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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. 2 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Any validity to that theory TTH?

    It is probably so. She has been an FB friend of mine for some time and I have thrown a few items her way that I knew she would like. She is an avid Trump supporter.

    She is also the woman who began to hog a certain magazine interview of Mickey by talking politics, a subject Mickey hated. (though she assures me that he also would have loved Trimp, and I cannot picture it any other way.) Mickey’s response was priceless. He said “Honey, can I ask you a question?” When she replied in the affirmative, he said “Why don’t you get me a cup of coffee?”

    She misses him a lot and has formed some sort of business venture to bring his books back into print.


  2. 20 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I'll answer to "JWI" or something similar,

    I actually did have somone approach me once, on a Woman and the Seed tour at the NYMet, and ask “Are you Sheepandgoats?”I had just related a story that I had also related online. It much surprised me, for while I like to think, like any blogger, that my readership is huge, I know that it is not so.

    He and his wife are from overseas. We have kept in touch since.

  3. 8 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Oh, and I almost forgot. We've heard the oft-repeated newspaper and radio reports that many thousands were fooled into thinking that this "fake news" was accepted as so real, that there was a mass panic, and perhaps even suicides. True?  Well that was probably fake news, too.

    Note: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2013/10/30/241797346/75-years-ago-war-of-the-worlds-started-a-panic-or-did-it

    They were “fooled,” were they? Don’t you know about Hanger 55 in Arizona? I’ll wave goodbye as they haul you off to their home planet where last year’s best-seller was that book that debuted on The Twilight Zone, ‘To Serve Man.’

  4. 13 minutes ago, JW Insider said:


    The above is from Al Gore's book "The Assault on Reason." I assume that it was him and not Donald Trump, as Trump actually claimed, who invented the term "fake news" (shortly after inventing the Internet). But he's right. Fake news was a theme of:

    • Orwell's "1984."
    • Or Well's "War of the Worlds" from 1894. (H.G.Wells)
    • Or Orson Wells' broadcast of Well's "War" as actual fake news in 1938.

    Fake news has been at the heart of most of our supposedly real news for centuries. It's recently become a way to try to differentiate unsanctioned fake news from official fake news.

    You missed all those pride parades in ancient Greece?

    That's a bit of fearmongering that tends to contradict the fearmongering over a rising population.

    Another contradiction to Malthusian fearmongering.

    Turn up the sensitivity on the meter and everyone will find their way onto the spectrum. It's probably more like: Autism, which was once diagnosed in 1 out of 1000. . . .  Now, one can easily go back and retroactively diagnose Fred Franz, Alan Turing, The Absent-Minded Professor, etc.


    Actually, it had gained ground as "Jewish" and early "Christian" Gnosticism to the point where it was actualy threatening to compete with actual Judaism and Christianity for many years. In the common forms of Gnosticism, Satan was the good god, and Jehovah was the bad god. Now it's more of an attention grabber.

    Usually Jehovah’s Witnesses can be depended upon to think that world conditions are bad.

  5. 9 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    charismatic leader = Governing Body

    You think so, do you? That they are charismatic? You, know, they’re selling that cool bridge they once lived next to. Act now and they may give it to you cheap.

    Other extreme action: die rather than accept a blood transfusion? Offset ten thousand times over via their stands on tobacco, alcohol abuse, illicit drugs, and even safety. Not to mention their stature as non-combatants. They are by far the safest religion out there. 

    Extreme? Maybe. But everyone else is more so by any comparable lens.

  6. 3 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    But now, we are so enamored to problems, that even the usual fearmongering has fizzled.

    Well, people do clean up after their dogs today. That’s a good thing. Gone forever are the days when you as a child might slide through a pile of you-know-what in pursuit of a fly ball.

    Let me assure younger readers that there is no experience quite like it. 

  7. 53 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    But for the moment, it takes a bit of extra fearmongering to convince people that Satan's anger is at its highest peak, because his short period of time is even shorter now than it was in 1916 and 1941

    Three years ago the expression Fake News was absolutely unheard of. Today it is ubiquitous.

    Gays took decades to enter into the mainstream. Transgenders took mere months.

    I wrote in Tom Irregardless and Me that VR porn promises sex so steamy that it is feared persons will lose interest in the real thing. It was half in jest. The reality has become that sex robots will do the trick. Both genders have become so leery of the other & the rapidly changing dynamics, so as to lean into this latest craze.

    In many quarters, and expect it to increase, you will be identified as a CIS male, that is, a male who identifies with the sex that was assigned to you. Perhaps it will be your grandchildren, in the hands of today's educators, who will tell you this.

    What is all the rage among the young today? Suicide, upping several-fold in but a few years, by youngsters sending the strongest message they can send that they don't buy the offerings of Hotel World and decide that they can indeed leave.

    Autism, which once claimed one in a thousand, now claims one in forty. 

