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  1. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    The best cure for never ever watching that type of stuff is to have a job in which you are all alone, middle of the night, in some big creaky warehouse, and you begin to imagine a surprise around every corner or through every door.
  2. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Just read a good portion of B W Schulz new book. "Separate Identity" Volume 2.   
    He complains frequently about pin-headed people who come out of nowhere to attack and argue with him. I skimmed the first, more of less just to say I did it, and found myself wishing that I had 20X the time to do it properly
  3. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    What drowned it out in the first century? In no time at all, the magnificent core truths were gone, thoroughly mixed in with philosophies of the day. To the extent the apostles and loyal ones tried to hold it back, no doubt reading false positives sometimes and overreacting, you would have been railing against them, too.
    The trick is not to sanitize the present. It is to desanitize the past.
    We’re not all that far apart, you blustering old pork chop.
    There is something to this. I am struck by the fact that those who leave and thereafter show their faces on the internet as ‘apostates’ have almost always forgotten all about the ‘core magnificent’ truths that they once cherished. The sighing and groaning that impelled them into the truth has been replaced by bitching and complaining that drove them out. They appear to have no problem replacing the satisfying explanation of why God permits suffering with ‘Stuff happens.’ Appreciation for the core and magnificent truths—gone, replaced by self-absorption into their own woes.
    To that extent—although you bitch and complain more than any dozen of them put together, you have NOT forsaken the core magnificent truths and thus stay in the only place that holds them up high, even if they are not immune to the pig-headedness and pettiness of human nature. To that extent you deserve credit, though you carry on as disrespectfully as you do.
  4. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    You know, I can get my head around this. I really can.
    I’ll still refer to you from time to time as ‘the brother with the rotten attitude’ because who knows how many brothers you have stumbled in carrying on as you do. But I sort of understand where you are coming from as you have not made clear before—or if so, I did not pick up on it. 
    What you say is like when someone dear to me told off some elders and I told Mack that I didn’t really approve of him telling off the elders, but..... “I understand,” Mack saved me the hassle of finishing the sentence.
    The ministry is a treasure, but it is treasure in earthen vessels—us—with all the wacky foibles that humans are capable of. I once observed about beards: ‘Hippies and beatniks died out ages ago, it’s not in the Bible and to the extent it is, it is reverse. We are an organization of principles, not rules, and yet no rule is more strongly enforced than the no-beard rule. I’m glad that sucker has finally been put to bed, but it still tosses and turns in its sleep. 
    You can complain about such foibles of organization to God. The trouble is, God will say, “Well, you are no great shakes yourself. You’ll all just have to work it out.” It’s a shame you’re not better at doing that, instead giving every appearance that you will be nursing a dozen grudges to your grave. Sometimes you just have to suck it up. All of us do. That’s life. It happens everywhere. 
    Ah, well. We all have our hang ups. Even me.
    I was walking my pet pig the other day and a man approached to say, “Hey, where did you find the pig?” Before I could open my mouth, the pig said. “I found him online, frequenting the WorldNewsMedia forum. We hit it off and have chummed together ever since.” I don’t get no respect either.
  5. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Who can tell what your point is, what with the non-stop diatribes and cartoons? You like to complain—THAT point stands out front and center. As to your other point—well, you’re some sort of ‘freedom-fighter,’ or ‘gunslinger,’ or ‘whistleblower,’ or something of that sort. Join the 21st century, where such ones proliferate like weeds.
    The very fact that you were reinstated gives the lie to much of your accusations as to how controlling and abusive the JW organization is. They forgave some things, overlooked others, and let go of any grudges. It’s a shame you can’t find it within yourself to do the same.
    What’s remarkable is how valiantly you defend Trump, practically kissing my feet when I wrote a post to that effect, wanting me to forward it to major outlets—and at the same time, you vehemently attack the GB. Yet both purportedly play the role, in different contexts, of representing and defending the amhaarets from the ‘elites.’ TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) for you means people who go apoplectic in rage at the President. WDS (Watchtower Derangement Syndrome—your own term) means for you exactly the opposite—people who DO NOT go apoplectic in criticizing the GB, but who would defend them.
