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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. Our morons went on to build a massive infrastructure, even including an 880 language website, in order to declare the Bible's Kingdom hope to populations worldwide at minimal cost - a hope that transforms even their present life for the better. When your morons have done the same, then we can talk. So far they seem only interested in destroying, not building 

  2. 6 hours ago, The Librarian said:



    6 hours ago, The Librarian said:


    Don't cross the librarian. Surely we learned that at school

    6 hours ago, The Librarian said:

    @INTREPID TRAVELLER I will let your comment stand to make your point... however the rest of this thread should be dedicated to Fessler...

    If you and @Eoin Joyce want to discuss mentally diseased stuff please start a new thread elsewhere.

    Thank you.

    Don't cross the Librarian. Surely we learned that at school

    If fully documented reports should become available from someone who is just trying to be helpful, I won't read them, because I don't have to. I am fully willing to concede that our guys may have screwed up in a given case. Or it may be slander that someone positiively PLEADS with me to read - someone who says he is my friend. But I don't feel I need to read it, for even were it to be a clear victory for his side, it does not change the fact that our guys are our guys. It does not change the fact that our guys preside over a Bible education work - even producing a website with 880 languages - that nobody else feels they need bother with - 'to hell with the lowly ones,' they say. It does not change the fact that the JW policy on child abuse is among the strongest ones out there.


  3. I like the song video; ‘Why We Went to Bethel.”

    I like that it is all children. Adults are in the background for support. They clap, sway, play instruments. But the centerpiece is the kids. 

    If you weren’t paying attention, you might miss that it is shot in different countries, with different choirs of kids. That’s how seamless it has been produced by really capable people.

    I like the child that pops up at the end, “Thank you, Jehovah.”

    The brother who I think I would like in person will not join in the singing. He just won’t do it. But he will watch the Sergei vignettes just before, which are just as good. In fact, they are better.

  4. I like Micael's comment. it is all the better for trying to put it in a language not his. Invite children along, or even require, for there is nothing but garbage on TV at home. But they speak when they are ready. They are not shamed if they don't, nor praised overmuch if they do. Like the blonde girl in the video who left the truth for 15 years - she had felt she must be the perfect child.

    From the book 'Tom Irregardless and Me:' (the story is true)

    "I had worked in the ministry once with Willie when he was seven. At the doors, I had introduced him, same as I once had with my kids – “Hi, I’m Tom and this is my friend Willie. We’re taking turns talking and…it’s his turn.” The boy would launch into his presentation. The householder might look at me expectantly, and I’d say: “sorry, it’s his turn.” As long as he was comfortable, it remained his turn.

    Presently he had decided he did not want to be introduced - just as my kids had decided. After all, the introduction was really for my sake, not his. Show up at the door with a waist high child, and it is the child who starts speaking? The householder looks at you as if to say: “what about it, dummy - cat got your tongue?”

    “Tell you what,” I said. “Not only will I not introduce you, but you can introduce me. Or you can take every door.” And that’s how it had gone. He took every door except one or two awkward ones which I handled. When a householder would look toward me, I would apologize and explain that I was far too bashful to speak."

  5. 7 hours ago, Micael Frost said:

    Isn't it a bit disrespectful to call them "Morons" ? Try instead to feel like Jesus did for the misled people. Feel sorry for them?

    Yes, you are possibly correct. But I will call them morons anyway, for purposes of this post. In some cases, they have been around and should know better. In other cases (of simple disagreement) it is the method - blaring a loudspeaker before passing thousands who pay not the slightest attention to you. But you offer food for thought, which is good.

  6. One must keep in mind that the source material here is a site hostile to Jehovah's Witnesses. It does not mean everything they say is a lie. But it does mean their conclusions cannot be taken as impartial reporting. They are like the media pretending to be impartial while covering Trump - everyone knows they hate his guts.

    Is the abuser truly female as was the victim? Possibly that might account for some of the failure to report an incident of abuse, even the girl's own dad, persons unable to get their heads around that, or thinking that serious abuse would be male upon female. Dunno.

    In these days of litigation, anyone with any assets must maintain lawyers. Surely it cannot be a sin to consult them before deciding upon a course of action. Everyone else does, why should JWs not? But if they were somehow given wrong counsel from that team, or if they otherwise failed to comply with PA law, then there is a price to pay - it's the way things are today. In that case, the JW team seeks to negotiate a settlement, as would anyone, so that they don't have to sell every Bethel building to cover it.

