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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. Isn’t anything sold for that reason? Yes. Make it illegal to volunteer for anything. Those volunteer ambulance departments? Make them illegal. Tell no one to budge unless someone puts a check in their hand. Oh, very well, you idiot. Go buy your house for full price—even over price. Write letters to the editor to voice your outrage at those who buy fixer-uppers.
  2. Recent discoveries in the dry desert have included the following lost verse: “If anyone says to you, ‘buy high and sell low’ tell him to take a hike.” It so happens that the “thing of the world” under discussion is the building that they meet in. Prove your own disgust for “things of the world.” Burn your house down, and take up residency on the edge of town without that impediment to piety.
  3. You’re just upset because you practice “Buy high, sell low” and they don’t. There was a certain amount of protest from the malcontents of the time about building ornate palaces. The brothers weren’t having any of it. They weren’t building anything, they pointed out—they were restoring what was already there. In so doing, they brought an architectural jewel brought to life and received considerable praise from the local community. It had fallen into neglect and disrepair. A few more years and the wrecking ball would have claimed it. ‘Don’t witness to any visitors,’ the tour guides were told. ‘Let the building be the witness.’ They acquired a fine meeting place for a song and a bit of elbow grease. The brothers were happy. The community was happy. Everyone was happy except you and Witness.
  4. I find solace that Charlie Watts, the drummer for The Rolling Stones, is a pretty normal family guy who lays low when the others would carry on with women, partying and drugs. Once upon a drunken time, Mick Jagger pounded on his hotel door at 2 AM, demanding to know: “Where’s my drummer?!” Charlie punched him in the nose. “Don’t you ever call me your drummer!” he said. “You’re my singer!”
  5. Yes. And always always always the point of attack for rebels will be the divine/human interface. It was true with Miriam as you pointed out. It was true with the early Christian congregation. It was even true regarding Judas. He and God were tight—they were no problems there! But that fellow who claimed to be the messiah was not at all what Judas had been expecting. Judas has scoped it out for 3 years and concluded that he did not fit the bill at all.
  6. Yes. There is no better place to hide than in plain sight. Even the participants her e cannot keep up unless they absolutely have no life. Are we to imagine that everyone else is eagerly following every word?
  7. Victor Blackwell defended our brothers during WWII. He said if they were pioneers they might claim exemption from the military draft by reason of being a minister. This would almost always be denied by the local judge. Though their ministry might plainly be the most important thing in their lives, Blackwell writes that judges recognized only the type of ministers who: 1) “had a church” and 2) got paid. He called this type “mercenary ministers.” It says a lot. The only model of a minister recognized was that of ones who had transformed Jesus model into a career path.
  8. I sure made use of it, identifying the Big Apple with Apple the company with.a bite taken out of it as though smitten—also with Tim Cook thereby being one of the two witnesses and Jeff Bezos’ the other, for his company that decimated the Big City by not investing there, running from local politicians like a Great Antitypical Scared Rabbit, fleeing to Virginia instead. And I haven’t even gotten started yet about how Virginia must be the home of those who did not defile themselves with women—virgins. And Virginia abuts the American capital, the same way as does the Great Capital where ones who do not defile themselves with women hang out. (though, to be sure, in the literal capital, they defile themselves with plenty of women—other things, too) That means Washington is antitypical of the ruling city of Revelation! Doesn’t that Mormon temple there lit up at night—is that still there?—visible on the beltway prove it since it looks holy? Yes! It is all a drama that is foreshadowed by places and events of the United States! And what if you live anywhere else? Fuhgeddabuodit! To be sure, there are a few details that aren’t fully explained. I’ll have it all worked out by supper time. I am a prophet on fire, I am.
  9. I am reminded of a certain joker in our congregation who, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, when I mentioned how the identity of the northern king was unclear and might again resurface somewhere else, said: “It’s Bolivia.” I don’t have any problem with the vast majority of ids in the Revelation book. Only a few of the early conventions in various locations are mis-identified as significant, They should have been ones all in Rochester, where I attend.
