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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. “Why is it that you Jehovah’s Witnesses always have to act as though the world is getting worse? What is it about that belief that does it for you?” one fellow asked me. ”It helps me to explain why the Doomsday Clock is set at 100 seconds to midnight,” I replied, “and not 10:30 AM.)
  2. Well, I have heard it said that these days the difference between conspiracy theories and reality is 6 months.
  3. Hmm. Dare I tell my little joke here? . . . Here goes: Pudgy, how many women with this condition does it take to unscrew a light bulb?
  4. Hmm. From those replies are also found this: and this. Not that our people put much truck in them, but they are curiosities. We have explained it that 7 is a number frequently conveying heavenly perfection, 6 (one short) conveying earthly imperfection, and anything three times are as for emphasis. For example, should Pudgy say anything outrageous the way he does (how much can I push this?) you might respond: Therefore, 666, is more or less ‘doing things the human way’ emphasized, deliberately rejecting godliness. The number used in Revelation can be taken that the overall world will go that way, posing a real test for anyone who doesn’t.
  5. Bad reviews or not, @Pudgy,I’ll search out Glass Onion. Beniot Blanc was just too much for his Poirot parody. “I see what you’re saying, Benny, but . . ” the lead detective said. Everyone else called him Beniot. They’d better not muck up the Musk caricature, and I’m sure they will, probably being left wing loons as such folks so often are. But I’ll still seek it out—in time—I don’t have Netflix.
  6. “Oh, shut up, shut up—with that Rooster Cogburn Kentucky-Fried Foghorn accent!!” Pretty much my favorite line from Knives Out, which i liked a lot, (though I thought the profanity unnecessary) But one review I read of Glass onion was that it wasn’t as good.
  7. Not ridicule, just playfulness. Learn not to take yourself so seriously as I try not to take myself that way.
  8. Since I have forgotten who ‘poster’ is, should i introduce a character by the name of Pete Poster to take his place alongside Rolf Kramden?
  9. If I was stupid, deprived, and nonintellectual, do you think software would have just awarded me the Grand Master award? “Grand Master!” Eat your heart out, Wannabe Wabbit.
  10. “Day after day, alone on his dunghill, the dog with a thousand fleas is keeping perfectly still.” Moise will think it a reference to himself, but it is actually a good-natured one to the cowboy hat-wearing, Dilbert-reading mutt.
  11. Did I ever tell you about the app Tom Brexit downloaded to keep track of how many times Tom Irregardless said the I-word in his public talks? Seriously, I do find that the 240 character limit of Twitter a good discipline for pruning unnecessarily long remarks. But here on the World News Media Forum there is no such discipline and the sky's the limit.
  12. Alas, I’m told the guy is British, straight as they come, married, with two kids. It’s a bit embarrassing to have been caught judging a book by its cover. But, you have to admit, he doesn’t exactly look the James Bond type, and in these squirrelly times, you never know what’s coming next. I promise not to say anything if Allan is presented as the next James Bond. I’ll zip it.
  13. Please don’t overthink things. People generally do well to act on their first instinct.
  14. For no particular reason other than I am following Twitter at the moment, what if if was the new James Bond walking into that bar? leading off not with his familiar, ‘My name is Bond—James Bond’ but with his pronouns. ’My name is theirs—James Theirs.’ the photo may be satire. There was a time when I would without hesitation say it was. But these woke times that drive entertainment industry are such that just maybe it is not.
  15. Come come, Allan, it’s not a threat. I’m just being playful. You can’t see that? I’m just blown away by how you came out of nowhere to resurface in all your glory. I make even worse ‘threats’ to Pudgy for the impolitic things he says … and he just blows it off for the trash-talk it is.
  16. Hmm. Do you think long-banned Allan should accept his reinstatement into the forum at this particular time of year seeing that some may regard it as accepting a Christmas present? Could be another trap.
  17. Doesn’t that just frost you when that happens? when you can save as many people by your death as did our Lord then I’ll sanction your ‘suicide’ as well. Quite the contrary. His final performance brought the house down. The point is that just after Allen ascends from the netherworld, this feed suddenly runs several pages overnight. And the time spent is time you never get back. As it turns out, our deceased dog was named Samson. I would tell people he was not the Sampson that pushes apart the pillars but the Samson who pees on them. There are times when that serves him well, I have noticed No sane member of the public would ever come here. Whoa Yes, it’s a big headache for them, but frankly the same thing occurs with any death. If only to shovel out the house, there’s usually lots for survivors to do. Doesn’t this fly in the face of what we recently learned about John 5:30–that an ‘unrighteous’ resurrected one’s future depends upon how they respond to God’s provisions from that time on, not a judgment of what they did in their prior life. Upon death, a person’s sin has been paid for. what’s left of it. Both. They caught me easily enough.
  18. Does this mean we will no longer be hearing from Moise? I was just getting to like the guy.
  19. Okay, okay. Musk didn’t buy it. Did you buy it? Or did the old hen fall off the wagon once again and you’re blackmailing her?
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