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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. Today he tweeted this: “Not in the mood for anything today. Except maybe another cup of coffee.”
  2. Just as we recently selected a portion of verse for our yeartext, so did apostates. For the upcoming year it is the same as last year and the year prior, from Proverbs 5:12 “How I hated discipline How my heart despised reproof!” With no upside other than throwing over the traces of anyone who would take the lead, how can it be any other?
  3. Did the CBS reporter really wonder why some might risk their jobs since the data shows unmistakably that shots are “safe for most people?” Better not assign him to a story on Russian Roulette.
  4. I think what you’re looking for is a Rambo religion where members blow away all opposition with firearms until at the very end they are overpowered David Koresh style. Instead you’re stuck in a religion where the pattern is pretty much the opposite. They take it on the chin and suffer persecution, being hated by the world, until the Lord overturns all at the last day.
  5. It’s Russia. Are they even available? If it was the US, doubtless you could find a public record of it somewhere. But this is Russia. Why don’t you write and ask them? I’ve never heard anyone but you express any desire to see them. The brothers are found guilty. I think to the person, they proclaim their innocence to the end. What more is there to know? Do you think they actually do terrorize like ISIS? Typical is this latest statement upon conviction of some as related by the Moscow Times: “Jehovah's Witnesses are peaceful, politically neutral people,” said Valery Rogozin, 59, in his last words in court. “We learned from the Bible that only God can deal with all of humanity's problems.” Other defendants echoed his statement, with Melnik, 49, saying “I have tried to do good, to show love and justice, to take care of people” and Peresunko, 43, noting “I am being judged because I learned the truth that is in the Bible and discussed it with my friends.” “The whole world says that Jehovah's Witnesses cannot be extremists, that they are pacifists, that they do not take up arms and never speak against the state, they do not interfere in politics,” said Yegozarian, 56. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/09/24/russia-sentences-4-jehovahs-witnesses-to-long-jail-terms-a75133 If our organization didn’t publish the complete transcript, neither did the Moscow Times. I’m not sure why you think it so incredibly important to see the transcript. Do you think you will catch and shame the Russian prosecution in some lies? Do you think you will catch and shame the brothers in some lies? I really don’t know where you are coming from. But you could write and ask. Meanwhile the closest you may be able to get to seeing a transcript might be in the book I Don’t Know Why We Persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses: Searching for the Why, written by (blush) me. Within are complete tweet summaries from Chivchalov at 5 minute intervals of the trial to ban the organization, the trial to ban the New World Translation, and the trial to confiscate the branch buildings.
  6. “Now as he was traveling and getting near Moscow, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him, illuminating 48 million letters, most of which he had already read but had not taken seriously. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him: ‘Vladimir, Vladimir, why are you persecuting me?;” No, it doesn’t seem very likely. But then, it didn’t seem likely with Paul either. You never know. In the meantime, a massive worldwide witness is given, the brotherhood is galvanized anew into unity, and the Russian brothers in particular are fortified knowing that every Witness in the world gave testimony to the injustice they face. “And you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations.” (Matthew 10:18 The witness Jesus speaks of does not result in those Christians escaping persecution. Subsequent verses (21-22) pretty much guarantee they will not: “Further, brother will hand brother over to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and will have them put to death. And you will be hated by all people on account of my name, but the one who has endured to the end will be saved.” It’s always worth a shot to try to avert injustice in any given place, but the Bible makes clear persecution of those representing God’s kingdom will be a given. The important thing, if it is to happen and the scriptures say it will, is that it be publicized far and wide, in order to reach hearts, so that Paul may say, “For a fact, the king to whom I am speaking so freely well knows about these things; I am convinced that not one of these things escapes his notice, for none of this has been done in a corner. Do you, King A·gripʹpa, believe the Prophets? I know that you believe.” “A·gripʹpa said to Paul: “In a short time you would persuade me to become a Christian.” Paul himself in his answer acknowledges persecution as a given. It’s part of the package: “At this Paul said: “I wish to God that whether in a short time or in a long time, not only you but also all those who hear me today would become men such as I am, with the exception of these prison bonds.” (Acts 26:26-29) Why are you so hostile to this work? A massive witness was given the world over. Christians in this system of things will never win the battle of might. It is the battle over hearts that is being waged, and the more publicity unjust persecution receives, the better.
