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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. It is rather a sloppy article but the subject is so visceral that such things are overlooked.

    All is told from the point of view of the wronged girl. I don't claim she speaks untruthfully. It is simply that, humans being what they are, we are inclined to remember things the way we remember them...embellish certain points and downplay or forget others. For example, when the judge recalled certain things in a matter-of-fact way, the victim says that's not how she recalled it, and the reporter at that point forgets all about the judge and runs with the victim. I suspect that the judge recollects it more accurately, because he has not carried the emotional baggage for two decades.

    When Lett, many years later, speaks of 'apostate lies,' the reporter presents it as though he is calling his old friend a liar. Of course, he is not. No one says that what happened is a lie; it is the spin that enemies (which now seem to include the Inquirer) put on it that is the lie.

    I answered at some length the Inquirer's first story and emailed it two two editors and the reporter. It was never acknowledged in any way. Instead, the reporter followed through on remarks he had made on the Reddit forum, that he had more material in the hopper that he considered damning to the Witnesses. Of course, this story that Witness is so thrilled about is what he had in mind.

    I take it as evidence that the Philadelphia Inqurer wants this story told one and only one way. If there is anything to mitigate a damning verdict, they do not want to hear it. Of course, they have a story. No one would say that they do not. It is a variation of the "If it bleeds it leads" theme - familiar and not so terrible in itself, but the refusal to consider or even acknowledge a different lens through which the topic might be viewed, is to paint it, imo, as a not very good newspaper. Adding to this perception is that the paper does not seem to have a comment section for its online articles.

    Comment sections are not necessarily great, as they attract many a moron, especially on 'hot' topics. But they have become ubiquitous and the fact that the Inquirer does not have one seems but another indicator that they will breach no dissent on what stories they report.

    It is the religious version of the shabby journalism that has become the norm today. Reporters of the right or left hype up their view to the point of hysteria, and refuse to look at things that in any way confound their conclusions.


  2. On 6/24/2018 at 12:16 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    It's? like a  large flock of ?Turkeys, realizing it is pouring rain, they look up to see what is going on ... and they all drown.?

    More puddled reasoning from the Puddler-in-Chief. But IÂ’ll cut through it.




  3. Jesus healed the leper and specifically told him to keep a lid on it. Show yourself to the priests, thank God, and go about your business.
    What did the fellow do? He shouted it out everywhere. He messed up the Lord! Jesus wanted to keep visiting the city. He no longer could do it. He had to hole up out in the wilderness!
    What could he do? Apart from divinely muzzling the guy or handing him back his leprosy, he was stymied! The Lord!
    He adapted, though. The cured fellow raised such a ruckus that everyone had to go out in the wilderness to check Jesus out. Maybe it even worked out better this way; they had to do something.
    I think there’s a lesson for us. You want your companions in service to be discreet and to behave in a certain way, and they don’t. You want them to be like the silhouetted fellow in the videos and they are the exact opposite. It’s enough to drive a guy crazy. It was enough to drive Jesus crazy, too, yet he didn’t go crazy. He just adjusted tactics and it turned out okay. And maybe at a later date he even ran across the fellow and said: “You know, you really should have kept your mouth shut. But it all worked out.”
  4. 18 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Most medical issues have been dropped from elder training

    On 6/23/2018 at 2:24 PM, Jack Ryan said:

    Back in the days that I call when "each one did what was right in his own eyes," (late 70s or early 80s) there was an one-day special assembly in Niagara Falls, NY. Apparantly, local brothers, if they had the wherewithall, could put together whatever program they liked if they could assemble the speakers.

    It is at that gathering that Victor Blackwell spoke and I picked up afterwards his excellent book "O'ar the Ramparts They Watched," which I frequently quote in my own writing.

    David McClure also spoke, a circuit overseer, the son of Lucy McClure., who figured in the reversal of Gobitis. He told the story as it would have been seen through a child's eyes. He spoke of regularly getting beaten up walking to and from school. As only Dave McClure could do, he made getting beaten up sound almost like fun.

    The third speaker was a brother who essentially spoke about health, the sort of thing that would never be done today. "If you feel good, stay away from them," he said about doctors. He also spoke a lot about nutrution. Dave McClure was sitting not too far from me. Following that 'health talk' he said loudly: "Well, I guess I'm going to go down and get myself a hot dog!"

  5. 6 hours ago, Shirley Ann Lowery said:

    I've also heard that Jack Ryan is an apostate, I don't know personally if it's true or not!

    If he is posting the material that he does, and a lot of it at that, then he is an apostate 

  6. 14 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I myself have had a 1 on 1 discussion when I was studying that even if your next door neighbor is trapped in a burning house, you as a jw are supposed to leave them be and only help other jw's in your town.