  10. I am reminded of a Great Courses CD lecture from someone who teaches theology at Chapel Hill. He poses the question: ‘why would various Christian martyrs appear so eager to get out of this world when they seemingly had so much to offer it?’ ‘He’s forgotten everything,’ I said to myself, if he ever knew it. And he teaches it. At the university. Where the clergy goes to get their degrees that count so highly with you.
  11. Valid points made on both counts. Sigh......Maybe they will someday turn over a new leaf and I will see on the webpage: ”Watchtower—home of the polite lawyers, the reasonable lawyers, the Christian lawyers.......anybody representing anything can roll them.”
  12. Well, it is where Wall Street is located. He does have that point.
  13. It is entirely a matter of “Is this life all there is” If one thinks that it is—if one’s sole horizon in life is only for a few decades—the way one approaches many things will be completely different. @Annamentioned one victim in the suit who wanted no part of it. He or she wanted to ‘get on with life’ & was content that the perpetrator was punished & and did not feel the desire to blame parties that he thought were not at fault.
  14. Okay, I see them. They are still saving you a seat. We aren’t? Come on!—is this for real?
  15. ”Amazon is no more! The Greatest Merchant on Earth. Lord Bezos was going to come and then he said No! The two witnesses—Bezos and Cook—who would decimate the Great City! Oh the profits we would have made! Too bad, too bad! Say....what town did Amazon settle on, anyway?” You are a false prophetess! It is Bezos and Cook. Next to them, Adam is ....um....naked! Go, woman! Go far from here! Mislead not the fine folk at the World News Media Forum any longer!
  16. You know, I’m starting to get into this. Is not New York called the Big Apple? And if it truly was the same as Babylon the Great—the Great City, could it not be said that God’s wrath will take a substantial bite out of it? Hmm.....Tim Cook is the anti-Christ!!!!! Not so fast. I’m starting to come around To Buffalo, of course! I am ready. Teach me. For crying out loud, Where’s the modesty? (a HUGE tell, in my book)
  17. No. I don’t think so on account of the prophet Frank: “If I can’t make it, there, I can’t make it anywhere! I’m stuck with you, New York, New York!” (New York State registered a decline of population last year and the governor famously said that it was on account of the weather. This led to loud guffaws from those who pointed out that the weather has always been the weather in New York. However, I agreed with him and tweeted that New York has some of the highest weather in the country—income weather, sales weather, and property weather.)
  18. The old hen will rightly get mad at me for this one, but: what in the world could be the problem with Buffalo NY? It has the largest summer garden show in the country. Call that a problem? https://www.tomsheepandgoats.com/2010/08/redeeming-americas-armpit.html
  19. Wow-whee! Say, did you hear the one about the clergyman who started to sing the Beatles’ tune and got hung up on the first line? You never give me your money You never give me you mo-huh-huh-ney You never give me you mo-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-ney Acquired at Divinity schools generally by professors who don’t believe it. If they do, it makes them even worse qualified...see above
  20. Were it not for their concern my Go Kit would be a bag of pretzels. I am not sure just how it happens—have they been goaded into it? I don’t know. But several of these characters have broken out recently into absolute either lunacy or hatred.
  21. Everybody knows it. It’s nothing more than common sense. Regardless of what elders are called, they come closest to fitting the role lawmakers have in mind for ‘clergy.’
  22. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t fall. Maybe he has a point. Did you notice how Bro Losch ran down all those end-time predictions from about the year 400? There was a avalanche of them. When he got to ‘our brothers have made some, too’, he didn’t take cover in numbers. He doubled-down and went into detail of how they missed. He didn’t even use the perfect outs that he might have used—verses like Acts 1:6 to show that they were in good company. So when they had assembled, they asked him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” No budging on 1914, though.
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