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  1. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Watchtower's 1914 Chronology - Ad Nauseum   
    I’m still dealing with that image of a hot potato that no one wants to touch.
  2. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from BTK59 in Watchtower's 1914 Chronology - Ad Nauseum   
    We’re getting ready to stone him as you speak.
  3. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Watchtower's 1914 Chronology - Ad Nauseum   
    They tell me that brothers giving that talk in his area routinely point to him as a cautionary tale.
    Not a word from him. It’s almost like the removal of the constant feature. That is the downside of online relationships. They disappear one day and you haven’t a clue why.
    Hopefully, one of the roaming hogs bit his hand and as soon as it heals up we will hear from him again.
  4. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Thinking in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
  5. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from BTK59 in Job and S*tan; David and Census and Sat*n   
    I just got appointed head of a thread. Call that not having a purpose?
  6. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from BTK59 in Job and S*tan; David and Census and Sat*n   
    They almost all do it in today’s world of theology.
    Long ago, in answer to the question of where did we originate our explanation of suffering & evil, you pointed to a Great Courses lecture series by a Professor Hall. Our theodicy was there, you had heard, and the prof said it was the only theodicy that made sense.
    In fact, it is only the fact that the theodicy involves Satan that makes it logical from his point of view. All other theodicies he considers do not. He confines his entire exploration, save for this renegade theology, to what he calls ‘ethical monotheism’—that is, one God unopposed. Since he himself comes from an evangelical Lutheran background, it surprised me that he has shoved Satan into such a tiny footnote, a player only in his last theodicy considered.
    I think he has done it to join the world of contemporary scholars, who are thoroughly embarrassed by the thought of a Devil. It makes all their progressive efforts to repair the world and improve mankind pointless if there is a devil you can pin all the bad things to. Several times in his lecture, Hall points out this theodicy involving the devil is extremely unpopular today, to the point where he seems to assume that his audience may not even have heard of it! 
    Consistent with this modern understanding from the scholars, the Book of Job is separated into 1) an ancient Jewish ‘fable’ consisting of chapters 1,2, and 42, and the poetic portion, consisting of all that remains. Frankly, I think the intellectual appeal of this approach is that, by separating the book into two portions, it puts you into position to understand neither, thus ensuring modern theologians will have a job till the end of time. You can debate the meaning of the poetic portion forever, with no one able to call your bluff. But the moment you integrate the ‘fable,’ it all resolves fairly quickly. But it resolves in a way repugnant to today’s theologians, so they don’t go there.
  7. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Job and S*tan; David and Census and Sat*n   
    They almost all do it in today’s world of theology.
    Long ago, in answer to the question of where did we originate our explanation of suffering & evil, you pointed to a Great Courses lecture series by a Professor Hall. Our theodicy was there, you had heard, and the prof said it was the only theodicy that made sense.
    In fact, it is only the fact that the theodicy involves Satan that makes it logical from his point of view. All other theodicies he considers do not. He confines his entire exploration, save for this renegade theology, to what he calls ‘ethical monotheism’—that is, one God unopposed. Since he himself comes from an evangelical Lutheran background, it surprised me that he has shoved Satan into such a tiny footnote, a player only in his last theodicy considered.
    I think he has done it to join the world of contemporary scholars, who are thoroughly embarrassed by the thought of a Devil. It makes all their progressive efforts to repair the world and improve mankind pointless if there is a devil you can pin all the bad things to. Several times in his lecture, Hall points out this theodicy involving the devil is extremely unpopular today, to the point where he seems to assume that his audience may not even have heard of it! 
    Consistent with this modern understanding from the scholars, the Book of Job is separated into 1) an ancient Jewish ‘fable’ consisting of chapters 1,2, and 42, and the poetic portion, consisting of all that remains. Frankly, I think the intellectual appeal of this approach is that, by separating the book into two portions, it puts you into position to understand neither, thus ensuring modern theologians will have a job till the end of time. You can debate the meaning of the poetic portion forever, with no one able to call your bluff. But the moment you integrate the ‘fable,’ it all resolves fairly quickly. But it resolves in a way repugnant to today’s theologians, so they don’t go there.
  8. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to JW Insider in Job and S*tan; David and Census and Sat*n   
    I might just shuffle this away to another topic because it is a very interesting one. And a huge topic, imo. There are literally dozens of examples in the Hebrew Scriptures that touch on the topic. And some of them are related to a progressive understanding of Satan himself within the Hebrew Scriptures. I would start with this: [all taken from Watchtower Online Library]
    (1 Chronicles 21:1) 21 Then Satan stood up against Israel and incited David to number Israel.
    (2 Samuel 24:1, Byington) 24 And again the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them, saying, Go, number Israel and Judah.
    (2 Samuel 24:1, Rotherham) 24 And again was the anger of Yahweh kindled against Israel,—so that he suffered David to be moved against them, saying, Go, count Israel and Judah.
    (2 Samuel 24:1, King James) 24 And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.
    The NWT gets rid of the apparent contradiction by changing "he" (Jehovah) to "one" to try to make it align with 1 Chronicles. It might work here, but does not work for other cases that are similar.
