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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. Yes. Probably not. I go where I go. So I may or may not. The trick is to not let yourself be cross-examined. Even if I thought I could knock it out of the park, I would refrain. The GB consistently says 'do not tell them what you think - all you can do thereby is make them a disciple of yourself. Direct them to what the Bible teaches.' They say this to publishers with regard to addressing the public. They say it to elders with regard to addressing the publishers. I don't want to set myself up as an instructor or make disciples for myself. If I succeeded, I assure you the novelty would soon wear off. You are welcome. It is well intended. You probably will not succeed in doing the latter. I respect the GB's counsel to not set up online study groups, because of their tendency to promote the sects that Paul deplores in the first chapter of 1 Corinthians. Even on this forum - you may have noticed, though I admit it in the eye of the beholder - I do not get myself mixed up with that sort of thing. There are flavors of participation; I try not to go there.
  2. God and his Son love the Amaharets. They are chosen over the lofty. It is one of the most significant lessons a person can learn from the Bible
  3. You would arbitrate what is in people's hearts? No. It did not. That is true of anyone. And look at this stupid graphic that @James Thomas Rook Jr. posts, contemptuous of those who would seek a place of refuge: He joins Ann and Witness, mocking Bro Morris for highlighting the place of security the Bible speaks about: "C'mon! Come out here and we will teach you a thing! What - are you scared? Nyah, nyah, sissy! You couldn't survive in the real world, like me! Here, I'll even spot you a dozen horses. See if you can even put riders on them!" He lives to be contentious. It is the stuff of life for him. He taunts those who realize it is but a distraction from the real life and thereby shy away from it.Â
  4. You did not respond to any inquiries about your ministry. Why don't you try the following? I stumbled across it once. It has transformed my ministry. Maybe it will help yours. Say something like: "I'm hoping for a minute of your time, no more. I will read a scripture, you tell me what you think, and I am gone! Good idea?" (it may be rude to do this in countries where they insist on palaver, but the U.S. is not one of those countries) If they say no, I am true to my word and leave. A surprising number will say yes - it is not much you have asked for and you have put a time limit on your own call. Once you read whatever you've selected, add a sentence or two explaining why you read it. At this point, you have given a substantial witness. Punt. Say something like: "the next move is yours and you don't have to make one. If you have observations, questions, comments, we can talk a bit - that's why Witnesses come. Otherwise, thanks for you time, and I'll move on." If you truly love the word of God and are suspicious of anything from men, I would think that you would love this technique. You may not like the following, but it is not required: If they indicate they can spare a few minutes, I will often start them a video, with the comment: "this runs almost 4 minutes, but you don't have to listen to it all. The minute it gets boring, hand it back." Some do, but not many. The videos are not the last word on anything but they cover an important idea and develop it. You can then go anywhere you want. I often leave at that point, unless specifically asked to stay. I make use of the card a lot directing to the website. Full disclosure: I don't like most of the sample presentations I see enacted at the meetings trying to arouse interest in this or that magazine. I will be happy to see them go. It will mean more emphasis on actually teaching the Bible. I didn't read closely most of your dissertations on prophesy. This is not to disrespect you. But you could be hit by a truck tomorrow and then where would I be? It is not wrong for you to look deeply into aspects of God's word. It is even commendable. But you give the appearance, perhaps without intent, of setting yourself up as a teacher. It is immodest to do so. It is at least immodest to rebuke those who have a great deal to show for their stewardship. You didn't respond to my conjecture that you are a young man. I am therefore more convinced that you are - it shows between the lines. You can tell a lot by not just what someone says but also by what he does not say - places he does not go. A young man need not be told to "shut up." I don't think I have done that, though there may be something that can be taken out of context. But Elihu waited a long long time before addressing older ones who actually did need it. And Moses struck out to fix things, only to find his real contribution would not come for 40 years. And a young Jesus amazed his elders with his answers and with his own questions, not with his dissertations. Even he did not just spout off before these older ones - he reserved that for later when he was better equipped and had grown and had actually accomplished something by way of kingdom preaching and disciple-making. I am a little worried that while you look deeply into aspects of God's Word, it is the whiz-bang cool passages you delve into. Spend more time delving into the ones less glamorous having to do with putting on the personality of the Christ. I say it not to put you down, but to ensure that your undeniable talent does not become a snare for you.
