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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. Will the day come, or has it already arrived, when the number of lives saved through bloodless medicine will exceed those lost by fearless members of a relatively tiny religion who refused to compromise in matters relating to God's law?
  2. If a person passes through a meat grinder and thereafter declines a transfusion, media will report fanatical opposition to a life-saving (is there any other kind?) blood transfusion as the cause of death.
  3. The thousands of highly specialized and talented people you keep referring to are all outside, where their combined efforts don't amount to squat because they don't know how to cooperate. Cooperation, love, humility, coupled with reasonable intelligence, will trump your qualities every time. Remember: the organization has 8,000,000 people to draw on. Just because they don't strut around and boast of their talent and highly specialized knowledge doesn't mean they don't exist. When the organization needs someone with truly stellar ability, they just reach into the ranks and get one. Or train one. Our people are generous with their knowledge. They don't hoard it. Peruse JWBroadcasting and you will learn of schools to circumvent the translation problems you speak of. You will find it if you search. Frankly, given the JW track record and accomplishments, outside translators should come to us for pointers, not the reverse. Where did they get the THOUSANDS of highly specialized and talented people to do all this?
  4. We're all a bunch of screwballs but somehow Jehovah makes it all work. Or, as someone said, 'it's amazing what Jehovah does with what he's got to work with. But Melinda Mills is not a screwball because she could have taken offense when I chose a wrong word and did not.
  5. From Tom Irregardless and Me: “the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses, is the most widely translated website on earth today. This should not be surprising. If you are serious about proclaiming ‘this good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth,’ (Matthew 24:14) then naturally, you will have such a site. I’m critical of those who don’t; when your car needs repair, do you take it to the shop that has equipped itself with every modern tool? Or do you go to the shop content to operate with hammer, vice grips, WD-40, and duct tape? The extent of jw.org’s translating is amazing - it includes more than 800 languages.” I’m dumbfounded when I see brothers unduly concerned over topics like ‘spirit directed’ or ‘Jehovah’s modern-day prophet.’ If they harp on it, I question their motive. The now-880 or so languages means nothing? How many does the next religious organization have – maybe 12? Isn’t it like comparing the modern auto shop with the one that relies on duct tape? Shouldn’t anyone serious about carrying out Christ’s commission to preach be so well-equipped? Aren’t they inept at best and frauds at worst if they have not equipped themselves in such a way? Why would anyone want to be a fly on the wall in the inner rooms of Bethel? Who cares? It’s their business and they apparently have a lot to show for the work they do. It is Western media that drives the destructive meme that there should be no confidential talk – that it’s our business to look over the shoulders of all in government – that persons should ‘take responsibility’ or be ‘held accountable’ every time they fart. I’ll focus on the 880 languages and the one organization that has so obviously succeeded in carrying out Christ’s words. ***************** Tom Irregardless and Me
  6. Hmmm. 'Setting his mind on the flesh.' You could be on to something. He does have a lot of it.
  7. The E-book ‘No Fake News But Plenty of Hogwash’ is now out and ready for download. As with Tom Irregardless and Me, it is 30% Free Preview – then we’ll talk. In the same vein as Tom Irregardless and Me. As zany. As thought-provoking. More personal. Released at the halftime show of the 2017 Super Bowl by Lady Gaga while you were up getting pretzels. We worked on it for months – her people and mine. Top stories of 2016 with unique commentary on selected items. If ever there will be an auto-biography, this is it. Personal accounts are woven throughout a hilarious narrative of the top stories of 2016. The book is a forward followed by an expansion of certain items into chapters of their own. Longer anecdotes and more personal material. A few delicious rants but not a single harangue. (Alas, no pictures) Foreward – Adieu Adieu Fine Stories of 2016 – We’ll Never Forget You Chapter 31 – Santa Claus Chapter 1 - Choosing Chapter 26 – Wegmans Chapter 9 - Bill Belichick Chapter 14 – Celeste Chapter 25 – The Shooting Channel Chapter 3 - The Surly Bear Chapter 7 - Mark Twain Chapter 24 – Trolls Chapter 12 – Dirty Rotten Lowlifes Chapter 20 – Randy Newman Chapter 29 – Piltdown Man Chapter 30 – Denyers and Evolootionists Chapter 10 – Tom, You Know all These Answers Chapter 13 – Charlie www.smashwords.com Search: Tom Harley or enter as URL: bit.ly/2kjaTjv
  8. For 'Witness:' It's a fair comment. And you're probably right. But you mustn't impute ill motives. If anything, it is a compliment to blacks, who seem to me, at least in these parts, to more likely be warm and friendly than are their white counterparts
  9. Okay, okay, it's laughs for some of you guys and I can laugh as well as anyone. But there is a serious side. My study with Santa Claus is so 'yesterday's news' if this doesn't resolve in a certain way.