    You’re a piece of work! Fortunately for you, you’re in an organization that puts up with and even welcomes pieces of work. All the ‘balanced’ people are out chasing the goals of this system of things and are, at the moment, experiencing nightmares, fearing it will all disintegrate. 
  6. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    You know, I can get my head around this. I really can.
    I’ll still refer to you from time to time as ‘the brother with the rotten attitude’ because who knows how many brothers you have stumbled in carrying on as you do. But I sort of understand where you are coming from as you have not made clear before—or if so, I did not pick up on it. 
    What you say is like when someone dear to me told off some elders and I told Mack that I didn’t really approve of him telling off the elders, but..... “I understand,” Mack saved me the hassle of finishing the sentence.
    The ministry is a treasure, but it is treasure in earthen vessels—us—with all the wacky foibles that humans are capable of. I once observed about beards: ‘Hippies and beatniks died out ages ago, it’s not in the Bible and to the extent it is, it is reverse. We are an organization of principles, not rules, and yet no rule is more strongly enforced than the no-beard rule. I’m glad that sucker has finally been put to bed, but it still tosses and turns in its sleep. 
    You can complain about such foibles of organization to God. The trouble is, God will say, “Well, you are no great shakes yourself. You’ll all just have to work it out.” It’s a shame you’re not better at doing that, instead giving every appearance that you will be nursing a dozen grudges to your grave. Sometimes you just have to suck it up. All of us do. That’s life. It happens everywhere. 
    Ah, well. We all have our hang ups. Even me.
    I was walking my pet pig the other day and a man approached to say, “Hey, where did you find the pig?” Before I could open my mouth, the pig said. “I found him online, frequenting the WorldNewsMedia forum. We hit it off and have chummed together ever since.” I don’t get no respect either.
  7. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    You know, I can get my head around this. I really can.
    I’ll still refer to you from time to time as ‘the brother with the rotten attitude’ because who knows how many brothers you have stumbled in carrying on as you do. But I sort of understand where you are coming from as you have not made clear before—or if so, I did not pick up on it. 
    What you say is like when someone dear to me told off some elders and I told Mack that I didn’t really approve of him telling off the elders, but..... “I understand,” Mack saved me the hassle of finishing the sentence.
    The ministry is a treasure, but it is treasure in earthen vessels—us—with all the wacky foibles that humans are capable of. I once observed about beards: ‘Hippies and beatniks died out ages ago, it’s not in the Bible and to the extent it is, it is reverse. We are an organization of principles, not rules, and yet no rule is more strongly enforced than the no-beard rule. I’m glad that sucker has finally been put to bed, but it still tosses and turns in its sleep. 
    You can complain about such foibles of organization to God. The trouble is, God will say, “Well, you are no great shakes yourself. You’ll all just have to work it out.” It’s a shame you’re not better at doing that, instead giving every appearance that you will be nursing a dozen grudges to your grave. Sometimes you just have to suck it up. All of us do. That’s life. It happens everywhere. 
    Ah, well. We all have our hang ups. Even me.
    I was walking my pet pig the other day and a man approached to say, “Hey, where did you find the pig?” Before I could open my mouth, the pig said. “I found him online, frequenting the WorldNewsMedia forum. We hit it off and have chummed together ever since.” I don’t get no respect either.
  8. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    You know, I can get my head around this. I really can.
    I’ll still refer to you from time to time as ‘the brother with the rotten attitude’ because who knows how many brothers you have stumbled in carrying on as you do. But I sort of understand where you are coming from as you have not made clear before—or if so, I did not pick up on it. 
    What you say is like when someone dear to me told off some elders and I told Mack that I didn’t really approve of him telling off the elders, but..... “I understand,” Mack saved me the hassle of finishing the sentence.