  5. If I had to make a wild guess, I would say that you are 35 or younger and that you have pioneered at one time. You are obviously heady and have become impatient with those who are not. You are gifted in some areas but are not very well-rounded. "Full of yourself" was not an accurate nor kind description on my part. I'll take it back. I think you are hurt by your perception that many brothers seem a bit dull spiritually, and show little interest in what you are undeniably good at. Deep "research" you have found for many of them is just uncovering what the slave has said on this or that point and spitting it back to them. You would go deeper and you know that it is possible and not a bad thing in itself. It's not that you would reach your own conclusions over prophesy that is alarming. It is the fact you are so ready to judge those of greater years who have traditionally done it that is. Paul spoke of the 'pattern of healthful words.' Once you have the pattern, you can continue along those lines. You need not have every thought pre-thunk for you. But I fear this quick dismissal of headship is not the pattern that Paul speaks of. You needn't wait for them to think a thought before you think it. But denegrating them is another thing entirely. It is immodest, and that is among the reasons I take a stab that you are a younger man. I would ask that you look at those verses like "if all were the head, where would the body be?" and "he gave some as this, some as that, some more as such-and-such with a view toward the building up...." Our people are too quick to acquiesce to headship, you say. They should roam around themselves more and not be content to be spoon-fed. My suggestion is that you accept that is the way people are - anywhere. Not all have the same gifts. Not all are heady. In fact, most of our people are hands-on doers in this or that way - not heady. It's the way it is, Israeli. It is what Jehovah has given. Do not let your gift trip you up. Use it to build up and not tear down. Find that verse that tells us to regard the other person as superior to ourselves. Focus on it. How are they superior to you? Not in in-depth search of the scriptures, probably. You have bases well-covered there. Look for other areas in which they are superior and be instructed by them. You say you really love the Word of God. i don't doubt it. Expand in how you love it. Expand at being a workman handling the word of truth aright - teaching it at the door & learning to love people so that you can be on the same wavelength as they to teach it. Notice the word used is "workman" That flavor is in all translations. They were builders and masons and handymen back then, just like today. They were not scholars. You are. Make it your gift that you bring to the altar. Don't count as inadequate those who bring different gifts. I would think you would be cheered by recent direction of Jehovah's Witnesses. Magazines will be but 6 a year, and then they will repeat. No more countenancing of those who fall into magazine placing. They are being nudged to improve (or learn) their teaching. Are there some who look to the jw.org logo almost like an idol, as some have charged? 'Keep your hands off it' is the impetus of the April article. Do some fawn over GB members and want selfies with them? 'Stop doing that,' they say. We don't take no selfies with nobody. They are aware of the problems you mention. They are moving in your direction The C.O from our circuit was assigned the Warwick circuit next. So I razzed him to the effect "Now you are in trouble! You can razzle-dazzle we yokels here, but what will you ever do when you get there?" Through a friend I heard him about his new assignment. He was initially very uncomfortable playing circuit overseer before these ones. He felt inadequate. But he said that they are so very humble and unassuming that all that nervousness dissipated quickly. It is a type of report one hears frequently. You misinterpret what you think is slavish devotion to them. They do nothing to exalt themselves as men and much to discourage it. What you missread is that not all persons are scholars. Or even thinkers. They have come out of a world where they perceived all is lie and spin and manipulation. They have discovered a source that they are convinced is not. They trust the source. They are not over-eager to dive back outside where again every word must be carefully weighed. They have other things to do. They want to get into the nitty-gritty of life and they do it, satisfied that the have the spiritual food base covered. Let the entire Word of God and all theocratic arrangements mold you. Not just the parts you naturally take to. Look to the parts you don't and run them through your veins a few decades. It will make you complete and powerful over time. Don't chafe at the congregation. You are something that many of them are not. Learn that they have substantial gifts, too, and exert yourself to appreciate them more. Am I close? Or did I miss by a mile? If it is the latter, it will not be the first time.
  6. No I do not. Background knowledge always mitigates one's remarks. Online, one never has it. Maybe Bro Morris would caution about it for that reason, too.
