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  1. Like
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Matthew9969 in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    Well.....if you insist upon going there, then you must also include Pharoah’s daughter, who went down to the Nile bank and withdrew a small prophet.
  2. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I never comment on what the lawyers are up to because it is a tangled mess that they must operate in where justice does not necessarily prevail.
    The courts, particularly the civil courts, are not so much a forum to establish truth as they are a forum to establish blame. There is some overlap here, but they are far from the same thing. 
    In a real forum for establishing truth, you lay out each and every fact, in no particular order, without regard for whether it makes you look good or not. If you do that in the courtroom modeled on the adversarial system of justice, your adversary sifts through the facts, seizes the one most to his advantage and your detriment, and beats you over the head with it. 
    Is it not so? Anybody who has ever watched a lawyer show on television knows it. Lawyers themselves know it. “Anyone who acts as his own lawyer in court has a fool for a client,” they say. Why would they say this were it not common knowledge that there are endless headgames and intrigues played out in the courtroom, and anyone who does not know how to play the game gets his head handed to him on a platter.
    In many areas, a significant conflict of interest is enough for a person to be removed from the venue. In the field of lawyers, it is the name of the game.
    I would prefer my case heard by a judicial committee any day. No, they are not perfect. It is just that they have a better track record than the alternative.
  3. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    Anyone who has any money at all must park it somewhere when not in immediate use. Large swaths of the market far emphasize safety of principle over its increase. After all, if you do nothing at all, you lose your principle due to inflation.
  4. Confused
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    Anyone who has any money at all must park it somewhere when not in immediate use. Large swaths of the market far emphasize safety of principle over its increase. After all, if you do nothing at all, you lose your principle due to inflation.
  5. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    And don’t think that you are springing any sneaky traps on anyone. Talk to my financial advisor, @Witness And then just link to the thread that already exists. I’m not about to reinvent the wheel here.
  6. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    Well.....if you insist upon going there, then you must also include Pharoah’s daughter, who went down to the Nile bank and withdrew a small prophet.
  7. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    It certainly can be indulged in as though gambling, but so can most things. Start a business, for example, and you are “gambling” with many unknowns. Far “safer” to walk into the factory and ask for a job. You are “gambling” every time you get behind the wheel of a car.
    But the basic idea of “investing” in the stock market is not gambling at all. Buying a stock is buying a very very tiny piece of a company. You benefit the company by supplying it with the funds it needs to expand. In turn, you are (a very tiny) part owner of that company, to thrive if it thrives.
    How “moral” it is is anyone’s guess. It depends upon where you are & what companies you invest in. In the case of huge companies, it becomes the case of the tail (the stockholders) wagging the dog (the company).
    If you, for example, own John’s Bomb Company [and I am not being snarky or suggestive here, I am just trying to illustrate a point] then you are content to wait for customers. When you get an order for a bomb, you go into the workshop to make one.
    But when you are a gigantic weapons company with many stockholders to “feed,” you have to keep feeding them. You cannot just wait for bomb orders to roll in—what if there is a period of peace?  If you don’t make and sell a lot of bombs, then you don’t make money for your stockholders, and they go somewhere else where they can make money. 
    So there is an irresistible temptation to make your market. That’s why the armaments companies have a huge presence in government circles as lobbyists. It is not merely to say, ‘Hey, if you need bombs, we are better than that other company.’ More significantly, it is to say, ‘The world is a very dangerous place, with many many enemies that must be kept in check. You cannot have too many bombs on hand, and as it turns out, we make them.’
    For the longest time, Russia (or the Soviet Union) has been identified as the king of the north, who puts his trusts in fortresses. It is he who hosts public parades of weapons rolling through the streets—boasting in military might.  Still, right now, the U.S. is bombing more countries than he.
    This is but the most blatant example. Parallels can be found in most industries—energy, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, banking, for instance. They can’t just wait around for people to order their product. They must, in order to “feed” the stockholders, go out and make markets, and expand ones already made.
    It is entirely separate from “gambling,” and might be seen as the bigger evil. After all, if you have some money, you are “gambling” far more by sticking it under your mattress. You are gambling that there is no fire or thief. And if you put your money in the bank, you know very well that they are not just sitting on it. They are putting it in the stock market in hopes of making a profit. Or they are loaning it out to other people, who may not pay it back. How’s that for gambling (with your funds)? 
  8. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    It certainly can be indulged in as though gambling, but so can most things. Start a business, for example, and you are “gambling” with many unknowns. Far “safer” to walk into the factory and ask for a job. You are “gambling” every time you get behind the wheel of a car.