    The ministry is a treasure, but it is treasure in earthen vessels—us—with all the wacky foibles that humans are capable of. I once observed about beards: ‘Hippies and beatniks died out ages ago, it’s not in the Bible and to the extent it is, it is reverse. We are an organization of principles, not rules, and yet no rule is more strongly enforced than the no-beard rule. I’m glad that sucker has finally been put to bed, but it still tosses and turns in its sleep. 
    You can complain about such foibles of organization to God. The trouble is, God will say, “Well, you are no great shakes yourself. You’ll all just have to work it out.” It’s a shame you’re not better at doing that, instead giving every appearance that you will be nursing a dozen grudges to your grave. Sometimes you just have to suck it up. All of us do. That’s life. It happens everywhere. 
    Ah, well. We all have our hang ups. Even me.
    I was walking my pet pig the other day and a man approached to say, “Hey, where did you find the pig?” Before I could open my mouth, the pig said. “I found him online, frequenting the WorldNewsMedia forum. We hit it off and have chummed together ever since.” I don’t get no respect either.
  9. Sad
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    The more I think about it, the more I am surprised that you would continue to ridicule this, now that it was acquired powerful circumstantial evidence that it may turn out just this way. 
    A stretch? Not the most likely meaning of generation? Possibly. Still, the GB began saying ‘the last of the last days’ about 6 months ago, just before a virus and worldwide collapse that couldn’t fit better with such a description came along. Even if it seems from a distance not the most likely explanation, there is nothing illogical about it, nothing fictional, that you should continue to laugh your sides off. It is only your disrespect for those taking the lead that makes you do this. There is nothing about the explanation that rings false in itself, and now much that suggests it might be true.
    You should reassess your ridicule. It smacks too much of Dathan splitting his sides laughing at Moses’ chart of how the earth would open up.
    “Zena! Zena! Oh no! Poor Zena. Why didn’t she listen to Jehovah?”
  10. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    The more I think about it, the more I am surprised that you would continue to ridicule this, now that it was acquired powerful circumstantial evidence that it may turn out just this way. 
    A stretch? Not the most likely meaning of generation? Possibly. Still, the GB began saying ‘the last of the last days’ about 6 months ago, just before a virus and worldwide collapse that couldn’t fit better with such a description came along. Even if it seems from a distance not the most likely explanation, there is nothing illogical about it, nothing fictional, that you should continue to laugh your sides off. It is only your disrespect for those taking the lead that makes you do this. There is nothing about the explanation that rings false in itself, and now much that suggests it might be true.
    You should reassess your ridicule. It smacks too much of Dathan splitting his sides laughing at Moses’ chart of how the earth would open up.
    “Zena! Zena! Oh no! Poor Zena. Why didn’t she listen to Jehovah?”
  11. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to The Librarian in Angolan newspaper praises JW's on prevention measures taken against Coronavirus (Covid-19)   
    A newspaper of Angola published praising Jehovah's Witnesses on prevention measures against coronavirus (Covid-19)..
    And the newspaper also announced that Jehovah's witnesses in all over the world have contributed a lot to the prevention of the coronavirus through its official website JW.org.
    And the newspaper also showed some links of how people can search on JW.org, and it also mentioned the journal! N-' 6, 2016 with the theme: "Win the war on diseases".
    Source: Angola newspaper 23/04/2020
  12. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JayDubya in Jim Bakker reports that because credit card processing companies have cut off his ministry, his network will be "totally financially broke" within two weeks if they don't get a bunch of donations by check soon.   
    I can’t stand this guy. His manner is simply nauseating. Pour on the syrup or what? He turned my stomach then, he turns it now.
    But I also suspect the stuff he is selling probably works—to call it a ‘cure’ is too much, but to say it helps—i would go along with that. If I recall it is silver colloidal something or other and that is a mixture that many swear by.
