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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. 6 hours ago, Anna said:

    Nothing against men, but women tend to be more humble, one of the prerequisites of being a follower of Christ. There are a host of other qualities that women posses in greater measure than men which make them better candidates, and there are some qualities that are typically more dominant in men that make them less likely candidates.

    The apocryphal Gospel of Howard tells that the Lord asked Matthew to join him, but he had to go bowling. Andrew had a date at the horse races. John, Peter, and Nathaniel were off to the tavern. Both Judas' commended him for his fine work but said they were busy. The remaining ones of the twelve all said that their wives handled the religion in their households - not they.

    So the Lord roamed far and wide with the wives of the twelve. James approved of the arrangement. He confided to a friend that "a man can only stand so much religion anyway." He was happy to have his wife out of the house, where she could nag him less. He afforded her great freedom, so long as she returned at the end of the day to fix his dinner while he watched the game.

    The religion of the female twelve spread like wildfire. Simply put, the women were just not the jerks their husbands were and they actually listened to what the householders said.

  2. 7 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    This is why, for myself, I'm not so concerned that 586 and 587 are the most reliable dates for the destruction of Jerusalem. It's only because of what the Christian Greek Scriptures say about chronology that I could still not have accepted the entire 1914 theory. I couldn't accept it for scriptural reasons, even if Jerusalem had actually been destroyed on June 28, 607 or July 28, 607 B.C.E.

    If they had kept their insurance premiums up to date they wouldn't have been destroyed at all.

  3. There is excellent competition for categories of 'shocking' and many involve large scale killings, torture and rape. 

    The ban on Witness activity in Russia does not yet rate on this scale and likely will not - though one never knows. It is head-and-shoulders the most important story as regards freedom of worship, but this is only one of many human rights.

    The list is compiled according to stories most publicized. To that extent, the Governing Body must be given much credit, for they did not allow this thing to be done in a corner.

    Still, there is another list on the HRW website of ten videos - of shocking blood and guts violence - the the Witness ban does not even appear on this one. There has to be gore galore to make a dent today in the world's greater consciousness.  The Witness ban, while it is the most spiritually shocking event, is not the most physically shocking, or even close. 

  4. On 12/17/2017 at 10:14 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    Talk about silly rules:

    There are no rules of any sort.

    Except for a family head who is authorized to set rules for his family. And since Bethel is a 'family' - many persons living in voluntary close quarters for a specific reason - there are quite a few rules there. But they do not carry over into the general congregation (though there are always some who would have it otherwise).

    There is counsel and peer pressure. It will be (relevant to this thread) based on the concept many have noticed that men and women are attracted to each other, yet cannot enjoy the intimate closeness of sex relations unless married so it is best not to allow themselves to get all pumped up. The counsel varies from place to place and culture will have something to do with it.

    If you enjoy privileges in the congregation - servant, pioneer - you will find that you are expected to be an example and you can lose privileges by flying in the face of such counsel as to what is locally acceptable or has been published. Otherwise, no.

    Jehovah's people are not belligerent or headstrong and are not inclined to blow off counsel as nothing. Elders are not control freaks or micro-managers, though some are - in about the same proportion as the general population, I would guess. Efforts are made through training so as to get those ones to be less that way.

    There is such a thing as 'brazen conduct' - it used to be translated 'loose conduct.' It has the air of contempt & outrageous disregard of customary standards & an in-your-face attitude. That can get a person in trouble. Since it is more vague than outright immorality, it will not always be applied consistently. But always it is associated with persistent defiance of accepted conduct - just look up the word 'brazen' to get a sense for it.

    But it is never a matter of petty rules enforced by people who just like to meddle. Anyone like that jeopardizes his reputation as a reasonable person - one of the criteria for serving as an older man.



  5. On Facebook, one of my countless friends said: "Hussein's rebuilt Babylon was smashed to bits in the first gulf war. A Syrian brother told me the local Iranian word on the street was basically "Why did they bomb Disneyland?"

  6. Homeschooling the kids, we used to color in on a world map each year the various countries - with colors corresponding to penetration of the good news, as in 'publisher to general population' ratio. It was a fine way to teach both theocracy and geography

    We used the rainbow. Red was the greatest concentration. Violet was stone cold. Alas, today it might all be misconstrued as the advancement of gay rights.

  7. What do you do when you spy the woman of wickedness trying to climb out of the ephah jar? (Zech 5:7)

    You grab the brazen hussy by the scruff the neck and boot her back down into the jar from where she came. (taking care in these volatile times that you do not get accused of harassment) Then you summon the two with wings to ship her back to Babylon.

    Maybe it was a reminder to the Jews who had just come from there to check their own ephah jars - or even their shoes, lest they had tracked something in. 

    Incidentally, present at our meeting was an Iraqi man who has responded to the Arabic group. The actual  Babylon means something to him, unlike to anyone else. He says it is the site of a festival each year, with music and food. Also that there is the slogan everyone knows: 'Babylon will rise again.'

  8. 33 minutes ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

    If it happens that the king of the north is able to "succeed" then maybe someone will ask himself some questions? will you question your absolute certainties?

    Nobody even knew that it was still the king of the north after glasnost. I think there was a published comment once that the identities of those kings was then unclear. The terms have not been used for some time.

    33 minutes ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

    However, all this will not happen because it is unthinkable to call into question an understanding of the "faithful and discreet slave"!

    No, I don't think it is. What is unthinkable (except by those who do it) is to rebel against them. Everyone knows they are people and can make mistakes. But Jehovah's people also exercise faith, which has been borne out from the oldest times, that God works through humans and does not take kindly to ones that trash them.

