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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. A more different set of metrics one will not find. It's hard to believe the 5 companies are put in the same category
  2. This is completely beside the point and misses the entire purpose of the thread. Get off your rear end and research it. I want to know the number.
  3. The link is to a new technique for mathematically calculating the number of galaxies undetected by current astronomical methods. It adds 900% to the total. The following statement strkes me as a bit too much, a bit too pretentious: “It boggles the mind that over 90 percent of the galaxies in the universe have yet to be studied,” noted Conselice. “Who knows what interesting properties we will find when we discover these galaxies with future generations of telescopes?” Oh? And the visible 10 percent have been "studied?"
  4. I will have to get Dr. Adhominem on this one. He's good at theories. He's even better at outright making stuff up.
  5. It is not everywhere. There are hot spots. The two towns are 3200 km apart. Most Witnesses have merely tightened an already cautious deportment. They now must look over their shoulder more than in the past. It hints at the Jewish pogroms of long ago, which were very bad when they happened, but they did not always happen.
  6. Reports Chivchalov on February 9: (Anton Chivchalov Blog) "At least 16 dwellings of civilians in Belgorod and 12 dwellings in Kemerovo ... are suspected of continuing the activities of the organization "Management Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia". "In the evening of February 7, 2018 in Belgorod, large groups of law enforcement officers, consisting of police officers, the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and armed fighters of the SOBR, simultaneously invaded a number of private houses of local residents. In some cases citizens were thrown on the floor, put to the wall, then all were forcibly taken to the police, in the homes they searched. "… citizens were confiscated from the Bible, all electronic devices and media, passports, money, in some cases even photos hanging on the wall. Already the next day, interrogations of citizens began, which are in the police on the agenda. It became known that an investigation team was established, consisting of 12 (!) Investigators of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. … "In Kemerovo, …[an official suspected that] at least 14 local residents continue to profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. The judge of the central district court of the city of Kemerovo, Irina Ivanova, at one point satisfied at once at least 12 of her motions. As a result, a search was carried out in 12 houses of peaceful believers, which continued even during the night. In some cases, armed SOBR officers in masks opened their doors by force, bursting in, putting civilians face to the wall with their arms raised or falling to the floor. The apartment was sometimes invaded by more than 10 people, including police officers, Rosgvardia and the Investigative Committee. Citizens were denied the opportunity to make a phone call or to invite a lawyer; the refusal was accompanied by an explanation of Stanislav Shlagov, senior police officer for particularly important cases: "We are not in America." "Citizens, including women and the elderly, experience a state close to shock. Many have exacerbated chronic diseases. Telephones, tablets, computers, personal belongings, information carriers are confiscated. It is reported that witnesses who were present during the searches were familiar with the police and actively assisted them, in some cases with their tips." https://twitter.com/chivchalov?lang=en Anton Chivchalov has covered the turmoil of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia from before the ban. He tweeted dialogue, at 5-minute intervals, of the April 5th Court hearing leading to ban, at the July appeal, and at the subsequant hearing to ban the New World Translation of the Bible. His veracity is well-established.
  7. Reports Chivchalov: (Anton Chivchalov Blog) At least 16 dwellings of civilians in Belgorod and 12 dwellings in Kemerovo were subjected to law enforcement intrusions and searches. Dozens of people have been detained, some have been detained for two days. Citizens are suspected of continuing the activities of the organization "Management Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia". In the evening of February 7, 2018 in Belgorod, large groups of law enforcement officers, consisting of police officers, the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and armed fighters of the SOBR, simultaneously invaded a number of private houses of local residents. In some cases citizens were thrown on the floor, put to the wall, then all were forcibly taken to the police, in the homes they searched. … citizens were confiscated from the Bible, all electronic devices and media, passports, money, in some cases even photos hanging on the wall. Already the next day, interrogations of citizens began, which are in the police on the agenda. It became known that an investigation team was established, consisting of 12 (!) Investigators of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. … In Kemerovo, …[an official suspected that] at least 14 local residents continue to profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. The judge of the central district court of the city of Kemerovo, Irina Ivanova, at one point satisfied at once at least 12 of her motions. As a result, a search was carried out in 12 houses of peaceful believers, which continued even during the night. In some cases, armed SOBR officers in masks opened their doors by force, bursting in, putting civilians face to the wall with their arms raised or falling to the floor. The apartment was sometimes invaded by more than 10 people, including police officers, Rosgvardia and the Investigative Committee. Citizens were denied the opportunity to make a phone call or to invite a lawyer; the refusal was accompanied by an explanation of Stanislav Shlagov, senior police officer for particularly important cases: "We are not in America." Citizens, including women and the elderly, experience a state close to shock. Many have exacerbated chronic diseases. Telephones, tablets, computers, personal belongings, information carriers are confiscated. It is reported that witnesses who were present during the searches were familiar with the police and actively assisted them, in some cases with their tips.
  8. Does anybody know how many Regional Conventions were hosted last year? I have said "200 or so," which will do as a ballpark figure if need be.
