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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. You were not ever the feature, were you? Why aren’t you off blowing off firecrackers today? Did you run out?
  2. Even Harold Camping I was not critical of for anticipating the End, although his formula WAS awfully simplistic. I was not critical of him because, he WAS after all, “keeping on the watch.” One can always save oneself some embarrassment by not keeping on the watch, but then where would Jesus’ counsel be that one ought to do it? Mostly I was outraged at Camping because his disciples were not in ties as they heralded the END!!!!! And I found—I think JWI told me this before—that the 1994 date comes from him! Many times I have seen detractors try to pin that one on us. It must be deliberate. They must know better, and they are simply trying to puff up the numbers to discredit their enemy. I was active throughout that time and that year was never even hinted at as meaning anything other than the year before 1995. https://www.tomsheepandgoats.com/2011/05/how-to-predict-the-end-of-the-world.html
  3. I think you should drop this suspicion as extremely unlikely. Your prior guess makes much more sense. In fact, it is almost the only sensible thing you have ever said. A lawyer that is permitted anywhere near a case must know how to make himself likable. It will not do to tell the judge, jury, or witness, that the reason they don’t understand something is that they are ignorant. Probably you read about Lee Iacocca. Although he was one who launched the Mustang, Henry Ford later fired him with the remark: “Sometimes you just don’t like people.” We are far far far more emotional that is generally acknowledged. It is nearly to the point of ‘reason need not be taken into account.’
  4. The seventh will be the ticket. You know how it works with seven. Rework your scenario to put us on the seventh right now—for example, expand one into an A and a B part—and you are golden.
  5. For whatever it’s worth, here’s an interesting item of history that I read from Professor Allitt: Americans so readily bought in the stories about the ghoulish & inhuman doings of ‘the Huns’ in WWI, which later proved to be false, that when stories emerged about atrocities toward the Jews in WWII, some said, “We’re not falling for that again!” and thus they were “wrong twice.”
  6. Oh, come on. Let me drag in my arch-porkchop again. I think of that overdone drama of a few decades back of Zena, who resisted every word of counsel from Moses and everyone responded with such bland remarks as ‘Oh Zena, Zena,’ while shaking their heads in dismay and disappointment at her bad attitude. Were it a video version, she would be making that ubiquitous Witness hand-wave, seen in all dramas, that means ‘Get out of my face!’ Of course, she goes down with the scoundrels when Jehovah opens up the earth, to cries of ‘Zeeeena! Zeeeena! Oh....Zeeeena, no no no. It will be like that in modern times. The call will come to ‘go but for moment into the interior rooms until my denunciation passes over.’ Everyone will rush in their to take cover, but JTR will bellow, “What for? I’m not going anywhere! It’s stuffy in there! I quit the best job I ever had in 1975! No more! Who do they think they are?!” and I will be crying to the last ‘Jaaaames! Jaaaaames! Oh......Jaaaaaaames, no no no (you old pork chop)’
  7. My next project (though I am distracted by nearly anything) is not to write another fine book, but to put my existing ones in audio version, starting with Dear Mr. Putin - Jehovah’s Witnesses Write Russia. Unlike the ebook versions of two of them, these will not be free, therefore perhaps @JOHN BUTLER‘s dream of my being a millionaire is not so far off. There are still numerous little punctuation inconsistencies and minor typos in the book and I am steadily correcting all of them in the manuscript, to release a corrected version all at once. I may just have to accept that I will never be wholly consistent on single quotes and double quotes, mostly due to a lack of self-discipline. “I may not know art, but I know what I like.” There is also a travel book coming up, which will include my typical musings and meandering, finding ways to insert scripture where you wouldn’t think they would fit, as well as some history. Tentatively, it is titled, ‘Go Where Tom Goes (Think What Tom Thinks)’ The travel book will be modest in scope because I don’t go to many places. Get your order in quick, Billy
  8. Colossians 4:11: “...Only these are my fellow workers for the kingdom of God, and these very ones have become a strengthening aid to me. Keep that yo-yo JTR away from me though, for he keeps leaving banana peels for me to slip on. I nearly broke my neck on his last one, and when I rebuked him for it, he said:
  9. As it turns out, I have been assigned the #4 talk this week on how Paul described certain fellows few have heard of as “a strengthening aid” to him, as one taking the lead in the work at the time. Whether I can use you as a modern-day example is dubious.
  10. Pass me back my medallions, @James Thomas Rook Jr. Sigh....There is a time for sternness, but that time is not always. It is like the farmer with his new bride & the horse pulling his carriage reared at seeing a mouse, jostling it. “That’s one!” the farmer said. It then pulled the carriage through a puddle, splashing him. “That’s two!” he said. It then pulled under a low hanging tree limb, which hit him. “That’s three!” said the farmer, and he got down, pulled out his gun, and shot the horse dead. ”What did you do that for?!” said his bride. ”That’s one!” he said.
  11. No, that is not a problem at all. None of the items of baptism are affected. If the map changes because roads have been added or deleted, do you burn the city down? You are so silly, John.
  12. Hmm. Billy has not uttered a word since this speculation, and he is NEVER silent. Has JTR become man of the hour? Do I have to pin my medallions where I never ever EVER thought they would be pinned? Who can say? The internet is the land of the liars. Proceed with care. Don’t think you can make a congregation out of it.
