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  1. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    I suspect that there may be more people of the autistic spectrum among opposers.
    My wife is undiagnosed, but I suspect on the spectrum.
    Opposers, it seems have problems with the whole vs parts and their relations to each other.
    One might hear in any congregation a clue to an ASD person go like this:
    ASD Person - "In the WT of year, month, they said X, but in the WT of year, month they said Y. They lied!"
    Normal person - "Consider the context, they may have said X, but in the context of this statement Z also was true which changes the Y they said into something more like Q, if you follow me."
    ASD "If they meant Q, then why didn't they say Q?"
    Normal person "Do you have balance issues when you walk? Do you like making rules for your social interactions? Is your communication with people one-sided?"
    ASD "Why do you ask?"
    Normal Person "You have signs of being ASD. You're not neurotypical. Your filter on the world is different."
  2. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in Conscience individual and collective   
    Correctly handling the "Word of Truth", is the same as correctly handling a saw, a hammer, a level, or any other tool. 
    WORDS are the tools with which we think.
    If we use tools in a wrong way, what we build will be crap.
    If we use words in a wrong way, what we think will be crap.
    My considered dogged opinion is that Sen-yor Chavez is on the verge of hysterical panic.
  3. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Conscience individual and collective   
    I have so far found all of his work to be thoughtful and well researched. It looks like he uses every opportunity on almost any Biblical topic to try to support the WTS research against the "accepted" scholarship  as far as he is able. He defends Daniel, Esther, Darius, Artaxerxes, Exodus, Job, Noah, etc., against the common claims of most modern critical scholars. I have found almost everything he's written to be quite interesting. His work on the Divine Name is some of the best support of the pronunciation Jehovah I have seen. Others have tried to defend the pronunciation Jehovah (Yehovah) but with a lot of crackpot claims and methods to get attention (Nehemia Gordon, etc.).
    Also, I think CC is referring to Pekka Mansikka, but you will have to make up your own mind on him. I found his "logic" to be so non-existent that I gave up trying to discuss his claims. But perhaps others will find something useful there, too.
  4. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Conscience individual and collective   
    Yes. Unfortunately, I believe he has been "threatened" in different ways by both "academia" (not academia.edu) and by the WTS. His bio on Academia.edu shows how his Doctoral thesis was rejected because of his religion, considered fundamentalist by the university:
    In 2005, I took a Master's degree in Biblical Hebrew with Dominique Gonnet: https://www.sources-chretiennes.mom.fr/index.php?pageid=equipe&id=966 and I started a thesis in archaeology and history of ancient worlds at the Maison de l'Orient, University of Lyon 2, under the supervision of Professor Pierre Villard. —December 2007. The defense of my thesis was postponed to an undetermined date when my thesis director was informed of my religion. He nevertheless agreed to transfer it to INALCO under the supervision of Daniel Bodi. —December 2009. The defense was cancelled when the director of the doctoral school opposed my registration by explaining to my thesis director that she did not want her university to endorse a “fundamentalist”.
  5. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    BTW Good paper I'm reading right now:
  6. Haha
    Anna reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    I worked w/this guy who was pretty unusual. I remember helping him put a standard transmission in to replace the automatic he had. I was working w/him and tried witnessing to him and thought if I helped him along with his car it would mean more to him. He smoked a lot of weed and it was sort of weird going to meetings after being in his apartment because my clothes smelled of weed (which sort of tickled me to get some looks). But anyway, what was unusual about him was that in his weeded up state, he thought it would be a good skill to learn to read books upside down, so he'd sit in the break area reading everything upside down. He was pretty good at it.
  7. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    He has a number of works available on Amazon and since my fascination is around archaeology and chronology I'm ordering a couple.
  8. Like
    Anna got a reaction from xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    Please no, that gave me a headache
  9. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in Conscience individual and collective   
    I don't think it suggests that. It's a review of his reign of 55 years. He could have done evil in only a few of those years and the verse would make just as much sense. Or perhaps a king could remain good for most of his reign but it's the reputation he made before the end of his life that counts here. Solomon, ironically, is credited with these verses:
    (Ecclesiastes 7:1, 2) . . .A good name is better than good oil, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. 2 Better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting, for that is the end of every man, and the living should take it to heart.
    It's an interesting topic however, because "a boy" was not considered to necessarily know the difference between good and bad:
    (Isaiah 7:15, 16) 15 He will eat butter and honey by the time that he knows how to reject the bad and choose the good. 16 For before the boy knows how to reject the bad and choose the good, the land of the two kings whom you dread will be completely abandoned.
  10. Haha
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in Conscience individual and collective   
    Is that in people years, or dog years?
  11. Haha
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Conscience individual and collective   
    Great—thanks a lot!—grumble grumble. I punched that binary code into my laptop and afterwards it wouldn’t go to anywhere but Lloyd’s site. I had to throw it in the dumpster!
  12. Upvote
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    Do you mean like the proverbs about where there is no fuel, the fire goes out? (Proverbs 20:26) There may be something to that. 
    Sometimes rage boils over into the actual world. You wouldn’t want to think you were a contributing factor to that.
    It may not be like how “experts” in the back pocket of video game makers assure us that online violence presents just a harmless substitute for the real thing. 
    It may be like how those “experts” would never dare say the same thing with regard to child porn. Nor would they ever dare say it with regard to hate speech against gays, transgenders, or minorities.
    Look! How little a fire it takes to set so great a woodland on fire! Well, the tongue is a fire. (James 3:5)
    That may be indeed the applicable verse here. Our people clearly recognize it in other circumstances.
  13. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    No, just listen to me: stop feeding the troll!
  14. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    No, just listen to me: stop feeding the troll!
  15. Like
    Anna got a reaction from Arauna in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    No, just listen to me: stop feeding the troll!
  16. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from Pudgy in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    No, just listen to me: stop feeding the troll!
  17. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Pudgy in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    I keep trying to tell you; he is a troll
  18. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from César Chávez in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    I keep trying to tell you; he is a troll
  19. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    I keep trying to tell you; he is a troll
  20. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    I keep trying to tell you; he is a troll
  21. Haha
    Anna reacted to xero in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    On the other hand, maybe they interact w/the unpleasant for the same reason some people pick at scabs or watch Dr Pimple Popper - they just want to see what gross junk comes out.
  22. Haha
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    .... it's hard to insult someone who has whiskers growing out the side of his nose, and thumbs on his legs ....
  23. Haha
    Anna reacted to Pudgy in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    Um..... this is all so confusing .....
    It seems EVERYBODY except Senor Chavez is ignorant, scum, uneducated, clueless, stupid and animals.
    ........ What are the odds of THAT?
  24. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    I have not excused any of them BUT I only refer to one occasion when you are unfair and your ranting about it proves that your attitude is wrong. So  bye.
  25. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    I have also exposed bad thinking on this forum but not with fire and brimstone.  I believe at times I was ashamed of my behavior because it came across has harsh or judgmental.  Even Jesus said to Satan...... "May Jehovah rebuke you".  He did not rebuke him himself.
    While I agreed with most of what you said, I could not stand by without raising my voice to expose extremely bad behavior. You cannot justify that as an excuse...... sorry your excuses for  the 1 TTm 3: 1-5  behaviour is not christian.   Against the fruitages of the Spirit there is NO LAW.... Gal 5:22.... even when working with enemies. 
    I leave now because I do not want to mix with ........... - and this includes you. Your excuses to be on this forum is a false flag.
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