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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. What's with this anti-Russian slur? In these days of hate speech, one should be concerned about getting flagged over a remark such as that.
  2. Close enough. Evolutionists, revered everywhere today, would recognize the link in a heartbeat. You do recognize that, don't you? To be sure, he recanted. The Watchtower has not cited his work since, which once upon a time, could be ordered through the congregation. It's good to point out they did so, for I can imagine someone trying to insinuate that they rely on it to this day as they do the yearly text. Just when he is partly redeeming himself, a little anyways, he makes yet another snotty crack at God's organization. He is like the media going after Trump, oblivious to all but the need to nail him.
  3. Nonsense. At the very least, even disregarding the worldwide witness given - I mean, who else has such love for every other member that they would do such a thing? - they have 'rescued' Post Offices the world over, which are always on the brink of collapse. Thus, they make for themselves friends in high places. You need to be more positive, JTR. Turn that frown upside down.
  4. We need wait no more. JWBroadcasting now reporting on increased attention worldwide as result of the ban and resulting publicity, people checking to see if jw. org is really extremist and finding it is not. Knowledge of this contribution to the worldwide ministry will fortify Russian brothers for some time to come. Thank you, Witness, for adding to the letter count, and thus magnifying attention. They were all sunk to the bottom of the sea anyway, most likely. But the impression of the count is overwhelming. Just ask Guinness.
  5. it was all very predictable. And to think that apostates helped us, inflating the letter count with their pleas for the ban to go forward, If I wasn't mad at them, I would offer a hearty 'thank you.'
  6. I myself never do despicable trolling. (not that Praeceptor is addressing this to me) I do, however sometimes conduct dignified perusal of internet resources in search of fatheads to set straight. There appear to be one or more of them on this thread, but others are rising to the occasion. Me, I just go for cheap shots and ad hominem attacks.
  7. In the ICU once again with a bad ticker, Leroy Whitehouse knew this time would be his last. “Yeeeaap, I’m cashing in my chips this time. I’ve cheated death 17 times, but not this time.” One half expected him to crawl under the workbench and die, as did my cat. It turns out that 80-some-odd-year-old Leroy, from the Mississippi delta, knew the blues, and he would jam with the brothers less than half his age. “Heeaol, this is yur ‘ol man. I can’t come tonight. I broke my G string. What I need is another G string! I'm sayin that I need another G string!” Brothers on whose answering machines Leroy left a message never erased it. Like all of Jehovah’s Witnesses, he didn’t know how to stretch one. When he rode with Darin and Darin got pulled over for running a stop sign, Darin wasn’t going to take it. He knew he had stopped. He knew he was just being harassed for DWB. He took LeRoy with him to the courthouse and they put him on the stand. “Yeeeuup, he just came up to that stop sign and eeeaassed on through,” the latter said under oath. Darin didn’t say a word. He pulled out his checkbook.
  8. Yes, but the arthritic old biddy has her nose stuck in the card catalog and can't straighten up even to come over and scold people.
  9. I should hold up my end and comment here. But the three-in-one doctrine is so obviously a crock, put to bed 100 years ago, that it is hard to work up an interest. When you have a situation that violates common sense, such as '3 are really 1', it is not up to the common sense person to persuade that common sense holds here as well. It is up to the loon to persuade that the loony interpretation, in this case, is the correct one. Sometimes the loony version turns out to be true. Not everything is as meets the eye. But that does not change the fact that the burden of proof is on the loonytunes person, not the common sense person, to prove his case. And if all they can come up with is plays upon words, in a world in which literature routinely does that, that doesn't strike me as too persuasive.
  10. All I said was that it might have been you. How can anyone argue with that? And I have never done any of the evil things you seem to accuse me of. Nothing but boundless joy and gushing love here.
  11. Leroy Whitehouse passed away the other night. I’ll miss that man. A tall, drawling 80-something-year-old black man from the deep south, I used to jest with him how I hoped he would one day give my funeral talk: “Yeeeaass, he was a good ‘ol boy, that Tom Harley, but he’d deeeaad now! D_E_A_D!” LeRoy would uninhibitedly offer comments to the 50/50 congregation about his younger days back home “working for the white man.” Or relate how even long term Bethelites are not perfect, illustrating it with a brother who declared “I don’t give a damn!” Taking the nervous titter in the audience for appreciation, he repackaged the line and ran it through two or three more times: “I don’t give a damn!” I will miss him plenty. He was a friend.
  12. They do and it does if one's about to clamp its mouth around your torso.
  13. 'bible' should be capitalized. We read it because it contains God's instructions for us. Unfortunately, the last time I got into it with Witness, she or one of her compatriots complained and admin took the entire thread down. It possibly was not her - it may have been the woman who uses the violin picture so as to deceive people into thinking that she is sympathetic to the cause. Or maybe JTR, he was the third participant. I never found out who. Apparently I am expected to play nice with these guys and I just can't bring myself to do it.
  14. "that they may be all one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me."..... John 17:21 RSV Is this not a clear example of Fifteenarianism? Come to my church (Pastor: Tom Harley) and I will tell you more. As I pass the plate on the ends of long poles, they will shake to the music, so that coins will loudly chink. What we want is quiet money.
  15. Belief in the Trinity depends upon taking literally certain expressions that, in any other context, would instantly be recognized as figures of speech. If they read 'beating around the bush' in an article, they understand the meaning. It they read it in the Bible, they look for the bush. If they read of persons shedding 'crocodile tears' in an article, the understand the meaning. If they read it in the Bible, it is proof to them that the persons were really crocodiles.
  16. Should I apologize to JTR or not? If he wasn't so clearly on the other side, I would. THAT IS TO SAY, I WOULD!!! I might have actually done it if he didn't Mooooo to AvP. "Stop your fighting in my library!" shrieks the Librarian. "Stick to the topic: total control! I love that topic, and in my own library I am not going to give up on it! How does an afternoon in detention sound to you?!"
  17. Oh, come off it! is this any more than another clear indication that the writer DOES NOT regard himself as average.
  18. I think they're all crazy here, myself included. Well - if not crazy, at least they all have some special reasons for writing. Actually, some of them I like, and I may even cut myself a tiny bit of slack, but there's no getting around the fact that - this isn't the type of hangout the Watchtower has in mind when in speaks of associations, is it? Perhaps you could most charitably describe the atmosphere as avant-guard. Do you belong here, Nicola? You come across as a very good person, a trusting person, who expected something very different than the exchange of remarks here. Even with your exchange with so and so, I suspect you would be fine friends in the congregation where you would work shoulder to shoulder, interact face to face, along with the other friends, and readily get to know where each other is coming from. On the internet, there is no way to determine anything about anyone other than their comments themselves, and that takes a while and can never be known for sure. There's no point in asking someone if he is a brother or not. How would you know if he is being truthful? You don't even know if the profile picture he uses is genuine. The internet is not the congregation. After an initial skirmish, I have carried on at great length about the ignorant, disgusting, controlling battleaxe of a Librarian, who I'm not afraid of one bit. My DESCRIPTION fooled even HIS LOUDNESS. In fact, she is a he.
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