  10. According to today’s (2/12/2017) Watchtower study, "trying different types of wine, decorating the home, finding new clothing styles, making investments, planning vacation trips, and the like" are works of the flesh. They are not wrong in themselves. Some are even necessary to a degree, but "setting the mind on the flesh means death." (Romans 8:6) They are like kids in the car – fine to have along as passengers. They belong. You have to turn around and yell at them once in a while, but that’s unavoidable – an accepted cost of having them along. They are just fine as passengers. But you don’t put them in the driver’s seat, for they will run you into a tree or off a precipice every time. *************** Tom Irregardless and Me No Fake News But Plenty of Hogwash
  11. Thank you for this. I posted the following on FB two days ago: The E-book 'No Fake News But Plenty of Hogwash' is up but I recommend no one download it just yet. Anyone who already did has the Collectors Edition with Bloopers. Having purchased it once, or redeeming a free coupon, they are able to download fresh copies indefinitely. Invariably there is more involved in editing than I foresee. This was true of Tom Irregardless and Me. I thought the present book would be a cake-walk, for I had side-stepped the traps that I plowed into headlong with the first book. But there was still a lot. I rushed it some, trying to meet self-imposed release dates of Groundhog Day and later Super Bowl Sunday (we must not keep Lady Gaga waiting) I'm not adding anything to No Fake News. But much of the writing is too clumsy. There are few paragraphs I don't tweek, and in a few cases, overhaul. The revised book - I will announce it when ready - will also have pictures. It will be in the same vein as Tom Irregardless and Me - just as zany, just as biting to non-Theocratic targets, but more personal. If ever there is to be an auto-biography, this is it. Sorry. I didn't think anyone knew of the book other than on FB. My bad. Download again in a week or so and it should be smooth. Tom
  12. Futzing along at a meeting, paying rapt attention as always, a tab descends from the top of my iPad and withdraws. 'Georgie likes your photo.' Amused, I slowly turn around. The lad is sitting three rows behind me in the center section. It's not so different from the old days, when John Dean would peruse Mad Magazine, disguised as a Watchtower magazine. Photo: Per Olof ForsbergTom Irregardless and Me No Fake News But Plenty of Hogwash
  13. In the midst of Sunday’s study article on how we might batten down the hatches yet further on wrong conduct, was this frank statement: ‘We will not be able to do that perfectly.’ No. We will not. Too many beat themselves up trying to do things perfectly. They ought not. Dust yourself off and jump back in the fray anew. Also from that same study article, considered February 5: ‘For instance, a man tells his boss or fellow workers that he cannot be at work the next day or that he must leave early because he has a “medical” appointment. In fact, his “medical” appointment is merely a brief stop at a pharmacy or a quick visit to the doctor’s office to pay a bill. His real reason for not being at work is so that he can get a head start on a trip or so that he can take his family to the beach. There may have been a grain of truth in his mentioning a “medical” appointment, but would you say that he was being honest? Or was he being deceptive?’ The friends were intrigued over this point and many discussed it at the special Bible study meetings held at individual homes that night. Some were distracted, however, by a football game playing in the background. Photo: Vic Tom Irregardless and Me *** No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash
  14. From yesterday’s study article:

    ‘For instance, a man tells his boss or fellow workers that he cannot be at work the next day or that he must leave early because he has a “medical” appointment. In fact, his “medical” appointment is merely a brief stop at a pharmacy or a quick visit to the doctor’s office to pay a bill. His real reason for not being at work is so that he can get a head start on a trip or so that he can take his family to the beach. There may have been a grain of truth in his mentioning a “medical” appointment, but would you say that he was being honest? Or was he being deceptive?’

    The friends were intrigued over this point and many discussed it at the special Bible study meetings held at individual homes last night.

