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  1. Upvote
    Anna reacted to Arauna in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    Only Jesus can read hearts. I agree with you, the company here is not pure but your behavior is also badly flawed in a different  way. you can learn from this,  or not - your choice. 
  2. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    There's a brother I used to do a lot of early morning work with. Let's call him Troy. Troy was quite outspoken, he was also pretty extreme. He was dropping acid and sky diving with a bunch of guys when one of them started to study. That guy eventually dropped, but Troy picked it up and ran with it. Anyway, that's his personality. So I'm taking him on this RV and the guy I'm calling on is a super-catholic and apparently wasn't too happy w/it's take on the church. So Troy butts in and starts trashing the catholic church really hard. The other guy mentioned some priest's name and Troy said "he's probably got some altar boy bent over backwards while we're talking!"
    So we got kicked out. Unsurprisingly.
    Then Troy looks at me, grins and says "Got any more calls you want to get rid of?"
    So we both started saying "Who ya gonna call!" "Call Busters!"
    Of course that's not an experience that's likely to be shared on an assembly, but anyway C reminds me of that (except he doesn't appear to have a sense of humor about himself which is always a big fat mistake)
  3. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN   
    People who don't enjoy the door to door and street witnessing are either doing it wrong, or have the wrong attitude.
  4. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from JW Insider in The sealing of the 144,000 is at hand...   
    Yes, makes sense. But I think some people  think that sitting at the right hand of God means waiting to become king. The question is, where would he be sitting then, when he became king? He cannot be sitting in place of Jehovah, so as you say: "When Jesus received all authority in the first century, when did he receive more authority"? Or when he was sitting at the right hand of God where was the place that was more of a throne? (this is not a question for you, it's for the sake of the discussion)
  5. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The sealing of the 144,000 is at hand...   
    Yes, makes sense. But I think some people  think that sitting at the right hand of God means waiting to become king. The question is, where would he be sitting then, when he became king? He cannot be sitting in place of Jehovah, so as you say: "When Jesus received all authority in the first century, when did he receive more authority"? Or when he was sitting at the right hand of God where was the place that was more of a throne? (this is not a question for you, it's for the sake of the discussion)
  6. Upvote
    Anna reacted to JW Insider in The sealing of the 144,000 is at hand...   
    Another problem, of course, is trying to make a temporary loss of a vicious, pagan, gentile throne somehow be fulfilled as the temporary loss of a Davidic Messianic non-Gentile throne, so that the restoration of wicked Nebuchadnezzar to his pagan throne pictured the return of Jesus to sit on his Messianic throne. Nelson Barbour and Charles Russell and George Storrs, and others, probably didn't realize the depth of sacrilege in this idea.
    Imagine if Jesus had started out a parable like this:
    The kingdom of heavens is to be likened to a vicious, pagan, haughty king who killed Jewish people by the tens of thousands with the sword, took many as captives, starved the Jewish people to the point that they ended up eating one another, and burned down the Temple of Jehovah, and then ended the reign of Jewish royalty in the following manner:
    (2 Kings 25:6, 7) . . .Then they seized the king and brought him up to the king of Babylon at Ribʹlah, and they passed sentence on him. 7 They slaughtered Zed·e·kiʹah’s sons before his eyes; then Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar blinded Zed·e·kiʹah’s eyes, bound him with copper fetters, and brought him to Babylon.
    But then this wicked, haughty pagan king was himself humiliated by being forced to eat like a beast for 7 years so that he finally had to admit that Jehovah is the true God who is the one with final control over the rulers of mankind.
    Is that really like the Son of Man? Is that really to be likened to the Kingdom of Heaven?
  7. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from César Chávez in Conscience individual and collective   
    It's all about being politically correct. Some nations are more sensitive to justified criticism than others. In some European countries it's ok to tell your best friend she's fat and needs to lose weight.. in other countries that would be called fat shaming and is a no no. The other thing is than some people think that "false humility" is ok. It's nice to be honest, but many people can't take it. Today's society has become a bunch of snowflakes as JTR  (a former  member of the forum)  used to call them. And he was right. 