  9. Hmmm. Let us ask @AlanF if he will put in a good word for Mommy Dawkins here. Heaven knows he praises him enough. Let us direct him to the Atlantic article @Nana Fofana offered up. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/09/richard-dawkins-defends-mild-pedophilia-again-and-again/311230/ Now, Mommy Dawkins regards mild pedophila as no big deal. Since it happened to him as a boy and he survived it to turn out as fine as he has, his experience - having an adult put his hand down a child's pants - seems his definition of mild. Don't make an issue of it, he recommends. What you should make an issue of is passing on religion to a child. That, he says, is intolerable child abuse. Putting your hand down its pants is not. He is in the company of those who he would consider his founding (fondling?) fathers, per The Sibylline oracles, which claims that only the Jews were free from this impurity. "Phoenicians, Egyptians and Romans, spacious Greece and many nations of other, Persians and Galatians and all Asia." - depend upon it. These ones will have the hots for your children. But the Jews - and the Christians that derived from them, per 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - did not go in for that kind of thing. Doesn't matter, Alan sneers - they were young earth creationists. His heroes may make a grab down your child's pants now and then, but at least they know how old the earth is.
  10. As much as I could emphasize with the teacher brother on the current monthly program whose fellow teacher 'came after him' with virulent criticism, the criticism leveled was probably not that which is most commonly leveled these days. The more realistic and timely criticism is that which appears here.
  11. A good place to start (and finish, for the most part) is to google: 'wikipedia fair use'
  12. I think we are somehow not communicating. If anyone else is doing wrong, fry him. But I am not. To reproduce long excerpts from a copyrighted work, you need permission. To reproduce short ones - a sentence or two - you do not. Watchtower publications do it all the time.
  13. I believe it does, in short segments (a sentence or two) for the sake of commentary. Longer passages would have to be authorized by me. Do you think every book or movie reviewer has the permission of the artist? Nor should you think I am in cahoots with JWI or even sympathetic to his aims. What he is doing, he is doing, and can defend himself if he chooses to. I can answer only to what I am doing. I knew of "fair use" long before I knew of @JW Insider. It is not something obscure. Should you want to post anything relevant to law, I will be grateful to you. If it turns out I am doing wrong, I will mend my ways. However, as stated, I would have to search some to find even where I have copied anything of theirs. I mean, I would not challenge that I have done it, but it is not frequent and it is never long. Some here (and everywhere) have reproduced entire articles. I have never done that, believing it to be a violation of copyright unless done with written authorization. A snippet is something else entirely.
  14. Actually, I don't think so. "Fair use" is a pretty bedrock principle of American law. Otherwise there could be no commentary of anything and most of the news and print and internet media would implode into a black hole. Fair use allows for short passages to be quoted. Long segments are another thing entirely. I try to be careful on this and not abuse what is permissible . While I do have some short quotes (not many, really, at least not in comparison) I have not used the organization's artwork or logo, as though it were my own. It is obvious why they would not want a liar doing this. But even a friend - to use their artwork suggests to the casual reader (which is the majority) that you are them. You thereby impute all of your idiosyncrasies to them. (I have none, of course, so this is not a big deal in my case, but all others here are absolute lunatics.  ) Â
  15. Someone tweeted that the baby should also be named MVP
  16. Sam Herd likely went through much of his life without thirty dollars to his name.
  17. Sometimes the liars of the other side are more useful than the pig-headed ones on yours. If this is playing out per the laws of human nature, Gordon has found pretty good evidence that the pronunciation of God's name is NOT Yahweh, but that the vowels have been identified that they are consistent with Jehovah (or Adonai) - at any rate, three vowels instead of two. But much as in all matters of scholarship, the scholarship of his fellow Jews is that Yahweh is the pronunciation and they will not give it up come hell or high water. h2o) (sheol, The pig-headed ones on his side are useless. Why not use the liars on the other side? Sometimes one must take what one can get. Note of of this video's likens Yahweh to the god Jupiter. https://www.nehemiaswall.com/nehemia-gordon-name-god How valid is he? a cursory inspection reveals he is genuine. doctorate at Hebrew University? On the team of those translating the Dead Sea Scrolls.? Perhaps Beduhn regards himself in a similar boat with us.
  18. In this particular instance, I was not challenging you. (in all other instances, I am) I was sincere in what i said. I think you are as screwy as they come, but I would never think you would deliberately misquote a scripture. I never doubted that the KJV said unicorns if you said it did. I just wanted to know where those instances were. Thanks, too, to @Space Merchant
  19. It does fit in better with the Hebrew word Adonai (“My Lord”), translated Kyrios (“Lord”) in the Septuagint, doesn't it? The vowels correspond better.
  20. I never quite know what from you is kidding and what is real. But you are not given to making specific inaccurate statements. So...does it really say it nine times? Where?
  21. It is true. I bask in the love here. I am scared to go anywhere else.
  22. The trick, @AlanF, is to let someone's own words reveal that they are ill-mannered louts. You don't go around name-calling everyone you oppose. You set them up so that they torpedo themselves. But, but, but, but - what if others don't agree that this or that person is a fool? Don't I have to plainly say it? No. You don't. It is irresistible for you, I understand, maybe the sign of a very insecure person. But you don't. Sometimes people disagree. I can live with that. So should you.
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