    Whether they did a good job or not - how would I know?

  7. On 4/1/2016 at 0:20 AM, The Librarian said:

    Jehovahs witnesses and higher education by Gerritt Loesch

    Put yourself in the latte category if you are spiritual and you want to go to college. But in general, we try to get our specialized education a la carte, since the 4 or 6 year experience packages acknowleged gems in a dumptruck load of turds. 

    Put yourself in the latter category if you are spiritual and you want to go to college. But in general, we try to get our specialized education a la carte, since the 4 or 6 year experience packages acknowleged gems in a dumptruck load of turds. 

    Put yourself in the latte category if you like to break at Starbucks in service.

  8. A scarcity of money, time, and education is generally a major obstacle to quality Bible translation, as has been observed. But I think the organization, largely because it is organized (and dedicated, and stresses self-sacrifice) has gotten around all three of them.

    On education, when we find an expert, he trains 100 others. When the world finds an expert, he competes with other experts. If he trains them, it is at a significant fee which works, along with other factors, such as a for-profit distribution channel, to price the final product out of reach of the common people it is hoped to benefit. Our people produce a straight-forward master text in English. All the translators are schooled in translation techniques. They are all encouraged to ask questions about specific problems or verses, and when they do, the answers become part of a database accessible to all.

    Regarding 'free,' it isn't really free, since our people may get room and board. If they're in full-time service, as I think most/all of them are, they receive a small monthly stipend. It's not as though they must log their regular workday at the factory, and then translate an hour or two after dinner. 'Generous' or 'Efficient' or 'Whole-souled' are better descriptive words than free.

    Regarding time, I'm not sure that is a factor. There are no deadlines that I am aware of. They get to it when they get to it. If they find  they need more time, they are granted it.

    However, I don't want to quibble over these things. Maybe there is a better way to do it. But what is typical is the remark heard at the weekly meetings this week - the Nepalese man expressing appreciation for the NWT in his language. In English there are many readable translations, the NWT is not the only one. But nobody cares about the Nepalese because they do not have any money. Thus they are stuck with some 200 year old turkey of a translation that they can't understand, until the NWT comes along. That situation is repeated in many lands.

  9. I like how the current video vignettes are taylor-made for the persecution right now taking place in Russia, though they were first shown at the Regional Conventions worldwide and had to have been in the pipeline for at least a year prior. It is not now at the extreme depicted in the videos, but it could easily become so, and has been that way in times past. The Russian brothers are being fortified with food at the proper time. Not to mention that, if shaming does any good, the current authorities are being shamed for backing/permitting what is going on.

    How many clips are there? Five? Six? But three dealing with persecution: 1) the friends jump when there is pounding at the door, only to find it is not the police this time, 2) Sergei arrives home to find the cops have beaten up his dad, 3) Sergei gets five years in prison, which he can avoid if he renounces his faith. All themes that have played out in various places with God's people.

    The vignettes are such a great way to do conventions, by the way. It used to be talks supplemented by demonstrations. But now it is talks supplemented by sequential videos, until it dawns upon you that the videos are the main story and the talks are supplemental. There are some very talented people in the teaching department.

  10. 11 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

    "Melinda has her letters that she doesn't send. I have my books. We're all encouraged to have our say in our heart to Jehovah and leave it at that, wherever possible. Reveal stuff in the context of where it may help, and there are such times, but don't put it on the clothesline in the front yard where the whole world sees......"  ---TrueTom


    Never wrote any letters; never sent any.  

    Think Anna said she did that as a coping mechanism. Read again.

    If Melinda Mills  wanted to save me from looking like an ass before the entire forum, she would write some letters to the GB and then tear them up.

    Sorry, Melinda. It was Anna. My apologies.

  11. You know, I had a story about being towed across the Adirondack mountains driving a dead (they usually were) Opel Kadett, following by ten feet the tow vehicle with flasher lights on in the dark so that they became hypnotizing but I had no choice but to endure (or die) for 120 freezing miles because the battery was dead and I could not use my horn to signal and when I finally got to my apartment I stood on the heat grate for an hour - but your story is better. Popped out like a cork, did he?