    It is not that he hawks something that gets me. It is that he so throughly mixes it with his role as ‘evangelist.’ It is as though the Circuit Overseer had a line of goods that he sold at the Assembly Hall—and you couldn’t get into the place without passing his booth by.
  13. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in Aircrafts waiting for us all to flee to the wilderness   
    Better yet, register as an NGO.
    Am I on Candid Camera?
  14. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Aircrafts waiting for us all to flee to the wilderness   
    Better yet, register as an NGO.
    Am I on Candid Camera?
  15. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in Aruana > Tom   
    I want to put your two posts (here and to Admin) on my own blog word for word, as an experience of one person which I neither affirm nor deny. Are you okay with that?
  16. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in ‘Using’ the Pandemic to ‘Recruit’ People - Sheesh! What is it With These Nutcases?   
    Actually, I didn’t mean to put it on this forum, but on the closed one. It was a mistake. Ah, well....so far everyone is behaving themselves.
  17. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Arauna in ‘Using’ the Pandemic to ‘Recruit’ People - Sheesh! What is it With These Nutcases?   
    It must really confound those who accuse the JW organization of being a cult that few people are behaving better these days, or more reasonably, with more of an eye toward the public good. That #CultExpert tweets about how Jehovah’s Witnesses manipulate people, and I reply that their followers put his to shame for vanquishing COVID. Jehovah’s Witnesses immediately transferred all gatherings to Zoom and issued strong counsel to observe government-recommended social distancing—which our people will observe because they strive to be obedient. But his followers? Some will observe social distancing, no doubt—probably even most, but is his mission statement ‘Freedom of Mind’ really compatible with obedience to secular authority? You don’t think some will use their ‘freedom of mind’ to say: “Forget about you!—We’ll party on the beach if we feel like it!?”
    Doubtless they expected ‘scare-mongering’—‘using’ the present crisis to scare new ones into the fold—and in fact, there have been accusations of that. But you really really have to stretch the point if you go there. The lead post on jw.org is the most socially responsible contribution imaginable, replete with suggestions on how to cope with isolation and resulting loneliness. With people beside themselves with anxiety, unable to cope in many cases, you don’t think that is a valuable contribution, perhaps THE most valuable? After all, if your psyche breaks down, all the physical relief in the world does you no good.
    It reminds me of the verse on muzzling the talk of the ignorant ones by doing good. To be sure, hostile ones are still criticizing—but in doing so,  they are also plainly revealing their ignorance, and in some cases, hate.
    In fact, I don’t quite go there with the CultExpert, for some of the groups he monitors really DO seem pretty strange—so I don’t go there, though I do think about it—I almost want to say: “LET them join a cult if it helps them get through this and save their sanity! What are you offering in lieu—that we should put our hope in the next crop of politicians? Haven’t we been down that road countless times before?”
    Affirming some cult idiot’s charge that I am ‘using’ the pandemic to ‘recruit,’ (to anyone concerned about that, I reply that on the 200th contact I will ask if they want to convert and then they can say ‘no’—in the meantime, it’s just conversation—don’t worry about it) I have many times tweeted that lead post to persons, sometimes in response to a specific plea like with Mr. Fiend, and sometimes I just throw it out there—with good results in both cases. Sometimes the tweets are retreated. Unless you are a snarling ‘ain’t-cultist,’ people do not misunderstand—they know that you are trying to help.
    As always, you tailor your tweet to the person. To persons who appear secular, you say (this one was lamenting a suicide she had read about): “It is a terrible thing. Healthy people struggle when their routine is uprooted, let alone persons unwell to begin with. I sent this to someone who tweeted that he was frankly losing it. There is a spiritual component to it, but it is mostly on combatting isolation and loneliness”—and I attach the link.
    To someone decidedly irreligious, you might say: “As a suggestion—nothing more—here is a series of posts on how to cope with isolation and loneliness. Upended routines are driving everyone up a tree. My turn is probably next. Like Bob Dylan: ‘The riot squad is restless, they need somewhere to go.’” I like to play the Dylan card—it doesn’t mean that you have to. You also don’t exempt yourself—hence the ‘my turn is probably next,’
    My new pinned tweet is: “With #mentalhealth under assault and even balanced people buckling under the stress, I can’t imagine a better read than this one on coping with isolation and loneliness from #JehovahsWitnesses,” as I include a link to the post. 
