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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. Because it is not, relatively speaking. Study 54 of the report, a follow-up to Study 29, makes possible an apples-to-apples comparison. Study 54 looked at the 17 instances of child abuse from the Witness organization that had been reported in the interim, from August 2015 to January 2017. Nine were historical cases and none involved an elder. All occurred in a familial setting. Of the seventeen, two had refused to report as they were adult survivors and it was their right not to report. The number of Witnesses in all Australia at the time was 67,418. An apples-to-apples comparison becomes possible with a pool size large enough to be significant. Out of a total national Australian population of 23,968,973, The Australian Institute of Family Studies reported 41,622 notifications of child sexual abuse, (2014-2015) and the Commission likely reviewed some of them. Seemingly, the safest place a child could be was in the Jehovah’s Witness community, for proportionately, one would have expected 117 incidents, 100 more than the actual number. (The disparity is even greater, since a 17 month period for the Witnesses is compared to a 12-month period for all Australia) Do the math discover from these figures that a child is ten times safer in the Witness community than in the overall world. What the ARC criticized was procedures for handling abuse cases that have occured. It was not their mission to look at whether, in a given setting, abuse was more or less likely to happen in the first place. Had it been, they would have awarded JWs a Family Glory award, just like Putin did to the Russian Witness family.
  2. Well, now that you put it that way, the work stinks. But you shouldn't put it that way. It is a ridiculous description. 'Brazen' is nebulous whereas 'loose' is crystal clear? You're just beating a familiar dead horse, possibly one that has thrown you.
  3. No argument with this. It might be good to acknowledge this more frequently than is done. Nonetheless, it is a bit like you hire a worker to reroof your house and he paints the house instead. Even though it did need painting, you are not happy. If he had painted in addition to reroofing, you would have been thrilled. But he painted instead of. So it is with preaching good news and charitible works. Preaching always has the priority. See, for example, Matthew 9:35: And Jesus set out on a tour of all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news of the Kingdom and curing every sort of disease and every sort of infirmity.
  4. There is only one person in the world that this warning does not have to be given to. (Hmm. a twinge of hesitation as to whether I should even say this, for he does have significant redeeming features. Ah, well - one must go with the online persona one has adopted)
  5. For example, I just read that Billy Graham died today at 99, the grandpa of the TV evangelists. I don't recall any financial abuse with him, and his final circumstances appear to be reasonably modest. When he traveled, it was not via VW Beetle and he didn't clip the Pennysaver, but they conducted operations as would anyone else on tour - I can recall Carlin or someone making fun of his expensive suits, but it is a cheap shot and everyone knows it - even he himself, probably, who was just doing what comedians do.
  6. "Ah, Babylon 4, we have a report of a madman on the WNM forum creating a disturbance. Could you run by there and check it out, please? Careful not to provoke him though. He is the fastest gun in the West - and east, north, and south." "Roger, that, Dick Tracy - I'm on it, after I finish this donut. I'm pretty sure I know who you mean. He's a pretty harmless old pork chop, with stray dogs everywhere, but he sure does make a lot of noise."
  7. Jehovah's Witnesses are absolutely unique in that they live the Word and present it worldwide. Aspects of it presented nowhere else they broadcast: the Name, the paradise earth, no immortal soul, no Trinity, nuetrality, and so forth. Any Witness looks around himself and see abundant evidence that whatever funds they have anonymously donated have been put to good news. But if you hate the message, you will hate the organization that facilitates its spread, ad leave no stone unturned in denigrating it. It is no more complicated than that. Nonetheless, the 'wealth of the clergy class' can be overstated. They are not all that way. Prosperity gospel preachers notwithstanding, most live pretty much like the parishioners they serve. Even at the top of, say - the Methodist world, I am not aware of any unspeakable lolling about in luxury. I doubt it compares to those at the top of business corporations. The GB does not have to live like hippies on a commune. Branch facilties are comfortable. They get room and board. But they are dormatories . Nice dormatories, to be sure but still dormatories. The striking difference is that they recieve no salary, and perhaps more stiking still, no funds amassing for retirement, like the 401K's that are everywhere else. When Ray Franz took off over a dispute of doctrine, he recieved a settlement of about 10K, I think, and the same people that bellyache about wealth bellyached how he had worked for a pittance.
  8. the anwer to this tweet was given by another. 'You think the most heavily armed nation in the world is going to be defeated by your AK-47?' So Jimbo will take out a few before he goes down, but go down he will. Will he come up again? Was it not Jesus who said: 'those who live by the sword will die by the sword?'
  9. Hmm. It is Pastor Inqfist's wife salivating over her upcoming stay at the resort during the Lutheran minister's retreat, which they colloquially renamed 'stampede.' At long last she can sit around a swimming pool in a two piece bathing suit, sipping a drink, without triggering frowns. But then the befuddled pastor discovered he had mixed up the tickets. He has the expired ones from two years ago. The event this year has already taken place. grumble, grumble... Well...he stayed in a Coleman tent in my back yard when he visited here. About 3 he knocked on the door to use my bathroom. I told him that there was a perfectly fine outhouse in back. Then I made him pull my millstone, and I wouldn't let him eat off the threshing room floor.