  12. You know, I begin to think that I would like JTR in person now that I have learned he is part of a congregation. True, he is a hothead, but he is our hothead. I can work with that. Though I have a great many faults, an inability to get along with people is not one of them. Everybody likes me in the circuit. True, there are some who think I am too much 'out there,' but that does not translate into dislike. Everybody agrees that I am neither judgmental nor harsh, nor do I take offense. Everybody agrees that I do what I can to build up. (((Yeah, that's what you think, Truetom. We just don't tell you that you are a jerk!)))

    In the congregation, I think I would like JTR, for he is a straight-shooter, and that is a good thing. Like everyone else, I would run for cover when he explodes, but I would return when the coast is clear. If he has remained faithful despite ill treatment by ones in position of authority, that is a good thing and it earns my respect. Does he go in service? Possibly, maybe probably, for he does not forget his vow. I'd like to work with him. We would get along fine.

    However, if he conducts himself outrageously online, I will blast him out of the water to the full extent of my limited power. Imagine - slapping before me a cartoon specifically designed to malign God's organization - how could anyone not conclude he hates God's people, if not God himself? When the Orlando shooter is blowing them away at the gay nightclub, you don't rush in with balm for his spiritual pain. When JTR goes in service, he does not say "Good morning! I'm here to tell you what SOBs some of our elders have been." No. He starts a discussion. He shows a video. He places literature. He starts a Bible study. But when he returns he finds the householder has had a change of heart, because he has discovered JTR's words online.

    He is right when he is primarily concerned with what Jehovah (and his wife) thinks of him. He is right when he recognizes a moral obligation to tell the truth. But there is a time and a place. And abundant Bible counsel that some things ought to be covered over and, if possible, forgiven. He is wrong when he says that, since he learned the hard way over his lifetime, they can learn the hard way over their lifetime. Part of him knows he is wrong on this. If your old man treated you horribly, do you get back by treating your kids the same way? Unfortunately, some people do, and a family cycle of abuse never ends.

    As CMP pointed out, the current crop of elders benefits from ever more intensive courses on how to treat the flock. When the high-ranking brothers design these courses, they put themselves through it first, for the saying "half of those at Bethel are there to test the other half" is not lost on them. They don't just design the courses for the peons. They put themselves through it first. The poor elders of JTR's congregation don't know what to make of him, perhaps. He so plainly carries volatile anger, and they, being of a different generation and just trying to do the best they can, don't know where it comes from from

    I'm not aghast at giving away a fault. As I get older, i get to indulge some wants and I have written two books about the only thing I know - theocracy. There, I give away many faults. Especially in the second book, where one (real) character (a fellow like Diotrophes) is a "dirty rotten lowlife." Believe me when I tell you that he was. But the two books are both playful in overall tone and they have the greater context of the good guys winning. Some comments here would suggest that the good guys don't have a prayer, or even that there are no good guys.

    Maybe I don't understand this forum and don't belong here. Maybe I should retire to my own blog. All the players here were entrenched long before I came along, and maybe I don't understand how things work. Maybe this forum is more private than I imagine and not freely viewable by anyone in the whole wide world that knows how to do an internet search. Although we are advised from Jesus to forgive whenever possible, sometimes there is occasion to tell something dark and nasty. Is it here? Maybe it is, though I will still blast away at whatever seems designed to tear down until someone shows me the door. If they don't 'play fair' with Jehovah's reputation, I see no obligation to play fair with them.

    Melinda has her letters that she doesn't send. I have my books. We're all encouraged to have our say in our heart to Jehovah and leave it at that, wherever possible. Reveal stuff in the context of where it may help, and there are such times, but don't put it on the clothesline in the front yard where the whole world sees the shit on your underwear.