    Note the hashtags. Ages ago my daughter said to me: “They’re hashtags, Dad, not crosstags.” Hashtags are fair game on social media, whereas tagging individuals directly is generally considered rude, unless you know full well that they will welcome it. Hashtags will draw in anyone else who monitors the subject—as an experiment, enter a hashtag anything on social media to see what comes up. You can even use it as your own filing system if you choose a hashtag unique enough.
    It can, however backfire. If the hashtag is of any controversial topic, it can bring in people who want to argue, even insult. In the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses, there are disgruntled former members—‘apostates’—that can be attracted—in fact, they almost surely will be. “Oh, yeah,” you can mutter. “They’ll come alright. As surely as flies to dung, they will come!” But you should not say this, because while you are comparing apostates to flies, you are also comparing yourself to dung—so you should seek another metaphor.
    My #mentalhealth hashtag drew in some mental health people, some of whom expressed great appreciation. But true to warning, my #jehovahswitnesses hashtag drew in some ‘apostates.’
    “The rather large elephant in the paragraph [about the comfort JWs offer] is the Jehovah’s Witness shunning policy.”
    But I replied (in three tweets):
    “There is hardly an issue here. Those who would trigger a ‘shunning policy’ are those for whom, at the present time, the last thing in the world they would want is to abide by the principles of those who wrote the article. Even so, they are welcome to take from it what they will.”
    “The thoughts expressed in the article are non-denominational, offered freely to all, even those on the outs at present with JWs. It’s meant as a public service. One need not take it. One can always put trust in the politicians, medical staff, and economists to fix matters.”
    I looked at the detractor’s profile and discovered that she was one who was trying to torpedo the JW organization’s status as a charitable religious organization, something that they plainly are:
    “In fact, it is an excellent post for consideration of the @CharityComms, though not written for that reason. Look, nobody is everything to everyone. But they will recognize that we are well past the time for nursing grudges—not with C19 threatening the mental health of the planet.”
    It shut her up! I couldn’t believe it! It is unheard of! ‘Apostates’ never ever EVER give up—I’ve had to block some—and yet she gave up. There is no finer proof of 1 Peter 2:15 than that: “For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorant talk of unreasonable men.”
  18. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in FASHIONABLE OR ABOMINABLE?   
    I dislike this stuff. I am not a billboard and have never worn anything with a logo on it. It even took me a while to get with the program on wearing our badges during convention time when out and about, though I eventually did it.
    The goal is to advertise the convention, and I can get my head around that. Alas, one brother didn’t quite get the sense of it. He worked in trucking, putting him sweaty and in tee shirt—he could not have looked more like a slob—overweight to boot—after the convention, and there he was at the restaurant, badge pinned to his belly.
  19. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Joan Kennedy in ‘Using’ the Pandemic to ‘Recruit’ People - Sheesh! What is it With These Nutcases?   
    It must really confound those who accuse the JW organization of being a cult that few people are behaving better these days, or more reasonably, with more of an eye toward the public good. That #CultExpert tweets about how Jehovah’s Witnesses manipulate people, and I reply that their followers put his to shame for vanquishing COVID. Jehovah’s Witnesses immediately transferred all gatherings to Zoom and issued strong counsel to observe government-recommended social distancing—which our people will observe because they strive to be obedient. But his followers? Some will observe social distancing, no doubt—probably even most, but is his mission statement ‘Freedom of Mind’ really compatible with obedience to secular authority? You don’t think some will use their ‘freedom of mind’ to say: “Forget about you!—We’ll party on the beach if we feel like it!?”
