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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. On 12/10/2018 at 12:34 AM, Arauna said:

    You see, woman do not have as big egos as most men. ..I am not going to argue with you guys - your are so negative and toxic - you do not even come close to understanding how toxic you are....

    Like those big dumb testosterone charged animals that live to ram each other with their horns just to prove who’s the man. It gets so old.


  2. 10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Also, I'm amazed to learn that Stalin remained very popular -- extremely popular -- throughout his regime. This would have been hard to imagine if he had been killing every fourth person in the USSR. 

    A kinder gentler Stalin. Can it be?

    The greatest inducement to believe conspiracy theories comes when two or three of them turn out to be true.

  3. 4 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    What about Pol Pot? I once saw a terrifying documentary showing piles of sculls.

    I have another character, who has yet to be featured in a book, set up his own think tank. He surrounded himself with bookshelves and a globe, because that’s what smart people do. He also displayed prominently a skull, which caused him much misery when it turned out to be critical evidence in the Mugsy McDonery missing persons case.

  4. One of my Tom Irregardless characters’ ancient Dads, I think it was Oscar Oxgoad, would stare at Trump on the TV screen and mutter “He’s the one! He will start it all!”

    He has said it of every President since Truman. 

    Not to make light of any previous posts. They all sound weighty and might well turn out to be so. Just had to slip this one in, so as to hoodwink some into thinking that I am carrying my weight.

  5. It is food for thought.

     I used to routinely dismiss conspiracy theories, not on the basis that people are not evil enough...they are easily that, but on the basis that they are not smart enough to keep their stories straight. But as I get older I have come to think that they don’t have to get their stories straight. It is too easy for one side to gain dominance and portray the other as deluded lunatics.

    I don’t necessarily go along with this. Unusual actions can spring from many reasons & who can say who is making eye contact with whom? Having said that, the info here would take hours to digest and I have not allotted the time.

    @JW Insider is right. If the feed is too long, as it must be with some things, people simply will not or cannot take the time for it. It is one of the basic limitations of being human & allows for all sorts of chicanery to go on. Muddying the waters works, too. Eventually people just throw up their hands and say “Oh, to hell with it! They’re all liars anyway!”

  6. 3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Back to square one then. How are those of the Earthly Class supposed to know who are the true Anointed. If we do not know then we do not know who to listen to. 

    Outside of the context of the Christian organization, anybody can say that they are anointed.

    I can say it. You can say it. Anyone can say it. They might be genuine. They might be deluded. They might even be lying through their teeth, angling for future prominence. How would anyone ever know?

    In theory, that could also be true of any member of the Governing Body. In practice, it is next to impossible. They have supplied evidence of their anointing through decades of time. They have supplied a track record. They are not people who, though supposedly 'godly,' really couldn't get along with anybody, but they have submitted their faith to practical full-time and unpaid test.  

    They have proven their Christian qualities. Usually they have served in areas far more lowly than that of the ones whom they will later lead. No phony is going to do this....full-time, long-term, and unpaid...but only the genuine article.

    In contrast, the case seems far weaker with so-called anointed who pop up with unique views and presently begin to separate themselves because they can't get along, grumbling that nobody is listening to them. I'm sorry...I just cannot get my head around renegade anointed roaming in the wilds.

  7. 11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    ???? What is this about? Why are you getting a kick out of goading me? Or kicking against my goads, or whatever that scripture says? (Acts 26:14)

    I could be wrong, but quite candidly....what are the chances? (Don't tell JTR, who thinks I am never wrong, nor JB, who will blame the GB)

    I posted about this awhile ago, , how this scam cheapens the Microsoft brand, and someone, I thought it was you , said they would talk to their acquaintance at Microsoft about it. 

    I witnessed to one of these characters recently. I long resisted suggestions to do that with telemarketers because it seemed to be using the truth as an offensive weapon, and I do not look at it that way.  But I got my head around it and resolved that if I could do it for real, with sincerity, I would give it a try.

    Whenever he would mention his service, I would interrupt and say, "yeah, I don't want that. But as long as you called, let me tell you what I am working on at present." I would observe that English obviously is not his first language, ask what one was, and tell him all about the drop-down box at JW.org to select one out of a thousand. I told him all about the online study lessons that make it possible for me to say "I don't want to study the Bible with you...do it yourself." I told him how we like the Bible because it helps one gets one's act together, raise a family, hope for the future, why does God allow suffering?...where are the dead? Why do they die in the first place? and so forth.

    He kept trying to bring things back to his product, and I would repeat the above. They are very persistent. I confess that, whereas with a householder you want to avoid asking awkward questions or ones that might make him feel uncomfortable, in time with this fellow I went out of my way to do it.

    It was rather fun. A friend who does it all the time says, "Look, I know you cannot respond to this because you're working, so don't worry, I don't expect feedback, but let me tell you about..."