    But the basic idea of “investing” in the stock market is not gambling at all. Buying a stock is buying a very very tiny piece of a company. You benefit the company by supplying it with the funds it needs to expand. In turn, you are (a very tiny) part owner of that company, to thrive if it thrives.
    How “moral” it is is anyone’s guess. It depends upon where you are & what companies you invest in. In the case of huge companies, it becomes the case of the tail (the stockholders) wagging the dog (the company).
    If you, for example, own John’s Bomb Company [and I am not being snarky or suggestive here, I am just trying to illustrate a point] then you are content to wait for customers. When you get an order for a bomb, you go into the workshop to make one.
    But when you are a gigantic weapons company with many stockholders to “feed,” you have to keep feeding them. You cannot just wait for bomb orders to roll in—what if there is a period of peace?  If you don’t make and sell a lot of bombs, then you don’t make money for your stockholders, and they go somewhere else where they can make money. 
    So there is an irresistible temptation to make your market. That’s why the armaments companies have a huge presence in government circles as lobbyists. It is not merely to say, ‘Hey, if you need bombs, we are better than that other company.’ More significantly, it is to say, ‘The world is a very dangerous place, with many many enemies that must be kept in check. You cannot have too many bombs on hand, and as it turns out, we make them.’
    For the longest time, Russia (or the Soviet Union) has been identified as the king of the north, who puts his trusts in fortresses. It is he who hosts public parades of weapons rolling through the streets—boasting in military might.  Still, right now, the U.S. is bombing more countries than he.
    This is but the most blatant example. Parallels can be found in most industries—energy, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, banking, for instance. They can’t just wait around for people to order their product. They must, in order to “feed” the stockholders, go out and make markets, and expand ones already made.
    It is entirely separate from “gambling,” and might be seen as the bigger evil. After all, if you have some money, you are “gambling” far more by sticking it under your mattress. You are gambling that there is no fire or thief. And if you put your money in the bank, you know very well that they are not just sitting on it. They are putting it in the stock market in hopes of making a profit. Or they are loaning it out to other people, who may not pay it back. How’s that for gambling (with your funds)? 
  9. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Do you think that is the “real” issue here?
    Do you think that God loses any sleep over it?
    Do you think that should he see the error of his ways and back down, there will not be 100 to take his place?
    Do you plan to take them all on? I mean, you haven’t really put out any fires here. You’ve even managed to get Mt. JWI to erupt again. He had been content to post pictures of kitty cats.
  10. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Do you think that is the “real” issue here?
    Do you think that God loses any sleep over it?
    Do you think that should he see the error of his ways and back down, there will not be 100 to take his place?
    Do you plan to take them all on? I mean, you haven’t really put out any fires here. You’ve even managed to get Mt. JWI to erupt again. He had been content to post pictures of kitty cats.
  11. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    You don’t even know that the people you are arguing with are sane. You don’t even know for sure that they are people. Maybe they are bots like those the Russians supposedly employed on social media, so as to get people enraged at each other and then they could say “See how much better our form of government is? We don’t have these kinds of lunatics running around in the wild.”
    If you are going to engage with opposers on social media, there are a few points to keep in mind.
    1.) you probably shouldn’t.
    2.) you will ultimately lose. You must be prepared to yield the final word. This is because they do not give up and the only way you can match that record is to become petulant and argumentative yourself.
    3.) you somewhat negate that if you have a huge body of relevant work that you can link to, effectively answering their 50 words with your 1000. It has a way of discouraging trolls. 
    4.) You cannot let yourself be goaded. It is your greatest weakness, imo. Sometimes you start out well, but when they talk back (which they will always do) you get madder and madder and MADDER until you leave a trail that, regardless of whether it is true or not, comes across as the very opposite of the way Jesus dealt with people.
    5.) You must be like me, who never ever trolls and who merely confines himself to the dignified use of internet resources in search of fatheads to set straight.
    Do you find enraged elephants here and think that you have to slay them? Another way to handle enraged elephants is to bury them in an avalanche of other elephants. That is what this forum serves to do. Even regular participants like myself find it impossible to keep up. Even my own stuff penned here I also put on my own blog because that is the only way I can find it again.
    If the regulars can’t keep up, who else is going to? If someone says something substantial here or there, it is quickly buried amidst so much crap that it is impossible to find again—nobody but the most resolute nerd would have the patience, and should he find and spotlight it nobody pays any attention to him because he is a resolute nerd and everybody knows it and only other resolute nerds pay any attention to him.
    It calls to mind when that pompous scientist/philosopher/cheerleader/atheist Alan H wrote: “I call everyone to witness that TTH has not answered my question.” “It’s just you and me, you idiot,” I retorted. “What! Do you think that you are Clarence Darrow in Inherit the Wind?”
