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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. On 4/21/2017 at 10:22 AM, Micah Ong said:

      Not inspired by Holy Spirit presenting truths from the bible as they say they are in the publications.

    “The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.”

    From ‘Who is Leading God’s People Today?’ Pgr 12, February 2017

    That's not to say they have erred in the matter under discussion. It is a translating decision that they have provided abundant justification for in the attached appendix. 

  2. Is 'the news' another one of those mountains that are melting these days? It was only - what - two? three? years ago that if you read something in 'the news,' it was valid. (unless it was being spun by official liars)

    Given the new reality that reading news is playing Russia roulette, I'll take the Trump story, fake though it may be. Okay, he didn't speak out against the Russian ban of Jehovah's Witnesses. But the story plants the clear notion that he should. 

    Now it is only a matter of time before some poor body of elders must deal with NBC or someone trying to set up shop in their foyer so that they can broadcast "Live from the Kingdom Hall."

  3. The three eventualities of a tossed coin: heads, tails, and sides

    Footprints of a man with a cane

    Footprints of a dog with an amputated leg. 

    Bob Guzzie's fingers, after that buzz saw accident.

    Bob Guzzie's eyes, after that overhead comet mutated another one for him

    Positive numbers, negative numbers, and imaginary numbers.

    The four corners of the earth, after one was scraped off by the passing comet that made trouble for Bob

    The Beatles after John died, but before George did.

    A car with a flat tire.

    The three lug nuts you hope will keep the repaired wheel on because you lost one of them

    The Pentagon after 911

    The Pleades on an overcast night.

    The carbon atom, the very building block of life, capable of four strong bonds, after the entire lot of them was run over by a steamroller.

  4. There must be a scripture somewhere insulting the sea. If there is not, there should be. Rochester, my home town, is not on the sea and has no beef with it, but it sure does with the lake.

    Lake Ontario is a mini-sea in its own right. Along with the four other Great Lakes, it constitutes one fifth of the earth’s fresh water supply. People have built homes on the shores of the lake, figuring that where the lake is, the lake is. Why would you not? But this year, the lake level is two feet higher than normal. Imagine! The entire lake! Let some math nerd figure out the volume increase – it shouldn’t be hard. Actually, the idea appeals to me, except I’m lazy. Give it to some kid for homework or let him bring it to class for extra credit.

    When a boat sails by, those people on the shore sweat. They do so even more some when a wind kicks up. Even in calm times, the water is lapping up against their foundations. Their beach as disappeared and their decks are submerged. The beach about which I wrote “Horses in Water’ no longer exists.


    The government is passing out sandbags and sand to fill them with. Volunteers appear to help the beach dwellers out. My experience is that sandbags are okay for a day or two or modest rise, but not for much else. The lake level is supposed to be high – it is still rising – all season.

    Why don’t they drain the lake? someone asks. Just open up the St. Lawrence river more and let that stuff drain out to the sea. Unfortunately, people live along the river, too. An entire city is there, Montreal Canada, and they are seriously flooded as it is. To drain 1 inch of water from Lake Ontario will result in a rise of 10 inches for Montreal and other river dwellers. “Go for it, anyway!” say the besieged lakeshore dwellers, but Canada says ‘no.’

    They’re funny that way.

    Image may contain: outdoor
  5. 20 hours ago, bruceq said:

    The simple statement that the Bible was written by Jews who do not believe in a Trinity I think goes much farther then debating and arguing over words. I have had tremendous success with that approach in field service over the past 40 years.

    I like this. The scoundrels will always try to muddy the waters in hopes you will eventually say "Ah, the hell with it - let them have it their way!" The answer is as Bill Clinton said: KISS (keep it simple, stupid.)

    I also like the observation I read in a Watchtower somewhere: 'The scriptures that can be used to refute the trinity were not written for that purpose.' I like to focus on what they were written for. 

    I won't spend much time with trinitarians. If possible, they are more persistent than apostates in arguing. They will not give up and many of them make provisions in their wills for someone to take over in the event they should drop. 

  6. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    Don't remember that Hislop himself recanted, although a huge portion of his work has been debunked. 

    For whatever it's worth, this book never interested me. Maybe it is too much focus on the trees at the risk of obscuring the forest.

    Frankly, JTR's comment makes sense to me, even if not technically 'fair.' So closely do certain things resemble each other, prove that it is not true.

  7. 30 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Of course it will be spun that the Russian event is viewed as a “witness to Jehovah”! Mark Sanderson said so!

    He spins it pretty convincingly, in my estimation.

    31 minutes ago, Witness said:


    If you stepped out of your comfort zone and read the many, many, many reports of extremism

    Surely, that is too many.

    33 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Tom, I daresay, I believe you think it is all about you.

    Why do you crush My people
    and grind the faces of the poor?”

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some poor to crush and faces to grind,

    I'm sorry, Witness. I just can't take it seriously. It's too snarky to suggest that therapy is in order but - c'mon!

  8. 1 hour ago, Ann O'Maly said:


    You also do realize that concepts about triad groupings of gods are not the same as the Trinity idea, don't you?

    Close enough. Evolutionists, revered everywhere today, would recognize the link in a heartbeat. You do recognize that, don't you?

    1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Yeah ... a great deal of Hislop was pure fantasy

    To be sure, he recanted. The Watchtower has not cited his work since, which once upon a time, could be ordered through the congregation. It's good to point out they did so, for I can imagine someone trying to insinuate that they rely on it to this day as they do the yearly text.


