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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. 2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    Many legal firms have been bankrupted along WITH their clients over never ending litigation.

    First of all, that is nonsense. These are legal professionals with no personal stake and if they are in any danger of getting hurt financially, they quit. The world today is a lawyer's playground - we all know it - and lawyers seek out culprits with deep pockets, so that they may transfer some of the contents therein to their own pockets. Sure, it is possible that the aggrieved party got his barber who does lawyer work on the side to represent him. More likely though, he responded to overtures of lawyers with deep pockets, like the ones who advertise on TV to sue a myriad of causes. 

    I'd also appreciate if you didn't slobber over the civil courts as the ultimate font of justice. The justice it delivers is as much a by-product as it is the main event. If there are no deep pockets, the system does not bother. I'm not saying it is wrong to use the existing system, or that I wouldn't do it myself if aggrieved, necessarily. I just don't like to herald it as the ultimate source of justice. It is the source of wealth transfer which sometimes parallels    justice.

    Because we are about the same age and our religious background is the same and even in some other ways our inclinations are not dissimilar, I think you will agree with me that true justice demands such a person be put to death when his heinous crime is uncovered. The world has managed to persuade most that the transfer of money is the same as justice, and a rising star legal profession eagerly pushes that new truth. Even the criminal system - by the way, why isn't this fellow in jail? - cannot deliver 'justice,' sentencing a rapist to a not overlong prison term, the last years of which  are appearances before the parole board, and the victims kin, who should be left to heal - are dragged into pleading why he should not be released, a battle that they face repeatedly and eventually lose. 

    Lay off on the praise for the human court system, will you?

    *the movie is a John Grisham novel, probably. If you knew as much about Bible principles and the new personality as you do about pop culture, you'd be a lot easier to take.

  2. 5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:
    On 9/14/2017 at 8:00 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not ignore education but they do redefine it. 

    This is interesting thought!

    It is also a true thought. 

    If the greater world's education was worth the paper that its diplomas are printed on, it would have resulted in a better world than it collectively has. Its education gives exclusive attention to training the mind, and none (or little) to training the heart, with the apparent assumption that moral qualities will take care of themselves. As is painfully obvious by looking at the result, they don't.

    Better to focus on training the heart, as divine education does, and then pick up secular education a la carte as needed.

    5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I am "average" person. Average job. Working since my age of 17, worked various jobs; bookbinder, metal worker, all kind of house jobs that people need, gardener, and last 12 years am janitor in one high school. Last 2 years went to extra education, and last month successfully finished it. Now have diploma for "business secretary" and this last two years working half time as janitor and other half as school administrator. And i like it. Little in school administration with papers and peoples, other part some fixing works, going to town on delivery jobs. Communicate with all sort and age of people.

    This is more in the category of picking up job skills. No one not opposed to that, particularly since you did so after reaching an age of maturity.

  3. On 10/13/2017 at 2:17 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Their startegy is to wear out any seekers of justice and to bankrupt them.


    15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    please provide some proof that Watchtower seeks to bankrupt those who seek redress through the courts

    I don't want to let this go quickly because it is typical of how you start with something true and then use it as a platform to lie, or at least deliver unproven & harsh judgements. Nobody slaps Jesus in the face with his own counsel about being  slow to judge more than you. 

    Your lie, in this case, is that the Watchtower seeks to bankrupt those seeking redress through the courts. It is not necessarily a lie. It may just be a ignorant accusation. Choose for yourself which it is. 

    In fact, it is impossible to bankrupt a person in this manner, unless this case is very unusual. Deep pocketed legal firms take on these cases - the plaintiff incurs no expense whatsoever - in return for one third of any awarded amount. 

    There is no question that Bethel has a significant mess on its hands. It turns out there was a real scoundrel in their midst who harmed several people. Whether the legal means employed is the best one or not I am not qualified to say. The point is that you, whose legal library consists of the complete works of Gary Larsen and the complete works of Scott Adams are not qualified to say either. 

    It is a sad fact of human nature that the more ignorant a person is, the louder they are.

  4. 9 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I assume you DID spend about an hour reading the sad history of this case on Google.