  13. I was away and my brother took my stamp collection! He just took it, transferring my stamps into his album. I had to take them back.
    This is the same brother that smashed out the headlights of my Volkswagen Karmann Ghia. I had just pulled into the family driveway, parking right behind our station wagon. As I pulled the car keys from the ignition, I saw the backups lights ahead come on and the wagon shot into me like a North Korean missile launch.
    This is the same Karmann Ghia that I drove in service as a pioneer and nearly froze solid because there was absolutely no heat in the car, which was typical of all VWs then. So I wondered if I could somehow rig up a kerosene heater inside. But when I tried to fire it up (outside the car) it shot out a foot-long flame. It looked as though I was sacrificing to the gods. No wonder people think we are nuts.IMG_4134
    These are the same nuts that Davey the Kid thought he might be able to help when he became a shrink. "Poor Davey," I would lament. "He always thought half of us were nuts. Now that he's a shrink, he finds that even the half he thought were sane - they're nuts, too.
    This is the same Davey the Kid whose story is told in the afterword of 'Tom Irregardless and Me.'
    This is also the same Karrmann Ghia, or one just like it, that was used as the model car for the video on creation that we all saw at the mid-week meeting.
  14. I was away and my brother took my stamp collection! He just took it, transferring my stamps into his album. I had to take them back.
    This is the same brother that smashed out the headlights of my Volkswagen Karmann Ghia. I had just pulled into the family driveway, parking right behind our station wagon. As I pulled the car keys from the ignition, I saw the backups lights ahead come on and the wagon shot into me like a North Korean missile launch.
    This is the same Karmann Ghia that I drove in service as a pioneer and nearly froze solid because there was absolutely no heat in the car, which was typical of all VWs then. So I wondered if I could somehow rig up a kerosene heater inside. But when I tried to fire it up (outside the car) it shot out a foot-long flame. It looked as though I was sacrificing to the gods. No wonder people think we are nuts.IMG_4134
    These are the same nuts that Davey the Kid thought he might be able to help when he became a shrink. "Poor Davey," I would lament. "He always thought half of us were nuts. Now that he's a shrink, he finds that even the half he thought were sane - they're nuts, too.
    This is the same Davey the Kid whose story is told in the afterword of 'Tom Irregardless and Me.'
    This is also the same Karrmann Ghia, or one just like it, that was used as the model car for the video on creation that we all saw at the mid-week meeting.
  15. It all lies in what you choose to spotlight. CMP quotes the WT article counseling human kindness towards persons, even though disfellowshipped. What you choose to spotlight says something about your motive, for in the final analysis, who else is doing the 880 languages to help the spiritually deprived ones? Nobody else gives two hoots about them? If they did, they would translate their concern into action. 

    Why go to all the considerable effort to reach the people of the 880 languages? If the GB does that, what's in it for them? Please don't say they get off on lording it over aborigines or they hope to make a buck off them.

    I can see what is in print, what CMP spotlighted. It is counsel not just to the congregation members, but also to persons who are themselves in position of leadership. It is counsel that would not be given were there not ones inclined to be unkind and unreasonable. As to anecdotal reports, if I skim over them, it is not because I am sure they are lies. On the contrary, it is because I believe them already - in outline. I also accept that there has been skewing, not necessarily with evil intent, so that they, the storyteller, looks good and others look bad, because I know how people are. Sometimes you get hints as to how great that skewing will be. If JTR conducted himself as bombastically in person as he does online, the elders were probably on him repeatedly. They might have counseled him about something quite serious and a cell phone was mentioned in passing or as an example, and he chooses to remember getting chewed out over a cell phone. 

    His comments I tend to blow off because he is so belligerent online. But others are not that way. I tend to think their stories are true in their kernel - who can say what exaggeration has occurred? - for we do have some harsh ones (necessitating the written counsel CMP quoted) and even some who are 'divorced from reality' - or is that one me? Hopefully these ones who have experienced or witnessed real injustice will return to the fold (if they ever left) where they can be a good influence, rather than grumbling on the outside, where they cannot. Of course, if they accomplish something on the outside, if they even translate into 500 languages, then I will join them. But if they do nothing but grouse about the past, where I have no way of knowing what details are true, false, skewed or hidden, then it's fair to say they don't accomplish any good.

    Congregations of Revelation chapters veritable 2 and 3 were basket cases, some of them, but that does not change the fact that they were congregations. I usually wash my soiled underwear thoroughly before I put it on the line for all to see. However, there are others who can't wait to put theirs out there. i think it tells to their motive. 

    Someone said somewhere that it is impossible to tell online who is an apostate. I think it's the most obvious thing in the world. Some come in with cannons and they are obvious from their first word. Others come in more slyly, and they may simply be indiscreet brothers - their identities take a few posts to become apparent.


  16. When a full-of-himself instructor does not get his point across adequately the first time, he DEMANDS his students go back and reread his tirade. He assumes that right. He doesn't seem to realize he must merit it.