    It is okay to save your next door neighbor if his house is burning down. I do it all the time.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Witness said:

    The religion's leaders call such accounts 'false stories'"


    They do not.

    It is your spin on them that they call false stories.

    Assuming that it is true, In an ever-changing population of 8 million, there will be examples of anything.

  8. Ha! Scott Adams tweeted for ideas for his strip and added he would use a submitted one in an upcoming comic.
    I tweeted: "Maybe play with the idea of the mission statement being written by someone who was binge-watching Mission Impossible. Hmm. Like: ‘If you are caught or killed by this product, our company will disavow any knowledge of your actions’"
    He gave it a like. Let's see if it appears as a cartoon.
    Who doesn't love Dilbert?
    To another tweet suggesting a play on "our employees are our most valuable asset," I added a quote from 'Tom Irregardless and Me': "He knows it is all hogwash. He knows one can go from 'most valuable asset' to 'person non-grata' in a heartbeat. But the newbie from the hills drinks it all in and thinks his new boss is his best friend in the whole wide world."
    The line as written refers to Phillip Brumley, Bethel attorney who was plucked from regular Bethel work and put through law school. He said it altered his personality to the extent that his wife said he was like a different person. I sympathized with the remark, but then speculated that maybe it was just him. Maybe he was like the new employee that must sit through interminable drivel about how "our employees are our greatest assets" and then I continued with the bit that I tweeted to Scott's contributor. Pointy-haired_Boss
  9. Signed by many journalists, lawyers, and human rights people - even the chairman of an LGBT group. Many comments a variation of the "if they came for them, they will come for you" argument.

    It is as though the earth attempts to come to the aid of the woman once more.

    Meanwhile, the dramatizations of arrests at the 2016 Regional Convention turns out to be spot-on, not over-the-top, not exaggerated at all. When Witnesses have been arrested, it is frequently with SWAT teamlike tactics.


  10. On 6/15/2018 at 5:11 PM, The Librarian said:

    I suspect we should consider that most businesses no longer require suits (business casual and clean is now ok for most jobs)

    It does seem a little silly to see brothers trekking through the wilderness in ties. Still, most people readily buy the explanation (if we have opportunity to give it) that it is a matter of showing respect toward God.

    On 6/15/2018 at 5:11 PM, The Librarian said:

    I try to not bring my electronic devices to my business meetings. It sends the wrong message I think.  What is wrong with the Bible and songbook (actual books)?

    Maybe it depends upon the area. I have never sensed anyone put off because I used a tablet in the ministry (Moses used two of them) and not a paper book. Maybe it is like Christians were at the forefront of the movement to switch from scrolls to codex. Now they are at the forefront of those who go from paper to digital.

    On 6/15/2018 at 5:11 PM, The Librarian said:

    I remember how I felt as a regular pioneer showing up in California one day at a KH with all their expensive cars. WRONG MESSAGE!!!

    You didn't come to our KH, did you? 

    Still, one does see them. I like that quote some decades ago, in a study article, I think, of the brother who could afford a Mercedes but instead opted for a Volkswagen, out of regard for just what you observed.

    Dig that quote up for us, could you? It is not for nothing that they call you @The Librarian

    "Any ideas?"      I like this post.

  11. I used to love it when Watchtower publications would run that Vermont Royster quote. After remarking on how far we have come science-wise, he added: “Yet here is a curious thing. In the contemplation of man himself, of his dilemmas, of his place in the universe, we are little further along than when time began. We are still left with questions of who we are and why we are and where we are going.”

    It is pretty obvious why Jehovah’s Witnesses would love those words; they make clear that a shallow world of materialism will not do. You can even think those words every time a Kate Spade or Anthony Bourdain takes his life. Or anyone else. Suicide is all the rage today. People decide that ‘Hotel World’ has not that much to offer, and they line up at the counter to check out.

    Isn't it a little missing the point when people look for the one factor, maybe social media, that is tipping people over the edge? Or suggest that it is all a matter of better mental health care? 

    “For over half a century, as a journalist, author, and teacher, Vermont Royster illuminated the political and economic life of our times. His common sense exploded the pretensions of "expert opinion," and his compelling eloquence warned of the evils of society loosed from its moorings in faith,” read the citation when he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1986.

    There are few things I enjoy more than exploding the pretensions of "expert opinions."

  12. 8 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    I'm guessing that in the first picture Angela Merkel is saying: "Did you hear the one about the Japanese man who  . . . . ?"

    That could explain the second picture.

    I have no doubt that is the real story.


  13. 9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    and keep my camera on "continuous" shooting bursts 5 pictures to the second. ...Now that "film" is free, with digital cameras when I shoot a wedding sometimes I take two or three thousand pictures for that very reason. 


    Probably by selecting just the right one, you could suggest of any wedding that they will be divorced in two weeks.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:



    Oh YEAH??!! Well what about OUR TRUMP?!!!