    Yes. I did. The fellow involved did despicable things, hurt many people and brought much reproach on God's name. 

    But that has nothing to do with the question I posed.

    Your assertion that Watchtower is intent on bankrupting the persons who seek redress though the courts must be regarded as another lie until you provide some proof of your statement.

  5. 8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Their startegy is to wear out any seekers of justice and to bankrupt them.


    5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    How do you know this?


    4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I understand what I read ... whereas you do not.  It's stereotypical typical Lawyer strategy.

    Yes, yes - you are smart. We know that.

    Nonetheless, please provide some proof that Watchtower seeks to bankrupt those who seek redress through the courts

  6. 25 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Children wail because they NEED something ... food, shelter, being made clean, security, comfort ... always being told the truth ... etc.

    Not the children in Jesus' illustration. Nor the children in the back seat of car in which the driver finally whirls around and shouts: "If you kids don't stop crying back there, I'll give you something to cry about!"

  7. image (2).jpeg


    Please help! The evil monster @James Thomas Rook Jr. kidnapped my father and turned him into a lamp! Just look at what he did to him! Mengele was nicer:


    Tom Harley's Dog Projector  400   .jpg

    This was my dear old dad, who taught me how to pee on fire hydrants. My dad, who taught me how to be irresistable so that gullible sap humans would do anything I want. This heinous monster just gutted him, stuffed him with pages of old bound volumes, and uses him to entertain his guests! The despicable savage!

    Please write @The Librarian that this murderous animal is brought to justice. Do not say as he does: "They came for the gerbils but I was not a gerbil; they came for the cats, but I was not a cat; they came for the dogs, but I was not a dog. They came for the GB - actually I kind of liked that one." Beware! They will soon be coming for YOU!

    Do you know what he thinks PETA stands for, an organization of which I am a card carrying member? People Eating Tasty Animals!!! It's outrageous!

    And don't let him fool you, saying he keeps several dogs at home that he feels sorry for. Those dogs are about as safe with him as are actresses with Harvey Weinstein!

  8. 6 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Since you mention it, I don’t start my morning with Cheerios, but with God’s Word

    This recalls an experience 35 years ago when I studied the Bible with a much older Czeckoslovakian woman, who - in hindsight - must have regarded me as a grandson.

    One week I could not make it and asked a similarly aged woman, who also professed to be of the annointed, to cover for me. It did not go over well. My student started the study session by offering refreshments - as she always did with me and I always accepted. "My food is to do the will of him who sent me," my sub said, turning down the offer.

    'It is theater!' my student sputtered on during the next week's session - whatever the pious sentiments expressed were completely lost on her. 'People are human. They need to eat.'

  9. 52 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    again with the personal attacks

    Sometimes personal attacks, if they are accompanied by the reasons for it, are exactly the way to go.

    Even raising a strawman is at times appropriate, for 'God wants men of all sorts to be saved' - even strawmen.

    Shiwiii again: "Why are you sooo bitter?"

    'Bitterness' is in the eye of the beholder. I would say that my goal here, and that of many others, is to defend certain dedicated ones from relentless and often infantile attacks.

  10. 15 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Is this the head start to tithing? Seems so


    14 hours ago, Witness said:

    Watchtower is determined to get blood out of a turnip.

    Shiwiii delivers his coup de grace (this time for sure!) and Witness immediately high-fives him! They are both so excited!

    Both are either too stupid, too deceitful, or too blinded by hate to notice that the Watchtower's letter is exactly based on the scripture that is quoted in the same paragraph. In fact, the two are intertwined, so that they are seemingly impossible to separate save for someone with an 10-foot ax to grind with which to separate the bone from the marrow of those they cannot tolerate. Is it too harsh to say we are dealing with a couple of losers?

    In fact, the Watchtower shows more consideration than Paul. Paul simply says 'I'm coming for it - have it ready!' without any detail as to what he will use it for. Why isn't there an account to keep him honest - as has been demanded repeatedly elsewhere?! The Watchtower simply says we can be instructed by Paul's letter - it doesn't twist the arm as he does - and, unlike Paul,  it gives the reason for monies needed: for rent and maintenance. 