  7. He is exactly right. Somewhat. It is because he knows the overall world is not Winnie-the-Pooh friendly toward Christian values. What is it with those who would disparage such counsel? They are exactly out of harmony with Scripture, in that they present the world as though it was. I have the greatest respect for him, because he says what needs to be said, despite knowing that villains will beat him over the head with his own words and JTR will photoshop tight pants on him. His counsel is exactly what public safety people will tell the public - hang up on the scammers. Don't think you can outsmart them. They do it 24/7 and you do it 10 minutes a month. Don't be cocky thinking you will outwit the loudmouth car dealer & beat him at his own game. It is possible, but not likely, for the same reason. This is not aimed at me, but I rationalize away nothing. It is counsel, not law. Also, I have plainly said I am being a bad boy in this regard. In all other significant areas, I would hope I can say I am exemplary. But not this one, and I do fret about setting a bad example for others. I do it for reasons not necessarily spiritual. Sometimes I just like to brawl. Even when I think I have "won" I have demonstrated an un-Christian trait. Even if I display clever argumentation, I distract from Scriptures that says it is primarily heart that counts. Charles Russell say 'if you stop to kick every dog that barks, you will not get very far.' Sometimes I like to kick them. And no, I haven't gotten very far. Rightly or wrongly, to me, this forum is where spiritual themes play out and where hearts manifest themselves. This is where it can be seen "they went out from us, because they were not of our sort." "Sorts" can be seen here. Like the person who gags at the mention of "the greater good" when it is exactly pursuit of the greater good that is integral to Christianity as shown in Scripture. Like the person who argues doctrine or prophesy till the cows come home but never once gives indication whether they actually apply Christ-like traits in their own life. Like the person who wears like a badge of honor the #1 apostate trait Peter identifies: a contempt for authority. Ann is routinely cutting in her remarks. "I am amazed (but maybe I should not be)" she hurls at someone who has resisted her instruction on another thread. She so plainly views herself as one of the intelligentsia with her patience being sorely tried as she talks down to the dumbbells. There is a time and place to say "sometimes people disagree - I can live with that." Witness has revealed beyond all doubt her craving for audience and authority. @Arauna has nailed it pretty well. Srecko has chosen to represent himself here as a moron, with his inane giggle hehehe preceding each imagined coup de grace, and his absurdly smilelys at the end. :)))) It reveals someone extremely clever in his own eyes as he taunt those he thinks he outwits. These characters will scream about ad hominem attacks. Within reason, there is nothing wrong with ad homenem attacks, though I can see why they would not want any leveled at them. Jesus said a Christian should be a living example of Christianity, therefore an ad hominem attack should find little to latch onto. If it does, it is an indication that one is lacking in spiritual qualities and therefore possibly not the one you want to hitch your wagon to. An internet forum is a battle of the wits and the Bible says it is the heart that matters. No wonder Anthony Morris is not enthused with it.
  8. Same here. Yes. Even so, I am not quick to think I am in the clear, although what I say is unfailingly supportive. For all I know, someone is saying "what do you make of that squirrely Tom fellow on the WNMF?" I remember a District Overseer dismayed that whatever he had said last time had been ignored. When he inquired, he was told it had been assumed he was speaking of others. He ended by saying: "No, brothers, that counsel was for you - and not those bad brothers of Pennsylvania." I don't even say that I am a Witness on my site. Obviously it can be read between the lines, but it is not plainly stated. I do get emails asking if I am or not. I don't link to the jw.org website, either, though I can. I don't do it because I think it imputes my idiosyncrasies - we all have some - upon them. I don't wear any of those pins or logos or designer prints. It's just me, but I don't like them. I am not a billboard. I don't wear any commercial advertising either. I didn't care for the notion of wearing the badge cards the complete day of the convention. I did it because they asked me to, as a means of advertising the convention. I got used to it and do so without any muttering at all. The cause is right. In general, the internet is a terrible place to witness. Yet our people do it all the time. A brother will say online: "Do you want to know the truth about the cross?" The answer is 'NO.' Secular people do not care, and religious people do not wonder. The only people who come along are ideologues who live to argue. As often as not, it leads to name-calling. People think they can assemble their own congregation on the internet. They can't. There is no way to gauge spirituality. There is no way to tell if you are speaking to a liar or a saint. There is no channel to dispense spiritual food. Nobody knows if I am a circuit overseer or if I am disfellowshipped. It is "uncontrollable," as @Noble Berean said, the land of the liars. And yet our people are inherently trusting - guileless. Sometimes it blows up in their face. Even if I am now a "good guy" who is to say I always will be? If a writing brother goes bad at Bethel, they can yank him and insert someone who has not. But if I have built a "following" and I go bad? No wonder the GB is not thrilled when our brothers dive into social media.
