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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. Here’s another one: “After this I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding tight onto Cesar, that he might not blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, “I know it’s hard boys, but try to impress upon him that when the time comes for a hard-hitting judgment message, he will be our go-to guy!”
  2. Now, THAT is a trinity I can get my head around! I respect that and do much the same. For example, just today I put it that “God,” not “Jehovah,” is not expected to send his servant Dirty Harry to unruly ones with the admonishment: “Ya feeling lucky today, punk?” I will agree he is capable of it. It is a shame he can control neither his temper nor his tongue.
  3. I obviously am, being included in your comments all the time. If you didn’t do that, my attention would probably wander elsewhere, but you keep dragging it back here. You’re not really much of a people person, are you?
  4. I would never brown beat people. It’s not what I do. It even sounds somehow racist, which will not fly in today’s atmosphere. How would you know? Actually, I pray each night that I may be repudiated by someone ill-mannered. I think most people do. I mean, how many expect God to send his servant Dirty Harry to address the unruly with, “Ya feeling lucky today, punk?”
  5. CC. Should the Librarian (that old hen) toss him out on his ear once again, I suggest his reincarnation should be “Buffalo Springfield.” It fits well with his motto: “Step out of line, the man comes and takes you away.”
  6. You know, I never noticed that. Though I suppose he would account for it by saying he would never utter the Name before such swine. This is too much, CC crying over the fate of Allen, just as 4Jah cries over the fate of JB. In either case, it is like the women weeping over Tammuz. Everyone else was glad to see both of them go, for they both conducted themselves outrageously. Too bad they were both replaced by another who knows and repeats all their lines syllable by syllable.
  7. Come come, I don’t buy it. This is the bluster and abuse of Alan. Never have I heard a brother refer to God as “the man upstairs” though the expression is common elsewhere. Seldom if ever have I seen a “brother” so abusive, so ready to jettison everything Christ advised whether addressing friend or foe. Even foes he tried to reach, spinning the older son of the Prodigal parable as the one who had been faithful, for example. Let’s bring in a few, and hope they don’t mind. Have any of you @JW Insider, @Anna, @The Librarian, @Thinking, @xero,@Outta Here@Arauna(who used be approved by CC, then she “corrected” him, making herself a Jezebel.) Anyone, even the villains, feel free to chime in. Has anyone ever heard a brother call Jehovah “the man upstairs?” Can he really be a Witness, as he would have everyone believe?
  8. Oh, great! So any JW who chimes in on this you will later play the “holy” card on, that you are too spiritually minded to know “things of the world!” though they plainly have no such scruples. Well, I’m not falling for it. I don’t even know what Covid 19 is. I do nothing but think about God.
  9. While the expression “the man upstairs” is very common, I have never heard one of Jehovah’s Witnesses use it, I think because they would assess it as overly familiar and disrespectful of God. So is CC a Witness or not? Alas, I fear I will never figure it out. One man in a million of Jehovah’s Witnesses might use the phrase. That means there could be as many as eight CCs out there.
  10. It is my very first AKA. Not Tom Irregardless, but “Me” https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/686882
  11. Sigh...I’m afraid our boy is not really happy unless he is fighting. He reminds me of a certain old-timer, long since (thankfully) dead, who in the ministry would bypass area after area of common ground to find one of contention, then he would bang away at that one area until the householder slammed the door on him. Nobody wanted to work with him. Who knows where that disposition came from?
  12. I do not always get out of bed on the same side. Sometimes i am grouchy, particularly if the dog woke me up wanting a treat at 4AM.
  13. Sure. Maybe God will prove to be a soft touch. He sure did with Nineveh. All you had to do is not know your left hand from your right and there are many here that meet those qualifications. Plus, there are some who are dumber than domestic animals, fulfilling the second portion of the verse. Still, I see no reason to take any chances and not hang out in the place of known safety.
  14. It is all on the GIGO principle. Certainly not everything Bible based is a masterpiece, nor is everything of the overall world garbage, but using the former as a base from which to build around works much better than using the latter—which is apt to produce “educated fools.” The speaker today kept returning to his opening illustration of baking bread. You can’t mess with the proportions. The bread is the food. In his illustration, the cake pan is the organization that presents the bread in edible, palatable, and digestible form. The “kneading the bread,” without which it will not rise, he liked to Christian activity.
  15. This is not true of Rambler owners, for whom life is a 24/7 love-in. Such dreamy conduct you never saw.
  16. The trend today is to make poor decisions and then blame them on someone else, saying that they controlled you. Whether they did or not is very much in the eye of the beholder. Time was when people took responsibility for their own actions. If your parents made a poor decision, you have come to blame someone else for it. You have not stated whether they did or not. I like how Mark Sanderson spoke of Hebrews 2:15, that “through [Jesus’] death [God] might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil, and that he might set free all those who were held in slavery all their lives by their fear of death.” He told of the Nuremberg trials immediately following WWII where Nazis were asked, “How could you have done these despicable things?” Their answer: “We had no choice. If we didn’t do we were told, they would have killed us.” These people could be manipulated, they could be controlled, they could be made to do the most horrible things because of their fear of death, Sanderson said, but accurate Bible knowledge frees them from such slavery. That’s the kind of “control” and “manipulation” that truly is more than just in the eye of the beholder: https://www.tomsheepandgoats.com/2020/02/if-youre-going-to-bewail-manipulation-bewail-it-where-it-counts.html
  17. People gyrate, sway, and pivot like this whether their heading for the gallows or at Home Depot buying parts for the toilet. I can’t put my finger on it but its a sure sign of the last days.
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