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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. It is a big world and I have not seen everything. I can believe age 10 or early teens without a problem. But not 6.
  2. Though some might say it is a matter of semantics, I say the Christian congregation does not tell Witness families not to associate with df'd children. What they do is point out that the principle of not associating with a df'd person is not negated merely because that one is a family member. I doubt it. Not that you 'recalled' it that way, but that it was true. I rather doubt this, too, if the child was the minor you imply he/she was. If I recall, when the subject of df'd family members was discussed in literature, it was a given that association would take place with a minor, but with an adult it might be possible to have almost no contact.
  3. Some stool pigeon ratted on Shadrach, Meshech, Abednego and Rookie. "King Neb, didn't you say that when the whole shebang of instruments clanged, everyone must drool over that idol you set up? What a wise law that is! But Shadrach, Meshech, Abednego and Rookie haven't done it!" "WHAT?!!" King Neb exploded. "Throw them into the fiery furnace. Stoke it up extra-hot first!!!" But as the guards approached, Rookie pulled out his six-shooter. "You forgot to declare this a gun-free zone," he smiled sardonically, and blasted the guards into smithereens - filling them all with gaping holes you could put your fist through. As he twirled his gun and slammed it down into its holster, all the Jews hailed him as their savior. 'Who needs God, anyway?' they said.
  4. Could you explain this again, please? The problem may have something to do with Corinthians 2:14... "But a physical man does not accept the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know them, because they are examined spiritually" Whoever suggested that Kingdom Halls carried the designation of "Gun Free Zones" anyway? Didn't that just come from your own head?
  5. "Beware, my brothers. In the last days there will be false apostates who deceive with their false stories."
  6. I think I may have something mean to you long ago when you first came online here. I take it all back. The loyal brothers in the bunker video didn't exactly blow away the invaders with their tommy-guns, did they?
  7. What this case illustrates has nothing to do with guns or no guns. What it illustrates is that the world continues to go to hell in a hand-basket and that the stupidist thing anyone can do is to criticize non-stop the Witness organization that educates people as to the significance of it. Incredibly, I know of some who are that stupid.
  8. Everyone is grappling with this in diverse areas and many do not handle it especially well. In the world of current events, it results in charges of fake news for what are sometimes just different points of view. In science and medicine, the internet results in 'anecdotal reports,' which science hates because they are not something their system is able to assess or repeat.
  9. Yes. It certainly does call to mind the prior actions of the dominant church in other lands.
  10. You know if it wasn't for @The Librarian (the old hen) breaking in about her hunger pangs, salivating over tacos, as though she were expecting - though believe me, if she was at her age, THAT would be a miracle to make the sun of Joshua's day hanging out for a month look like a cakewalk in comparison - we might be able to enjoy some order around here. There IS such a thing as starting another thread, you know. Did I not set the fine example doing so over Mike Duds? JWI and crew would have gone on and on and on about Milk Duds right there in the thread about the museum!!! With mummies and all overhearing! I wouldn't permit it! A separate thread, if you please, Miss Librarian. I'm tired of having to enforce all the rules around here.
  12. Well - that was a lot of work to be done during an eclipse. Better to pin the planets in place for awhile. Why force yourself to do a day's work in fifteen minutes?
  13. Baran is not a Witness, nor ever was to my knowledge. is that not a pre-requisite for the list?
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