  9. Maybe it is time to make peace with Israeli. True, I think he is a little full of himself, but that is not a crime. I just fret that there will one day be direction to go into the interior rooms and some will be like the sons of Lot, thinking a joke is being played.. I fret that someone might become like those characters who were searching the scriptures, thinking they could thereby secure life, oblivious to Jesus standing right before them.
  10. Also, the article I am recalling would have appeared in the early 80's. So it is not the one referred to above, which is 1999.
  11. Yikes! How did this happen? Here I am at the head of a new thread I did not start, and you-know-who lodges the first three comments trying to stir up mischief. Ah, well. The theme is okay - though it is not my specialty and I have no plans to add to it. (Besides, it is a plug for an excellent ebook authored by (blush) well, you know) I was speaking generally. Witnesses are politically neutral. Voting is not necessarily the same, though there is overlap. I suspect that the more the issue is "Do you want the new storm sewer to run down your street or don't you?" the more likely brothers are to vote. But even there it is a rarity. There are several hot local issues around here that friends know of and will be affected by and community meetings have been held to discuss them. I even attended one. But I have heard of no brother getting all cranked up over it or wanting to weigh in. You rail on about how the GB wants to control everything and how they may or may not "allow" something, and then you quote an article that establishes the exact opposite: Actually, I remember this article. It had just come out and I was visiting my one Bethel pal who has reached breathtakingly high positions at Bethel since, though I have not seen him in decades and am maybe just making it up. I commented to him then something to the effect of 'so, we vote now, do we?' The next day he came across the article himself. 'I thought you were kidding,' he said. If memory serves, there was also something about a wife voting because an unbelieving husband insisted upon it, and the matter of relative subjection. So yes, apparently some Witnesses have voted. But I know of no instance in my 40+ years. Any political reference from me (I do sometimes make them) generally earns me the fish-eye. I have discovered there are a few who have thought me too political because when brothers have repeated what they hear on the news that Trump is stupid and racist and vain and hates everyone under the sun, I have said 'I kind of like the guy,' just because I hate to see a hit job. I don't argue the merits or demerits of anything political and I take it seriously that some might think it of me and so I lay low even more - you do not disturb the peace of the congregation over such things. However, for many of our people, even knowing about politics is enough to be seen taking part in them. Okay? I go off on a spiel here to show how we are over political matters. If anything, I am the one who is 'out there.' Yet I have never voted in my life. Apparently a few have or do. But I have never personally heard of it.
  12. Do you mean like the comments you make here? I can appreciate they might not bend over backwards to accommodate you. Some of my comments at our Kingdom Hall are absolute zingers but because they unfailingly show good will and lack of grumbling over a meeting being "shut down" because only one elder could be present at a Book Study and that was not enough to "control" people (sheesh - it's a wonder they don't call the mental hospital to have you carted away for paranoia syndrome) they have never been passed over, save when the conductor is searching for new hands because I have commented twice already. In fact, they actually empowered you. For they didn't merely ax a meeting. They replaced it with a Family Study' night over which you, as family head, preside. It is on the premise that you, as head, know specifically what your family will most benefit from, and can tailor your family study to that. There is no elder at all to monitor what you say at this meeting that you preside over and if there was and I found that I was the one assigned, I would immediately resign. I mean, who needs a death wish? The contents of the "shut down" Book Study have been folded into the mid-week meeting, which itself has been rewritten to be more focused. Though people cry about everything under the sun here, I have never heard a cry over that - all agree the new format is an improvement. (having laid down the challenge, I am sure someone like Srecko will start to complain about it - hehehe :))))) Plus it is obvious that you have saved plenty of 'gas,' and you pour it into graphics and complaints that you lodge here. You would think that if someone does not want to be 'spoon-fed' - and no one fits that description more than you - they would rejoice over this major relinquishing of "control." If you just cry that you still want to be spoon-fed and not actually preside over your own program, then yes - I can see why you might bellow. But they are very serious about this Family Study - they highlight the importance of it often - it is not a folding up of the tent just because someone wants to tighten their grip. It is encouraging family heads to step up to the plate with their headship.