    Doubtless they expected ‘scare-mongering’—‘using’ the present crisis to scare new ones into the fold—and in fact, there have been accusations of that. But you really really have to stretch the point if you go there. The lead post on jw.org is the most socially responsible contribution imaginable, replete with suggestions on how to cope with isolation and resulting loneliness. With people beside themselves with anxiety, unable to cope in many cases, you don’t think that is a valuable contribution, perhaps THE most valuable? After all, if your psyche breaks down, all the physical relief in the world does you no good.
    It reminds me of the verse on muzzling the talk of the ignorant ones by doing good. To be sure, hostile ones are still criticizing—but in doing so,  they are also plainly revealing their ignorance, and in some cases, hate.
    In fact, I don’t quite go there with the CultExpert, for some of the groups he monitors really DO seem pretty strange—so I don’t go there, though I do think about it—I almost want to say: “LET them join a cult if it helps them get through this and save their sanity! What are you offering in lieu—that we should put our hope in the next crop of politicians? Haven’t we been down that road countless times before?”
    Affirming some cult idiot’s charge that I am ‘using’ the pandemic to ‘recruit,’ (to anyone concerned about that, I reply that on the 200th contact I will ask if they want to convert and then they can say ‘no’—in the meantime, it’s just conversation—don’t worry about it) I have many times tweeted that lead post to persons, sometimes in response to a specific plea like with Mr. Fiend, and sometimes I just throw it out there—with good results in both cases. Sometimes the tweets are retreated. Unless you are a snarling ‘ain’t-cultist,’ people do not misunderstand—they know that you are trying to help.
    As always, you tailor your tweet to the person. To persons who appear secular, you say (this one was lamenting a suicide she had read about): “It is a terrible thing. Healthy people struggle when their routine is uprooted, let alone persons unwell to begin with. I sent this to someone who tweeted that he was frankly losing it. There is a spiritual component to it, but it is mostly on combatting isolation and loneliness”—and I attach the link.
    To someone decidedly irreligious, you might say: “As a suggestion—nothing more—here is a series of posts on how to cope with isolation and loneliness. Upended routines are driving everyone up a tree. My turn is probably next. Like Bob Dylan: ‘The riot squad is restless, they need somewhere to go.’” I like to play the Dylan card—it doesn’t mean that you have to. You also don’t exempt yourself—hence the ‘my turn is probably next,’
    My new pinned tweet is: “With #mentalhealth under assault and even balanced people buckling under the stress, I can’t imagine a better read than this one on coping with isolation and loneliness from #JehovahsWitnesses,” as I include a link to the post. 
    Note the hashtags. Ages ago my daughter said to me: “They’re hashtags, Dad, not crosstags.” Hashtags are fair game on social media, whereas tagging individuals directly is generally considered rude, unless you know full well that they will welcome it. Hashtags will draw in anyone else who monitors the subject—as an experiment, enter a hashtag anything on social media to see what comes up. You can even use it as your own filing system if you choose a hashtag unique enough.
    It can, however backfire. If the hashtag is of any controversial topic, it can bring in people who want to argue, even insult. In the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses, there are disgruntled former members—‘apostates’—that can be attracted—in fact, they almost surely will be. “Oh, yeah,” you can mutter. “They’ll come alright. As surely as flies to dung, they will come!” But you should not say this, because while you are comparing apostates to flies, you are also comparing yourself to dung—so you should seek another metaphor.
    My #mentalhealth hashtag drew in some mental health people, some of whom expressed great appreciation. But true to warning, my #jehovahswitnesses hashtag drew in some ‘apostates.’
    “The rather large elephant in the paragraph [about the comfort JWs offer] is the Jehovah’s Witness shunning policy.”
    But I replied (in three tweets):
    “There is hardly an issue here. Those who would trigger a ‘shunning policy’ are those for whom, at the present time, the last thing in the world they would want is to abide by the principles of those who wrote the article. Even so, they are welcome to take from it what they will.”
