made mistakes. Always the leaders in Jehovah’s people have made mistakes. Many times God’s people have needed correction from God. For these reasons I believe we’re God’s people in spite of the errors”

    In less words. They are going to learn the mistakes anyway from a thousand places, let them to learn from persons (as many in this forum) trusting in that Jehovah, at His proper time, will correct whatever consider necessary.
  24. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from OtherSheep in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
    I am glad you brought this topic up CMP. It is something I has bothered me for a long time and a lot of the issues you raised I have also thought about. It is clear what purpose the disfellowshipping/shunning policy serves. It is to keep the congregation spiritually and morally clean. I have no problem with that. We would not be who we are if we were lax about this.
    My issues are these:
    Disfellowshipping is supposed to be a protective and corrective measure. Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines. However, what about when this protective and corrective measure has lost its purpose and/or is no longer relevant?
    Continuing to shun a family member, who had been disfellowshipped in the past, but is no longer practicing what they had been disfellowshipped for, but who no longer wants to be a Witness (therefore no chance of re-instatement)  has never made sense to me. It seems to be all about being slapped with the disfellowshipp label but not about what is really going on. There is something amiss there. Jehovah wants worshipers who do so willingly, because they love him, not because of their friends and family. Also, Jehovah has given everyone the right to change their mind and to break their promise, at a cost of course, that being they will no longer be in line for everlasting life. But does the cost have to include being shunned by family members in the present life? Shouldn’t that be left up to the innocent JW family members to decide  how much and to what extent they will associate? Someone once argued that associating with a family member who no longer serves Jehovah could have a detrimental effect on us and could possibly lead us out of the truth as well. That someone pointed out an experience where one of the family members became an atheist and influenced the rest of the family so much so that they too left the truth. Well I say so be it! Yes, bad association spoils useful habits, but it is still up to each individual to heed or not heed that advice. Doesn’t Jehovah give everyone the freedom to live their life as they want? So if half the congregation leaves, what difference really does it make? Jehovah wants all to be saved, but not all want to be saved.
    Could someone explain this to me: "No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family" (“Is it wrong to change your religion” Awake 7/09) Why does this apparently apply to every other religion except ours....??
  25. Upvote
    Anna reacted to ComfortMyPeople in Disfellowshipping of relatives and space travels   
    I think your thoughts are very valid. I share your opinion. The main strong of 1Co 5:11 is to avoid persons with double life. But at some point, the “double” life disappears. Let’s considerer the following (common) situation.

    A young baptized girl lies to her parents and the congregation (and Jehovah) and have sex with other young people.  She has the view of “enjoy life”, and she’s expelled. Now, she’s thirty years old, has her own children and become very conservative and protective with her own family. But, as you’ve mention, she doesn’t want to be JW again.

    Why, when she was a recent disfellowshipped person, should we avoid having deals with her? Because she completely enters in the meaning of “anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral” and then, the Bible command me “stop keeping company”.

    So far so good. But sometime after (we’re not ruling about the numbers), she becomes simply a neighbor in my vicinity. Is she a bad company? Perhaps. As you’ve pointed out, it is up to me to decide who are good or bad companies. What would be the outcome if my wife have some coffee with her in our home, or in a snack bar? Perhaps my wife says to her “I still remember your fine answers in the meetings…” you know, this kind of comments. Perhaps the ex-sister would react to this love as the prodigal son, remembering the warm in his parent’s house.

    Changing a little bit the situation. My wife has a coffee with this ex-sister. Now this woman starts to openly defend ideas about “free love”, to the extent to say “and when I would see your daughters I’ll try to persuade them about my view”. At this moment, this woman has become not a normal neighbor. Perhaps we’ll give to our daughters the counsel: “(2Jo 10) “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.”

    And what is the reason the GB allows this situation for so long time? Perhaps some answers are in my other post about the (lack of ) humility. But, also, there is another reason, in my opinion: Pharisaic attitude. But this is, perhaps, theme for other post.

    Your final quote from our Awake magazine should make us think

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