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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. You never did tell the practical benefits of people "coming to Jesus." What are they? Particularly when some will side with Trump and some with Hillary. Thus far you have only criticized the doers.
  2. What are the practical manifestations of people 'coming to Jesus?' Why do some who have come to Jesus love Trump? Why do some who have come to Jesus love Hillary, and hate Trump? Perhaps you could convince @AlanF he should come to Jesus.
  3. Who is the other game in town? Show me. Tell me how you know. Tell me what they have to show for themselves. JTR will doubtless follow you and he'll make a lot less trouble here. Seriously. They way he carries on, we would all be pleased to be rid of him. Show him the other game. Don't just say that the doers aren't doing it right. Show him someone else who is doing it right. Show us what they are doing. Be specific.
  4. As I recall, there was also something about the composition of the driveway, too. It was not the ordinary blacktop. and......the house number.....was........607! Take it, guys! I'm off this thread!
  5. Among my favorite movie scenes of all time is that crew fleeing the T-Rex. In the sideview mirror, that beast looks but inches away. The mirror logo says; "Objects in this mirror are closer than they appear."
  6. Nah. We'll find one when and if it becomes necessary. Probably he is mending his ill-mannered ways right now so as to fit in.
  7. See how insulting this fellow is. It will be his undoing, most likely. The fact that he worships the Dawkins-Harris-Hitchens Trinity makes it even more interesting. Quick, someone find me a scripture of how a contemptuous person comes to ruin.
  8. Yes No. The brothers are but one audience and not necessarily the primary one. It is also newsmakers, news reporters, and even former Witnesses - in the Return to Me fashion, only less 'preachy.' Our definition and the general world's definition of that term will differ. To the extent possible, I use theirs. The book does not go into anything doctrinal, anyway. Where it is found, it is tangential. The book covers communist history, our campaign of letter-writing, the appeal, NWT ban, and branch seizure. A neutral person at any one of those trials might wonder what the gov't has against JWs. There obviously is something, but they do not say. They just steamroller over us to arrive at apparently a decision already made. So later on I offer the reasons for opposition and mount a defense & that is the majority of the book. One must know what one can do and what one cannot. I do not weigh in (significantly) on the 607 stuff here because I know I cannot. With regard to Russian background, I can. Few brothers can explain the world from the world's point of view. I try to tackle that - time will tell if it is done well or not. I also do not follow the western media pattern of demonizing the country or its leaders. Most of our people can explain, from a spiritual point of view, what is happening. Fewer from the Russian citizen's point of view, and almost nobody from the government's point of view. I try to reverse the order.
  9. Free AS28! Free AS28! Free AS28! He has done his time. He is repentant. And he manfully fights a disability. @The Librarian- The Americans With Disabilities Act compels you to act. Come now - he is flawed, but the Assyrian is at the gates, taunting (boy, does he ever!) godly interests. The forces of theocracy needs him! - I am too dumb to weigh in. Few Witnesses are up on this stuff. At least give him time for his glorious 'stache to grow back, then set him between the very pillars of peer-reviewed excellence, so he can bring down their house upon them.
  10. Well - it is something that Jay posted unauthorized. And Jay is not exactly warm and fuzzy as regards Jehovah's Witnesses. I would never click on one.
  11. I have only netted a couple hundred sales through that method. It sounds good, but the payoff is less than you might think.
  12. It is not generally known that I am a writer. The first book is only two years old. And I have never done anything to call specific attention to the blog. They just cut me slack - apparently because they think I am an all-around good guy. I am a peacemaker, not inclined to push and shove, and that reputation goes far today. Truth be told, the books are not exactly flying off the shelf as they ought. I need better marketing. The ebook version of the Russian book will be free at first - it is public interest. It will be the first book that I get into print.. Self-published as a paperback is a piece of cake. As to hardcover, I will pursue it once I figure how to go about it.
