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  1. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Thinking in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    Huge respect to you….!!!!! What you did was very brave…..I agree with all that you said…thank goodness your wife has you …
  2. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    This is certainly true. One thing I use as a metric for competency in other fields is this musing:
    X- "Hey xero, are you smart or stupid?"
    X-reply "It depends. I have taken IQ tests and they suggest I'm @150, but when I factor in my ADD it could simply mean I can get stupid faster than 99.9% of the idiots"
    X-"Sure, but don't you also quickly figure out how stupid you've been?"
    X-"I suppose that's true. What are you getting at?"
    X-"So, X, you've been working in IT since 1978, in many, many different capacities, mostly all highly technical. Would you call yourself an expert?"
    X-"I suppose some people would think that, but I know that what I know is way less than what someone else imagines I know. What I "know" is how to approach solving a technical problem. The rest are details and trial and error."
    X-"So that's the case w/you in your own field. What would cause you to imagine it wasn't the case w/every other expert?"
    X-"Good point!"
    So when I see an "expert" not display humility and act as if they've got it all figured out "the science is settled!" I know I'm seeing either an incredibly incompetent individual who has either shielded himself or been shielded from the consequences of his own incompetence so as to not have acquired the self-knowledge required to change his attitude, or a politician who's pushing an agenda (follow the money).
    Also, people following their own interests w/o collusion CAN look like a conspiracy, when it's simply group-think. (see all the hipsters who look alike - did they all get memos, or did they catch some social semiotics and change in behavior/looks because of these subliminal messages they've become attuned to?)
  3. Upvote
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    In the US, Covid 19 deaths have topped 600K. I’ve come to believe that the majority were preventable but for the prevailing meme that it was untreatable, that one with a positive case should sit at home, take fluids and bed rest, and only if it got really bad, go to the hospital—by which time is was often too late.
    The last physical I had I asked my doctor if were to come down with Covid, would he be able to treat it? Of course i can, he said, almost surprised at the question. He went on to relate a few drugs he has used to treat patients—he has done many—and they are some of the same drugs condemned in ‘high places’ as ineffective or even dangerous. You have mentioned some of them. We use them all the time, he says. They work fine in combination.
    He’s an older man and thus not so likely to be intimidated as is a younger doctor just starting out, beholden to many and intent upon paying off medical school debts.
    There was a time I used to dismiss all talk of ‘conspiracy theories’—not on the grounds that people were not evil enough—they can easily be that—but on the basis that they were not smart enough, that there were too many stories that must be corroborated for a theory to hold up and it would be too easy for others to punch holes in it. It’s a bit like how Abraham Lincoln once said that he was not smart enough to lie, meaning that once he did, he would have to adjust every subsequent statement to harmonize with that first lie, and he would surely trip himself up in the intent.
    But now I see that concern is not the operative one. You simply can repeat anything loudly and repeatedly, drown out the competition, or even pull the plug on them, and eventually people believe whatever they’re told. It doesn’t matter if people punch holes in it. You simply shout them down and call them quacks.
  4. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    FYI - If you ever have a loved one get hospitalized for some cardiac situation and the cardiologist prescribes colchicine to reduce fluid buildup around the pericardium, be aware of side effects the doctor's themselves may not be aware of.
    Colchicine has been used for hundreds of years for gout and recently has been used to reduce cardiac inflammation. It may also do other things if the patient stays on it too long.
    In my case my wife was on it for a few months, but in that time and unbeknownst to me because of her polymyalgia rheumatica situation I didn't realize it was damaging her nerves, her muscles and her brain. She lost thirty pounds in this time, couldn't eat, would vomit, became weak and incontinent, was in deep muscle pain and neither the rheumatologist nor the primary care physician made the connection. In fact it was ignored when I mentioned it to her primary care physician.
    So rather than watch my wife die, I took her off the colchicine and to deal with the pain I gave her 500 mg of acetominophen w/600 mg of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (3 x a Day) (an amino acid given to counter the potential liver damage from the acetominophen). I suspected the colchicine was the culprit. True the symptoms didn't come on quickly, but colchicine can build up in a person's system. She couldn't sit up in bed, I had to help her get on and off the commode and wipe her. I had to shower her. She didn't know at times what day of the week it was.
    After a week and a half off the colchicine, the muscle pain went away, but the extreme weakness and all the other things associated w/colchicine poisoning existed.  I googled and tried to pack in every possible supplement associated w/assisting people w/alzheimers or traumatic brain injury or nerve damage.
    Alpha-GPC, CDP-choline, Co-Q10, NAD+, Vinpocetine, Phenylpiracetam, Noopept, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Carnosine, Fish Oil, Sulbuitamine (just to list a few). I shelled all these and packed them into a protein shake (w/creatine, and hmb) and argued w/her to drink at least this once a day. I used red light therapy on her head as well.
    It's three months now and she's back to better than normal. (Although as soon as she really started to improve dramatically, her hair started to fall out - apparently hair will go dormant under stress and when the stress is gone, it sheds....right now she has "zombie-hair" but we can see it's growing back in.
    She's not taking everything that I packed into her shake every day now, but now I can actually leave the house w/o worry. Before this I couldn't leave 20 minutes w/o worrying that I'd find her on the bathroom floor.
    Anyway, just know that no one is as interested in your health or the health of your loved ones as you are. You're ultimately responsible. Doctors aren't necessarily geniuses.
  5. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from Arauna in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    Nah.....according to the last WT study it's a suit of armor
  6. Upvote
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  9. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    The reason there is so little common sense, is simply that common sense is not that common.