    On 2/21/2017 at 10:23 AM, Anna said:

    A few of us "know" JTR quite well, (of course only as well as is possible on here :D). You will learn that it is necessary to take most things he says with a large dose of salt and not let it upset you. After all he too is entitled to his opinion. Good thing with on here is you can chose which comments to ignore and which to address. JTR's comments are good training ground for discernment and patience and really learning to listen. At first his comments really raised my blood pressure, like they apparently raise yours. But now I am as calm as a Hindu cow :D. As for his motives, well, that's something only he truly knows....but if you ask him, he might divulge.....

    No. He possibly is not an apostate but he so closely resembles one that it is impossible to tell the difference.As for "if you ask him, he might divulge," I could tell you I have a summer home on Jupiter. How would you know otherwise?

  17. When you choose to answer JTR's ravings, which is not necessarily a wise thing to do, do not strive primarily to answer his question or comment. Strive to answer his motive.

    And yet, even at this late date it is not too late for him to straighten out and fly right, for I am not his enemy. Well – I guess I am so long as he carries on the way he does, saying slanderous things one moment and then trying to ingratiate himself the next with a thoroughly innocuous remark. You don’t pay attention to the latter. The former indicates he is a skunk. But maybe he will turn around. Unlikely, but not impossible.

    If he turned around, I would not believe it online, but I don’t have to believe it. Like any of Jehovah’s Witnesses, there is a congregation somewhere of real flesh and blood people who will know him better than any online community will. They are all liars on the internet. Everyone here is a liar, as am I. You extend them trust only very slowly, and that trust can be withdrawn in a heartbeat.

    The internet is not the congregation. There is no network of live friends in which to gauge new participants. There are no elders. There is no channel for dispensing spiritual food. For the most part, spiritual food discussed here is stale or recalled spiritual food. So if you’re going to sidestep the organization’s advice to hang out just with whom you personally know – which I do sidestep it – at a bare minimum you must assume from the outset that everyone else is a liar. That drop-dead gorgeous woman that so urgently wants to friend me? How do I know it is her? It could be Russia, it could be China, it could be some 400 pound guy in New Jersey.

    But if he stomped off in a huff once, probably he had reason. I don’t want to hear what it is, for I am just another liar. There are real flesh and blood people somewhere he talk to. He can even fool them to a degree, but it is much more difficult than it is online.

    I am not blind to the faults of God’s visible organization. It has caused me trouble at times. I focus on the good points of the organization, for it is the only game in town. It’s accomplishments in carrying out God’s will are unsurpassed. Congregations in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 were basket cases, some of them, but that does not mean they were not congregations. It is necessary to allow oneself to be readjusted, which is not easy to do.

  18. JTR demands we do our homework before presuming upon his time with our uninformed reply, even underlining his demand. Clearly the man revels in the role of teacher. He does, however, not do any homework himself. Why bother, when he is right? Twice he has been asked to comment on the organization's own video that goes far in answering points he has raised. Twice he has ignored that request.

    Let us concede, for purposes of argument (we can always take it back) that the NWT translations would benefit from more time, money, and education. There are many persons outside our organization who have these. JTR has the qualities in spades. Why has he not stepped up to the plate instead of bitching at those who have?  Is there not such a thing as pro bono work? When the brilliant lawyer offers to take your case pro bono, do you turn him down on that account?

    By their absence of anything other than perhaps 30 translations, other organizations show that they don't give a hoot about persons speaking the other 850. There's no excuse for them not to do the other 850. But if they ever get around to it, the selfish education-for-pay model in which they operate would price those translations out of the reach of the persons they are supposedly for. Why does not JTR rail about his own people not attempting the 850? He rails about everything else. One can only conclude that he loves it the way it is, and could care less about the lowly ones our organization works so diligently to serve. 

    The other day my house burned to the ground, destroying a lifetime of possessions. The volunteer firemen arrived within minutes of the fire, but I waved them away. How could their free efforts do any good? How could they possibly be as highly trained as their paid brethren? Eventually, the highly specialized and properly trained paid firemen got there and expertly put out the flames that the volunteers probably would have done in the wrong way. I managed to salvage a kitchen chair, on which I am sitting to write this reply.

