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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. Maybe we finally have this City of Refuge thing down pat after yesterday's study article. The way the Law had it, the accidental manslayer had to flee to one of the six cities of refuge, where his case would be heard. If the 'avenger of blood' (closest relative of the deceased) killed him before he got there, he was guiltless. He might simply have lost it. Or he might figure there wouldn't have been an accident if the fellow had been more careful or not neglected safety. (aspects of safety on the job were also considered, as in 'What can we learn from this?')
    BUT some have said that he could not do otherwise. He MUST put the killer to death. It is not his prerogative to overlook or forgive, because principles greater than just a matter between two humans come into play. Still, it is hard to believe that a man, bereaved himself, would HAVE TO put to death someone, maybe a close friend or even a relative, who had accidentally taken a life.
    How does the following work as a compromise? The killer MUST flee to one of the cities of refuge - that much is clear. Why couldn't the avenger of blood take his sweet time in his 'pursuit' - or even walk there with him, if he was really a close chum? Our minds are skewed by the picture in the Watchtower decades ago of the manslayer running for all he is worth with the avenger hot on his heals. Who is to say it was always (or even usually) like that?
    The death was an accident. The city of refuge was a place where one might live a normal, productive and rewarding life. It was not a prison. But suppose the manslayer refused to go there, insisting he didn't have to, insisting he was 'guiltless' because he didn't mean to do what he did?
    THEN he would be put to death, not just for the accidental killing itself, or even primarily, but for the greater crime of thumbing his nose at God, for it is his arrangement. Put to death BY WHO becomes secondary. Maybe the avenger of blood. But if the avenger simply couldn't find it within himself to do it, it is hard to believe there would not be a posse or something to help him out or even take it off his hands.
    Of course, if the real sin is thumbing one's nose at God, the avenger would probably be incensed over THAT and would possibly 'rise to the occasion' on that count, whereas the death itself he would be willing to forgive.
    Does it work?
  2. No no no @Foreigner - you misunderstand me.

    You have called @AlanF a pengabo. That means you and I are friends. Nobody thinks Alan is a big jerk more than me. I was being sarcastic writing what I did and you didn't realize that. I am sorry for that. It is my fault. 

    Look at my posts. I have posted two in a row which are nothing but making him look bad by his own mouth - quoting insult after insult of his that he has hurled at other people. He cannot speak without being nasty. And I am just getting started. There are still pages of his taunts I can draw upon. It is unusual that someone is so ugly as he - he is even nasty to you when he says you played "the race card." You can play it all you want as far as I am concerned.

    Okay? You don't like him. I don't like him. Nobody with any sense likes him.

    When I write I use humor. I use exaggeration. I will make up stories. Sometimes I use sarcasm. It is easy to misunderstand if you are mostly familiar with another language. I told a joke and maybe you thought I was making fun of you. I wasn't. It was just a good joke and I remembered it after I looked up penjango. I had never heard that word before. 

    Let me tell you who some of the people here are. You said Ann and I run this site. Neither of us do, though we both comment a lot. I can't stand Ann. It is not personal - personally maybe I would be okay with her. But here she does everything she can to run down Jehovah's Witnesses and their organization. Does she run down even God, like Alan does? I am not sure. I have to go back and check. But we are not friends. And we don't run the website.

    The person who runs this site is The Librarian. I am pretty sure he is a Witness, but you can't know anything for sure on the internet. Many people, and apostates are among them, work hard to hide who and what they are, so you never know for sure. Even The Librarian is not the chief owner. The chief owner is Admin, and he may be someone else who comments a lot on other topics,  but it is a pure guess on my part and so I will not say.

    21 hours ago, Foreigner said:


    Proverbs 6: 16-19 tells about things God hates: Last on the list of seven is: "And anyone sowing contentions among brothers." I never argue with brothers. I will quit a discussion before I do that. Even with non-Witnesses I am nice and avoid arguing. But I am not nice to apostates. At first I am somewhat, until their motives, methods and persistence become manifest. Then, sometimes I will seek to verbally kneecap them. It is not really Christian that I try to do this. But if I am going to be disobedient to counsel and hang where these guys freely roam and launch attacks, I must grant myself that concession.

