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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. I love when the highbrow guy suggested Doc Martin has Asbergers, as he obviously does. Doc shut him down instantly. Good l**k on that.
  2. Perhaps you should return. Are they represented anywhere else? Does anyone else even use Jehovah's name?
  3. No offense, Shiwiii - forgive me if I misunderstand you - but it seems you are being obtuse. I said more than once that they have 1000 years to work up to a position they do not occupy now, even if we assume their warfare is physical. Go off to war then if you think it is such a great idea. No one here is saying you can't.
  4. As I say, they have 1000 years to work up to a new position. Moreover, how much is physical warfare on their end is unclear. Surely this forum has proven a genuine battleground, yet not a punch has been thrown. It's 1000 years off. If things 100 years in the past do not interest me overmuch, neither do they 1000 years in the future. Maybe even JTR's points will factor in somehow. Dunno. I'll worry about it when I get there, assuming I do.
  5. The bad ones will have 1000 years to work up a head of steam. You don't think that's enough time?
  6. I would guess it is those who have developed a complaining and challenging spirit - even a belligerent spirit - against those who have not, the same as can be seen today. 1000 years is a long time for it to take hold - it will take a while for memory of Armageddon to fade. In the first century outright rebellion broke out the instant the apostles died. In other words, it will be JWs against jws.
  7. I have the most information on him than any living person. Yet even I can say almost nothing as to his personality. A few deeds remain, that is all. To me it indicates the futility of this system. When one dies, they are very soon forgotten.
  8. Let's go surfing now - everyone is learning how - come on and safari with meeee -
  9. When my wife applied to regular pioneer, she was unprepared for the question about objectionable - or is it unsuitable for a Christian? - music. Never one to blow things away, she answered that she does listen to it sometimes. "Well," she explained later to some elders, "if the Beach Boys come on and sing 'Wouldn't it be nice to live together,' I do not turn off the radio. This appeared to satisfy them. "We've never had someone answer this way," they said, looking befuddled. On the night that her appointment was announced, I approached those elders. "You're making a big mistake! How can you allow her privileges?! She does nothing but listen to rap all day and heavy metal all night! I expected you brothers to straighten her out!" Â
  10. AI translations are always choppy, often poor. Smart though scientists may be, they cannot outdo Jehovah's 'handiwork' at Nimrod's DIY project.
  11. James! James! James! James! Hold the ladder steady. You hammered the exact same taunt repeatedly in a previous thread that addressed it at length, with answers that you did not like. But that does not mean they were not answers.
  12. Yes. That is great grandpa. And I am like him in one notable regard. sigh... I also serve without pay. He was not in the truth, though. None of my family is. To find one that is, you must go all the way back to Noah.
  13. Nana, there are some here attempting to divorce the murmurings of Moses from the murmurings of the Christian congregation headship. This verse will not let them get away with it. Thanks.
  14. If you don't get what I mean it is because I did not take enough time to read you. It is my fault. Sorry. They are not 'new stories' when initially 'spun.' It's the insinuation of deceit that disturbs me and the expectation of silky smoothness that strikes me as naive. I see no reason to think they are not peering ahead absolutely the best they can, and that God allows it. The errors of those who took the lead in the first century would certainly suggest he does. To some extent they are the same thing. If God is worth his salt, he provides capable human leadership. How would you feel if the cockpit door swung open and the pilot shouted: "Hey, anybody here know how to fly this thing?" The other way to look at everything here is to suggest that the nervous nellies ought to get a grip on themselves. When the plane encounters choppy weather and the flight attendants retreat with their refreshment carts so Coke does not splash all over everyone, I fasten my belt as advised and ride out the turbulence without undue concern. I don't reach for the flotation seat cover.
  15. I like him in his new role. He (and his) is the 'messenger preparing the way.' Like the hazardous waste crew that reclaim the land so that it can be rebuilt upon. Russell is the garbageman, carting hellfire and Trinity out to the trash so that builders can later build. One thing I like about this forum - there are some things I don't like - is that you get to weigh in on progressive things. The Watchtowere magazine itself does that, as do the meetings. They don't go on and on about how we know Jesus died on a stake and not a cross. It is trash discarded 100 years ago. Bethel will repeat it now and then for reminders' sake, but they barely notice it otherwise. You don't attach a note for Waste Management explaining why you have discarded the trash. They know why. Meanwhile, you occupy yourself to what is not trash. For some reason, JWs online go in for the baby food, attempting to prove that the trash really is trash. I don't know why they do that. Maybe two reasons. 1.) Witnesses online are not typical. The typical ones busy themselves in face-to-face interaction, which is more straightforward and thus productive, and 2.) it is not wrong to explain the trash to persons not of us who don't know it is trash. Even so, rightly or wrongly, I think most in the world have 'moved on' and are more receptive to items such as sovereignty and relative authority. Besides, he had to be demoted. Just look at that beard!
  16. Yes. Of course. There's nothing wrong with that. You think it's a piece of cake looking into the future? Meanwhile I will keep my feet firmly planted in the two boats of the overlapping generations, fidgeting with slight concern as they drift, while I see Endofthesystem clouds fast approaching.
  17. Is it a bad thing for parents to teach their children? It is spun that way in an increasingly irreligious world. And should a child take its parental training to heart, is it a bad thing to let him follow through on it? Years ago during our homeschooling days, a local family was fined for violation of the child labor laws. They ran a small deli. It was nothing for their children to take turns at the register when they returned from school, and one was doing so the day Child Protective Services appeared. Homeschool pioneer John Holt pointed out that (not this case, but he had many others) this was the very reason children become delinquent - they are shut out of the adult world under the guise of protecting them. Among the philosophical underpinnings of compulsory public education (nobody had a problem with voluntary) is that children ought be separated early from possible pernicious influence of the parents so as to be molded by greater society. Thus, schooling cannot wait until adolescence - it must start early. To this day, compulsory school advocates carry on about the imperative of socialization - which they maintain is only to be found in schools. If anything, their brand of it argues against them. People behave horrendously today - there are even teens who shoot up their schools. Yet they have all been 'socialized.' It is not true that if you withhold teaching your child, he will grow up free and unencumbered and, when of age, choose for itself among life's rich cornucopia of ideas. No. All it means is that someone else will train him. When Witness parents are progressive - as all are exhorted to be - they will digest the family resources found abundantly in Watchtower publications and will produce emotionally secure children. Hopefully these will stand up a flood of propaganda that Christianity is passe or even undesirable. But even if they reassess later on in life, they have a secure foundation to build upon. At the very least, they will be comfortable speaking before an audience, something that terrifies many an adult.
  18. Strictly speaking, the parable doesn't make sense. The master would commend the steward for robbing him blind? These days security guards escort you out the building The Man has downsized you from precisely so that you do not make slick deals with his debtors. I think it shows that Jesus doesn't really care if the head perceives some discrepancies. He goes straight for the heart. Jehovah's people are not especially 'heady.' We all know it. Far from being embarrassed over it, we should embrace it. When the Bible refers to the thinkers of this world, it is to put them down. We need not emulate them. Of course, we have to make some semblance of sense, for Paul reasoned from the scriptures with them for three Sabbaths. The noble Boreans searched the scriptures carefully to be sure they were not being sold a bill of goods. It's simply that we need not shy away from Jesus' methods in going for the heart over the head.
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