    I would do it more, but I find that when calls come in, they do so unexpectedly, and I am usually not at a stopping point. Often I am right in the middle of pasting back the ears of the bombastic JTR and I know that he will be disappointed if he does not get a prompt reply to whatever drivel he is spinning.

  8. 18 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Kind of funny that today I sat in the audience with two members of the Governing Body and two Governing Body Helpers. They did not have special seats.

    In the late 1970s, Brother Knorr spoke at the District Convention in Rochester. The bright lights showed up his suit jacket as horribly wrinkled. I knew then that he was just like anyone else. He must have taken off his jacket on account of the heat & in the cramped seating never intended for formal attire it slid between seat & seatback and got all scrunched up as he sat on it, the same as would happen to me.

  9. 22 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    The trip to Warwick is nice. I'm going to the 10:00 Sunday meeting in the auditorium there tomorrow morning. Then Monday, we go to Wallkill.

    When you return, would you tell me if the prophecy I sent in has been put on prominent display as I requested?

    In just a very short time, attrocities demanding the flag be at half-mast will become so numerous that it will be at half-mast all the time. When that day arrives, Big Business will see no point in manufacturing the unused top half, and flagpoles will be produced at half height. Of course, this will not negate the need to fly at half-mast after disaster, and the flag will accordingly fly lower.

    Repeat the cycle a few times and it is plain to see that it will soon touch the ground, something which CANNOT HAPPEN. When it does, it will be like touching the eyeball of the world system of nations and THAT will trigger Armageddon. 

    This better be posted in one of the display areas, if not given an exhibit of its own. I am starting to tire of the lack of respect that I am getting around there. My last archeological find that I sent in that in with the recommendation it be included in the Bible canon, they replied with the smart-alec remark that maybe it should be fired from a cannon.


  10. 3 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Planning Board too. Nevertheless, even the early articles about it say this: https://shar.es/aaYQ1i

    • The Watch Tower Society also is providing some on site medical services and have made arrangements with the Greenwood Lake Fire District; it is also working with the Tuxedo Fire District.
    • If any of the Headquarters residents decide to move off site to have children, they then would pay taxes and their children would likely go to the Tuxedo school district.

    Maybe it is a turf war and the brothers are playing it like Paul did the Pharisees vs. the Sadducees.

  11. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Only in America one finds people who want to make a buck from their suffering go to court and the law is kinda retro-active because people judge 40 year cases on the current laws and not on the laws that were in place at the time.....

    One unique bit of understanding that Arauna brings to the table is that if there is no money, there is no interest. There is no ‘scandal’ whatsoever in developing lands.

    The world is a lawyers playground, with massive funds flowing for every real or imagined injustice from any organization with pockets, be it business, religious, non-profit, or government, with the barristers netting a third.

  12. 44 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    The name was picked, I assume, because Warwick is a town just a little farther away, in another zip code (10990), and smaller than Tuxedo Park, but with a name that sounds just a bit more Biblical. It's a name that also sounds a bit more alliterative: as in, "Watchtower at Wallkill" and "Watchtower at Warwick." Wars, Wicks, Walls, and Kills are all found in the Bible, but no Tuxedos of any stripe.

    The building inspectors that comment in the video are from the Town of Warwick.

    ”but no Tuxedos of any stripe.”

    Be grateful and ask no questions. It’s not enough for you to have to wear a suit?



  13. 19 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    In fact, Rutherford for a short time also stated that the League of Nations was like a political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth. 

    the Federal Council of Churches stated it. If Rutherford seconded it, how is that a political statement? It sounds like a no-brainer to me. Even here we have not yet reached the point where the kingdom means that, if we are good, we go to heaven when we die.

    Isn't the kingdom government of the earth by God? Wasn't the League of Nations, in principle as never materialized before, government of the earth by man? The two are polar opposites.

    I like especially a marked divergence in Rutherford's early tenure. The Federal Council made their ringing endorsement of earth rule by man almost at the same time that Witnesses said 'Advertise, advertise, advertise, the king and his kingdom.'

  14. 10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Any validity to that theory TTH

    In the 'tying up loose ends' section of Tom Irregardless and Me, I stuck in two paragraphs about Mickey:

    Mickey Spillane, author of the uber-violent novels of the 1940’s, who cleaned up his act upon becoming a Witness, submitted his life experiences to Bethel before he died in 2006. They are locked in the Bethel vault awaiting publication on a slow theocratic news day:

    “I smashed the door with my fist. A yellow, scrawny guy answered – a real punk. Said he wasn’t interested. I’d show him what ‘not interested’ was. I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him inside. I slammed him down on the couch. The dog left its bone and ran for cover, whimpering. ‘Smart bitch!’ I muttered under my breath. I opened my Bible to 2 Timothy 2:24 and rammed his nose into it: “For a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle to all, qualified to teach…” I’m here to save your filthy hide come Armageddon. It’s not my idea, you worthless scum. I’d let you drown in your own piss. But God loves you.”

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