    Ever bit a bee?
  10. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    They are not ordering anyone on how to dress, they merely remind them of scriptures such as: 1 Tim 2:9 and 1 Pet 3:4
  11. Like
    Anna got a reaction from xero in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    They are not ordering anyone on how to dress, they merely remind them of scriptures such as: 1 Tim 2:9 and 1 Pet 3:4
  12. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Pudgy in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    They are not ordering anyone on how to dress, they merely remind them of scriptures such as: 1 Tim 2:9 and 1 Pet 3:4
  13. Haha
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    God made tails on dogs, too.
    The cruel and clueless have them cut off for the sake of "fashion".
    ...usually cat owners.
  14. Haha
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    I still remember when my Guardian took me to the Vet, telling me I was going to get tutored .....
  15. Haha
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    If they did not have scissors and combs, I suppose Adam and Eve would cough up fur balls, like cats.
  16. Haha
    Anna reacted to xero in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    I get it w/some blacks, but white guys? It's all moot at this point, but to me the more I see social signaling done w/clothes, or hair or anything other than just trying to be clean and functional bugs me. You see it in hipsters where they all look the same. or the blue-haired tatted obese who drink their latte's at the nihilist cafe.
    I sort of appreciate it, because it lets me know who they are.
    Reminds me of:
    “May those who love us, love us;
    And for those who don't love us,
    May God turn their hearts;
    And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
    May He turn their ankles,
    So we will know them by their limping.”
  17. Thanks
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    I just read here that Moses was born circumcised, so it must be true. It's on the Internet:
    Divine birth: The birth of Moses
     Moses was born in the year 2377 after the creation of the world. He was born circumcised, and was able to walk immediately after his birth; but according to another story he was circumcised on the eighth day after his birth. A peculiar and glorious light filled the entire house at his birth, indicating that he was worthy of the gift of prophecy. He spoke with his father and mother on the day of his birth, and prophesied at the age of three. His mother kept his birth secret for three months, when Pharaoh was informed that she had borne a son. The mother put the child into a casket, which she hid among the reeds of the sea before the king’s officers came to her. For seven days his mother went at night to nurse him, his sister Miriam protecting him from the birds by day. --------- It had a long tradition in Egypt, and Wikipedia reports this in an article on the subject: Herodotus, writing in the 5th century BCE, wrote that the Egyptians "practise circumcision for the sake of cleanliness, considering it better to be cleanly than comely."[22] David Gollaher[23] considered circumcision in ancient Egypt to be a mark of passage from childhood to adulthood. He mentions that the alteration of the body and ritual of circumcision were supposed to give access to ancient mysteries reserved solely for the initiated. (See also Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis 1.15) The content of those mysteries are unclear but are likely to be myths, prayers, and incantations central to Egyptian religion. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, for example, tells of the sun god Ra cutting himself, the blood creating two minor guardian deities. The Egyptologist Emmanuel vicomte de Rougé interpreted this as an act of circumcision.[24] Circumcisions were performed by priests in a public ceremony, using a stone blade. It is thought to have been more popular among the upper echelons of the society, although it was not universal and those lower down the social order are known to have had the procedure done.[25] The Egyptian hieroglyph for "penis" depicts either a circumcised or an erect organ.

      Depiction of circumcision in Ancient Egypt.
    Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[22]
  18. Haha
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    I studied with an African-American college student who was later baptized. We studied just before the Thursday meeting and I drove him straight from the study. He had all these skin bumps on his neck from shaving "in-grown" hairs and he would quickly shave just before the meeting. He often had to switch shirts at the last minute because of the mess of blood that came from those freshly shaved bumps. If he tried shaving like that just before getting married he would have been a "bridegroom of blood."
  19. Haha
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    The bible indicates that it was offspring of Abraham who first received this instruction to cut the foreskin. So obviously everyone was born with a foreskin. This was an indication to Abraham's offspring of the promise. Moses later wrote it down as part of the Law.   It is obvious that Adam was born with his foreskin.....and that an effort had to be made to  take it off!  LOL.  I never thought I would ever hear this absurd quest for  proof - LOL
  20. Haha
    Anna reacted to xero in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    I don't know why the bun-man look pisses me off, but it does. Especially as a hairy guy who went bald at 21.
    It's like bun-man is saying "Man, I have sooo much hair. I don't know WHAT to DO with it. Oh well, I'll just bun it up."
  21. Haha
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    Not only buns, but also bunnies.
    on account of the joke: What do you get when you pour boiling water into a rabbit hole?
    Hot cross bunnies.
  22. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    Veeeeerrrry Simple:
    1.) Jehovah God made men with beards.
    ..... that's it .... no secondary points needed.
  23. Haha
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    It was part of the Abrahamic covenant before it became law.  So he was done as a baby, I guess. No instant cameras or FB then! lol
  24. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    From what I remember in the bible reading - it was a death sentence to not be circumcised.  Moses did not take care as meticulously as he should have.  His wife was astute and saved the day!  
  25. Upvote
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    Oh, we hashed this out long before you came along—right here on the WNMForum:
    And though it has nothing to do with anything, I came across an old post of mine from 15 years ago and noted a response to it:
    “WOW! What a defense of Jehovah's Witnesses ! I am old enough to remember this stuff, or know it is true from the folks who were there.
    "We kicked them while they were up" (paraphrased). WOW.”
    And who was it from? Tom Rook! Little did I realize I would run across (and do battle) with him many years later. How is that bad boy faring today, I wonder.
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