    Photo: Vic

  15. 35! 17! 82! Hut! Hut! Groundhog takes the snap and fades back. Looking for a receiver open. Center is covered. Tight end is a no-go. Groundhog getting good coverage so far. He looks downfield. He's trying to find a receiver for his new E-book 'No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash.' About to throw - no. That wide center is covered. He looks some more. WHOA! What a hit! There's E-books and rat fur everywhere! Charlie, it's not very often you see a hit like that! That's right, Sudsy - that was vicious. They pretty much dug a new hole for the smelly rodent. It will be a while before they pick up those E-books. There will be no release just yet. .............. Tom Irregardless and Me. 30% free preview. After that, we'll talk - your people and mine.
  16. On Groundhog Day the Great Hog attempts to fulfill any contractual obligations before emerging from is hole. He usually has a gig or two lined up and he has cashed in on his reputation by selling Hyundais, mattresses, and time-shares. This year was to be his greatest for he had inked a deal with the famous JW author Tom Harley for a coordinated GH day release of his second E-book 'No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash. He rushed inside his lair, toward the opening, carrying a stack of dozens. However, it had rained the night before, the roof collapsed and all copies of Tom' wonderful book are muddy messes that must be hosed off. What an idiot Tom Harley is! Why can't he release an e-book like everyone else on the planet? He thoroughly tried everyone's patience with his Tom Irregardless and Me. He's very quickly wearing thin. Give it a day or two and the new book will be out.
  17. HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!!! If the rat can see his shadow when he emerges from his lair, (he's having coffee, now, and he sometimes enjoys 60+ cups) he releases his promised e-book 'No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash.' If he doesn't see it, he tries to pawn off his old book, which everybody is getting pretty sick of by now, 'Tom Irregardless and Me. bit.ly/2hjSMHE It's too soon to tell. The day is cloudy, not a fair test.
  18. I know it is probably my bad, but I don't care about these things. What's the present understanding? I'll spin it that way out of loyalty. Should the understanding change someday, I'll spin it the new way. It doesn't affect my basic relationship with Jehovah or his Son. I don't recommend that attitude, or hold it out as some example. But I just can't get too worked up over such things. They are 'cool' but not essential.
  19. On Groundhog Days Eve around the world, the Great Hog appears to little children everywhere, bringing them much joy and leaving chocolate cookies. Or are they turds? I just sweep them up without looking. Sometimes he picks up tics and lice beforehand, and he is responsible for major outbreaks among children. He visits while dogs are asleep, just like he visits tiny children while they are asleep, though not for the same reason. Even so, he must be very careful. Last year, my German Shepherd was up for a midnight snack when he came and tore the little thing to shreds. This year he has a new gig. Somehow Tom Harley has talked him into promoting his new book 'Tom Irregardless and Me' He's getting desperate. I mean, the book's really not very good. One person even said it's 'a bit preachy!!!'' But Smashwords.com has a few great reviews of it, so it must be just different tastes. He is an academic, used to academic ways, and the book makes no pretense of being written that way. But it has garnered several fine reviews at Smashwords.com and they're not boiler-plate crap, either. They're obviously written by people who think.
  20. "Most of the field service presentations she learned growing up will not work in their new territory, Brittany told me. They are considered rude. You can’t just launch into what you’ve come to talk about. First you must inquire about their family, and tell about yours. You have to tell about your children, for family is very important. When she tells them she doesn’t have children, they are concerned. Of course, part of hospitality is to find out why. They smile. ‘You married late in life;’ that is the reason. When they find that it is not, they realize you are on your second marriage. When that conclusion, too, proves false, they are very saddened: you lost your children in some tragic accident. Then they grow very still when you tell them you did not. They have finally discerned the true reason, but it is almost too delicate to bring up, though they do anyway - something is wrong with your equipment. Brittany’s student has drawn her a chart to help her understand how many children she should have at her age." From chapter 18 of Tom Irregardless and Me. 30% Free Preview
  21. My daughter and son-in-law were in Thailand recently, having first visited Myanmar. #KarenGroup
  22. Ted Putsch remarked that we really ought to be going. He’d been saying this off and on, but I didn’t want to leave Mr. Strawman in the lurch. I overlooked Ted’s impatience because I knew he was concerned about the car group waiting in the driveway. After all, as teacher, I had taught him to be considerate. As he was making to leave, Bernard Strawman asked: “Tell me, because I really want to understand. Why do you want to think that everything is getting worse? What does that view do for you?” “It helps me to explain why the doomsday clock says five minutes to midnight and not ten-thirty AM!” he said. “I’ll be in the car, Tom,” and he left! Ted Putsch can be so rude. I’ll have to help him overcome that. I hope he didn’t stumble Mr. Strawman. .......................From 'Tom Irregardless and Me'  30% free download
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