    It is inherently easier to defend something you think noble than it is for others to attack it. The benefits of the Christian teachings serve to strengthen resolve and to unbuild one, but what are the benefits to one who would tear it down? “I gotta be MEEEEEE, I gotta be FREEEEEE!!!!” only goes so far. That said, if I thought that my words here were solely for here and only here, I would not be able to motivate myself to write them.
  12. Confused
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    No, Billy, don’t go there. I don’t allow myself to get worked up enough to judge anyone online as despicable—as though it were my role. It’s not.
    As you say, I am mostly here to test out lines for future books. Frankly, I hate to see him go, for I test out many through him. But it is better for him if he leaves. Others will pick up the torch.
  13. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I have never thought of him as despicable. His hatred of some things is a bit unhinged, I would say, but that is partly accounted for by where he has been.
    He should leave for his own peace of mind. Others can take over. JTR is opening his second file cabinet right now. Srecko is sharpening his tongue. Shiwiiiiiiiiii can step into his shoes, if need be. Witness is readying tractor trailer loads of verse. And Jack is saying “Why doesn’t the old fart move on? People can barely focus on MY complaints, he is so active..
    In fact, let him act as though Billy has chased him away. It will stand as his final altruistic deed. He can’t always think just of himself—he must think of others.
  14. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in NEW TV-JW.ORG FEATURED PROGRAMMING!   
    You actually cut a pretty fine figure. Whatever happened?
    This pic suggests that you were with Moses, and that whereas he led all the other Israelites out through the Red Sea, you hightailed it in your fancy car.
  15. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Anna in NEW TV-JW.ORG FEATURED PROGRAMMING!   
    You bring this up so frequently (and HOW old are you?) that I have become curious over something:
    Please post a full-length photo of yourself.
    If, as I suspect, it shows you wearing spray-on pants, that will explain a lot.
  16. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    I bought shares 100,000 shares of TWNM (The World News Media) just before you and Billy escalated your knock-down drag-out fights.
    I am now a gazillionaire who never needs to think about money again!
  17. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    I bought shares 100,000 shares of TWNM (The World News Media) just before you and Billy escalated your knock-down drag-out fights.
    I am now a gazillionaire who never needs to think about money again!
  18. Like
    TrueTomHarley reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Show me a person who thinks they are  sane, and I will show you a person  who needs their head examined.
  19. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    You don’t even know that the people you are arguing with are sane. You don’t even know for sure that they are people. Maybe they are bots like those the Russians supposedly employed on social media, so as to get people enraged at each other and then they could say “See how much better our form of government is? We don’t have these kinds of lunatics running around in the wild.”
    If you are going to engage with opposers on social media, there are a few points to keep in mind.
    1.) you probably shouldn’t.
    2.) you will ultimately lose. You must be prepared to yield the final word. This is because they do not give up and the only way you can match that record is to become petulant and argumentative yourself.
    3.) you somewhat negate that if you have a huge body of relevant work that you can link to, effectively answering their 50 words with your 1000. It has a way of discouraging trolls. 
    4.) You cannot let yourself be goaded. It is your greatest weakness, imo. Sometimes you start out well, but when they talk back (which they will always do) you get madder and madder and MADDER until you leave a trail that, regardless of whether it is true or not, comes across as the very opposite of the way Jesus dealt with people.
    5.) You must be like me, who never ever trolls and who merely confines himself to the dignified use of internet resources in search of fatheads to set straight.
    Do you find enraged elephants here and think that you have to slay them? Another way to handle enraged elephants is to bury them in an avalanche of other elephants. That is what this forum serves to do. Even regular participants like myself find it impossible to keep up. Even my own stuff penned here I also put on my own blog because that is the only way I can find it again.
    If the regulars can’t keep up, who else is going to? If someone says something substantial here or there, it is quickly buried amidst so much crap that it is impossible to find again—nobody but the most resolute nerd would have the patience, and should he find and spotlight it nobody pays any attention to him because he is a resolute nerd and everybody knows it and only other resolute nerds pay any attention to him.
    It calls to mind when that pompous scientist/philosopher/cheerleader/atheist Alan H wrote: “I call everyone to witness that TTH has not answered my question.” “It’s just you and me, you idiot,” I retorted. “What! Do you think that you are Clarence Darrow in Inherit the Wind?”
    It is inherently easier to defend something you think noble than it is for others to attack it. The benefits of the Christian teachings serve to strengthen resolve and to unbuild one, but what are the benefits to one who would tear it down? “I gotta be MEEEEEE, I gotta be FREEEEEE!!!!” only goes so far. That said, if I thought that my words here were solely for here and only here, I would not be able to motivate myself to write them.