    “The thoughts expressed in the article are non-denominational, offered freely to all, even those on the outs at present with JWs. It’s meant as a public service. One need not take it. One can always put trust in the politicians, medical staff, and economists to fix matters.”
    I looked at the detractor’s profile and discovered that she was one who was trying to torpedo the JW organization’s status as a charitable religious organization, something that they plainly are:
    “In fact, it is an excellent post for consideration of the @CharityComms, though not written for that reason. Look, nobody is everything to everyone. But they will recognize that we are well past the time for nursing grudges—not with C19 threatening the mental health of the planet.”
    It shut her up! I couldn’t believe it! It is unheard of! ‘Apostates’ never ever EVER give up—I’ve had to block some—and yet she gave up. There is no finer proof of 1 Peter 2:15 than that: “For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorant talk of unreasonable men.”
  20. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in ‘Using’ the Pandemic to ‘Recruit’ People - Sheesh! What is it With These Nutcases?   
    It must really confound those who accuse the JW organization of being a cult that few people are behaving better these days, or more reasonably, with more of an eye toward the public good. That #CultExpert tweets about how Jehovah’s Witnesses manipulate people, and I reply that their followers put his to shame for vanquishing COVID. Jehovah’s Witnesses immediately transferred all gatherings to Zoom and issued strong counsel to observe government-recommended social distancing—which our people will observe because they strive to be obedient. But his followers? Some will observe social distancing, no doubt—probably even most, but is his mission statement ‘Freedom of Mind’ really compatible with obedience to secular authority? You don’t think some will use their ‘freedom of mind’ to say: “Forget about you!—We’ll party on the beach if we feel like it!?”
    Doubtless they expected ‘scare-mongering’—‘using’ the present crisis to scare new ones into the fold—and in fact, there have been accusations of that. But you really really have to stretch the point if you go there. The lead post on jw.org is the most socially responsible contribution imaginable, replete with suggestions on how to cope with isolation and resulting loneliness. With people beside themselves with anxiety, unable to cope in many cases, you don’t think that is a valuable contribution, perhaps THE most valuable? After all, if your psyche breaks down, all the physical relief in the world does you no good.
    It reminds me of the verse on muzzling the talk of the ignorant ones by doing good. To be sure, hostile ones are still criticizing—but in doing so,  they are also plainly revealing their ignorance, and in some cases, hate.
    In fact, I don’t quite go there with the CultExpert, for some of the groups he monitors really DO seem pretty strange—so I don’t go there, though I do think about it—I almost want to say: “LET them join a cult if it helps them get through this and save their sanity! What are you offering in lieu—that we should put our hope in the next crop of politicians? Haven’t we been down that road countless times before?”
    Affirming some cult idiot’s charge that I am ‘using’ the pandemic to ‘recruit,’ (to anyone concerned about that, I reply that on the 200th contact I will ask if they want to convert and then they can say ‘no’—in the meantime, it’s just conversation—don’t worry about it) I have many times tweeted that lead post to persons, sometimes in response to a specific plea like with Mr. Fiend, and sometimes I just throw it out there—with good results in both cases. Sometimes the tweets are retreated. Unless you are a snarling ‘ain’t-cultist,’ people do not misunderstand—they know that you are trying to help.
    As always, you tailor your tweet to the person. To persons who appear secular, you say (this one was lamenting a suicide she had read about): “It is a terrible thing. Healthy people struggle when their routine is uprooted, let alone persons unwell to begin with. I sent this to someone who tweeted that he was frankly losing it. There is a spiritual component to it, but it is mostly on combatting isolation and loneliness”—and I attach the link.
    To someone decidedly irreligious, you might say: “As a suggestion—nothing more—here is a series of posts on how to cope with isolation and loneliness. Upended routines are driving everyone up a tree. My turn is probably next. Like Bob Dylan: ‘The riot squad is restless, they need somewhere to go.’” I like to play the Dylan card—it doesn’t mean that you have to. You also don’t exempt yourself—hence the ‘my turn is probably next,’
    My new pinned tweet is: “With #mentalhealth under assault and even balanced people buckling under the stress, I can’t imagine a better read than this one on coping with isolation and loneliness from #JehovahsWitnesses,” as I include a link to the post. 