  13. What Witness of Jehovah could not think of their brothers in Russia when reviewing Philippians, this week’s Bible reading? The imprisoned Paul writes: “Now I want you to know, brothers, that my situation has actually turned out for the advancement of the good news, so that my prison bonds for the sake of Christ have become public knowledge among all the Praetorian Guard and all the rest. Now most of the brothers in the Lord have gained confidence because of my prison bonds, and they are showing all the more courage to speak the word of God fearlessly.” (Philippians 1:12-14) It is the case with Witnesses in Russia, isn’t it? They are holding up pretty well, by all reports—it can be seen in the public support they give to ones punished by the state for their worship of God. As in the first century, “most of the brothers in the Lord have gained confidence,” trial-some though their circumstances are. We are proud of them, and even wonder whether we would do so well ourselves. ‘Don’t think that you can do it on your own strength,’ comes the answer, ‘and you will do fine.’ The anti-cultist mastermind, Alexander Dvorkin, did not foresee it happening this way. Just after the ban went into effect in April 2017, he was “absolutely convinced that after a few years, the number of members of the organization will decrease dramatically, two or three times, because, when one cuts off its financial foundation, its ability to freely, without hindrance, recruit other people, to rent large halls and so on, then, in fact, people will lose interest and will very quickly disperse.” Now, two years is not “just a few years,” but it is not so far apart. He did not say “generations.” He expected his results rather quickly, and it is not turning out that way at all. One is reminded of Satan’s taunt: “Is it for nothing that Job has feared God? Have you not put up a protective hedge around him and his house and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his livestock has spread out in the land. But, for a change, stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your very face.” (Job 1:9-11) It isn’t working out that way. Our brothers in Russia are doing us proud. Human rights advocates widely predicted that this would happen—it is not a circumstance solely of Jehovah’s Witnesses, but of people in general who are concerned with spiritual things. Similar fortitude is shown in other faiths as well. It is Dvorkin who, fleshly man that he is, totally misjudges the power of spiritual things to motivate. “But a physical man does not accept the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know them, because they are examined spiritually,” says the apostle again at 1 Corinthians 1:14. He drinks too much of his own Kool-Aid, and thus, when things fail to turn out as he anticipated, it is due to his own self-deluded assumptions. Dvorkin is playing the role outlaws of religion have played from before he was born, using state apparatus to squash enemies, and doing so under a guise of People’s Protector. His premise is wrong: that individual Witnesses are being “manipulated” by an evil corporate outside class. Instead, the ‘outside’ class IS them, merely in the organized form that members know is necessary to best implement the faith that they have chosen. They are not like the munchkins of his imagination, delighted that the wicked witch is destroyed. They recognize his attack as the attack on Christianity that it is. We see this all the time—enemies impose their own standards on spiritual things, and then draw wrong conclusions when things do not turn out as they have anticipated. It is seen when they make the self-determination that religious things cannot change, as secular and scientific things do, and that should Witnesses see that some teachings have “flip-flopped,” they will be outraged at having been “misled.” How can people be so nuts? They change all the time—it is called “tacking” and the “ever brightening light”—completely above board and nobody has ever said otherwise. Still, the changes that are made are analogous to details, roughly akin to looking at the map anew and rereading it. It happens all the time with science. Somehow, physical people have decreed that it cannot happen with spiritual things. Of course it can. It is their own presumption of everything religious being autocratic, ironclad, and unyielding, that stymies them. It may not be so fluid—‘the each his own!—as the world they have chosen, but it is far from inflexible. Moveover, the essential building blocks of the faith—defusing the ‘immortality’ of the soul, establishing the non-Trinitarian nature of God, the reason as to why he allows suffering and evil, along with the Name that he says he wants sanctified—these things have been firmly in place for over a century. The Russian brothers are doing very well, thank you very much—“in no way being frightened by [their] opponents. This very thing is a proof of destruction for them, but of salvation for you; and this is from God.” (Philippians 1:28) “Surely the people are but green grass. The green grass dries up, The blossom withers, But the word of our God endures forever.” (Isaiah 40:8) So. Dvorkin thinks he will kill off the green grass, like a dog peeing on it? Time will tell. So far his dream is not coming true. photo: persecution 2, by dr zoidberg
  14. “Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. ...Keep on the watch, therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming...in order that when he comes suddenly, he does not find you sleeping. But what I say to you, I say to all: Keep on the watch.” ’At that John said, And he even offered the Lord a smiley to reassure Him that he had not taken offense.
  15. Isn’t that another indication that ‘Judgement day’ is not so far off? The planet is frying. Unless—what I recently read is true—that someone said ‘it feels like 115 in France’—and some climate change zealot confused the ‘feels like’ with ‘actually’—and it was not ‘record’ temperature at all. If that is the case, then people’s brains are frying, which also means Judgement day cannot be too far off.
  16. Sorry—took the ‘holding’ out and had you not had such an itchy trigger finger, it would not have tripped you up. After installation of anything, you usually have to call the workman back to polish it up a little.
  17. Then they are ‘Yahweh’s Witnesses.’ Why is this hard? The people who witness for Jehovah without being baptized are invariably on the road to baptism, and usually are so in very short order. To this extent, I admire the ol pork chop. Unwisely, in my view, perhaps even unforgivably unwisely, he treats abusively ones taking the lead in the Christian work. (Remember what Paul said after leaning he had said ill of the high priest) But he nonetheless knows that if he leaves the human organization that represents Jehovah today, he will, in relatively short order, cease his witnessing. He will begin representing his town in horseshoes instead. He knows how people are. You cannot be faithful at something that so goes against the grain of human normalcy without a supportive arrangement.
  18. Suddenly the unthinkable has happened. JTR has become the wise and intrepid man of the thread—daring to go where no one has gone before Can we set up some sort of a lending library program so that I can borrow some?
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