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    #stopjwban hashtag on Twitter.html
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    thank you very much... !
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    12:00 Weather in Moscow is warm and sunny. Near the entrance to the court formed a large human place. Working television journalists. Among those present a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. A marked increase in security measures. Directly at the entrance there is a bus with the police. At the input it is carried out a thorough inspection. Inside the building are not skipped any liquids. The employees of the Supreme Court, organizing hearings, doing their job professionally and smoothly. Despite the large number of students, there are no failures.

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    Report: Supreme Court to hear the case to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses religion
      April 5, 2017 Trying to complete ban Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia
      The Russian Supreme Court began hearings on the suit on the Elimination of Jehovah's Witnesses. It conducted a text report from the courtroom.
    10:58 Big beautiful courtroom crowded. There are more than 200 people, including many journalists, representatives of public organizations and foreign embassies. The hearing began at 10:30.
    A little less than 250 people were left on the street waiting for the results of the hearing. Cook Street in Moscow is filled with cars with transmitting television antennas. Occurring remove numerous chamber. Of police radios periodically hear the message "All is calm, without incident." In the hall representatives of embassies and international organizations in the headphones listening to the process of translation.
    The case was heard Judge Yuri Ivanenko. The defendant, "the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" are 6 persons, including Vasily Kalin of the Steering Committee, as well as lawyers. The representative of Ministry of Justice of Russia - Svetlana Borisova. Attached to the case with the defendant's objections to the applications in 35 volumes.
    The court allowed the photographing and video recording only when the announcement of the final act. However, there is no record of obstacles. In the hall there are about 40 members of the media, they occupy the first rows of the audience.
    11:00 The court refused to accept a counter claim for recognition of the Ministry of Justice acts of political repression. The judge described the passage of objections to the claim sufficient measure of protection for the defendant. 11:15 Representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses apply for admission to participation in the case of representatives of all 395 local religious organizations. Lawyer little wife: "If believers throughout Russia will be deprived of their rights, let them hear it here in court." Local religious organizations, contrary to the logic of the Ministry of Justice, are not the structural units of each other, but separate legal entities. 11:20 The lawyer Lew gives an example: "The logic of the Ministry of Justice, it turns out, it is necessary to impose a sentence: Shoot chieftain. And his whole platoon. " 11:25 The court rejected the enlistment of the 395 local organizations as a respondent. 11:30 Jehovah's Witnesses have asked the court to allow audio broadcasting the trial. The court refused. 11:35 Lawyers for the Jehovah's Witnesses are asking the court to adjourn the hearing pending the outcome of another case in another court. It is an appeal to the Court of Justice order the suspension of the activities of organizations . 11:42 The Ministry of Justice objected, because it believes that the authorities had every right to suspend the activities of organizations. 11:45 The court refused to postpone the hearing. 11:50 Omelchenko lawyer seeks the abandonment of the claim without consideration of the Ministry of Justice. The plaintiff is not complied with the pre-trial procedure for settling claims to the 395 communities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Before you make a claim for the liquidation of 395 local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, the authorities, by law, had to make an official warning each of them and to give time to correct them. 11:55 The second reason for the abandonment without consideration of this claim lies in the fact that the Russian courts have treated similar cases of liquidation and recognition of the "extremist" 2 out of 395 local Jehovah's Witnesses organizations (Karachay-Cherkessia and the Samara region). 12:05 The Court dismissed the petition on the abandonment without consideration. 12:10 Representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses are asked to postpone the hearing for one week due to the fact that the Ministry of Justice sent a statement of claim to the defendant in time. It came in the mail only to March 28, 2017. In addition, the Ministry of Justice to provide the defendant not all documents specified in the annexes to the statement of claim. 12:17 The Ministry of Justice does not object to the adjournment of the case. 12:19 The court refused to postpone the case. 12:20 Lawyer little wife seeks the suspension of the case due to the fact that in a number of Russian vessels submitted applications for consideration in force decisions of the courts on newly discovered evidence. We are talking about the revision in force of affairs on the Elimination of 8 local religious organizations (MPO) and the introduction of 88 publications of Jehovah's Witnesses in FSEM. The fact that all those court decisions were made without the involvement of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, since the Ministry of Justice insisted that the court decisions in relation to the LRO not affect the rights of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. In the present case the Ministry of Justice changed position and now all accusations against MPO, imputed to the Administrative Center. 12:30 The Ministry of Justice objected to the suspension, considering that, in cases involving MPO attended the same lawyers as in the case of liquidation of the MPO. 12:33 The court retired to the deliberation room. 13:50 The Court went out of the deliberation room. The suspension of the case was denied. 13:55 Little wife's lawyer said the petition to bring to participate in the case of experts, namely the religious scholars and linguists. Specialists may clarify whether are really extremist and dangerous texts that form the basis of the requirements of the Ministry of Justice to ban an entire religion in Russia. 14:00 Asked by the judge whether to propose lawyers to arrange a "revision" of court decisions, which was included in the literature FSEM lawyers explained that this information will be important to determine the proportionality of the Ministry of Justice requirements. 14:04 The representative of the Ministry of Justice objected to the admission of experts for the hearing. 14:05 The court refused to attract specialists to the hearing. 14:06 The lawyer asks little wife get to take part in the 9 foreign legal persons representing the religious communities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe and America. The reason is that the Ministry of Justice in its lawsuit asks the court to confiscate properties belonging to these organizations. 14:14 The court refused to attract foreign companies to participate in the case. 14:15 Omelchenko said the lawyer about bringing a motion to participate in the proceedings as interested parties of eight Russian citizens who were rehabilitated as victims of political repression. These people present in the room. Lawyers argue convincingly that these people rehabilitated from the turn in the case of satisfaction of the claim to the "extremists". 14:20 The Ministry of Justice said that the court decides on the liquidation of legal entities, it does not apply to individuals. In his reply the lawyer reminded the little wife that such considerations were guided by Soviet authorities, banning the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, however, repression of painful blow it for the people, so that they have been rehabilitated. 14:25 Court denies the petition. 14:30 Lawyers apply for the interrogation of individual citizens, followers of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses who can testify about what measures have been taken by Jehovah's Witnesses in order to prevent extremist activity. 14:35 The Ministry of Justice does not object. The court granted. 14:40 Lawyers say the request for interrogation as witnesses of persons recognized as victims of political repression. The Ministry of Justice objected. Court refuses. 14:43 Representative of Jehovah's Witnesses Nowak said petition for interrogation as witnesses of persons who witnessed falsification of evidence against those who believe in things that the Ministry of Justice uses in his lawsuit as "further evidence of the offense." 14:45 On the judge's objection that it comes to an effective decision, Novak says that in the present case can not be used prejudicial approach, because it is a different legal entity. The court must examine the evidence directly. Novakov tells the court about the circumstances and tossed perjuredly indications in a number of Russian cities. 15:00 The Ministry of Justice objected, arguing that the questioning, they believe authorities, aims to "to review the decision to enter into force." The court refused to examine witnesses evidence of fraud simple local Jehovah's Witnesses organizations.