  20. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    You don’t even know that the people you are arguing with are sane. You don’t even know for sure that they are people. Maybe they are bots like those the Russians supposedly employed on social media, so as to get people enraged at each other and then they could say “See how much better our form of government is? We don’t have these kinds of lunatics running around in the wild.”
    If you are going to engage with opposers on social media, there are a few points to keep in mind.
    1.) you probably shouldn’t.
    2.) you will ultimately lose. You must be prepared to yield the final word. This is because they do not give up and the only way you can match that record is to become petulant and argumentative yourself.
    3.) you somewhat negate that if you have a huge body of relevant work that you can link to, effectively answering their 50 words with your 1000. It has a way of discouraging trolls. 
    4.) You cannot let yourself be goaded. It is your greatest weakness, imo. Sometimes you start out well, but when they talk back (which they will always do) you get madder and madder and MADDER until you leave a trail that, regardless of whether it is true or not, comes across as the very opposite of the way Jesus dealt with people.
    5.) You must be like me, who never ever trolls and who merely confines himself to the dignified use of internet resources in search of fatheads to set straight.
    Do you find enraged elephants here and think that you have to slay them? Another way to handle enraged elephants is to bury them in an avalanche of other elephants. That is what this forum serves to do. Even regular participants like myself find it impossible to keep up. Even my own stuff penned here I also put on my own blog because that is the only way I can find it again.
    If the regulars can’t keep up, who else is going to? If someone says something substantial here or there, it is quickly buried amidst so much crap that it is impossible to find again—nobody but the most resolute nerd would have the patience, and should he find and spotlight it nobody pays any attention to him because he is a resolute nerd and everybody knows it and only other resolute nerds pay any attention to him.
    It calls to mind when that pompous scientist/philosopher/cheerleader/atheist Alan H wrote: “I call everyone to witness that TTH has not answered my question.” “It’s just you and me, you idiot,” I retorted. “What! Do you think that you are Clarence Darrow in Inherit the Wind?”
    It is inherently easier to defend something you think noble than it is for others to attack it. The benefits of the Christian teachings serve to strengthen resolve and to unbuild one, but what are the benefits to one who would tear it down? “I gotta be MEEEEEE, I gotta be FREEEEEE!!!!” only goes so far. That said, if I thought that my words here were solely for here and only here, I would not be able to motivate myself to write them.
  21. Downvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I have never thought of him as despicable. His hatred of some things is a bit unhinged, I would say, but that is partly accounted for by where he has been.
    He should leave for his own peace of mind. Others can take over. JTR is opening his second file cabinet right now. Srecko is sharpening his tongue. Shiwiiiiiiiiii can step into his shoes, if need be. Witness is readying tractor trailer loads of verse. And Jack is saying “Why doesn’t the old fart move on? People can barely focus on MY complaints, he is so active..
    In fact, let him act as though Billy has chased him away. It will stand as his final altruistic deed. He can’t always think just of himself—he must think of others.
  22. Thanks
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    You’d better be older than 37. That’s all I can say.
    Get off this forum and spend some time with her, John. Seriously. There are better things for you to do than piss away your time here. It probably is getting on her nerves, Someone will arise to take your place, I am sure. You needn’t worry about that.
    Find some peace and enjoyment in your life. Mend fences with the faith if you can. But since that seems all but impossible, just drop back to the original advice: spend some time with her. You are more likely to find peace and enjoyment there than here.
  23. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    No. @Srecko Sostaris the one who raised the subject. Take it up with him.
  24. Upvote
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    No, Billy, don’t go there. I don’t allow myself to get worked up enough to judge anyone online as despicable—as though it were my role. It’s not.
    As you say, I am mostly here to test out lines for future books. Frankly, I hate to see him go, for I test out many through him. But it is better for him if he leaves. Others will pick up the torch.
  25. Haha
    TrueTomHarley got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I have never thought of him as despicable. His hatred of some things is a bit unhinged, I would say, but that is partly accounted for by where he has been.
    He should leave for his own peace of mind. Others can take over. JTR is opening his second file cabinet right now. Srecko is sharpening his tongue. Shiwiiiiiiiiii can step into his shoes, if need be. Witness is readying tractor trailer loads of verse. And Jack is saying “Why doesn’t the old fart move on? People can barely focus on MY complaints, he is so active..
    In fact, let him act as though Billy has chased him away. It will stand as his final altruistic deed. He can’t always think just of himself—he must think of others.
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