    (2 Samuel 24:1, NWT) 24 The anger of Jehovah again blazed against Israel when one incited David against them, saying: “Go, take a count of Israel and Judah.” ... (2 Samuel 24:15, 16) 15 Then Jehovah sent a pestilence on Israel from the morning until the designated time, so that 70,000 of the people from Dan to Beʹer-sheʹba died. 16 When the angel stretched out his hand toward Jerusalem to destroy it, Jehovah felt regret over the calamity, and he said to the angel bringing destruction among the people: “It is enough! Now let your hand drop.” Jehovah’s angel was close to the threshing floor of A·rauʹnah the Jebʹu·site.
    In fact, there have been persons who treat the opening two chapters of Job as a later addition just to explain away that very ending. Personally I don't think this is necessary. And there have been some attempts to differentiate passages that can attribute certain anthropomorphic characteristics when God is referred to as Jehovah but not when he is referred to as El or Elohim in the original language. (Such as "regret" etc.) The full discussion should take many pages.
  9. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Job and S*tan; David and Census and Sat*n   
    Seeing there is a lot of energy here, let me mention a translation issue. Still working on a commentary of Job here, and by extension, all theodicies. 
    The last chapter of Job reads, “All his brothers and sisters and all his former friends came to him and ate a meal with him in his house. They sympathized with him and comforted him over all the calamity that Jehovah had allowed to come upon him. Each of them gave him a piece of money and a gold ring.”
    Only the NWT, so far as I can see, says Jehovah allowed the calamity. Every other one I see says that he brought it about. I have no problem with us believing he allowed it. Job 1 & 2 all but demands that interpretation, but the final verse says it differently. Anyone with insight as to where this unique translation comes from?
    No problem here if JWI shuffles this away to some other category. But if he bans me for bringing it up, it will be truly sad, indeed puzzling, and he will miss the crucial fact that I can respond with the words of Paul to Elymas, “O man full of every sort of fraud and every sort of villainy . . .  you enemy of everything righteous, will you not quit distorting [my] right ways?" It is essential that he realize this.
  10. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Job and S*tan; David and Census and Sat*n   
    Seeing there is a lot of energy here, let me mention a translation issue. Still working on a commentary of Job here, and by extension, all theodicies. 
    The last chapter of Job reads, “All his brothers and sisters and all his former friends came to him and ate a meal with him in his house. They sympathized with him and comforted him over all the calamity that Jehovah had allowed to come upon him. Each of them gave him a piece of money and a gold ring.”
    Only the NWT, so far as I can see, says Jehovah allowed the calamity. Every other one I see says that he brought it about. I have no problem with us believing he allowed it. Job 1 & 2 all but demands that interpretation, but the final verse says it differently. Anyone with insight as to where this unique translation comes from?
    No problem here if JWI shuffles this away to some other category. But if he bans me for bringing it up, it will be truly sad, indeed puzzling, and he will miss the crucial fact that I can respond with the words of Paul to Elymas, “O man full of every sort of fraud and every sort of villainy . . .  you enemy of everything righteous, will you not quit distorting [my] right ways?" It is essential that he realize this.
  11. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    Fascinatingly, and equally crucial to recognize, Mac Truk, lead singer of Mac Truk and the Buldozers, was actually banned for being a band. Where’s the love in that?
  12. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from BTK59 in Forum participants we have known   
    And what about Dr Inhibitor’s nurse, Hep See? Where is she? No special characters at all in her name, though she herself is a character.
  13. Thanks
    TrueTomHarley reacted to JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    @"Hammer" Rubi @"Hammer" Urabi @Dr. Adhominem @Dr. Adhominum 
    No. My guess is that when the software for the forum has to be reloaded now and then for maintenance issues, there were a couple of yours that got lost during updates due to attempts to include too many items of special characters and punctuation. Also you can see the attempts to create near duplicates as in the ones I listed above which might sooner or later get flagged by software as superfluous.
    Or maybe I imagined that they were being rude to me or insulting me, or worse yet, downvoted me, and I just banned them without telling you. More power to the moderators!!
  14. Sad
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Alphonse in Forum participants we have known   
    Oh yeah? Well, what about the profiles I can no longer find?! Seriously, guys like Dr. Max “Ace” Inhibitor, Bob “Hammer” Urabi, and Bill Ding (an LDC brother). I search for them, but can no longer find them!
    Seriously, I lost track of some of them. Some I probably forgot. Some I probably misspelled. Is there an easy way to locate them? Do you have a master spreadsheet that gathers them all so you can tell me? I miss their upvotes.
  15. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley reacted to Miracle Pete in Forum participants we have known   
    I’ve never been a Trinitarian, until now. 
  16. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
  17. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Dr. Adhominum in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
  18. Thanks
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
  19. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in Forum participants we have known   
    One more outrageous claim like that and it is off to Worm City for him.
    And, what’s with the angel that was able to spring Peter from prison, opening doors right and left, but was not able to spring the one at Mary’s home, leaving Peter knocking in the street. Have him write Bethel about that.
  20. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Vic Vomidog in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
  21. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Robert Cumulus in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
  22. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Top Cat O’Malihan in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
  23. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from BTK59 in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
  24. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Tom Foolery in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
  25. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from A Nice Guy in Forum participants we have known   
    Yes. I wish he would grow up. There is nothing wrong with upvotes. They show that other people think you’re hot stuff.
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