  5. Downvote
    derek1956 reacted to Queen Esther in AN INTERNAL MESSAGE - Our Bethel - houses want, we have to stop postings about RUSSIA ! The first Brother's already got into prison ;-((   
    @Egil Edborg. Thats NOT a lie....  The stop is coming from our GB Brothers !!  and NOT from Satan...  Your idea's not true ! The big letter campaign was ok. But now the first Russian Brothers got already into prison  thats the reason we now stop things against the Russian Government, bec. our Brother's have to pay for that ;-((  I not want that !!  LETS AWAIT AND BE SILENT, OK ?  Praying is now on 1. place❤️  Thats all for now yet !
    @peaches60. I agree with your comment !  VERY GOOD, yes   Lets thinking positive now, bec. its ALL in JEHOVA'S hands, HE IS WINNING ALWAYS?❤️ Its more useful to pray now for our Brother's, bec. millions of prayers have alot POWER✔️   Thanks to all Brothers and Sisters here and around the world !
  6. Upvote
    derek1956 reacted to Egil Edborg in AN INTERNAL MESSAGE - Our Bethel - houses want, we have to stop postings about RUSSIA ! The first Brother's already got into prison ;-((   
    This is nothing but a big lie. Jehova wants this case to be known all over the world. But SATAN wants us to stop this campain and say nothing!
    " Okay, let's see if we can clear this up: We are engaged in a PUBLIC campaign to bring to the PUBLIC's attention the threat against the freedom of the brothers in Russia. The instructions for this letter-writing campaign are on jw.org, the most widely translated website in the world. And the instructions were quite clear: don't send your letters via email; don't name Russian publishers if you happen to know any. That's all that was said regarding the internet.
    Some might feel that the cartoons of Russian mail carriers or Boris and Natasha are unnecessarily antagonizing the Russian government. That is certainly a valid opinion, and we don't want disagreements about those conscience matters to divide us, but neither do we want to make rules where none exist.
    Why on earth would there be an instruction to keep references to the letter-writing campaign off social media? That would be counter-productive. Who could possibly want the campaign to NOT be talked about? Could it be, SATAN?
    Several friends have called Bethel and confirmed, there was NO 'instruction at morning worship' to keep it off social media. That is a lie. Do NOT spread it! In any event, that is not how communication gets to us.
    Here's something else to think about: Friends of those in Russia have reported that the Russian brothers and sisters have access to their brothers and sisters ONLY via social media, and they are greatly encouraged to read the reports and see the pictures related to the letter-writing campaign. Now: who could possibly be trying to keep the joy of the campaign from those Russian friends?
    Please Share this with everyone. Please SQUASH the rumor about keeping the campaign off social media." - Quote
  7. Upvote
    derek1956 reacted to Francesco Gabellini in Broadcasting JW SONGS Covers   
    Dear Brothers and Sisters,
    Jehovah's organization is giving us many beautiful music gifts.
    Sometime we (brothers and sisters from Italy) enjoy to play and to sing some of these songs.
    Here are the videos of our covers. This is the link to a PlayList with 26 songs.
    We hope you can enjoy them too.
    Greetings from Italy
  8. Upvote
    derek1956 reacted to Queen Esther in INVITATION TO NON-WITNESSES THAT READ US During the month of November the witnesses will make an effort to use the Bible in our preaching.   
    During the month of November the witnesses will make an effort to use the Bible in our preaching.
    We offer free Bible courses addressing crucial issues in people's daily lives.
    With just reading the Bible 5 minutes each day, people get more help than countless self-help seminars put together. While these seminars deal with human to human, the reader of the Bible PERSONALLY listens to the giver of life. And it helps us to have a sustainable behavior that will help our personality.
    There is abundant didactic material to deal with in these free courses of the Bible, depending on the demand and knowledge of the participant. If you wish we can provide you with a free Bible.
    This course is completely non-binding and is offered to people of all religions. It adapts to individual personal needs and can be started and terminated at any time.
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