  8. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Conscience individual and collective   
    It's all about being politically correct. Some nations are more sensitive to justified criticism than others. In some European countries it's ok to tell your best friend she's fat and needs to lose weight.. in other countries that would be called fat shaming and is a no no. The other thing is than some people think that "false humility" is ok. It's nice to be honest, but many people can't take it. Today's society has become a bunch of snowflakes as JTR  (a former  member of the forum)  used to call them. And he was right. 
  9. Like
    Anna got a reaction from xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    It's all about being politically correct. Some nations are more sensitive to justified criticism than others. In some European countries it's ok to tell your best friend she's fat and needs to lose weight.. in other countries that would be called fat shaming and is a no no. The other thing is than some people think that "false humility" is ok. It's nice to be honest, but many people can't take it. Today's society has become a bunch of snowflakes as JTR  (a former  member of the forum)  used to call them. And he was right. 
  10. Thanks
    Anna got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Conscience individual and collective   
    It's all about being politically correct. Some nations are more sensitive to justified criticism than others. In some European countries it's ok to tell your best friend she's fat and needs to lose weight.. in other countries that would be called fat shaming and is a no no. The other thing is than some people think that "false humility" is ok. It's nice to be honest, but many people can't take it. Today's society has become a bunch of snowflakes as JTR  (a former  member of the forum)  used to call them. And he was right. 
  11. Like
    Anna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Conscience individual and collective   
    It's all about being politically correct. Some nations are more sensitive to justified criticism than others. In some European countries it's ok to tell your best friend she's fat and needs to lose weight.. in other countries that would be called fat shaming and is a no no. The other thing is than some people think that "false humility" is ok. It's nice to be honest, but many people can't take it. Today's society has become a bunch of snowflakes as JTR  (a former  member of the forum)  used to call them. And he was right. 
  12. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Pudgy in Conscience individual and collective   
    It's all about being politically correct. Some nations are more sensitive to justified criticism than others. In some European countries it's ok to tell your best friend she's fat and needs to lose weight.. in other countries that would be called fat shaming and is a no no. The other thing is than some people think that "false humility" is ok. It's nice to be honest, but many people can't take it. Today's society has become a bunch of snowflakes as JTR  (a former  member of the forum)  used to call them. And he was right. 
  13. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    What's interesting in all this discussion is the pretense that people make that they don't consider themselves superior in some respects to others, and in this I say these are lying to themselves which is worse than lying to someone else. If you lie to yourself, there's a double insult. You lift yourself up as superior to the rest of humanity who are afflicted with the competitive spirit - nay! not I!, which is deception and moreover you insult your own intelligence by believing the lie.
    No. It's better to say "Yes. I DO think I'm better at X, Y  or Z than another person. But NO that doesn't make me a better person in Jehovah's eyes."
    You absolutely need to admit of this, as failure to do so is a lie.
    Interestingly you at times hear boasting on the part of some that they haven't acquired a secular education, or something else of that sort. I call these "The proud humble".
    It's a great gig. You can feel superior for indolence and lack of accomplishment.
    This does remind me of the Doctrine of Total Depravity with which I'm sympathetic to...
    (I tell people this when someone says "You JW's think you're better than everyone else." I reply "Not better than, but better off as is anyone who takes the Bible seriously and tries their best to live by it. Never better than.")
  14. Haha
    Anna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Conscience individual and collective   
    Yes, true indeed. On the other hand one has to use the head to be able to distinguish the truth from non truth. Evangelicals are led by the heart, but they are obviously misguided. 
  15. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Conscience individual and collective   
    You are a little condescending here, but I know what you mean
  16. Upvote
    Anna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Conscience individual and collective   
    Yes and no. Obviously the head is not nothing, but it is the heart that recoils at a trinity making God unknowable and a hellfire doctrine making him cruel, someone you would not want to know.