  13. In general, does 'uncontrollable' carry positive or negative connotations? Can you appreciate that they might not want to dive into it? I have seen it. I try not to be Exhibit A. Have you found that it is? You have it exactly backwards. They do want people having their discussions independent of them - don't drag their artwork or logos into it.
  14. No. They are fighting ones who reproduce it. You can reference it all you want. You can quote their writings. It is in accord with "fair use" doctrine. Whether they like it or not is immaterial. It is not illegal and you can do it. But to reproduce it is illegal and you cannot do it. @admin in my eyes has elevated his stature to that of Solomon with his wise observation: "Geez, you guys are a piece of work." Several verses speak against the futility of debates. Several verses say stay away from that. By allowing their copyrighted material to be reproduced by people who want to do just that, it gives the appearance than they themselves don't put stock in those verses. They did say the first. They did not say the second. That is your own projection speaking. You qualify it by saying "even if their intentions were pure." Is there one person on this forum who would say his/her own intentions are not? This is very close to the old churchy slogan that says "it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you are sincere." Admin takes first place for being a modern-day Solomon. My dad takes second place for his wise counsel when he was driving the family car on those seemingly endless trips of my childhood: "If you kids don't stop crying back there, I'll give you something to cry about!"
  15. Admin so desperately wants to take his place among the Cooks, Schmids, and Bezos's. He strolls into the dining area at the Conference of Internet Magnificents and orders a scotch - stirred, not shaken. He casually mentions to the tuxedoed waiter the latest Alexa website traffic stats. "Fairly impressive, wouldn't you say?" rolls off his tongue. The waiter laughs at him. "Offscouring of the earth! Religious crackpots, every one of them! Come back when you have someone that knows how to tie his shoe! Have a Diet Pepsi."
  16. As a purely practical matter, since said opposers drag them into courts and have succeeded in extracting some money, suing such opposers who reproduce their copyrighted material so as to malign it will soon make them richer than Apple, Google and Amazon combined. Deprived of their sustenance, some of such opposers will be screaming louder than Demetrius.
  17. Exactly. http://www.tomsheepandgoats.com/2011/01/darwins-eye.html Actually, the fact that the Watchtower went the extra mile with this fellow undermines almost everything @Ann O'Maly says about them. She devotes a huge portion of her life painting them as villains. She throws it all away in a single post demonstrating that they are noble.
  18. Of course. 'The sons of this system of thing are wiser in a practical way than are the sons of the light' Um.....yeah But not all
  19. This is not hard. It is their material. They want to control its distribution. They have voiced no objection whatsoever to linking to their material. When you do this, it always remains obvious that it is theirs. @Anna But if you reproduce it - pictures, logo, articles, anything from their art department - it suggests to the casual reader that you are them. And you are not. If you are a liar trying to misrepresent their work, the problem is obvious. But even if you are a friend you should not suggest that you are them because each of us has his/her own hangups. I can be crass and sarcastic. I like homeopathy. I comment on things political from time to time (they don't do it at all). If I do this on my own, I am okay. If I do it and include a link to something of theirs, I am okay. If I do it and reproduce the jw.org logo or some picture, I am not okay because I am suggesting I am them and that they identify with my views. The discerning reader will know it is not so, but not all readers are discerning. Most are not. Many brothers on Facebook reproduce their artwork, thinking it is fine because they are faithful. They shouldn't. I won't say i have never done it before. I don't think I have ever done it here, but I have done it a handful of times on Facebook. I won't anymore. Primarily, they are not 'laying down the law' for the vile people. The vile people will not listen to them anyway. They may have to be confronted legally. But it is more challenging to do this when every Tom Dick and Harry of a Witness is also reproducing their work, thinking it is okay because they are friends.
  20. It is mine. I never found them again. They were students and students come and go.
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