    Even @Witness, who knows the Bible better than anyone in the whole wide world, especially the Governing Body, and who cannot pour herself a bowl of Cheerios without citing five scriptures to justify it, misses this most obvious point in the world - collections in a congregation have full scriptural backing. 

    Once again,we go back to the point already stated:  nobody is less intrusive about money matters than are Jehovah's Witnesses.


  11. 2 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    “Now concerning the collection that is for the holy ones, just as I gave
    orders to the congregations of Galatia, do that way also yourselves...Every first day of the week let each of you at his own house set something aside in store as he may be prospering, so that when I arrive collections will not take place
    then." —1 Corinthians 16:1-3.

    I was outraged when I read this! My blood pressure shot to the moon! They had to call NASA! @Shiwiii is right to warn us about this disgusting book - the Bible. How dare Paul TELL the Corinthian congregation AND the Galatian one and probably every other one - what a racket he had going - to set some money aside every day of the week!!! What a greedy self-serving scoundrel!

    What? Is he trying to pretend God needs it? Why does God need our money. It's ours!! Tell him to keep his grubby hands off it!!

    2 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    "But when I get there, whatever men you approve of by letters, these I shall send to carry your kind gift to Jerusalem."

    Yeah! Sure! You expect me to believe that? He's going to take their kind 'gift'  (extorted, if you ask me!) to the Riviera or Las Vegas for some high living - and fly business class to get there!!! Thank you, Shiwiii, for alerted me to this blatant greed and Bible money-loving. You make a fine investigative reporter.

  12. The shrewd student of God's word is not easily tempted by signs of the 'last days.' When someone points to shooting gallery terrorist attacks or imminent World War III, he smiles and moves on. He does not seize upon such low-hanging fruit. It is eye candy, which the evil one dangles before him to get him to jump. It is an intended sucker punch, and he declines to insert his face in the path of the blow.

    Instead, he follows the subtle pulse of day-to-day reality, and here he finds the proof - 1000 times in doings so subtle that they miss entirely the attention of the average donkey. He recognizes, for example, that in the pond of urine he spies under every urirnal lies sure proof of the decline of humanity.

    In my entire life, I may have spilled two or three drops of urine. The principles of peeing have been understood from the days of righteous Lot. It is not rocket science - or it is the propulsion theories behind it have long been mastered.

    Another is seen while driving the very highways and byways of the country. One's eye casually drifts over to the guardrails, with the warm and fuzzy feeling that if you should veer off the road, these mother hens of engineering with ever so gently nudge you back on the road to life, just as @The Librarian gently guides her pupils. What a shock to discover a railing whose end might as well contain the words: 'Hit me and you die!"


    image (1).jpeg

    Dozens of highly educated engineers have okayed this latest advance in human protection. Score of adminisrators after them. Experts in the field of public safety have said: "I certainly see no problem with that.' Hundreds of people installed them and if they gave feedback - they probably did - their higher-ups rejected it because it came from ignoramuses. 

    The most telling sign of the last days being imminent is uncovered in the trade publications that monitor real estate and use of office space. In a tiny note on page 337 at the bottom right corner is a notation from the Office of the Devil that he has run out of special places in hell.

  13. 27 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    And TTH ... just because I have told you everything that you know about me ... does NOT mean you know what I know, and what I have  seen with my own eyes.

    Well, whose fault is that?

    And surely that statement can be turned around 180 degrees - with you misunderstanding me.

    If you are going to say the most offensive things as casually as you breathe air, you cannot sniff and sob that 'nobody understands me' when you are called on it.

  14. 8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    My guess is that you DID NOT read the book ... that you only saw the movie. If you DID read the book, you had no comprehension of what was really going on...In the Book, Winston Smith does NOT die.

    Okay, there is some revisionist writing on this, probably from guys like you so that they can apply it to anyone else they disagree with.