  17. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    I liked the fact that there wasn't a lot of emotional incontinence at the meetings of JW's when I first started going.
    I always found that emotionalism to be incredibly self-indulgent and narcissistic. Jesus would have said (actually he did) "get a room!" 
    6  But when you pray, go into your private room and, after shutting your door, pray to your Father who is in secret.+ Then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you - Mt. 6:6
    ...One brother I know seemed to always have these charismatic types turn on him. His family has a bunch of pentecostals and apparently a group of them (cousins) (hey I don't remember the back story...but somehow they were on the beach in Florida) chased him down in their car on the sand, bumped him w/a car door and tried to pray the demons out of him. (because he was one of JW's).
    I studied w/his older brother and it didn't take (never got baptized). I was wondering what happened to him and found his mug shot out there.
  18. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Pudgy in Conscience individual and collective   
    Yes, true indeed. On the other hand one has to use the head to be able to distinguish the truth from non truth. Evangelicals are led by the heart, but they are obviously misguided. 
  19. Upvote
    Anna got a reaction from Pudgy in Conscience individual and collective   
    You are a little condescending here, but I know what you mean
  20. Like
    Anna got a reaction from xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    Yes, true indeed. On the other hand one has to use the head to be able to distinguish the truth from non truth. Evangelicals are led by the heart, but they are obviously misguided. 
  21. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    And you're right in may ways these ARE superior, but then again no one is superior, just different. Satan knows scripture as well no doubt and although I think the IQ of angels is a bit overrated, as I think their abilities to do certain things may be instinctive like our digesting our food or elements of our autonomic nervous systems I'm sure he's not a low IQ moron. Of course none of this was any value to him was it. Power is neutral, but the purpose to which it's employed is key the same as intelligence. Intelligence wrongly used or in the hands of a moral pervert is a dangerous weapon whose use brings nothing good to its holder or to anyone else for that matter.
    Opposers strike me as the kinds of people who have imagined their (arguable) superior intelligence makes them right in all things. They mistake the ability to argue a position with being correct.  (1 Cor. 1:19 comes to mind)
  22. Haha
    Anna reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    I've been told that. It's a baked-in personality trait. I have high-low self esteem. My biggest fear is that people will be too stupid to realize how brilliant I am.
    This reminds me of an elders meeting where one brother said to me "Other people have ideas too!" and my response was "Well if we could knock it off with the fake humility and speak as men, maybe we could get these meetings done more quickly. Just spit it out already."
    Edited to mention
    I remember one brother (was it me?) who said in a meeting in response to the phrase "speaking as men" ..."Oh, you mean like now when we're being rude and tactless?"
  23. Like
    Anna got a reaction from xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    You are a little condescending here, but I know what you mean
  24. Downvote
    Anna got a reaction from César Chávez in Conscience individual and collective   
    You are a little condescending here, but I know what you mean
  25. Upvote
    Anna reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    Well there are certainly mundane things pertaining to conscience. Like minor blood fractions. Quite mundane as the term applies to the earthly realm. One could imagine all manner of things there. Suppose one were to imagine that it would be possible like a Ted Talk I saw, where they were able to manufacture or culture meat, that they were also able to manufacture all that blood is. Would this be allowable, if it were completely indistinguishable from actual blood?
    Also, it would seem that IQ and conscience are also related. I would imagine that certain nuance in the exercise of one's conscience might get a jaundiced look from low IQ brothers and sisters. Let's face it, some of our most faithful brothers and sisters have IQ's about the level of a hamster.
    I was thinking that once when my wife and I were giving a ride to the circuit assembly for a sister and her daughter. They sat happily in the back eating chips offering nothing in the way of conversation or adding anything to the discussion until they ran out of chips and fell asleep until we got to the assembly hall.
    I can't imagine these could ever get stumbled out of the truth by some fancy-pants discussions surrounding relative vs absolute dates in the Hebrew scriptures.
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