    It will help you if you know that nobody here is a typical Witness. Most are not Witnesses at all. Many are apostates who once were Witnesses but are no longer. Many here who are Witnesses do not hesitate to correct God's organization, something I would never presume to do. That at least makes them atypical Witnesses. The typical Witness of Jehovah will be obedient to counsel and not hang out here. Some will come once or twice to explore, but as soon as they see there are many here that hate Witnesses and their organization, yet they are still given a platform to speak, they will leave. They will think of the Bible verses that says one should not hang out with such persons.

    Okay? Here they do nothing but argue, and at best, you might see who is better with the head in this argument or that. But it is the heart that counts. No argument with the head can show what is in the heart.

    We are not enemies, Foreigner. I don't want you to think that. I do not denigrate your writing skills. I do not think I am better than you or anyone else. I think well of you that you would even try communicating in a second language. I cannot do it.  I am sorry to confuse you. I didn't mean to.

  3. 5 hours ago, Foreigner said:

    Wrong! for white trash, it spells PENDEJO!

    I had never heard this word. I looked it up, of course, because I will not tolerate any disrespect for AlanF. It is not our place to talk back to him. It is his place to tell us, and all we can do is just hope he can keep the insults under reasonable control.

    It is a Spanish word. It means - well, you know. But I did not see that it specifically has connotations of race. Any background might produce one.

    10 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Ah, now pulling the race card. Racist? Not only do people on this board, like JW Insider and me, not know if you're white, brown, black, green, blue or purple -- we don't care.

    Within reason, one should not be put down for playing "the race card." Lord knows, they have had it played on them often enough. Except, from just a quick scan, I don't see where race and pendejo have anything to do with each other. Is it white trash? It seems that it could just as well be brown trash.

    Oh - and the word reminds me of the joke I told Megan - who always likes such things - after I heard it from someone else. 

    "Megan, I've got a good one for you!" I said when I spotted her. But at that moment, her 15 year old son, walked out of the rest room (we were cleaning the Kingdom Hall) and I hesitated.

    "Oh, he's heard far worse!" she said, having no idea what I was going to say.

    Q: What do you call a person who begs who for advice, and then goes off and does the exact opposite?

    A: An askhole.

  4. On 1/12/2018 at 5:26 PM, Shiwiii said:

    I understand what you are doing here and I'm not playing your game Tom

    Here Shiwiii has revealed the reason that people become Jehovah's Witnesses. 

    Almost to the person, Witnesses will say they had questions - many questions - hard-hitting questions, some of them. Nobody took offense at them. Instead, it was shown how the scriptures answered their questions. 

    So why does he scream foul when I ask him a simple one? There is nothing sinister about the question. It is a question most non-religious people would ask. He comes here to incessantly criticize the doers, insisting that "coming to Jesus" solves everything. So:

    On 1/12/2018 at 6:43 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    You never did tell the practical benefits of people "coming to Jesus." What are they? Particularly when some will side with Trump and some with Hillary?

    It is not a trap, Shiwiii. It is a simple question. Why do you not answer it?

  5. By day I am TrueTomHarley. But by night I am the educated Dr. Wisus Maximus, instructing dumbbells in the ways of science. I am so successful that my most brilliant student, @AlanF, has surpassed me. It makes me mad! Ah well - we geniuses must be magnanimous.

    Hark - here is a letter in my in-box from a plebeian now:

    Dear Dr Maximus: You're nuts when you say DNA could happen in 3.5 billion years. It is too complex. If I gave you all the chemicals you needed to build a piece of bamboo and I gave you eternity will you be able to build it? How will you do it?

    Dear Mr. Doof: I would simply add a few more zeroes tailing the 3.5 billion years. Surely it could happen in 3.5 trillion years, if billion does not satisfy you. Sheesh! I think billion is enough, but I will go trillion if I have to to placate the skeptics. And because I am "wisus exceptimus" (it is Latin; it means 'smart,' pal- I look it up) I happen to know that there are numbers even bigger that trillion!

    All that remains is for the billions of mutations to add on to each other! Piece of cake!

    It is like a pile of snow when you put more snow on it. What happens? It gets bigger!!! There's your proof!!


  6. 8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I clicked on your "typo" URL that you created when you left out the hyphen. I'm sure this was an accident on your part, but I was surprised that it linked

    This remark is addressed to Allen, I know, not me - but my current nefarious scheme is to change all URLs - even those of AlanF!! - in all posts to point to my blog. My goal is to one day place $1.00 into the outstretched hand of @The Librarian (the old hen) as I stop for the red light getting off the expressway. #willblogforfood     

    hehehehe :))))))))

  7. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    I understand what you are doing here and I'm not playing your game Tom. 