  19. 2 hours ago, ComfortMyPeople said:
    2 hours ago, ComfortMyPeople said:

    Your quote is impressive. Mainly as one sees the source and what happened to these persons. And I would wish than my people soon no longer resembles similar to this organizations.

    The problem, JTR Jw, is that there is Biblical basis to disfellowshipping, but (is my opinion) not the way we’re applying it. And our procedures could be seen as tyranny, as you’ve said.

    Do you know how was also a tyrant? David, when abused of his power to steal the wife of one of his soldiers and later to kill him. But there we were, you and me, obeying the orders of this tyrant because he was the “Governing Body” of those days. Later Jehovah punished him. May be some day Jehovah will punish us for our collective sins? Who knows

    Also, wasn’t also David a tyrant when forced to his generals to take a census, against the opinion of them and, obviously, against the point of view of Jehovah? But there we were, you and me, listing people. Later Jehovah punished him. May be some day Jehovah will punish us for our collective sins? Who knows

    And Peter, wasn’t a tyrant when, abusing of his power in the congregation obliged to humble and happy brothers to stop their friendship for an issue of race? But there we were, you and me, preaching to neighbors and trying they came to the same meetings where this (tyrant) Peter gave talks. Later, Jehovah (through Paul) punished him. May be some day Jehovah will punish us for our collective sins? Who knows

    I could add some more examples you already know. But the point is… just a moment, I’ve just remembered another blatant example of tyranny. Only one more, please.

    • ·        (3Jo 9, 10) “I wrote something to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who likes to have the first place among them, does not accept anything from us with respect. That is why if I come, I will call attention to the works he is doing in spreading malicious talk about us. Not being content with this, he refuses to welcome the brothers with respect; and those who want to welcome them, he tries to hinder and to throw out of the congregation”.

    What was the position of Diotrephes in the congregation? The “coordinator” we would say today. A person with the capacity to expel other from the congregation. And what a tyranny! If others don’t share his opinion about John, out from the congregation! The point is, how to react to tyranny inside the congregation? What was the apostle advice? Fight against this injustice? Trying to gain adepts to his (legitimate) cause? Divide the congregation against this proud man? Well, we can read IMPLICITYLY “do nothing. Wait, perhaps one day could I come. In the meantime do your best, preach, strengthen others”. And you and I know what happened. John probably never went to this congregation, by his advanced age. When would Jehovah correct this tyranny? In the New World.

    So, dear James Thomas Rook Jr. I feel you’re a little bit as myself. We both feel like boiling blood. And we both sincerely believed to be right on this. I only encourage you to wait in Jehovah. Be sure, at his proper time he will correct the injustice… even the injustice inside His people. He always has done so.

    If JTR is a little bit as yourself, the operative words are 'a little.' Don't assume that everyone here will respond to encouragement to 'wait on Jehovah.' Some left him behind long ago.

    Yes, they do like rules here, same as everywhere. It is how people are. It is unavoidable It is not unavoidable to JTR because he thinks our organization ought to be modeled on the Declaration of Independence as much, or more so , than the Bible. But it is unavoidable to people who have been trained with Bible education. 

    The GB does not intentionally issue rules. They do not claim to be 'masters of your faith.' (2 Corinthians 1:24) They do, however, claim to be molders of your faith, supplying abundant counsel to train our consciences and thinking ability. Do they make mistakes? Probably. They follow the same pattern as the first century governing ones who also made mistakes. But it is not for me (who has neither the complete picture, nor the assignment) to tell them what those mistakes are. (as if I knew)

    With regard to rules, it sometimes comes down to the 'white shirt' situation, in print somewhere. A certain congregation kept a collection of white shirts available, lest a visiting speaker show up with a colored one. One such speaker donned his 'required' white shirt, but then wrote Bethel about it. 'It would be nice if you brothers would grow up,' Bethel told that body of elders.

    It is an imperfect organization and everyone must take it on the chin from time to time. Sometimes the loss of privileges is taking it on the chin. There are ones who refuse to do that because they are RIGHT!!  - R - I - G - H - T!!!   These ones head off in their own direction, though they do not necessarily leave this forum. 

    CMP struggles valiantly to discuss weighty matters in a language not his, and his remarks are all the more eloquent for it. The few times he errs in grammar, it is testimony to his humility, for a proud person will never take the risk that his RIGHTNESS may be obscured through grammatical mistakes.


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