  13. GASP! Not you, too??! It wasn't because you made light of anyone, was it? hehehehe :)))))) yeah, Alan is a bit of a hothead at times - no one would dispute that. But when he is on, he is on, and his input is both unique and valuable. I can join he and Nana to form a WNM Trinity for the infamous thread I was put in charge of where I was apparently expected to play nice with apostates and declined to do it and so the whole thread disappeared. Having said this, and as much as I rib @The Librarian (the old hen), she has a tough job, I think does she the best she can. I would vacate - as I did on one other site - if people here were as steadfastly nasty as they were there. She prevents that from happening, so if I have to take a shot now and again, I'll go along with her wishes until I can't - and I doubt that situation will arise. I think a lot of ones here are unstable, and a few are downright crazy. I do not exclude myself from this statement - I am not without issues. They must be cut some slack. But to carry on too much about rebukes given is to be the same as those who bitch endlessly about the GB. Somebody has to drive. She has earned her seat. It is not for me to change her, but to go elsewhere if we absolutely can't get along. That is why I try to get along.
  14. Let there be no doubt as to who runs the show. Delilah harps on something day and night and Samson will do whatever he must. It works in settings good and bad. While I would not speak so at the Kingdom all, and neither would he, there is a time a place, and sometimes we can get wound up too tight. If your husband was a news figure in this day and age, his career would now be over. No matter how 'unreasonable' God's people can get, they can't hold a candle to the unreasonableness of the general world.
  15. Don't worry about it, Alan. There are many more numbers. Why - they go all the way up to 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000! I actually thought the @The Librarian's explanation of your ban was also a veiled rebuke to me, for she was annoyed that I had unnecessarily drawn some blowhard into the thread so as to demolish his schpiel. I decided to lay low for awhile. One can be caught up too much into things.
  16. You were not the one I had in mind, and I frankly think we overdo it on personal neat-as-a-pin dress and grooming. But that is how it is with any group of people. Not everything goes your way and one simply must avoid being the bull in the china shop. At times in my life I have been a little bit 'out there' in terms of grooming, yet I have never once had anyone call it to my attention, and I have enjoyed a few priviledges. You may like the following story: one such time my wife and I came to a packed assembly hall where a branch committee brother was the speaker. He gave a very hard-hitting talk - the blunt sort with observations that would not appear in print, and if he had adopted the same tone as to dress and grooming, he could have pointed to me as Exhibit A. I was well overdue for a haircut and whenever that happens I will run product through my hair and sweep it back once with my fingers - I get freebee haircuts from a relative but sometimes I must wait for him to fit me in and neither he nor I get around to it. Because we arrived down to the wire, if not slightly over it, the attendants put us in one of the few seats available - up front and directly in front of the branch brother. I didn't particularly want to speak with him - I am not one of those who goes for selfies with the speaker - but after prayer I turned about and I was face to face with him. So I said some genuine pleasantry, thanking him for coming and such, and he said "I wasn't too hard on you folks, was I?" "We'll adjust," I told him. You are a better person than I am.
  17. Sorry. He is busy helping me today If those greater minds are as unrelentingly unpleasant, condescending and just plain nasty as this fellow was, you frankly must wonder just how great can they be. Definitions of 'wisdom' differ. I think he would gag on the one James supplies at 3:17, to say nothing of Proverbs 11:2. Â
  18. In general, it is a good thing not to tell others what to do. I see no problem in re-wording a song to avoid giving that impression. The article is not endorsing that view. It is merely acknowledging some people would have it. And some would. Many cultures are that way. Some Witnesses would feel that way. And some backgounds - almost to the person they would feel that way. Take, for example, a woman from a Muslim background. Imagine how comfortable she would be singing out instructions for her husband to follow. The article first of all mentions "new ones" and "interested ones" we are considerate of. Why would anyone ridicule consideration?
  19. I was looking up at the heavens last night through my telescope and I saw clearly the planet Crazy. Then I looked the other way and saw the red planet Stupid.
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