    Anxiety has replaced depression as the #1 mental health malady. It cannot be because there is nothing to worry about. Previous generations, wartime aside, have laid down economic rules so as to enable success of their young. This generation eats them.

    The Church of Satan didn't command much ground until recently.

  8. 3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    FWIW, I have a tour of Warwick scheduled for 11:00am on Friday 12/7, and will also be in Mahwah and Wallkill over the weekend, touring Wallkill soon after 10am on Monday. If anyone else from here wants to meet up I'll be wearing black slacks, black shoes, a white shirt, and a mostly black tie.

    That probably won't help, will it? So I will wear a mostly white shirt that is actually blue striped (an LLBean style) if you look at it closely, and I will wear a black tie with blue geometric designs (small diamonds in gray, lt.blue, dk.blue, black). Also the black shoes are really "sneakers" just made to look like dress shoes, not very shiny.

    (Also, I'm 61, married, 6'3'', 245lbs, have some gray on the sides of my short brown hair, and I like long walks around the lake.)

    Anyway, for real, if anyone wants to meet up, I'll answer to "JWI" or something similar, or even my real name. That goes for anyone who works in Warwick or Wallkill, too, who might be following along.

    When you do either of the two Bible museums, you will at first be discouraged at how everyone bunches up at the first few exhibits. But their eyes are bigger than their stomachs. Four or five exhibits in, they decide they will have to speed up the pace, leaving large gaps and an opportunity to take it all in easily if you do not insist upon doing it it order. 

    We came by way of route 17, an endlessly winding highway. Taking a break at Livingston Manor, we came across this sign, which I photographed because of the name; there was a Motts Applesauce plant near where we live.

    Is it the spirit of the times to hide religion, or what? I think no way would this fellow describe himself as a “humanitarian.” Look him up.



    Now, what did you say? Black shoes, mostly black tie. Got it. Should I change my plans and return so soon, I’ll be on the watch.



  9. 40 minutes ago, Anna said:

    Just because someone goes by their real name would that make them more genuine? I know your name but you could be saying a whole load of deceptive hogwash, lol.  On these kind of forums it's the contents of what one says that is more important than who says them. It also helps to discuss ideas and comments rather than the people who make them. 😊

    I have a feeling that if Top Cat O’Malihan could remember how is username is spelled, he’d have something to say about this.

  10. 19 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I think some on here are brothers of 'high rank' in the JW Org. 

    What in the world would make you think that? With the possible exception of @Anna, who may be a high-ranking brother in drag, I think it is most unlikely that anyone is UNLESS they are malcontents working for the other side.

    One can never know for sure, because the Internet is the land of the liars.

    All comments that I have seen, the ones that have stayed on-topic, that is, have been focused on human matters, if not individual rights. I’ve not seen any that have addressed God’s stated insistence on preserving a clean people for his name.

  11. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    Perhaps I haven't looked hard enough, but I have never yet seen anyone tie Mack to Maxwell

    I’ll do it, but not with confidence. I like your theory. Pay no attention that Paul himself doesn’t mention it. What does he know?

    It is well known that portions of Back in the USSR satirize the Beach Boys’ California Girls.

  12. 15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Turns out you are more right than I thought. Sorry to have doubted you. 

    It is like when my son-in-law tries to peddle me some bit of nonsense, and I say ‘Jim, Jim, do you REALLY want to challenge your father-in-law about the Beatles?” For I know about them, too.

    He was trying to tell me that ‘Don’t Bring Me Down’ was included on an album instead of standing alone as a single release. Can you believe that anyone could be so stupid?

    Those Grammy pictures go right over my head. I have never seen one. Did Paul take refuge in your home after he supposedly died and you pinched one of his Grammys?

  13. On 11/30/2018 at 4:15 AM, limmy said:


    Are you really witnesses running this site because if you were this Jack Ryan would have his membership revoked, clearly an Apostate, get a life and move on mate!! 

    Limmy, you have to know the players here. Admin is not a Witness. The Librarian is, but he is certainly not a typical one. Call him avant- garde. Few Witnesses here are typical. This is not Bethel. Apostates, real and imagined, are free to come and go. And JTR would make Rambo blush.

  14. 39 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    .... We TRY to be spiritual ....  but we also try to be as cool as Clint Eastwood.

    So what about it, punk? Ya feelin lucky today?

    I think my next project will be to introduce @JOHN BUTLER to @Jack Ryan and duck out the back door while they get to know one another.

    "Now TrueTom, knowing that the one part was made up of atheists but the other of malcontents, cried out in the WorldNewsMediaForum: “Men, brothers, I am a believer, a son of believers. Over the hope of the existence of God I am being judged.” Because he said this, a dissension arose between the malcontents and the atheists, and the assembly was split. For the atheists say that there is neither resurrection nor angel nor God, but the malcontents accept them all.  So a great uproar broke out, and some of the scribes of the party of the malcontents, though not John Butler, rose and began arguing fiercely, saying: “We find nothing wrong in this man, but if a spirit or an angel spoke to him—.” 

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