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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. It reminds me of '3 guys on a boat' jokes, like when the President, the Pope, and Mayor Daly (substitute your favorite crook to update it) were stranded on a boat, sinking because there was only capacity for two. The first two successfully pleaded how they were too important to jump overboard, and Mayor Daly started to sweat. But he rebounded.

    "Gentlemen, gentlemen, let's settle this the democratic way. Let's take a vote," he proposed. So they did, and Mayor Daly won, 5 to 2.

  2. On 7/9/2017 at 11:01 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    ... there were MANY people throughout History with the same opinions

    Why do you think there is to be a new system? Because God is enthralled over the noble independence-seekers of this one?

    Rather than become focused over a trifle, it is good to consider Nathanial Hawthorne's take: "People who think the most bold of thoughts have no difficulty conforming to outward norms of society."

    Nobody thinks thoughts more bold than Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Actually, I think the reverse is also true. People who kick up a huge fuss over trifles tend to be the most conformist of all when it comes to bold things. Wear a beard if you want to. No one ever said you couldn't. You just would have to endure some peer pressure, and thus, might decide it was not worth it. That is the aspect that appears to be changing.


  3. 8 hours ago, tromboneck said:

    6419 increase in past 9 years

    a whole lot a anointin going on.

    All anointing, whether true or mistaken, is self-professed. There are 8 mil JWs worldwide? How significant is a  6.4K jump? I have known several 'modern' partakers - not all for whom you would say 'well, of course!'

    I like it that the GB is drawn from persons who are A.) annointed, and B.) annnointed, who have proved their dedication through decades of full-time service, performing a ministry more lowly than most of those whom they later will lead.

  4. 2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    T's not the petty FREEDOMS that you miss out on ...... it's the petty TYRANNIES that you have to endure ..... and they are like Camels

    Nonsense. I mean, it would be okay if you could find Jesus counseling his disciples: 'Don't take any s**t from anyone!'

    I'd walk a mile to get away from such dumb reasoning

    Which congregation did Sister Rand go to?

  5. 16 hours ago, Colin Browne said:

    Seems that the congregation overseer had received advice from Bethel allowing beards

    It's a policy that could have fallen long ago, IMO. (If it has)

    Beatniks and hippies vanished as separate species ages ago. 

    Nonetheless, what's the big deal? Many brothers got around it by not wearing beards. It's by squabbling over the petty freedoms that you miss out on the big ones.

  6. Besides, everyone gets a free 'end of the world' card per lifetime. It is like a 'Get out of Jail Free' card. You don't whine when your opponent draws one. It's how the game is played.

    Once a lifetime is within acceptable limits for tolerance if you truly are doing what Jesus said to 'keep on the watch.'

  7. 15 minutes ago, Willie Rogers said:

    No, this isn't Kansas, and thank Jehovah that the year text is NOT here!

    Willie, every Witness here (and not all are) is 'pushing it' with regard to theocratic direction just by being here. And, dare I say it, that includes you, for you are here. I mean, Bethel does caution us to be social network smart, which means among other things, that you are safest when you trade comments with those you personally know.

    If I have followed the thread correctly, you are upset because matters not meant for public distribution are nonetheless posted. I understand that upset. I was blown away by it myself when I first discovered such things happened. I would not do it. But if some do it, they do it. You will not be able to shame them not to. You cannot know what their motives are. Some may mean well. Others may be laughing at the outrage they provoke.

    Online I learned the three weekly meetings would become two, with a family Bible study night making up the deficit, before it ever appeared in print. This, too, surprised me. Obviously, people leak. I think they should not, but they do. There's little to be done about it.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Anna said:

    it was one of the prophetic books we studied at our book study, either Isaiah, Ezekiel or Daniel. I remember one mature, studious sister got a little upset and exclaimed; how can they know that! I wish I could remember what it was...

    Can it really be that these characters were as concerned with dress and grooming as we are today?

  9. 5 hours ago, Willie Rogers said:

    WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE BRANCH, then you really do need to examine WHO you are as a Christian.

    Why would you assume that everyone here is? We must be 'social network smart.'

    "Toto, something tells me that we're not in Kansas anymore" is the yeartext here.

  10. 55 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    You also always misquote me in order to make yourself look good, many times by SELECTIVELY quoting,

    I have to selectively quote. If i make everyone read your entire bombastic remarks again, @The Librariangets upset with me. She likes me better than you.


    4 minutes ago, Anna said:

    No luck there Vomi, she's on some tropical island tanning her hide and doesn't wish to be bothered

    I feel sorry for any sun having to tan that ugly hide.

  11. 22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    You may be justifiably proud of your Grandfather's efforts.

    Great grandfather. My grandfather was a Kodak man, back when there was a Kodak. (it still exists, but it is a shadow, and is largely out of town.


    24 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    You are wrong, TTH

    Well, that's what they told us at Cobb's Hill Reservior, when they unveiled a monument (plaque) to great grandpa. they opened up the facility then and anyone that wanted could climb down and see the infrastructure. Whatever was today is not necessarily the same as yesteryear, but the general pattern is the same, with updates.

    I don't have it at my fingertips, but if he died at 102 and maintained an office at City Hall till then, his 30 years might be more. Perhaps it is 40. Or perhaps it is his formal employment as C.O, after which there were years of consulting. He is listed as among Rochester's most dedicated public servants. Nobody has heard of him anymore, which is a good reminder of how quickly we are forgotten after our time, regardless of our accomplishments,  and how welcome is the prospect of everlasting life.

  12. 2 hours ago, bruceq said:

    "Does the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have the right and authority to interpret to us any given Bible teaching? Yes/No.

    Yes, of course I'll go along with that. When I bought my ticket from Holy Bus Lines, it was their photos I saw on the terminal wall. That was never hidden from me.

    I also know that they may hit a pothole or three, for the weather is abysmal and the road is uncharted.  Moreover, they do not require me to sit up straight at all times - they allow me to stretch, talk to my neighbor, and use the bathroom.

    I'd be surprised if the date goes. It's been around forever and it was reaffirmed at the Regional. The herd is running another way at present, but we all know about running with the herd. Perceptions can change.

    Still, if it goes, it goes. It's not why I'm here. Nobody else can explain why God permits suffering. Nobody else can explain what happens to the dead, why we die at all, and what hope for those who have. Nobody else can explain why human governments do nothing but foul the nest, so that I am not stuck with the pathetic hope that the next leader, this time for sure, will fix things. Nobody else preaches the good news of the kingdom, nor unifies those responding. Nobody else would have kept me safe from the new morality.  Perhaps my marriage would not be intact, for few teach the Bible's message of yielding to the other person. The Bible would be an unassembled jigsaw puzzle in my closet were it not for the GB spearheading the work others feel free to criticize but do not offer to do. I owe them loyalty. I will pay it.

    If understandings change, you do damage control, hope for the best, and pray for Jehovah's continued goodness.  It has been that way ever since Jesus spoke about 'drinking his blood.' 

    You can't change people, Bruce. They'll be what they'll be. To some extent, the more one carries on, the more fuel is added to the fire. The less fuel offered, the quicker it goes out.

  13. 9 hours ago, Eoin Joyce said:

    Just a printed sheet on the stop, if it had not been vandalised. It was notoriously difficult to figure out the schedule. The print was too small, the light too dim, the mind too clouded, the need to relieve nature too pressing. And the schedule always contained exceptions to scheduling for late hours and weekends in even tinier print, indicated by impossibly small asterisks and the like. And if the bus number was different for the out-of-hours service.......! It was so easy to misinterpret and a frustrating excercise.

    "For at present we see in a hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face to face." 

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