    1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    but are "Guardians of the Doctrine" .. ( G.O.D.)


    Just when he is partly redeeming himself, a little anyways, he makes yet another snotty crack at God's organization. He is like the media going after Trump, oblivious to all but the need to nail him.

    1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    QUACK! [edited]


  9. 51 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    So far, an estimated $80,000,000 ( EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS) in International postage seems to have nothing to show for itbcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabc

    Nonsense. At the very least, even disregarding the worldwide witness given - I mean, who else has such love for every other member that they would do such a thing? - they have 'rescued' Post Offices the world over, which are always on the brink of collapse. Thus, they make for themselves friends in high places.

    You need to be more positive, JTR. Turn that frown upside down.

  10. 1 hour ago, AveragePub said:

    Wait for it.

    We need wait no more. JWBroadcasting now reporting on increased attention worldwide as result of the ban and resulting publicity, people checking to see if jw. org is really extremist and finding it is not. Knowledge of this contribution to the worldwide ministry will fortify Russian brothers for some time to come.

    Thank you, Witness, for adding to the letter count, and thus magnifying attention. They were all sunk to the bottom of the sea anyway, most likely. But the impression of the count is overwhelming. Just ask Guinness.

  11. 37 minutes ago, bruceq said:

    Latest JW Broadcast confirms that indeed many are now becoming interested in Jehovah's Witnesses because of the lies of Christendom's Churches and the anti-cultist and the actions of the Government of Russia:


    it was all very predictable. And to think that apostates helped us, inflating the letter count with their pleas for the ban to go forward, If I wasn't mad at them, I would offer a hearty 'thank you.'

  12. 4 hours ago, ThePraeceptor said:

    Please have in mind though that you are turning yourself in an internet troll

    I myself never do despicable trolling. (not that Praeceptor is addressing this to me) I do, however sometimes conduct dignified perusal of internet resources in search of fatheads to set straight. 

    There appear to be one or more of them on this thread, but others are rising to the occasion. Me, I just go for cheap shots and ad hominem attacks.

  13. In the ICU once again with a bad ticker, Leroy Whitehouse knew this time would be his last. “Yeeeaap, I’m cashing in my chips this time. I’ve cheated death 17 times, but not this time.” One half expected him to crawl under the workbench and die, as did my cat.

    It turns out that 80-some-odd-year-old Leroy, from the Mississippi delta, knew the blues, and he would jam with the brothers less than half his age. “Heeaol, this is yur ‘ol man. I can’t come tonight. I broke my G string. What I need is another G string! I'm sayin that I need another G string!” Brothers on whose answering machines Leroy left a message never erased it.

    Like all of Jehovah’s Witnesses, he didn’t know how to stretch one. When he rode with Darin and Darin got pulled over for running a stop sign, Darin wasn’t going to take it. He knew he had stopped. He knew he was just being harassed for DWB. He took LeRoy with him to the courthouse and they put him on the stand. “Yeeeuup, he just came up to that stop sign and eeeaassed on through,” the latter said under oath. Darin didn’t say a word. He pulled out his checkbook.

  14. I should hold up my end and comment here. But the three-in-one doctrine is so obviously a crock, put to bed 100 years ago, that it is hard to work up an interest.

    When you have a situation that violates common sense, such as '3 are really 1', it is not up to the common sense person to persuade that common sense holds here as well. It is up to the loon to persuade that the loony interpretation, in this case, is the correct one. 

    Sometimes the loony version turns out to be true. Not everything is as meets the eye. But that does not change the fact that the burden of proof is on the loonytunes person, not the common sense person, to prove his case.

    And if all they can come up with is plays upon words, in a world in which literature routinely does that, that doesn't strike me as too persuasive.

  15. 30 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    I have never taken an insult from you, even IF one was intended ... I have never been offended by your continuous ad-hominid attacks instead of discussing issues.  

    All I said was that it might have been you. How can anyone argue with that?

    And I have never done any of the evil things you seem to accuse me of. Nothing but boundless joy and gushing love here.

  16. Leroy Whitehouse passed away the other night. I’ll miss that man. A tall, drawling 80-something-year-old black man from the deep south, I used to jest with him how I hoped he would one day give my funeral talk:

    “Yeeeaass, he was a good ‘ol boy, that Tom Harley, but he’d deeeaad now! D_E_A_D!”

    LeRoy would uninhibitedly offer comments to the 50/50 congregation about his younger days back home “working for the white man.” Or relate how even long term Bethelites are not perfect, illustrating it with a brother who declared “I don’t give a damn!” Taking the nervous titter in the audience for appreciation, he repackaged the line and ran it through two or three more times: “I don’t give a damn!”

    I will miss him plenty. He was a friend.

  17. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    Do crocodiles snort out fire and sparks from their nostrils? Do their eyes shine brightly? Does lightning go out of its mouth? is it like a furnace inside, so that it's very breath sends a flame that can set coals ablaze?

    They do and it does if one's about to clamp its mouth around your torso.

  18. 3 hours ago, Witness said:

    Why read the bible?  [Edited, per JTR's advice]

    'bible' should be capitalized.

    We read it because it contains God's instructions for us.

    Unfortunately, the last time I got into it with Witness, she or one of her compatriots complained and admin took the entire thread down. It possibly was not her - it may have been the woman who uses the violin picture so as to deceive people into thinking that she is sympathetic to the cause. Or maybe JTR, he was the third participant. I never found out who.

    Apparently I am expected to play nice with these guys and I just can't bring myself to do it.

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