  10. I just kick back at Rook because he is - well, because he is. But it is not as though I do not concede that there is a 2nd amendment or that I push for its repeal - it is just his relentless cheerleading for guns that grates on the sensibilities. I did read a source from Russia decrying the barbarism of Americans with their guns. Someone replied 'how many Russians have died because they were powerless when government thugs showed up to corral them?' So I see the other side. It is not our concern, anyway, as we stand for something else. But I am reasonably confident that not one of the 17 children who died thanked his lucky stars for the 2nd amendment before he breathed his last. All the children want to do is go to school and not get shot up. Is that too much to ask? It happens anywhere else. They shouldn't have to propose the solution. That is for their mentors to figure out. That one kid said it right - and he has been apparantly preened and given front stage by a manipulative left - but nonetheless he said it right: "We are the children. You are the adults. You are supposed to protect us." To quote James again: What part of DUH ... do you not understand?
  11. Americans are a curious blend of gunslinger and crybaby. The part that guarantees schoolchildren will continue to be shot in school while you refuse to give an inch to the other side, and they the same to you. It is not as though you haven't had plenty of time to pound them into submission, is it?
  12. On the other hand, I think it was an Australian cleric who said it best - when will Americans come to love their children MORE than their guns. Look, one or the other. Strong gun laws or armed veterans. Either will arguably work - probably armed vets in the short run and gun laws in the long run. But neither will come about until kids put adults toes to the fire by permanently boycotting school until a fix is in place. I mean, there is no possible way Rook is going to yeild on this. He doesn't think there are persons just as intransigent on the other side? So nothing will be done and a few dozen kids will be picked off yearly while these guys scream at each other over who is right. But if the kids actually stop going to school.....
  13. Given the scope of their responsibilities, it is sufficient that they do not fly private jet. It seems the characters @Space Merchant highlighted all do.
  14. I think so, but it has been politicized. I see nothing about any walkout being permanent, pending the problem being fixed. Of the new plans for symbolic actions and parades, I read: (from the posted article) "A number of people have told me it's frightening and powerful, and really sends a message," the 16-year-old told the BBC Yes, it sounds fearsome, perhaps. But the actual tweet I posted, if acted upon, might have actually gotten something done. The kids have been hijacked by the grown-ups and sold the line that "sending a message" is the same as solving a problem. I can send 200 messages a day online, most of which will be forgotten by the next day.
  15. I would be very surprised if a GB member has even stayed at a Motel 6. When they travel, they stay in one of the branch facilities or in homes of fellow believers. Possibly you can dig down and find where they were once at a fancypants place on vacation as a gift from a personal friend. But I doubt even that. I don't think they even like that sort of thing. They like being with the friends.
  16. Yes, I found the original tweet and it is how I remembered it: "High school students are talking on message boards to make April 20th the day they all walk out of school and don’t come back until Congress updates the gun laws as it’s their lives on the line. Plz retweet or share for visibility as this is a great idea.." #FloridaSchoolshooting The panicked grownups have tried to water it down to some symbolic nonsense involving a one-day boycott of 17 minutes for 17 students. But imagine if it was done for real - imagine if they didn't come back until things were fixed. Now THAT would be the power of the children. Shut down the education industry. Don't you think THAT would impel the powers that be to not rest until they came up with some sort of a solution! It would be like people refusing to go into the war. The children don't have to weigh in on which side it right. That is for their mentors to figure out. It's exactly how things should be framed: Not gun-free vs armed veterans on patrol. Not right vs left. No. Let it be chidlren vs adults. Why should they walk into a potential shooting gallery each day? Maybe Nancy Reagan had a point: "Just say no." It might be a new role for the FBI. Make them truant officers.
  17.   Yes, I found the original tweet and it is how I remembered it:  "High school students are talking on message boards to make April 20th the day they all walk out of school and don’t come back until Congress updates the gun laws as it’s their lives on the line. Plz retweet or share for visibility as this is a great idea.." #FloridaSchoolshooting  The panicked grownups have tried to water it down to some symbolic nonsense involving a one-day boycott of 17 minutes for 17 students. But imagine if it was done for real - imagine if they didn't come back until things were fixed. Now THAT would be the power of the children. Shut down the education industry. Don't you think THAT would impel the powers that be to not rest until they came up with some sort of a solution!  It would be like people refusing to go into the war. The children don't have to weigh in on which side it right. That is for their mentors to figure out. It's exactly how things should be framed: Not gun-free vs armed veterans on patrol. Not right vs left. No. Let it be chidlren vs adults.  Why should they walk into a potential shooting gallery each day? Maybe Nancy Reagan had a point: "Just say no."  It might be a new role for the FBI. Make them truant officers.
  18. I headed the food dispensing at the circuit assemblies. I liked the pudding cups. The hoagies were pretty bready, but I guess that is by definition. The brother over me said at the outset that he had no experience or idea how to run the operation, but he allowed that if MacDonalds could do it, then so could we. And we figured it out in short order.
  19. I remember there were pasta salads, and I eventually came to refer to them as apostasy salads.
  20. It is clear to me that on three days of the year, the dailycaller reporter 1. pines away like Chalie Brown for Valentines 2. trick or treats like Freddy Krueger on Halloween, and 3. hops along the bunny trail on Easter Day.  photo by Jack
  21. Hey, has anyone on this forum seen my Tesla Roadster? Last time I saw it, it was in my garage and that creep Musk, who hates my guts, was lurking around.
  22. In the days of fatter magazines the locations and dates of each convention were published. You could count them up. I know about how many there were. It isn't that critical. Just doing a little crowdsurfing here. You never know when someone will have it at their fingertips. "200 or so" will do if it has to.
  23. If you land even two of them, I will hail you as the new prophet.
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