  7. Do you think Ecclesiastes 11:6: ”Sow your seed in the morning and do not let your hand rest until the evening; for you do not know which will have success,” should be changed to read ‘patiently sit on your hands until you do know?’
  8. Expressed sentiment is alway better than unexpressed sentiment. Why would you be so contemptuous of a project that so emphasized solidarity to our Russian brothers, with every Witness in the world weighing in?
  9. It doesn’t. There was no politically motivated one. There were letters written by persons to persons, not ‘to whom it may concerns.’ If the heart is not reached, still a witness is given, not merely to them, but to anyone privy to the chain anywhere in the world, even the postmaster in Ghana or the media outlet there that comes to hear of it. Do you think participation in this would have increased as a consequence of participating in the greater letter-writing program?
  10. We’ve had several reports of imprisoned brothers being deluged with letters. In prison, probably you will concede that such a letter is welcome. Was one of them yours telling how stupid was the Christian organization to galvanize the brotherhood as to their plight?
  11. You do not know this. nor this. In fact, Putin’s words ‘I don’t understand why Jehovah’s Witnesses are persecuted” since “they’re Christians, too” implies that he did read one or two of them. Obviously someone opened them, if only to separate them from other mail coming to those addresses. Hard to think that at least word of them would not reach the intended persons.
  12. What is this use of the aggregate? Did you pay it all yourself? Or was it the broken down expenditures of many millions of people? I happen to know that you have spent $200,000 on Cocoa Puffs for breakfast. What a shocking sum! But since it was one bowl at a time, a small amount per day, I’ll let it slide.
  13. “I’m waiting to see that Jehovah’s Witnesses have paid their light bill so I can accuse them of trusting in man for power, not God, the way I do.”
  14. “Yes Lord, but really, the little dogs do eat the crumbs falling from the master’s table. And they will eat chicken gizzards and steak grizzle, too. They’re fond of liver, hamburger, and hot dogs. Really, pretty much anything edible will do. And don’t get me going on what happens if the master leaves the table for a moment, perhaps to go to the bathroom.” …….”The Bible HD (HoundDog) Version”
  15. Not only that, but the Librarian (that old hen) is illiterate.
  16. Sorry. Good point, no doubt, but I’m not tech-savvy enough to know what RTFM is.
  17. Well, we don’t have that evil false prophet Barry EveOfDestruction McGuire to deceive us anymore. That’s a plus. Much easier to call with him out of the way.
  18. Maybe not “bloviating” but neither is it communicating to simply cite many scriptures, taking for granted they prove your own holiness, oblivious that the only person who draws that conclusion is yourself.
  19. Many things are improving in these last days. Not everything is getting worse. People have to clean up after their dogs, for instance.
  20. Like @xerodid a few weeks ago, you’ve paid up with yearly membership fee with this one. When did Sergeant Shultz become the model for today’s Christian?
  21. Not unlike when I staffed at a help desk for a time offering DSL support. One caller’s service had been inoperative from right out of the box. It had never worked. He wasn’t happy. Rubbing salt in the wound, just outside his city apartment window was a company billboard featuring a customer smiling broadly over his lightning-fast connection speed.
  22. They were mountains in my back yard. I was always tripping over them, I had to weed whack around the base, the local teenagers would congregate on the dark side to smoke pot, and they were a general eyesore. I prayed and prayed that they be moved. I don’t care where you put them, I said, I just want them gone. Next day I looked out the window and they were nowhere to be seen.
  23. These are things I know nothing about. I wouldn’t even be able to list a gnostic faith if asked. What Mediterranean rooted faith are we referring to? Christianity? That’s what I’m talkin about. How anyone can swallow that stuff I’ll never know.
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