    Is it valid? Here is from https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/12109/what-happened-to-winston-smith-at-the-end-of-george-orwell-s-1984

    "This is one of the scariest part of Nineteen Eighty Four, the fact that The Party is so powerful that it will not even let dissent to be felt in the mind of someone they are about to execute. They are not interested in merely obtaining a confession and punishing dissent, they are not simply interested in scaring others from rebellion, they need the dissenter to repent absolutely and to happily go to their death as fitting punishment for their earlier thoughtcrime. This is a world where The Party believes there is no objective truth outside of Party dogma - if you are told that a man can fly, you will make yourself see it and believe it. A rebellious thought even in a man about to be executed is intolerable.

    "The Party is even willing to let Winston Smith to live following his torture in Room 101 without needing to work, with more money and living in relative comfort compared to his earlier life until he reaches a state where he truly believes in the Party and loves Big Brother.

    "The party needs everyone to live their life and eventually die loving Big Brother, and will not execute Winston until this happens..."

    Has anyone executed you lately? Has anyone tortured you in Room 101? Has anyone said you could live on their dime without working? All you do is bellyache about that job-of-a-lifetime you quit long ago and forevermore regretted. And page after page here from long-time Witnesses indicate that, apart from 100-year-old doctrinal points, they disagree with impunity on everything under the sun & and as long as they do not make themselves obnoxious about it, seeking to gather converts, all is fine.

    If I join that other fellow who complained about you to @The Librarian, it will not be because you air apostate views (though that does not help). It will be because your remarks betray a mentality so infantile that it is hard to stomach.

    My comment stands:

    On 10/9/2017 at 10:08 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    1984 is about a world of 3 totalitarian states, each marionettes pulled by sinister people at the top, who permit no deviation from dictated 'realities', and who physically torture anyone who strays, (in some graphic detail) and then kills them even after they readjust.

    Only the most paranoid nutcase would apply it to anything having to do with the Christian congregation.


  15. On 10/7/2017 at 12:53 AM, Cos said:

    Mr. Harley,


    If you ever want to know the truth of Scripture (what you refer to as “silly stuff”) I’d be more than happy to engage your queries. <><

    Mr. Cos,

    If you ever want to know the truth of everything, I'd be more than happy to share some of my boundless knowledge with you as my precious time permits.

    I mean, c'mon! There is such a thing as modesty

  16. 2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    Because you are COMPLETELY clueless as to the lessons that can be learned from the Classic Book "1984" by George Orwell ... as many AGENDA driven people are ... you are doomed to repeat the lessons of history you did not, and cannot discern.


    On 10/9/2017 at 10:08 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Oh for crying out loud...

    1984 is about a world of 3 totalitarian states, each marionettes pulled by sinister people at the top, who permit no deviation from dictated 'realities', and who physically torture anyone who strays, (in some graphic detail) and then kills them even after they readjust.

    Only the most paranoid nutcase would apply it to anything having to do with the Christian congregation.


  17. 18 minutes ago, Michael Krewson said:

    This project would clearly require a substantial investment in money and labor, something Musk doubters would find too large of scale for the company to tackle. But then again, when compared to building a network of massive rockets that would transport people across the world and eventually to Mars, a large-scale battery and solar system doesn’t seem all that difficult.

    If only this fellow could overcome his timidity, he might amount to something. :)

    It certainly would elevate Tesla's stature and would be a great PR move in the dual sense - Puerto Rico and Public Relations. He'd better work with Trump, though, and do it after whatever debt is wiped out, and not before.

  18. On 10/7/2017 at 12:53 AM, Cos said:

    Mr. Harley,


    If you ever want to know the truth of Scripture (what you refer to as “silly stuff”) I’d be more than happy to engage your queries. <><


    On 10/7/2017 at 9:56 PM, Cos said:

    And here is another observation, the fact that in Acts 21:11 this was a prophetic message given to Agabus is sure proof of the foreknowledge of the Person from who the message came. <><


    1 hour ago, Cos said:

    Then allow me tell you about the real Holy Spirit of the Bible, the one who Jesus declared to His disciples, the one who can be blasphemed, the one who loves believers and guides them into all truth…interested?

    This fellow knows a lot! I know because he says he does!

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