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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. I don't know Grammarly, but I don't think so. It's quirky. Trial & error (and saving stuff before you post - is that what Grammarly does?) will guide you through. You can quote by highlighting a section & waiting for the quote button to appear. Or quote by copy and paste. There are various workarounds. Quoting from various pages I have only managed to work after a fashion. When editing, you also find not all options are open as were for the original. Much as I hate to say it, probably JTR knows everything about everything on this topic, though no other one.
  2. 16 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said: I bet you wish you had posted p. 208 yourself, hey Neil, like you were asked, instead of baiting me and @Anna to find another source. Then you wouldn't have found yourself splattered on the windshield of the @AlanF juggernaut yet again I hate it when juggernauts splatter our people this way.
  3. Whatever happens, don't nobody leave the keys in the chariot when it is idling.
  4. I don't think so, at least not deliberately. The banking system is a product of the old guard. Bitcoin is a product of the millennials. Few of the old guard even know what it is, really. They may be able to parrot some buzz-phrases they have heard, but few if any would be able to explain just how or why it works.
  5. I feel privileged as though watching a superhero movie with fantastic heroes and villains converging, ready for combat & settling old grudges once and for all. But what will happen if I get up for popcorn or to use the restroom? (wait till @Top Cat O'Malighan reveals his true identity) (and just where does the Librarian fit in? What great personage was she back in the day before ruin set in and she gathered some books to start a new persona?) (and exactly who is @Ann O'Maly and how did she get her paws on every paper that's ever been printed?) (why does @AlanF call @scholar JW Scholar Pretendus and how did Christopher Hitchens become Yoda the wise?) (has @JW Insider succeeded beyond his dreams summoning up the spirits, perhaps scaring even himself?) (who is Neil Galt?) (Am I full of you-know-what?)
  6. I actually thought for a time, not paying close attention, that these two might be a married couple. Silly me. I am corrected firmly by this observation from Ann on another thread: "So as usual Neil, your claims do not align with reality." Or maybe it doesn't prove anything at all There have been times when those words might easily have been spoken to me by Sister Harley. Â
  7. I did run afoul of this once with regard to my own books before I learned how to behave. I self-policed myself recently with regard to an update from @Queen Esther. She started a thread in which there was a report that consensus view of the Russian brothers is that the Family Glory award was given to soften the blow against Witnesses and signal that the government actually knows we are good people. I linked to my own site where I had speculated about this at the time. Esther wasn't sure about it and seemed not to like it, so I removed the link and rewrote my comment simply to read that I had mentoned it at the time. A few times here I have indicated I am writing a book on the Russian situation. It is no longer far off. I started a thread which I think will not incur the wrath of @The Librarian: 'Did Malachi Have Teenagers? - A Russian thread.' Everything relevant to that book will be placed on that thread, save perhaps for one brief comment somewhere when it is finished.
  8. I cannot speak to this. I really don't know. I did see a link you posted that no longer is there. Why it disappeared I do not know. But I do know that @The Librarian favors original content. She doesn't like it when people are just lazy and link to some sorehead who they think will do their dirty work for them - especially when it is same-old same-old - something that has been discussed many times before and addressed, but a whiner just wants to repackage it and run it through again.
  9. I like it that the application of Bible principles is always a qualification of authorship in the WT publications or at jw.org. Thus, some brilliant scholar in the world might write in a guest article on nearly any outlet, but it would not happen on jw.org. You have to apply Christian principles in order to have a voice. They would never take a guest post from Top Cat O'Malighan. Doubtless they miss out on some scholarship that way, but they also safeguard themselves from much error, as it is not uncommon for yesterday's scholarship to be today's trash. I like it when @Arauna mentions motive. It is often the most relevant factor, though persons with ill-motive will dismiss it as ad hominem attack. Of course, one cannot expect Wt standards to prevail here. It has never been claimed that they do. Nor do I imply that whoever takes the 'right' or 'wrong' side on any discussion is or is not applying Christianity. There is no way to tell. But on jw.org, they always are. It lends that source a huge measure of confidence, granted that their ship may not always turn on a dime. It takes a while to establish that something really is something and not just the tossing of rubbish on the waves and the trickery of men. On this forum, many can and do tell the GB what to do. This is the internet and people can do what they want. But such correction by the people, though popular today, is not the Bible pattern. When David truly was being a scoundrel, it was not the people who called him on it, but an already established prophetic channel.
  10. Apparently I have seen it, as he has lured you into pounding the daylights out of your own machine and stranding yourself.
  11. Gasp!!!!!! Neil is not allensmith28, is he? (the first one to react) And 27, and 26, and 25, and so on all the way down to allensmith? And - no, it cannot be! - even Allen_Smith? the one who once sported the most glorious stache I have ever seen but has since shaved it off? (more than once I have had the impression that everyone on this forum knows one another except for me)
  12. I do not know who Neil is. In responding to a post of mine before, you seem to assume that I do. (I have not followed this thread closely)
  13. Alright alright, already! Let it be as when the brother on the platform asks for some young hands and the kids in the audience do nothing but sit on theirs. He finally turns to some old-timer and says: "Well, let's call on someone young at heart. Brother Buzzard, please?" Pity. I wanted you to be young.
  14. One of our elders bought a new Toyota SUV and it has all the doo-dads. Certain brothers are going gaga over it and all the things it can do. Now - this is not me. I say: "look for a steering wheel and brakes. Whatever else it does nor does not have: get used to it." So the brothers are slobbering over Frank's SUV and I climb aboard one Saturday morning and pretend to be one of them. "Frankie, does this car have a RADIO?" I ask, as though awestruck. But Frankie is cool and he plays along: "Naw, it doesn't have one of those."
  15. Many years ago a brother from an African branch spoke here. He was amazed at the material wealth. He went on and on about how brothers here even have "washing-up machines." And: "Not only do you have cars here but you have garages in which to put the cars. In Africa, four families would live in that garage!"
  16. The first photo is of a prosperity gospel church - there are many of them here - whereby the preacher and his family always make out financially very well indeed, thank you, though the flock is typically quite modest, or even poor. BibleSpeaks may have a specific church in mind, but I do not know that. The next photo is from Ann being a smart-aleck. Judge Rutherford drove a nice car, too, she points out. The next post is from BibleSpeaks, essentially saying: "OH YEAH?! Well, our guy deserved it because he was our guy!" Then JWI adds some explanatory details and it is a wonder he does not go on for pages. Then follows a photo of me in a 56 Cadillac that is not mine. It belongs to a local businessman. He saw me looking it over. We got to chatting and he offered to take a picture of me in it. He bought the Cadillac from some mogul in Hollywood. It has apparently been in some movies but, for some reason, everyone is tight lipped about just which ones. Â
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