    (No, I am just kidding. I do not regard either of them as “ours,” no any human spokesperson. And I know you do not either; it is but a speechism.)

  15. Many of my comments are absolute zingers but because they unfailingly show good will and I am a peacemaker, I always get them in unless there are too many hands. New ones, kids or nervous ones focus on “the answer.” Absent hogging the mike, brothers can progress to expounding/illustrating a bit. Some do. Some don’t.

    Member attend to be “taught by Jehovah,” not “taught by Jack.”

  16. 17 minutes ago, JW Insider said:


    You should not think I am speaking specifically of you. (Nor should you think I am not) I am deliberately vague, not pointing fingers because A. I don't want to point fingers, and B. I don't want to come off as cocksure as though I know who to point them at. It is a general observation I make that fits in with the overall topic of this thread, but should not be taken as aimed at anyone specifically.

    Moreover, I am considerably grateful to you. You have set me straight on several points over the months and the writings I have released are much better for it.

    P.S. I am allowed to put verse in today's vernacular. That doesn't mean you are. :) (are YOU the Librarian's favorite pupil, or am I?)

  17. "The hand of Jehovah is short, is it?" I fear there are many on the Internet who would answer 'Yes'

    "Grab 300 men and go take out the Midianites." I fear there are many on the internet who would say: "You're nuts."

    'Mum's the word with regard to Rabshekah. Don't open your mouth, you on the castle wall.' I guarantee there are many who would say: "you are just trying to muzzle us to protect your own rear end and reputation. If you hadn't have mismanaged this show, none of this would have happened!"

    Did they overreach some? If so, they will have to pull in somewhere and that will not be painless. Maybe when they publish those ubiquitous photo's of husband and wife pulling their hair out grappling with the bills, they are thinking of more than John and Mary Q. Publisher. So be it. All has been for the advancement of the good news. Besides, maybe relief will come from some unanticipated source.

    I really worry when I see all the grousing online over the GB. To modify Paul's words to the Galatians: "You are bitching over this, and bellyaching over that. I really fear for you, that somehow I have toiled in vain over you."

    The other verse about 'Jehovah preserved them through the Red Sea, but afterwards destroyed some not showing faith?' So the 40-year  trek is a template for today. And it was constant going weak at the knees and crying over leadership that the verses offer up as examples of not 'showing faith.' It's the wilderness slog back then. No one said it was the French Riviera cruise ship.

    If you don't fill the Kingdom Halls up, it makes perfect sense to consolodate some, and use the proceeds elsewhere, to build where there is overcrowding, in the home country or overseas, where one dog of an underperformer can finance 100 new Halls.  Of course that will cause inconvience. It still beats pounding sand in the desert. The only enduring objection to this move is brothers getting 'proprietary' and focusing on self.

    Christianity is nothing if not focusing on the good of all, and not just one's immediate advantage. We only go to the building twice a week. Is a longer drive truly the end of the world? 

    With all the sniping, I worry that there may well come some moment where Jehovah directs something or other through those taking the lead, as he has in the past, and sullen-like, the grumblers refuse cooperation, and it works to their detriment. Sort of like Korah, who refused to be summoned.

    From all that I read in verse, God has always cut considerable slack to those taking the lead, and little to those who would grouse over it. When there is correction for those leading, it doesn't come from "the people." What! Witness or someone is going to storm the Bastille, release the 'true annointed" and lead an insurrection to guilotine the ones now presiding? I don't think so. I mean, I can picture her attempting it, but I can't picture God blessing it.

    For crying out loud, one can always return to where they get visions that the head guy needs yet another jet airplane so we won't have to stop for gas, or where he decides to guarantee the bottom line with a decree that everyone must tithe.


  18. To be factored in somewhere for consideration would be: if there was a redistribution of temperature worldwide, but no net increase, the polar icecaps might melt, raising sea level. So rising sea levels do not necessarily equate to global warming, though that is the first idea that comes to mind.

    Where I come from, they did not renew the contract of the long-time TV weatherman that everyone loved. As I follow the fellow on Twitter, it becomes clear that he is a nonbeliever in global warming. I asked him once if that was the reason? No answer, though he has responded on other things.

    It doesn't have to be the reason. In fact, it is more likely a cost-cutting move. But the question was raised in my mind. I can't help but think it may be some permutation of the scientist saying: (not verbatim) Around here, those who believe in God keep their mouths shut.'

  19. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    That would have been either William Jackson or John (Jack) Barr, the only two GB members with other Bethelites there at the same time with the same name. Since it was chatty, it would more likely be Brother Barr. I liked them both.

    My friend is a private person. He no doubt wants to live his life in peace. it would be most innapropriate for me to identify him. No. I will not. His identity is safe with me. 

    But the name of the GB member was John Barr.

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