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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. 8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I haven't checked for sure, but I think the actual owner of the site is not a Witness and doesn't really get involved in any discussions unless those discussions get flagged by someone.

    At the Convention of Magnificent Internet Moguls Mr. Admin casually boasts to his neighbor, “Seen the latest off-the-chart stats of the Wordwide News Media Forum?”

    ”Big deal, they’re all religious nuts,” comes the answer. Talk to me when you have people who don’t think the earth is flat.”

    8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I think that The Librarian is a Witness

    That old hen.

  2. 23 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    but he probably doesn't realize that this kind of thing doesn't really work when there so many other giveaways, including a complete inability to "clothe himself with a new personality."

    Answering critics, some apologist said that to make up a character as complex as Jesus would be more miraculous than simply accepting there was such a man. In a perverse and opposite kind of way….

  3. 52 minutes ago, xero said:

    Have you ever wondered how many of our number are jealous socialist commies at heart?

    Yeah, like that pinko David foisting his ‘share equally’ plan upon the ‘bad and worthless’ men:

    However, every bad and worthless man among those who had gone with David said: “Since they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil that we recovered except that each one may take his wife and his sons and go away.”  23 But David said: “You must not do this, my brothers, with what Jehovah has given us. He protected us and gave into our hand the marauder band that came against us.  24 Who would agree with you on this? The share of the one who went down into the battle will be the same as the share of the one who sat by the baggage. All will have a share.  1 Samuel 30:22-24.    

    Sometimes you have to reign in your bad and worthless men.

    52 minutes ago, xero said:

    if we want figs and houses, we'll have to plant them ourselves and build them ourselves and not just get some kingdom govt. EBT cards and free-loader housing.

    Often I would say of the LDC bro in our congregation, “yeah—don’t kid yourselves. Pete’s gonna make us all live in dormitories.”

  4. 12 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Bur hey, two 'sisters' I knew liked Meatloaf 'Bat Out of Hell'  and an Elder I knew liked Queen 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.  

    I suppose it's all ok-ish if you just like the basic sound and not the actual words. 

    Actually, if you listen to the words of ‘Sympathy for the Devil’ they are not objectionable at all. They are an exposure of the Devil’s M. O, the great wickedness people are capable of.

    But I had to draw the line somewhere. I couldn’t very well gush on about ‘Sympathy for the Devil,’ as though I were a fan. Nor did I listen to the words for many decades, so it took me forever to realize just what the theme was.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    Of course, there is “How to Teach Your Baby to Read”, by Glen Doman,

    We went through all the Glenn Doman’s number cards with our babies, I am convinced to good effect—and even in the event it was not it was fun and took almost no time.

    At one point, following a Doman cue, we asked our infant to pick up 57, as opposed to 56 and 58, dots all mixed up with no underlying pattern—the number written on the back so you would know. Instantly he did. But Doman said you can’t do it twice; infants get bored and they will not do it for show. Sure enough, when we tried, he would not.

    Coincidence? Dunno. It was a one out of three chance, after all, so coincidence is certainly possible.  But he reached for it instantly, with no hesitation at all.

    The point was, in building your baby’s ‘better’ brain (Yikes!—Building Back Better) that if you see 3 or 4 cows in the field you instantly read them for their true number, but at some point you must start counting, 1…2…3…4…5…. The idea with the flash cards for an infant’s rapidly expanding brain was that you could push way up that point at which you had to start counting; that it could take in 56 at a glance. Doman’s flash cards went up to 100. 

  6. 46 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I guess those who drive longer and pay more gasoline for more kilometers. :))

    And gas prices rose. David was very distressed because the worldmedianewsforum perennial gripers were talking of stoning him, for all the men had become very bitter over their KH sold to build 50 in developing lands, making them drive further, and they wanted to stone him for a million other reasons too. But David strengthened himself by Jehovah his God. (1 Samuel 30: 5-6) #freewheelingversion.

  7. 5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    After the volunteer workers invest their labor and money in building the JW hall, GB sells it and keeps the money in the corporation.

    If they sell it, it’s because the sale of one underperforming Hall in the West can fund the building of 50 in developing lands where they are clamoring for them. So someone has a longer drive twice a week so that 50X friends overseas have a place to meet? Who would object to that?

    Notice how the “bad and worthless” men objected when David proposed a similar equalizing scheme: 

    However, every bad and worthless man among those who had gone with David said: “Since they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil that we recovered except that each one may take his wife and his sons and go away.”  But David said: “You must not do this, my brothers, with what Jehovah has given us. He protected us and gave into our hand the marauder band that came against us.

    Why would you promote being bad and worthless?

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