  9. On 5/8/2017 at 7:14 PM, Jay Witness said:

    purchased the plot of land between New Paltz and the mountains from Watchtower Society of New York, a Jehovah’s Witnesses group, for $2.1 million. The westernmost part of the trail will be inland owned by Mohonk Preserve.

    Shortly after construction of the Henrietta Assembly Hall, Kodak purchased adjacent land. The brothers were delighted. It probably meant the land would be rural forever. There was already a high-tech Kodak facility nearby and there apparently just wanted bigger buffers. (there was a rumor that they also wanted to buy the Hall itself)

    We all know what happened to the K. The land was resold long ago and there is now a housing tract abutting the Assembly Hall.

  10. On 12/4/2017 at 10:30 AM, tromboneck said:

    "Presiding Overseer" was dropped,

    It translates into 'El Presidente' in some languages. Hence there is COBE.

    It caused me trouble. I do nothing but raz our COBE, and he me,  and we are on good terms. When a new Bethel bigwig came to visit and was staying with our COBE, I said to him at our first meeting: "Are you the hotshot from Bethel who comes down to straighten out our no-good COBE?" Only I didn't say COBE. Inadvertently, I said CO. He got a shocked look on his face and wilted away.

    When I realized my mistake I called the COBE by phone and said he had to bail me out. He did - but he said I owed him one or two (or three).

  11. 4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    To put it the context of your nonsensical reply ... What specifically did Jesus do to try and deceive Pilate?

    He specifically tried to sell him a  deed to a summer cottage he did not even own of the Sea of Galilee without telling him violent waves kicked up by frequent storms making seafront property worthless for that body of water - AND that it was polluted with the carcasses of 1000 pigs that had leapt off from the precipice above!!

    You call yourself a Bible student?

    It makes as much sense at hiding an elephant under a bath towel for the Russians to discover the ruse.

  12. 14 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

    The Hebrews had unquestionable, miraculous evidence that supported Moses' divine backing.

    I will not blow off as nothing the theocratic accomplishments I see playing out today. Perhaps I should wait for oceans to part so GB members can walk to wherever they are going, but I will settle for what I see now.

    It is not nothing that a people are gathered internationally who are entirely undivided by nationalism, by racism, by social or educational class. It happens nowhere else on any scale. I will not take it for granted and not give credit where it is due.

    I will not blow off as nothing that there is one and only one organization that will put a modern Bible without charge into the hands of whoever desires it anywhere. They have to completely circumvent the world's profit-driven distribution channel to do it, inventing their own channel. And in 900 languages, no less. Given time, the Bible translation will approach that figure - you know it will. It is already massive. 

    The smooth functioning and meshing of diverse peoples to attain a common and undiluted spiritual goal - there has been no greater worldwide example of 'you received free, so give free.' It doesn't just happen. Somehow God has enabled humans to accomplish it.

    Human things are not perfect? Timing has been off? That should be a shocker? Jesus said: "Keep on the watch, but don't overdo it?" I don't think so.

    There is fierce opposition today? As though, with a capable leadership, Jesus words would be wrong and the world would love Christians? As though the worse 'wicked thing they would lyingly say' about Jesus' followers is "They woke me up Saturday morning when I was sleeping?" No.

    IF Srecko hehehe :))))))) headed up something with anything to show for itself, minus the missteps, I would investigate it closely. The same with our house annointed person. But there is nothing but crying, muttering and bellyaching from all of them - at least they have pointed to nothing of significance. All they can do is cry that the doers are doing it wrong. Until humans are perfect, who can't do that?

    Regarding authorization by miracles, Paul said such gifts would pass away. What if he had said it on this forum? What responses would he get? "Well - okay, BE that way if you are going to be. But don't expect anything from us! We're not budging unless we see plenty of razzle-dazzle!"

    What we do see ought to be enough.


    On 12/6/2017 at 4:48 AM, Cos said:

    Can I just say that Jesus, the Son, is not the Father! I looked up the beliefs of the United Church of Christ head office at http://www.ucc.org, and they nowhere claim to believe that “the son is the father”. I don’t know where you got this Oneness idea from.

    Well, she might have gotten it from the signs one routinely sees everywhere: "Jesus is God!"

  14. On 10/25/2017 at 12:36 AM, Nana Fofana said:

    I don't know why they say that, unless you/they mean by "Christ's Deity", that "Jesus IZZ God!", which as far as I'm concerned, arose about 15 years ago, completely out of the blue, & makes no sense , and is bizarre.  My husband pays no attention to faith matters now, but like me, grew up attending 'nice' protestant churches,

    I will not forget my first Bible student in the late 1970's - my grandmother who had always attended 'nice' baptist churches. She was much troubled that I was in a religion that didn't believe in the Trinity. I reviewed the doctrine and she said that she had never believed that - all she had meant was that there was a Father and a Son and a holy spirit. She had never imagined that they were the same.

  15. 6 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

    I don't think we are in disagreement that the murmuring and revolting of the Hebrews was ridiculous

    Many times during the 40 year period of wandering, the Jews then were called a stiff-necked and rebellious people. What were they stiff-necked and rebellious about in your opinion? Do you think there is anyone who corresponds to them today? If so, who? If not, why not? What lessons has everyone learned?

  16. 7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    FOR YOU ... it's all a Play, and you are but actors following a script for their entertainment.

    It is a play for everyone. Christians "are a theatrical spectacle to the world," of which "the scene of the world is changing." The sooner that is realized, the better off everyone is. It is not the present life that Paul describes as the real life.

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