    My "game" is asking you a question. Lord knows you ask enough:

    You never did tell the practical benefits of people "coming to Jesus." What are they? Particularly when some will side with Trump and some with Hillary?

  8. 23 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    How would I know?

    You never did tell the practical benefits of people "coming to Jesus." What are they? Particularly when some will side with Trump and some with Hillary.

    Thus far you have only criticized the doers.

  9. 51 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    Why be so quick to align with a group? Is it that group mentality that makes it impossible for many to just simply come to Jesus? 

    What are the practical manifestations of people 'coming to Jesus?' 

    Why do some who have come to Jesus love Trump? Why do some who have come to Jesus love Hillary, and hate Trump?

    Perhaps you could convince @AlanF he should come to Jesus.

  10. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    You see, the wt/gb have been saying they are "the only game in town" for so long, some people actually believe that they are.

    Who is the other game in town? Show me. Tell me how you know. Tell me what they have to show for themselves.

    JTR will doubtless follow you and he'll make a lot less trouble here. Seriously. They way he carries on, we would all be pleased to be rid of him. Show him the other game. Don't just say that the doers aren't doing it right. Show him someone else who is doing it right. Show us what they are doing. Be specific.

  11. 12 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    As the famous line in Jurassic Park

    Among my favorite movie scenes of all time is that crew fleeing the T-Rex. In the sideview mirror, that beast looks but inches away. 

    The mirror logo says; "Objects in this mirror are closer than they appear."

  12. 9 hours ago, AlanF said:

    You've learned well from Mommy Watch Tower.


    6 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Let's see that razor sharp Watch Tower trained brain in action!


    11 hours ago, AlanF said:

    You obviously have no clue what evidence is.

    See how insulting this fellow is. It will be his undoing, most likely.

    The fact that he worships the Dawkins-Harris-Hitchens Trinity makes it even more interesting.

    Quick, someone find me a scripture of how a contemptuous person comes to ruin.

  13. 14 hours ago, Anna said:

    Although 8 million could be considered a fair number, many of those are skeptical and won't read anything published by a brother unless it comes with Bethel's blessing.


    14 hours ago, Anna said:

    Better marketing maybe, but you must understand that you are addressing a VERY limited audience.

    No. The brothers are but one audience and not necessarily the primary one. It is also newsmakers, news reporters, and even former Witnesses - in the Return to Me fashion, only less 'preachy.' Our definition and the general world's definition of that term will differ. To the extent possible, I use theirs. The book does not go into anything doctrinal, anyway. Where it is found, it is tangential. 

    The book covers communist history, our campaign of letter-writing, the appeal, NWT ban, and branch seizure. A neutral person at any one of those trials might wonder what the gov't has against JWs. There obviously is something, but they do not say. They just steamroller over us to arrive at apparently a decision already made. So later on I offer the reasons for opposition and mount a defense & that is the majority of the book.

    One must know what one can do and what one cannot. I do not weigh in (significantly) on the 607 stuff here because I know I cannot. With regard to Russian background, I can. Few brothers can explain the world from the world's point of view. I try to tackle that - time will tell if it is done well or not. I also do not follow the western media pattern of demonizing the country or its leaders. Most of our people can explain, from a spiritual point of view, what is happening. Fewer from the Russian citizen's point of view, and almost nobody from the government's point of view. I try to reverse the order.

  14. 2 hours ago, allensmith28 said:


    Free AS28! Free AS28! Free AS28!

    He has done his time. He is repentant. And he manfully fights a disability. @The Librarian- The Americans With Disabilities Act compels you to act.

    Come now - he is flawed, but the Assyrian is at the gates, taunting (boy, does he ever!) godly interests. The forces of theocracy needs him! - I am too dumb to weigh in. Few Witnesses are up on this stuff.

    At least give him time for his glorious 'stache to grow back, then set him between the very pillars of peer-reviewed excellence, so he can bring down their house upon them.

  15. 33 minutes ago, Chloe Newman said:

    Malwarebytes indicates these are links to malicious sites.

    Any explanation?

    Well - it is something that Jay posted unauthorized. And Jay is not exactly warm and fuzzy as regards Jehovah's Witnesses. I would never click on one.

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