    Note the hashtags. Ages ago my daughter said to me: “They’re hashtags, Dad, not crosstags.” Hashtags are fair game on social media, whereas tagging individuals directly is generally considered rude, unless you know full well that they will welcome it. Hashtags will draw in anyone else who monitors the subject—as an experiment, enter a hashtag anything on social media to see what comes up. You can even use it as your own filing system if you choose a hashtag unique enough.
    It can, however backfire. If the hashtag is of any controversial topic, it can bring in people who want to argue, even insult. In the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses, there are disgruntled former members—‘apostates’—that can be attracted—in fact, they almost surely will be. “Oh, yeah,” you can mutter. “They’ll come alright. As surely as flies to dung, they will come!” But you should not say this, because while you are comparing apostates to flies, you are also comparing yourself to dung—so you should seek another metaphor.
    My #mentalhealth hashtag drew in some mental health people, some of whom expressed great appreciation. But true to warning, my #jehovahswitnesses hashtag drew in some ‘apostates.’
    “The rather large elephant in the paragraph [about the comfort JWs offer] is the Jehovah’s Witness shunning policy.”
    But I replied (in three tweets):
    “There is hardly an issue here. Those who would trigger a ‘shunning policy’ are those for whom, at the present time, the last thing in the world they would want is to abide by the principles of those who wrote the article. Even so, they are welcome to take from it what they will.”
    “The thoughts expressed in the article are non-denominational, offered freely to all, even those on the outs at present with JWs. It’s meant as a public service. One need not take it. One can always put trust in the politicians, medical staff, and economists to fix matters.”
    I looked at the detractor’s profile and discovered that she was one who was trying to torpedo the JW organization’s status as a charitable religious organization, something that they plainly are:
    “In fact, it is an excellent post for consideration of the @CharityComms, though not written for that reason. Look, nobody is everything to everyone. But they will recognize that we are well past the time for nursing grudges—not with C19 threatening the mental health of the planet.”
    It shut her up! I couldn’t believe it! It is unheard of! ‘Apostates’ never ever EVER give up—I’ve had to block some—and yet she gave up. There is no finer proof of 1 Peter 2:15 than that: “For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorant talk of unreasonable men.”
  21. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Space Merchant in ‘Using’ the Pandemic to ‘Recruit’ People - Sheesh! What is it With These Nutcases?   
    Around these trying times there is more people trying to get a hold of the Bible or anyone who can explain Scriptures.
  22. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Arauna in FASHIONABLE OR ABOMINABLE?   
    Abominable is the wrong word...... and I would not call it a bracelet for luck either. 
    The youth like trinkets..... It is definitely not as expensive as real jewelery stones and an alternative to other symbols such as the star of David. 
    My husband has worn  Harley Davidson T-shirts going to the shop and many people wear Lacoste, Nike etc.  I have had handbags with a brand name on them - but these were not very obvious.  
    Having something with a brand name does not necessarily indicate worship of the brand.  As an older person I do not care much for brand items but one can become so picky on the young kids so that one can take pleasure and individuality out of their  life... Live and let live is a good motto.
    If it is something which is similar to worship or a sign such as a swastica,  ying-yang symbol or other  religious symbols or  buddha head, film star,  then one can make a case against it.
    LOVE builds up...... when in doubt...... show love.
  23. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in FASHIONABLE OR ABOMINABLE?   
    Your question is based on the false premise that what is shown has to be one or the other .... fashionable or abdominal.
    I doesn't.
    Now   .... if you had chosen "tacky" or "frivolous", you might have a case.
  24. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to JW Insider in FASHIONABLE OR ABOMINABLE?   
    Here's one that is both abominable AND abdominal:

  25. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Well—now that you put it that way....
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